Thug Breaks In -- Whatcha gonna do?

What's your plan of action when a thug breaks into your home?

  • I'm a metro-sexual and will offer him my man-purse and some hair gel.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll curl in a fetal position and suck my thumb.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll immediately call my anti-gun Democrat Representative and cry for guidance.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll call the cops and make some tea while I wait for them to arrive.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll offer the thug my wife and eldest daughter and beg him not to hurt me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll grab a butter knife and challenge the thug to a duel.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm an atheist but I'll get on my knees and pray to God for protection.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll play dead and plug my ears while my kids are being hacked.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll sneak out the back window and meet Joe and Howey at the local gay bar.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll strike up a conversation and discuss with the thug why cops are evil bastards.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll hide under the bed while my wife is raped on the bed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
That option is third from the bottom. It's likely the best choice for anyone living in the real world.

Yeah, but I don't call the cops. Let their momma call.

I'd only call the cops so they could drag the corpse from the premises after I fulfill my duty as a husband and father.

Yeah, if the law required it, I would call them to haul away the meat. But after the fact. I would not be distracted beforehand.

I'd speed dial 911 then let the phone sit. I wouldn't say a word. Plus ... I already wear sweat pants and a t-shirt to bed. I always keep a flashlight, pair of slippers, my cell phone, and two guns (12 GA shotgun and Sig .40 cal pistol) within hands reach.

That audio will be used against you in a court of law. For instance. I will deliver a fatal shot, even if not immediately necessary, after I wound a perp. Technically, that is murder. I don't want that recorded.

I get your drift but the fact that I attempted to get police involved before shooting the bad guy could also be used in my defense. I tried to do the "right thing" but had to act before the cops arrived.
I didn't see an option for cutting the fekker in two with my Remington 870. Oh, he has a friend or two? .45 1911. A few more through the door. Well, I have ATF cert for explosives. Good luck on those stairs homeboy.

It is pretty obvious what equipment you and Yosemite Sad really rely on.

Don't worry about this dude Jackinthebox. He's one of USMB's resident trolls. Never participates in a conversation at a civil level and NEVER has anything of value to say. Take a grain of salt and you'll be fine.
Yeah, but I don't call the cops. Let their momma call.

I'd only call the cops so they could drag the corpse from the premises after I fulfill my duty as a husband and father.

Yeah, if the law required it, I would call them to haul away the meat. But after the fact. I would not be distracted beforehand.

I'd speed dial 911 then let the phone sit. I wouldn't say a word. Plus ... I already wear sweat pants and a t-shirt to bed. I always keep a flashlight, pair of slippers, my cell phone, and two guns (12 GA shotgun and Sig .40 cal pistol) within hands reach.

That audio will be used against you in a court of law. For instance. I will deliver a fatal shot, even if not immediately necessary, after I wound a perp. Technically, that is murder. I don't want that recorded.

I get your drift but the fact that I attempted to get police involved before shooting the bad guy could also be used in my defense. I tried to do the "right thing" but had to act before the cops arrived.

Try to do the right thing will get you hanged.

I tried to do the right thing a few months ago when I got jumped. Wound up being charged with stabbing a man in the back even though police found me face down, unconscious, in a pool of my own blood. Never again.
I'd only call the cops so they could drag the corpse from the premises after I fulfill my duty as a husband and father.

Yeah, if the law required it, I would call them to haul away the meat. But after the fact. I would not be distracted beforehand.

I'd speed dial 911 then let the phone sit. I wouldn't say a word. Plus ... I already wear sweat pants and a t-shirt to bed. I always keep a flashlight, pair of slippers, my cell phone, and two guns (12 GA shotgun and Sig .40 cal pistol) within hands reach.

That audio will be used against you in a court of law. For instance. I will deliver a fatal shot, even if not immediately necessary, after I wound a perp. Technically, that is murder. I don't want that recorded.

I get your drift but the fact that I attempted to get police involved before shooting the bad guy could also be used in my defense. I tried to do the "right thing" but had to act before the cops arrived.

Try to do the right thing will get you hanged.

I tried to do the right thing a few months ago when I got jumped. Wound up being charged with stabbing a man in the back even though police found me face down, unconscious, in a pool of my own blood. Never again.

