Thursday Musings....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. I have always been opposed to censorship, believing that the correct response to disagreeable comments is articulate counter comment.

So...I never favored the vituperation that was heaped on those using the politically incorrect language, such as the "n-word."

I never had a problem with name-calling, and didn't have an emotional response to same....

Until today.

The news reports of the trial of the Boston Bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, included this:

"One woman held a sign that said, 'Free Jahar.'"
Fury of Boston bomber's victims as 'smirking' suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleads NOT GUILTY | Mail Online

OK....I admit I had a visceral reaction.....I could sense my desire for violence building.
I might have done something foolish if I were there.....

Some black folk must have the same kind of reaction to that banned term......

2. Also in today's news: this, about a true hero....

"Former Sanford, Fla., police chief Bill Lee on CNN Wednesday claimed he was fired last year because he refused to arrest George Zimmerman just to appease an outraged public."
Ex-Police Chief Claims He Was Pressured and Then Fired for Not Arresting George Zimmerman: ?They Just Wanted an Arrest? | Video |

The guy gave up his career because he felt that it was wrong to yield to political pressure....

...all he had to do was tell an officer to go arrest Zimmerman.....

..."“I had one of the city commissioners come to me on two different occasions and say, ‘All we want is an arrest.’ And I explained to them, ‘Well, you just can’t do that, you have to have probable cause to arrest somebody.’ And it was related to me that they just wanted an arrest, they didn’t care if it got dismissed later. And you don’t do that,” Lee told CNN’s George Howell."

Imagine if he were US Attorney General......

Have a good day.

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