Three Lasting Good Deeds


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
Three Lasting Good Deeds
I want to spread my knowledge as much as I can spread and wish million of Muslim followers should be benefited with the golden quotes of Prophet Mohd (PBUH) so they have opportunity to get good deed after their dead if they perform 3 good deed before dead.

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things:

a. Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity);
b. knowledge which is beneficial;
c. virtuous descendant who prays for him (the deceased).

“His deeds come to an end” means that he/she is not able to perform any deeds any more and therefore does not receive reward for actions anymore. But there are three categories of actions for which he/she can receive reward even after death.

First, Sadaqah Jariyah: This is any good deed done from which people continue to benefit despite the demise of the person who originated it. For example, the establishment of a madrassa or masjid, orphanages, wells, planting of trees or hospital from which people are rightly guided will be sadaqah jariya for the person who established it. Having a well dug or a shade or fruit tree planted will also accrue good deeds for a person, as long as the well or tree benefits people.

Second, “knowledge which is beneficial” means knowledge imparted verbally or by any other means through which people become better Muslims. As long as people benefit from this knowledge, the teacher will receive reward for it.

A third source of reward is having virtuous descendants. Training of children on the right lines and then making dua for them to be among the righteous is essential, so that after a person's death they continue to pray for him or her. The prayer of righteous children in favour of parents is very useful.

Only those consider are luckily and wise person who performed all 3 good deeds before the end of life so they can’t remain help or deprive for receiving good deed after their dead, Did you perform how many good deeds before you end let decide.

Please do not consider one is wise who gathered ill-legal wealth, bank balance, property and after his death their family members using these wealth in wrong directions ( using in sins ) than only responsible for all sins not his family members but only the gentleman who die and left plenty of wealth.

Thanking You.

Yours faithfully

( Ashfaq Sharif )
It's not as if any of the Semitic religions are much different.
In other words, do a good deed even a bum would do, take bronze age folklore seriously, brainwash your children in the ancient beliefs and god will consider your ass golden.

Good original post, can't argue with that logic.
And yes this is the theme of the Abrahamic (Ibrahim) semitic faiths.
At the same token we must teach the opposite is also true, that being the hate propaganda taught to abused children has it's price in lingering on generation to generation poisoning minds and life choices.
So people begin to suffer for generations through anti deeds and mass brainwashing.
Knowledge becomes poluted and twisted and thus harmful as the fallen teachers make their flock like wormwood (bitter and poisonous).
Third the curse living in a hell like existance instead of an award paradise is thus created.
Truly the choices causes them to deprive themselves of a full complete stable (Shalem) life.
In Judaism this is deemed in Deut very simply as your choice to choose life(joy) over death(suffering).
Deuteronomy\Devarim: 30:19 I call heaven
and earth to witness against you this
day,That I have set before you life and
death, the blessing and the curse;Therefore
choose life, that you may live, you and your
In other words, do a good deed even a bum would do, take bronze age folklore seriously, brainwash your children in the ancient beliefs and god will consider your ass golden.
I guess that's why people claim the US is a Christian country.
I'm actually in agreement with everything the OP said. I have done some good deeds that will live after me I hope and it is nice to know that if my children pray for me after I am dead it will still do me some good.
In other words, do a good deed even a bum would do, take bronze age folklore seriously, brainwash your children in the ancient beliefs and god will consider your ass golden.
I guess that's why people claim the US is a Christian country.
It's still largely a Christian nation but at least it's based on a new awakening of the old some two thousands years ago. So people are free to not live chained to a rigged set of doctrines, or perish.

Islam is in SERIOUS need of a reformation. Before we die or they do.
I'm actually in agreement with everything the OP said. I have done some good deeds that will live after me I hope and it is nice to know that if my children pray for me after I am dead it will still do me some good.
True, but if you need a prophet or ancient texts to act like a decent human being something is seriously wrong with you.
I'm actually in agreement with everything the OP said. I have done some good deeds that will live after me I hope and it is nice to know that if my children pray for me after I am dead it will still do me some good.
True, but if you need a prophet or ancient texts to act like a decent human being something is seriously wrong with you.
There is nothing wrong with people wanting to do good deeds in this world before they die. Instead of judging them harshly you should do some good deeds yourself. You would feel better about yourself and would not be so negative all the time on this forum.
I'm actually in agreement with everything the OP said. I have done some good deeds that will live after me I hope and it is nice to know that if my children pray for me after I am dead it will still do me some good.
True, but if you need a prophet or ancient texts to act like a decent human being something is seriously wrong with you.
There is nothing wrong with people wanting to do good deeds in this world before they die. Instead of judging them harshly you should do some good deeds yourself. You would feel better about yourself and would not be so negative all the time on this forum.
That sounds negative to me, I guess your shit doesn't stink. You also misrepresented what I said, I didn't criticize good deeds, I said something is wrong if you need a prophet or ancients texts to motivate you.
I'm actually in agreement with everything the OP said. I have done some good deeds that will live after me I hope and it is nice to know that if my children pray for me after I am dead it will still do me some good.
True, but if you need a prophet or ancient texts to act like a decent human being something is seriously wrong with you.
There is nothing wrong with people wanting to do good deeds in this world before they die. Instead of judging them harshly you should do some good deeds yourself. You would feel better about yourself and would not be so negative all the time on this forum.
That sounds negative to me, I guess your shit doesn't stink. You also misrepresented what I said, I didn't criticize good deeds, I said something is wrong if you need a prophet or ancients texts to motivate you.
I said you are being judgmental which you are. When religious people build a hospital or an orphanage, it could not concern you that they were inspired by holy texts like the Bible or the Koran. You should just accept it, a good deed that benefits everyone.

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