No two sets of circumstances will ever be the same and I'm certain that there would be an instance where calling the cops would equate to time wasted. There's no way in hell that I would rely on the cops to protect me in a "right now" emergency. As the saying goes: "when seconds matter a cop is only minutes away."

If I were you ... I'd move away from the town you're in.
Yeah, if the law required it, I would call them to haul away the meat. But after the fact. I would not be distracted beforehand.

I'd speed dial 911 then let the phone sit. I wouldn't say a word. Plus ... I already wear sweat pants and a t-shirt to bed. I always keep a flashlight, pair of slippers, my cell phone, and two guns (12 GA shotgun and Sig .40 cal pistol) within hands reach.

That audio will be used against you in a court of law. For instance. I will deliver a fatal shot, even if not immediately necessary, after I wound a perp. Technically, that is murder. I don't want that recorded.

I get your drift but the fact that I attempted to get police involved before shooting the bad guy could also be used in my defense. I tried to do the "right thing" but had to act before the cops arrived.

Try to do the right thing will get you hanged.

I tried to do the right thing a few months ago when I got jumped. Wound up being charged with stabbing a man in the back even though police found me face down, unconscious, in a pool of my own blood. Never again.

No two sets of circumstances will ever be the same and I'm certain that there would be an instance where calling the cops would equate to time wasted. There's no way in hell that I would rely on the cops to protect me in a "right now" emergency. As the saying goes: "when seconds matter a cop is only minutes away."

If I were you ... I'd move away from the town you're in.

My family settled this town in the 1660's.

Dont give evidence against yourself.
I didn't see an option for cutting the fekker in two with my Remington 870. Oh, he has a friend or two? .45 1911. A few more through the door. Well, I have ATF cert for explosives. Good luck on those stairs homeboy.

That option is third from the bottom. It's likely the best choice for anyone living in the real world.

Yeah, but I don't call the cops. Let their momma call.

I'd only call the cops so they could drag the corpse from the premises after I fulfill my duty as a husband and father.

............................. what a transparently frightened little child...
I'd speed dial 911 then let the phone sit. I wouldn't say a word. Plus ... I already wear sweat pants and a t-shirt to bed. I always keep a flashlight, pair of slippers, my cell phone, and two guns (12 GA shotgun and Sig .40 cal pistol) within hands reach.

That audio will be used against you in a court of law. For instance. I will deliver a fatal shot, even if not immediately necessary, after I wound a perp. Technically, that is murder. I don't want that recorded.

I get your drift but the fact that I attempted to get police involved before shooting the bad guy could also be used in my defense. I tried to do the "right thing" but had to act before the cops arrived.

Try to do the right thing will get you hanged.

I tried to do the right thing a few months ago when I got jumped. Wound up being charged with stabbing a man in the back even though police found me face down, unconscious, in a pool of my own blood. Never again.

No two sets of circumstances will ever be the same and I'm certain that there would be an instance where calling the cops would equate to time wasted. There's no way in hell that I would rely on the cops to protect me in a "right now" emergency. As the saying goes: "when seconds matter a cop is only minutes away."

If I were you ... I'd move away from the town you're in.

My family settled this town in the 1660's.

Dont give evidence against yourself.

I fully understand your ties to your home town. My earliest ancestor was one of the first white slaves brought to America in the mid-1600s and settled in what became Philadelphia, PA. He was later freed and started a business there. Though I have historical ties to that city I wouldn't step foot in it these days (unless I had to for business reasons).
That audio will be used against you in a court of law. For instance. I will deliver a fatal shot, even if not immediately necessary, after I wound a perp. Technically, that is murder. I don't want that recorded.

I get your drift but the fact that I attempted to get police involved before shooting the bad guy could also be used in my defense. I tried to do the "right thing" but had to act before the cops arrived.

Try to do the right thing will get you hanged.

I tried to do the right thing a few months ago when I got jumped. Wound up being charged with stabbing a man in the back even though police found me face down, unconscious, in a pool of my own blood. Never again.

No two sets of circumstances will ever be the same and I'm certain that there would be an instance where calling the cops would equate to time wasted. There's no way in hell that I would rely on the cops to protect me in a "right now" emergency. As the saying goes: "when seconds matter a cop is only minutes away."

If I were you ... I'd move away from the town you're in.

My family settled this town in the 1660's.

Dont give evidence against yourself.

