thursday at 9pm on MSNBC you will know why we went into Iraq

No, according to your previous post, Carter gets the blame.

you really cant understand much huh

I can certainly understand what you yourself typed...

Just curious.

How do you know it's cold, hard proof if you haven't seen it?


they are using the government documents to show why.

You see they did the research into WHY and found government documents that go all they way back to the Carter admin and sussed out WHY this was pursued as policy.

You people hate facts and documentation so you will deny anything that is said in the documentary.

You will likely just call everyone involved names and say its all lies without giving one ounce of evidence that anything is not documented.

Its how the right now does their business

Childish insults and fact denial

Or were you lying when you typed that?? :dunno:

dont you know how left-wing nutjobs operate? the whole Carter part will be cleansed; and it will all fall on Bush. that's how left-wing nutjobs operate; the first lies they tell are to themselves
dear silly addled termite brains,

having a document date back to the Carter days is NOT the same as saying "Its Carters fault".

This is why you people cant keep facts straight.

you don't know how to determine what a FACT is
insult insult insult

fuck up all the facts

then lie to everyone about it.

this is why your party crashes the world economy and lies the country into war.

you people have no integrity or brains
dear silly addled termite brains,

having a document date back to the Carter days is NOT the same as saying "Its Carters fault".

This is why you people cant keep facts straight.

you don't know how to determine what a FACT is

If he started floating the idea, how is it not his fault??
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i'm trying to spin away left-wng failure and put it all on repubs; and i accidently exposed more liberal failure!

loony left-wing fruitcakes keep insisting we were lied into war

so how IS that whole impeachment and war crimes trial thingy going leftard?
dear silly addled termite brains,

having a document date back to the Carter days is NOT the same as saying "Its Carters fault".

This is why you people cant keep facts straight.

you don't know how to determine what a FACT is

If he started floating the idea, how is it not his fault??

Because the Left's cult idols have deity status

and because to admit they failed is to admit the progressive agenda failed.
dear silly addled termite brains,

having a document date back to the Carter days is NOT the same as saying "Its Carters fault".

This is why you people cant keep facts straight.

you don't know how to determine what a FACT is

If he started floating the idea, how is it not his fault??

they date back to the Cater days.

that is all that says.

YOU cant determine what a fact is

your lost
dear silly addled termite brains,

having a document date back to the Carter days is NOT the same as saying "Its Carters fault".

This is why you people cant keep facts straight.

you don't know how to determine what a FACT is

If he started floating the idea, how is it not his fault??

they date back to the Cater days.

that is all that says.

YOU cant determine what a fact is

your lost

If they date back to the "Cater" days, that means his administration originated the idea.

You can't change that fact.
so you don't discuss facts ever?

are you really that bankrupt of any decent motivation?

If he started floating the idea, how is it not his fault??

they date back to the Cater days.

that is all that says.

YOU cant determine what a fact is

your lost

If they date back to the "Cater" days, that means his administration originated the idea.

You can't change that fact.

No where in that does it say the document was generated by anyone in particular.

it merely says the documents they used in the documentary went all the way back to the Carter days.

YOU pretended in your F'ed up brain it said that Carter did it.

Its not my fault your a dim bulb
leftard; you got your clocked cleaned by your own spoon-fed piece of propaganda.
grow up; or go cry somewhere
of COURSE to YOU it isnt the same as saying its carter's fault; there is no scenario that has you doing anything other than advancing the narrative you are given to spew

sleeping arround may be your favorite thing but others prefer actual facts which you nbever seem to site to discuss politics.

Go get the facts you have brought to bare on this thread subject.

Oh yeah you gave none

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