Three Events: Connect The Dots If You Dare

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Three Events: Connect The Dots If You Dare​

TUESDAY, DEC 27, 2022 - 7:09

Things are hurtling down the drain of tyranny in Canada where the government is looking to pass Bill C36 in British Columbia.
This bill “redefines” what informed consent is and provides power to the government to force medicate citizens for any illness while allowing the censorship of anyone that dissents, and, get this — to seize their property and imprison them.

While this is taking place the The College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario sent out a memo to all doctors in Ontario suggesting that patients who aren’t jabbed should be considered as folks with a mental-illness and put on psychiatric medication…

Disagreeing with the government’s medical procedures will be deemed a sign of mental illness and the government can “act accordingly.”

I’m not making this isht up.

But wait, that’s not the most insane part. The state has said that some of the details of this bill will “remain undisclosed until the bill has passed.”

Read the rest at.

Oh Canada wot could possibly go wrong

Reason #100 why I'll never surrender any firearms no matter what the authoritarians in charge say or decree.

Truly evil people are often so delusional they don't even know they are the bad guys, they just do things for the "greater good".
Hell, Hitler thought he was the good guy too.

With a collectivist philosophy, an ends justify the means mentality & a mini tyrant living inside them, the avg lefty will justify this & gaslight the sheeple with their typical "it's for your own good" circular logic.

It's a totally foreign concept that the rest of us don't lose our God given rights whenever they soil the sheets

cslewis-robber baron.png

You Canadians better stand up & stop this while you can.
Reason #100 why I'll never surrender any firearms no matter what the authoritarians in charge say or decree.

Truly evil people are often so delusional they don't even know they are the bad guys, they just do things for the "greater good".
Hell, Hitler thought he was the good guy too.

With a collectivist philosophy, an ends justify the means mentality & a mini tyrant living inside them, the avg lefty will justify this & gaslight the sheeple with their typical "it's for your own good" circular logic.

It's a totally foreign concept that the rest of us don't lose our God given rights whenever they soil the sheets

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You Canadians better stand up & stop this while you can.

There has never been a body of citizens before, in recorded history, who have risen up on their own—for the purposes of their own liberation—who have successfully defeated the tyranny of their own government. In every last instance of citizen rebellion the citizens have lost stunningly, terribly—the exception(s) being those citizen rebellions fomented and funded by a lesser aristocracy than was always in power, such as our American Revolution. People never just band together, rise up and topple their governments. And now, in this Age, with the advent of instant space-based communication, chemical and biological weapons, drone launched smart missiles, drone swarms, 24/7 global surveillance and all the rest of the new Satanic technology, the average people of the Canadian/American citizenry stand ZERO chance of toppling their respective governments. The moment anyone tries it—for real—the government will know about it and they will die. The only option then remains the "dignity" of going out in a hail of lead IF the government even decides to use lead on you and not some piece of advanced tech you'll never see coming.

It's hopeless . . . for now.
There has never been a body of citizens before, in recorded history, who have risen up on their own—for the purposes of their own liberation—who have successfully defeated the tyranny of their own government. In every last instance of citizen rebellion the citizens have lost stunningly, terribly—the exception(s) being those citizen rebellions fomented and funded by a lesser aristocracy than was always in power, such as our American Revolution. People never just band together, rise up and topple their governments. And now, in this Age, with the advent of instant space-based communication, chemical and biological weapons, drone launched smart missiles, drone swarms, 24/7 global surveillance and all the rest of the new Satanic technology, the average people of the Canadian/American citizenry stand ZERO chance of toppling their respective governments. The moment anyone tries it—for real—the government will know about it and they will die. The only option then remains the "dignity" of going out in a hail of lead IF the government even decides to use lead on you and not some piece of advanced tech you'll never see coming.

It's hopeless . . . for now.

I always hope you're wrong ....about the former USA . Canada is lost
When the implosion occures ...after the initial violence towns and counties may be in open rebellion ....
I would Expect it in the south and west

But you maybe right ....

My hopium As long as the wef and most of DC winds up in the mountains of bodies that they're aiming for ................. Which are coming soon
They're out of their minds if they think I'm gonna eat parasite infested crickets ...the phycos
Wait patiently for the collapse cause no one's coming to save us



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