I fully understand your ties to your home town. My earliest ancestor was one of the first white slaves brought to America in the mid-1600s and settled in what became Philadelphia, PA. He was later freed and started a business there. Though I have historical ties to that city I wouldn't step foot in it these days (unless I had to for business reasons).

White slaves? How dare you, lol.
What's this crap about getting dressed and calling the cops before sending this asshole off to an eternity in Hell?

LOL. I've never fired my shotgun naked but I guess there could be a first time.

You haven't lived my friend. Moonshine, bonfire, buck nekkid, just keep that barrel pointed toward the woods. (And make sure kin know the bush ain't safe that night, lol.)
Bear Spray and a Big ass Club should do the trick if you are weaponless....

I've gone my entire life without a break in or any circumstance where I felt my life was in danger somehow, on the other hand, my sister who owns several guns, and also had an alarm system on her house when she lived in Miami, was jumped as she was trying to enter her house, then robbed, and kidnapped at gun point, driving to a 24 hour bank withdrawal place with a gun pointed at her.... Could not get to her guns in the house or set off the alarm to let anyone know she was being robbed.... What saved her, was her mouth...and the 3 years experience she had teaching special education in a Juvenile delinquent prison, and her 15 years after that, teaching the Learning Disabled in High School... she recognized that the thief, kidnapper was a little "slow" upstairs and used that to her advantage and talked the young man in to letting her go after he got her money...promising she would not call the police...and he actually believed I said, she said his marbles were not all there, like many of the disturbed youth she had taught over the years.... long story short, she was able to drive with the cops to the area where the young man got out of her car, which happened to be where cops had been earlier in the day for another reason/criminal investigation, and this same house in this area was where the robber/kidnapper had gone and the guy was arrested, and convicted...and locked up forever and a day, because of 3 strikes....he had killed his father when a young juvenile and then the armed robbery and then the kidnapping of my sister, did him in with 3 strikes you are out thingy....

bottom line though, my sister's guns, did not help with this robbery/kidnapping...but being quick on her feet and her experience with the delinquents, disturbed and deranged, is what helped her...

My town does not have a police force, we have a constable, who works digging and hauling and delivering dirt and gravel as a business all day and is on call.... the town next to us does have a handful of cops, who also run the animal shelter....

Most everyone owns a gun around here, or at least a shotgun, for Bear Protection or Moose protection, or coyote protection of wolf protection, or for hunting...robbers don't generally rob a home if anyone is home around here, they know they will get shot....why take the chance?

Hope your sister learned a lesson. Carry a gun next time (and a panic button for her alarm system).

Just so you know ... there are 2 million burglaries reported each year in the USA. According to FBI statistics there's a property crime committed every three seconds in the USA.

So it may not have happened to you YET but I hope you're not a future statistic.
The first thing she did after surviving the armed Robbery, was buy herself a brand new Car...she had been driving a car that she had owned for 10 years, it was still running good so she could not justify buying a new car with all the new gadgets that she loved...but after this event, where she could have died, she decided "life was too short" not to live it in luxury, while she could....!!!! Hahahahahahaha!

The next thing she did was move out of Miami, and in to horse country, near my parents home in florida...

That event, and hurricane Andrew, changed her lifestyle forever.... she is a prep-per now.... not because of government being over powering, but because government was not there to help, in either of those events.

I live in the safest State in the Nation, and the safest area of the State, and truly do not worry about crime, of any kind....around here....and yes, I pray that I will live my whole life, without incident.
It's 2:00 A.M. You and your wife are sleeping soundly in your room and your three kids are in their rooms down the hall. You're rudely awakened by the terrifying sound of glass breaking and the rustling of someone stomping around in your kitchen. You're groggy but you realize that someone has broken into your home through your back door. You live in the outskirts of a large suburb but it's a pretty low crime area so cops don't patrol very often and the closest police station is about 15 minutes away. The footsteps you hear heading in your direction are heavy and you perceive that they're the footsteps of a large man.

What's your first plan of action?

Are you dressed or do you have clothes and shoes near by? Where's your cell phone? Where's your gun? Is it loaded and ready to go? Does it have night vision or a laser sight attached? Are you at all prepared to protect your wife and kids -- and yourself?

Ladies: If your husband is a gun-hating pansy -- are YOU prepared to protect your kids and your unprepared, wimp of a husband?
What you DON'T do is get on a public board and post crap that will be used against you if you do have to defend yourself.

