thursday at 9pm on MSNBC you will know why we went into Iraq

I think I would trust this new investigation more if they had hired Mulder and Scully instead of Richard Madcow.
I predict the piece is mostly going to be about US shipments to Iraq that contain the agents he used for gas production during the Iran Iraq war. Then they'll say we gave him WMD. From there, who knows, maybe Bush went in to get rid of the evidence. But he lied about WMD for blood for oil so who knows how it will be massaged.
Wake up fool.
Wake up fool. I was mocking the left.
they date back to the Cater days.

that is all that says.

YOU cant determine what a fact is

your lost

If they date back to the "Cater" days, that means his administration originated the idea.

You can't change that fact.

No where in that does it say the document was generated by anyone in particular.

it merely says the documents they used in the documentary went all the way back to the Carter days.

YOU pretended in your F'ed up brain it said that Carter did it.

Its not my fault your a dim bulb

so then Carter is the one who laid the groundwork for this and every President since then built upon it.....right?....
Wait until some LIB simian at MSNBC brings up the idea of a Bush 'Dynasty'.
Some one can then ask: "So you don't want a Bush 'dynasty' in the White house right? But you are fine with a Clinton dynasty right?"
leftard; you got your clocked cleaned by your own spoon-fed piece of propaganda.
grow up; or go cry somewhere
of COURSE to YOU it isnt the same as saying its carter's fault; there is no scenario that has you doing anything other than advancing the narrative you are given to spew

The little paint huffing fool doesn't realize she destroyed her own thread by admitting this goes all the way back to Jimmy Carter. :rofl:

How so?

US involvement with Afghanistan goes back to the Carter Administration.

They gave the muj communications gear and small arms.

The aim was to harass the Soviet Army.

The Reagan administration changed that. They sent to the CIA to train the muj, gave them better gear and stinger missiles to take down air craft. They wanted them to win.

And win they did.

aint this thread about Iraq?....
well one had good results and the other didn't

your guys crashed the world economy for the second time in one lifetime and then lied us into a horrible war.

the other guy presided over great economic growth and deficit reduction
how is telling you people you will know why we went into Iraq because this documentary will tell you doing anything but giving you information?

you people HATE information?

if we are already have supposed to have heard this stuff....why are you acting like this is a new development?...

you pay no attention to what is said do you?

what is the NAME of the documentary about the air?

why we went into Iraq is what its about.

ITS already been determined to be a FACT that the Bush admin LIED us into that war.

Now its about WHY

and your good buddy Luddy stated earlier that this stuff has ALREADY been shown why should we act like this is groundbreaking news?....
if we are already have supposed to have heard this stuff....why are you acting like this is a new development?...

you pay no attention to what is said do you?

what is the NAME of the documentary about the air?

why we went into Iraq is what its about.

ITS already been determined to be a FACT that the Bush admin LIED us into that war.

Now its about WHY

and your good buddy Luddy stated earlier that this stuff has ALREADY been shown why should we act like this is groundbreaking news?....

Because her spray paint can told her it's a big deal.
Prove the evidence that will be presented in the documentary has already been common knowledge.

you don't even know what it will be yet and you hate the FACTS
Prove the evidence that will be presented in the documentary has already been common knowledge.

you don't even know what it will be yet and you hate the FACTS

Just curious.

How do you know it's cold, hard proof if you haven't seen it?


she is a fly on Maddcows wall evidently

It has been shown before.

Its factual and well researched so you won't want to watch it.
This is why your republican party will continue to fail.

You will say ANYTHING right in the face of facts.

Just like Putin saying there are no Russian troops in the Ukraine
what part of the facts offered in this documentary do you disagree are facts?

dudes you haven't even seen the Doc yet
I've already set the DVR to record Thursday Nights RM broadcast. Unlike those who believe they know everything my mind is open and I'm not threatened by any new facts that may come to light. I find it both sad and hilarious that so many who have posted on this thread believe they know the absolute truth behind our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Notwithstanding the cause, the net effect of our invasion and occupation of Iraq is beyond question a failure, maybe the worst failure of a foreign policy in our nations history. The question to be asked today is a simple one, have we learned anything from this fiasco which cost us a horrible amount in blood and treasure?

Some have, some have not. The Neo Cons and Chicken Hawks (many of those speaking are both) are saber rattling over Russia's action in Ukraine and the Yellow Journalists are ginning up the emotions in those who can't think for themselves and have no sense of history or Realpolitik (most of whom can't even define or understand the term, Realpolitik).

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