Thursday, January 27, 2011 years after God Died in the skin of a Jew named Jesus....


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Thursday, January 27, 2011 years after God Died in the skin of a Jew named Jesus....



Guarantee: Things on planet Earth are going to be very different in only five years.

(Insert your favorite Deity here) bless the spread of Liberal Democracy.

:eusa_think: Liberal Democracy with its free press and the Internet are almost worth the price Western 'Civilization' exacted from humanity bringing them to market.
Actually, it's only been approximately 1,980 years since Jesus died, unless you mean to imply that God died upon his birth.
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Actually, it's only been approximately 1,980 years since Jesus died, unless you mean to imply that God died upon his birth.

Thursday, January 27, approximately 2011 years after God Died in the skin of a Jew named Jesus....

I stand corrected. I apologize for any inconvenience this oversight may have caused our dear readers.

Thanks, boedicca!
:eusa_hand: Sorry, Dude... I don't speak 'English'. I've been to England and, while I can usually figure them out, those fuckers talk funny... I speak American.

American is not a Language. Fail.



Lighten up, Bro'..... It was only a lane change!

I'm conspicuous in regard to abstract electro-magnetism inside of my brain (my thoughts), causing "hrrm?" looks, and these --> ? <-- floating above humanoid heads wherever the space-time continuim permits myself to be such; however, I was in request of clarity in a very non-confrontational manor and was reciprocated-with in a seemingly (vinegar and water) type-way.

In other words, I was mistaken you were being a douche in your response and so I figgered I'd reciprocate. I was only wondering what you meant by the Egypt comments and the world changing, etc.
American is not a Language. Fail.



Lighten up, Bro'..... It was only a lane change!

I'm conspicuous in regard to abstract electro-magnetism inside of my brain (my thoughts), causing "hrrm?" looks, and these --> ? <-- floating above humanoid heads wherever the space-time continuim permits myself to be such; however, I was in request of clarity in a very non-confrontational manor and was reciprocated-with in a seemingly (vinegar and water) type-way.

In other words, I was mistaken you were being a douche in your response and so I figgered I'd reciprocate. I was only wondering what you meant by the Egypt comments and the world changing, etc.

In my defense, I didn't realize you were serious. I thought you were fucking with me.

I recently heard this on PBS and NPR and I heard it more than once, so I'm pretty sure it's accurate... Tunisia recently had a revolution of sorts where the people took to the internet and the streets after the suicide of a frustrated vendor who was so fed up with the government hassling him about his business and squelching his ability to compete that he lit himself on fire in protest. The rich and greedy dick-tater that had been running the country for the past few decades was actually ousted and the people are discussing a secular, liberal democracy as a replacement.

Discussion immediately gravitated to the potential spread of this type of movement any where else in the Arab world where one dude or one family has been running things from a golden throne, ass-u-me-ing they kept up on their fiber intake.

Egypt has recently had a MAJOR wave of protests and Egypt was one nation that all the 'experts' had agreed would keep the conservative dick-tater firmly in place.

Eventually We, The People get to the point of "Fuck You." I think that's cool to see and I can be a sarcastic bastard when I write.

The dead God reference is both a titillating title and a reflection off the mirror of sarcasm of my belief that evolution does a better job of describing a believable theory of our origins than does The Bible, even if it is a somewhat interesting read.

P.S. - That was a pretty quick reach to your hip to pull that iron out of its holster and fire "douche" at me... just saying.
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Lighten up, Bro'..... It was only a lane change!

I'm conspicuous in regard to abstract electro-magnetism inside of my brain (my thoughts), causing "hrrm?" looks, and these --> ? <-- floating above humanoid heads wherever the space-time continuim permits myself to be such; however, I was in request of clarity in a very non-confrontational manor and was reciprocated-with in a seemingly (vinegar and water) type-way.

In other words, I was mistaken you were being a douche in your response and so I figgered I'd reciprocate. I was only wondering what you meant by the Egypt comments and the world changing, etc.

In my defense, I didn't realize you were serious. I thought you were fucking with me.

I recently heard this on PBS and NPR and I heard it more than once, so I'm pretty sure it's accurate... Tunisia recently had a revolution of sorts where the people took to the internet and the streets after the suicide of a frustrated vendor who was so fed up with the government hassling him about his business and squelching his ability to compete that he lit himself on fire in protest. The rich and greedy dick-tater that had been running the country for the past few decades was actually ousted and the people are discussing a secular, liberal democracy as a replacement.

Discussion immediately gravitated to the potential spread of this type of movement any where else in the Arab world where one dude or one family has been running things from a golden throne, ass-u-me-ing they kept up on their fiber intake.

Egypt has recently had a MAJOR wave of protests and Egypt was one nation that all the 'experts' had agreed would keep the conservative dick-tater firmly in place.

Eventually We, The People get to the point of "Fuck You." I think that's cool to and I can be a sarcastic bastard when I write.

The dead God reference is both a titillating title and a reflection off the mirror of sarcasm of my belief that evolution does a better job of describing a believable theory of our origins than does The Bible, even if it is a somewhat interesting read.

P.S. - That was a pretty quick reach to your hip to pull that iron out of its holster and fire "douche" at me... just saying.

I wasn't calling you douche but merely implying that the post, in and of itself, resembled....maybe...........being douche-ish, if that's better :razz:

I wasn't fucking with you, I thought my "sir!" with the exclamation point would indicate that but language is not unilateral on teh internetz, it can often be misconstrued and misinterpreted as far as intent. Doo-doo, huh?

That's all interesting schtuff, and I agree about Religious writings. I think they're well-written but Man-imagined.
Getting back to the original topic. What are the profound changes that you see?

To tell you what I see, I can only report the past.

Throughout history and also recently, I see unrest. I see peoples in various places testing the validity of the various conservative economic and religious powers that stifle their ability to feed their families with everything from prison and excess paperwork to propaganda, fear and religious dogma. I see armies questioning their orders when the only option to maintain the status quo is to 'shoot everyone'. I see the spread of Liberal Democracy in spite of the best efforts to thwart it by those families who came out of the period of European colonization in control of most of the resources on this wet rock. I see the wealth being spread once again and not much infrastructure being torn down in the process this time.

As for predictions of the future, whether those who believe these changes will be the downfall of man are correct in their predictions or those who see a planet shrinking into a Sentient World whose children will reach for the stars one day are right, the guarantee is that life on earth will be very different in the coming decades. I for one am glad I'm young enough to predict statistically that I'll be here to see at least the next five and I :eusa_pray: to my god that I remain lucky enough to carry this flesh under my own power and be a part of this world or at the very least, a witness to its evolution for the next 25+.

Keep at it kids... the stars await.

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