What I would do with an intruder, or intruders, is to assess the situation and act accordingly.

I would do that with the means of self-defense in hand.

What I won't do is shoot up a bunch of drunken teens, or an idiot out of gas at 2 am, over some incident out in the yard.

It is one thing to be ready to defend yourself, it is another thing to appear EAGER to shoot somebody, even if legally.

Hell on Earth would be spending 15 years in civil courts because you shot somebody's kid while he was being an idiot, even if you were within the law.

You certainly would be stupid to leave a lot of inflammatory posts around to be found later by an attorney or detective for relatives of the deceased..
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Bear Spray and a Big ass Club should do the trick if you are weaponless....

I've gone my entire life without a break in or any circumstance where I felt my life was in danger somehow, on the other hand, my sister who owns several guns, and also had an alarm system on her house when she lived in Miami, was jumped as she was trying to enter her house, then robbed, and kidnapped at gun point, driving to a 24 hour bank withdrawal place with a gun pointed at her.... Could not get to her guns in the house or set off the alarm to let anyone know she was being robbed.... What saved her, was her mouth...and the 3 years experience she had teaching special education in a Juvenile delinquent prison, and her 15 years after that, teaching the Learning Disabled in High School... she recognized that the thief, kidnapper was a little "slow" upstairs and used that to her advantage and talked the young man in to letting her go after he got her money...promising she would not call the police...and he actually believed I said, she said his marbles were not all there, like many of the disturbed youth she had taught over the years.... long story short, she was able to drive with the cops to the area where the young man got out of her car, which happened to be where cops had been earlier in the day for another reason/criminal investigation, and this same house in this area was where the robber/kidnapper had gone and the guy was arrested, and convicted...and locked up forever and a day, because of 3 strikes....he had killed his father when a young juvenile and then the armed robbery and then the kidnapping of my sister, did him in with 3 strikes you are out thingy....

bottom line though, my sister's guns, did not help with this robbery/kidnapping...but being quick on her feet and her experience with the delinquents, disturbed and deranged, is what helped her...

My town does not have a police force, we have a constable, who works digging and hauling and delivering dirt and gravel as a business all day and is on call.... the town next to us does have a handful of cops, who also run the animal shelter....

Most everyone owns a gun around here, or at least a shotgun, for Bear Protection or Moose protection, or coyote protection of wolf protection, or for hunting...robbers don't generally rob a home if anyone is home around here, they know they will get shot....why take the chance?

Hope your sister learned a lesson. Carry a gun next time (and a panic button for her alarm system).

Just so you know ... there are 2 million burglaries reported each year in the USA. According to FBI statistics there's a property crime committed every three seconds in the USA.

So it may not have happened to you YET but I hope you're not a future statistic.
The first thing she did after surviving the armed Robbery, was buy herself a brand new Car...she had been driving a car that she had owned for 10 years, it was still running good so she could not justify buying a new car with all the new gadgets that she loved...but after this event, where she could have died, she decided "life was too short" not to live it in luxury, while she could....!!!! Hahahahahahaha!

The next thing she did was move out of Miami, and in to horse country, near my parents home in florida...

That event, and hurricane Andrew, changed her lifestyle forever.... she is a prep-per now.... not because of government being over powering, but because government was not there to help, in either of those events.

I live in the safest State in the Nation, and the safest area of the State, and truly do not worry about crime, of any kind....around here....and yes, I pray that I will live my whole life, without incident.

Cool. She learned from her experience and became a prepper in the process. I, too, prep as a hobby. I'm glad I do because it's come in handy on more than one occasion.
It's 2:00 A.M. You and your wife are sleeping soundly in your room and your three kids are in their rooms down the hall. You're rudely awakened by the terrifying sound of glass breaking and the rustling of someone stomping around in your kitchen. You're groggy but you realize that someone has broken into your home through your back door. You live in the outskirts of a large suburb but it's a pretty low crime area so cops don't patrol very often and the closest police station is about 15 minutes away. The footsteps you hear heading in your direction are heavy and you perceive that they're the footsteps of a large man.

What's your first plan of action?

Are you dressed or do you have clothes and shoes near by? Where's your cell phone? Where's your gun? Is it loaded and ready to go? Does it have night vision or a laser sight attached? Are you at all prepared to protect your wife and kids -- and yourself?

