Thug goes for gun vs cop, gets shot; Family: "Cop shoulda handled it better...he was just drunk"

But I'm sure none of you see any problem with allowing guns in bars, amiright?

Guns 'n' booze - what could possibly go wrong?

You are wrong. I believe that most people are fully aware of the dangers of allowing weapons in bars especially those men and women with concealed carry permits.

In Florida where I live you even if you have a permit you cannot carry a weapon into a place whose primary purpose is serving alcoholic beverages. This means that you can carry into a liquor store since they sell liquor but don't serve it. You can also go into a restaurant and order a drink with your dinner since the primary purpose of the restaurant is to serve food, not alcohol. However, if you go into the bar to have a plain coke you have broken the law. Concealed-carry law can be complicated, so if you ever consider carrying you must be an expert on the laws in your state.

Once I went to a restaurant that had a waiting list. The waiter told me that I could go into the bar and have a drink while I was waiting to be called. I told her I was carrying a weapon and could not go into the bar area. She simply smiled and told me that I would have a table shortly.

Another time I went to purchase a bottle of vodka from a bar/liquor store. The liquor store had two entrances, one from the outside and the other inside through the bar area. The outside door was locked so a knocked on the door to get the clerk's attention. He motioned for me to go around through the bar area. I told him I was armed and was not allowed to go into the bar, not even for a moment. He let me in through the outside entrance and everything was fine.

Those who cannot see the dangers of bringing a gun to a bar are fools and I seriously doubt that most people are completely unaware of, or indifferent to, the danger.



The information on your map is misleading. It does not specifically say which states permit taking a weapon into a bar, and one is left to figure that out for himself. According to your map most states (Dark Green States) permit EITHER bringing a weapon into a bar OR bringing one to a restaurant which also serves alcohol; however, this obviously does not mean they allow weapons in BOTH such establishments. It this were the case, such states would be listed among those who have no restrictions (Light Green States). Further, common sense would dictate that no state would allow you to bring a gun into a bar but not into a restaurant; therefore, it is apparent that all Dark Green States have the same laws as we do here in Florida: You cannot bring your weapon into a bar but you can bring it into a restaurant which serves alcohol with your food orders.

The only way to read the map logically is this: (1) Red States do not allow you to take a gun into a bar (or a restaurant that serves alcohol); (2) Dark Green states do not allow you to take a gun into a bar but permit you to take it into a restaurant which serves alcohol; and (3) only Light Green States allow you to take a gun into a bar. It appears to me that the originator of the map had an agenda and falsely presented his information to artificially inflate the number of states that allowed guns in bars.

Conclusion:Your original premise was that no one cared about guns in bars and you are wrong. The map you submitted shows that that most states have laws against taking guns into bars. In some states there are a number of other places you cannot carry. In Florida, you cannot bring a weapon to sporting events, anywhere on school property and a few other places. Either know the laws of your particular state or be ready to face the consequence.

NOTE: For the sole purpose of addressing your proposal, I assumed the information contained in your map to be accurate. That does not mean I agree with it.

Now I am done with this thread.

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