Ladies: If your husband is a gun-hating pansy -- are YOU prepared to protect your kids and your unprepared, wimp of a husband?
What you DON'T do is get on a public board and post crap that will be used against you if you do have to defend yourself.

What I would do with an intruder, or intruders, is to assess the situation and act accordingly.

I would do that with the means of self-defense in hand.

What I won't do is shoot up a bunch of drunken teens, or an idiot out of gas at 2 am, over some incident out in the yard.

It is one thing to be ready to defend yourself, it is another thing to appear EAGER to shoot somebody, even if legally.

Hell on Earth would be spending 15 years in civil courts because you shot somebody's kid while he was being an idiot, even if you were within the law.

You certainly would be stupid to leave a lot of inflammatory posts around to be found later by an attorney or detective for relatives of the deceased..

I could post 1 million posts and still be within my right to shoot a thug who entered my home through a locked door with a busted window. He wouldn't even have to be armed in the State I live in. As long as they stay outside of my abode then they will live another day.
It's 2:00 A.M. You and your wife are sleeping soundly in your room and your three kids are in their rooms down the hall. You're rudely awakened by the terrifying sound of glass breaking and the rustling of someone stomping around in your kitchen. You're groggy but you realize that someone has broken into your home through your back door. You live in the outskirts of a large suburb but it's a pretty low crime area so cops don't patrol very often and the closest police station is about 15 minutes away. The footsteps you hear heading in your direction are heavy and you perceive that they're the footsteps of a large man.

What's your first plan of action?

Are you dressed or do you have clothes and shoes near by? Where's your cell phone? Where's your gun? Is it loaded and ready to go? Does it have night vision or a laser sight attached? Are you at all prepared to protect your wife and kids -- and yourself?

Ladies: If your husband is a gun-hating pansy -- are YOU prepared to protect your kids and your unprepared, wimp of a husband?
Pull down my Katana and slice big chucks of flesh off of him. Then feed the chunks to my dog Rambo.
Bear Spray and a Big ass Club should do the trick if you are weaponless....

I've gone my entire life without a break in or any circumstance where I felt my life was in danger somehow, on the other hand, my sister who owns several guns, and also had an alarm system on her house when she lived in Miami, was jumped as she was trying to enter her house, then robbed, and kidnapped at gun point, driving to a 24 hour bank withdrawal place with a gun pointed at her.... Could not get to her guns in the house or set off the alarm to let anyone know she was being robbed.... What saved her, was her mouth...and the 3 years experience she had teaching special education in a Juvenile delinquent prison, and her 15 years after that, teaching the Learning Disabled in High School... she recognized that the thief, kidnapper was a little "slow" upstairs and used that to her advantage and talked the young man in to letting her go after he got her money...promising she would not call the police...and he actually believed I said, she said his marbles were not all there, like many of the disturbed youth she had taught over the years.... long story short, she was able to drive with the cops to the area where the young man got out of her car, which happened to be where cops had been earlier in the day for another reason/criminal investigation, and this same house in this area was where the robber/kidnapper had gone and the guy was arrested, and convicted...and locked up forever and a day, because of 3 strikes....he had killed his father when a young juvenile and then the armed robbery and then the kidnapping of my sister, did him in with 3 strikes you are out thingy....

bottom line though, my sister's guns, did not help with this robbery/kidnapping...but being quick on her feet and her experience with the delinquents, disturbed and deranged, is what helped her...

My town does not have a police force, we have a constable, who works digging and hauling and delivering dirt and gravel as a business all day and is on call.... the town next to us does have a handful of cops, who also run the animal shelter....

Most everyone owns a gun around here, or at least a shotgun, for Bear Protection or Moose protection, or coyote protection of wolf protection, or for hunting...robbers don't generally rob a home if anyone is home around here, they know they will get shot....why take the chance?

Hope your sister learned a lesson. Carry a gun next time (and a panic button for her alarm system).

Just so you know ... there are 2 million burglaries reported each year in the USA. According to FBI statistics there's a property crime committed every three seconds in the USA.

So it may not have happened to you YET but I hope you're not a future statistic.
The first thing she did after surviving the armed Robbery, was buy herself a brand new Car...she had been driving a car that she had owned for 10 years, it was still running good so she could not justify buying a new car with all the new gadgets that she loved...but after this event, where she could have died, she decided "life was too short" not to live it in luxury, while she could....!!!! Hahahahahahaha!

The next thing she did was move out of Miami, and in to horse country, near my parents home in florida...

That event, and hurricane Andrew, changed her lifestyle forever.... she is a prep-per now.... not because of government being over powering, but because government was not there to help, in either of those events.

I live in the safest State in the Nation, and the safest area of the State, and truly do not worry about crime, of any kind....around here....and yes, I pray that I will live my whole life, without incident.

Cool. She learned from her experience and became a prepper in the process. I, too, prep as a hobby. I'm glad I do because it's come in handy on more than one occasion.
After Hurricane Andrew is when the hubby and I began what is called prepping, today.... and after Hurricane Katrina and watchig that unfold, with gvt scrambling and running around like a bunch of chicken without their heads, truly made us become more aware of what we could need if caught in a bad Hurricane, and then going through a couple of ice storms without electric made us even more aware, all the while adding to our emergency preparations, and then going through the crisis of 2008 made us even more aware of other aspects of survival, and so on and so forth.... it's not like we are even similar to the degree of the preppers on the TV shows, we are's just that we are more aware of bad things that could happen and we try to do what we can on the necessities that we could need under various weather scenarios etc... or escape routes, destination spots to meet up, if we are separated... even more so, now that we live in the wilderness, and gvt resources are slim to nil...we still barter with farmer neighbors....I crochet them a hat, they supply the fresh eggs, I crochet an afghan for another farmer friend who has cattle and milking cows, they supply us with beef from their cattle, and the friend that has the chickens also has a garden, so we barter over fresh veggies in the summer too...

Being a city girl, I've never seen anything like it! I LOVE IT here, where I live, in Maine!!! Your word, is your word AND your reputation, towns are so small with so few... people... it's like yesteryear of the Andy Griffith show with Opey, yet highways and grocers and malls are not too far away... :)
It's 2:00 A.M. You and your wife are sleeping soundly in your room and your three kids are in their rooms down the hall. You're rudely awakened by the terrifying sound of glass breaking and the rustling of someone stomping around in your kitchen. You're groggy but you realize that someone has broken into your home through your back door. You live in the outskirts of a large suburb but it's a pretty low crime area so cops don't patrol very often and the closest police station is about 15 minutes away. The footsteps you hear heading in your direction are heavy and you perceive that they're the footsteps of a large man.

What's your first plan of action?

Are you dressed or do you have clothes and shoes near by? Where's your cell phone? Where's your gun? Is it loaded and ready to go? Does it have night vision or a laser sight attached? Are you at all prepared to protect your wife and kids -- and yourself?

Ladies: If your husband is a gun-hating pansy -- are YOU prepared to protect your kids and your unprepared, wimp of a husband?
Pull down my Katana and slice big chucks of flesh off of him. Then feed the chunks to my dog Rambo.

Bear Spray and a Big ass Club should do the trick if you are weaponless....

I've gone my entire life without a break in or any circumstance where I felt my life was in danger somehow, on the other hand, my sister who owns several guns, and also had an alarm system on her house when she lived in Miami, was jumped as she was trying to enter her house, then robbed, and kidnapped at gun point, driving to a 24 hour bank withdrawal place with a gun pointed at her.... Could not get to her guns in the house or set off the alarm to let anyone know she was being robbed.... What saved her, was her mouth...and the 3 years experience she had teaching special education in a Juvenile delinquent prison, and her 15 years after that, teaching the Learning Disabled in High School... she recognized that the thief, kidnapper was a little "slow" upstairs and used that to her advantage and talked the young man in to letting her go after he got her money...promising she would not call the police...and he actually believed I said, she said his marbles were not all there, like many of the disturbed youth she had taught over the years.... long story short, she was able to drive with the cops to the area where the young man got out of her car, which happened to be where cops had been earlier in the day for another reason/criminal investigation, and this same house in this area was where the robber/kidnapper had gone and the guy was arrested, and convicted...and locked up forever and a day, because of 3 strikes....he had killed his father when a young juvenile and then the armed robbery and then the kidnapping of my sister, did him in with 3 strikes you are out thingy....

bottom line though, my sister's guns, did not help with this robbery/kidnapping...but being quick on her feet and her experience with the delinquents, disturbed and deranged, is what helped her...

My town does not have a police force, we have a constable, who works digging and hauling and delivering dirt and gravel as a business all day and is on call.... the town next to us does have a handful of cops, who also run the animal shelter....

Most everyone owns a gun around here, or at least a shotgun, for Bear Protection or Moose protection, or coyote protection of wolf protection, or for hunting...robbers don't generally rob a home if anyone is home around here, they know they will get shot....why take the chance?

Hope your sister learned a lesson. Carry a gun next time (and a panic button for her alarm system).

Just so you know ... there are 2 million burglaries reported each year in the USA. According to FBI statistics there's a property crime committed every three seconds in the USA.

So it may not have happened to you YET but I hope you're not a future statistic.
The first thing she did after surviving the armed Robbery, was buy herself a brand new Car...she had been driving a car that she had owned for 10 years, it was still running good so she could not justify buying a new car with all the new gadgets that she loved...but after this event, where she could have died, she decided "life was too short" not to live it in luxury, while she could....!!!! Hahahahahahaha!

The next thing she did was move out of Miami, and in to horse country, near my parents home in florida...

That event, and hurricane Andrew, changed her lifestyle forever.... she is a prep-per now.... not because of government being over powering, but because government was not there to help, in either of those events.

I live in the safest State in the Nation, and the safest area of the State, and truly do not worry about crime, of any kind....around here....and yes, I pray that I will live my whole life, without incident.

Cool. She learned from her experience and became a prepper in the process. I, too, prep as a hobby. I'm glad I do because it's come in handy on more than one occasion.
After Hurricane Andrew is when the hubby and I began what is called prepping, today.... and after Hurricane Katrina and watchig that unfold, with gvt scrambling and running around like a bunch of chicken without their heads, truly made us become more aware of what we could need if caught in a bad Hurricane, and then going through a couple of ice storms without electric made us even more aware, all the while adding to our emergency preparations, and then going through the crisis of 2008 made us even more aware of other aspects of survival, and so on and so forth.... it's not like we are even similar to the degree of the preppers on the TV shows, we are's just that we are more aware of bad things that could happen and we try to do what we can on the necessities that we could need under various weather scenarios etc... or escape routes, destination spots to meet up, if we are separated... even more so, now that we live in the wilderness, and gvt resources are slim to nil...we still barter with farmer neighbors....I crochet them a hat, they supply the fresh eggs, I crochet an afghan for another farmer friend who has cattle and milking cows, they supply us with beef from their cattle, and the friend that has the chickens also has a garden, so we barter over fresh veggies in the summer too...

Being a city girl, I've never seen anything like it! I LOVE IT here, where I live, in Maine!!! Your word, is your word AND your reputation, towns are so small with so few... people... it's like yesteryear of the Andy Griffith show with Opey, yet highways and grocers and malls are not too far away... :)

My wife and I comfortably handled a 36 hour ice storm a few years ago. The electricity was out and the temps dipped into the teens. I was prepared with plenty of lighting; a generator to power our refrigerator and freezer and an electric heater; and a Mr. Heater propane attachment and plenty of propane. My neighbors had to pack up and go to local hotels or to family member's homes.

Katrina was a big deal. Almost worse than all the damage done was the fact that local authorities went door to door disarming citizens and stripping them of their right to defend themselves. Glad you got away from that part of the country.
It's 2:00 A.M. You and your wife are sleeping soundly in your room and your three kids are in their rooms down the hall. You're rudely awakened by the terrifying sound of glass breaking and the rustling of someone stomping around in your kitchen. You're groggy but you realize that someone has broken into your home through your back door. You live in the outskirts of a large suburb but it's a pretty low crime area so cops don't patrol very often and the closest police station is about 15 minutes away. The footsteps you hear heading in your direction are heavy and you perceive that they're the footsteps of a large man.

What's your first plan of action?

Are you dressed or do you have clothes and shoes near by? Where's your cell phone? Where's your gun? Is it loaded and ready to go? Does it have night vision or a laser sight attached? Are you at all prepared to protect your wife and kids -- and yourself?

Ladies: If your husband is a gun-hating pansy -- are YOU prepared to protect your kids and your unprepared, wimp of a husband?

Depends on the threat. Getting dressed would probably be the last thing I would do though. I have a wakizashi that is primary for close in work, then I have a Benelli M1 Super 90 for mid range. If the bad guy is far enough away, and not armed, he's not a threat so the rifle would stay in its rack.

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