tied for hottest June in record history---Nasa.

No amount of research is going to convince these denialist people because they are in the grips of dogma ....Scientist arrive at conclusion through the scientific method of observation , hypothesis and experiments ...these people arrive at their conclusions by osmosis then begin to build a case for their dogma...........

See ---> Now there you go off the rails.. Observation, Hypothesis, and Experiments. LOTS of hypothesis in that shitwad of science that spread fear and panic of "climate science" that was then hijacked and misinterpreted by socio-political movements -- on purpose. Very little "proof" in the observations or lack of experiments.

IN FACT -- the empirical evidence supports what the basic physics says. And that is that CO2 is a greenhouse gas with the capability of causing maybe a 1degC/doubling rise in Earth temperature. Most "skeptical" scientists agree on that. And the 0.4degC you've seen in YOUR lifetime is TOTALLY in line with the CO2 only estimate. NOT the multiple models that were trotted to show CO2 as the main climate driver..

The magical witchcraft of GW Hypotheses is MULTIPLYING that warming power of CO2 to mystical proportions. Postulating positive feedbacks and runaway warming THAT IS NOT IN EVIDENCE.

The skeptical stand is actually that CO2 as a greenhouse gas is capable of raising the Earth's temperature by a degree or 2 per doubling of CO2, but represents only a FRACTION of the OBSERVED warming over the past 50 years or so.. And that the "Magical Multipliers" WERE entirely exaggerated and over-rated.

KNOW WHAT? they were correct. Because ALL of those multipliers are and have been recently revised DRASTICALLY downwards. The skeptics WON that battle and you didn't even know it.

Because -- you don't know ENOUGH to waste this time with "reporting" old news and propaganda that you seek out to confirm your very UNscientific biases...
--- or what skeptics or deniers are saying..

Skeptics and deniers are saying the entire Climate science of the last 40 years is wrong ...but...they have no research no evidence of that...put the papers in let them be peer reviewed ...win Nobel Prize
and there is no evidence to show the past 40 years are what they say and we demand proof. So you want proof from us, and we give it, Koch, and then we ask for proof and you tell us to provide our proof, again, Koch. Hmmmm, seems you don't want to debate, you want to dictate. Well your dictation stinks.
--- or what skeptics or deniers are saying..

Skeptics and deniers are saying the entire Climate science of the last 40 years is wrong ...but...they have no research no evidence of that...put the papers in let them be peer reviewed ...win Nobel Prize
hey I call bull shit, I gave you Herr Koch experiment from 1901. Now sir, I am offended that you choose to insult the likes of one Herr Koch. You haven't proven his experiment wrong. So until you do, your statement is a lie.
sure I can, they no nothing about science. They have never provided any evidence that I have found anywhere, ever from the likes of you and your warmer pals that show me CO2 causes anything to happen. it simply doesn't exist. So until then they have no knowledge of what they talk about. I'd be happy to say it to their faces.

I am not a Climate scientist, I am just reporting what the real Scientist say.......you all claim Scientist who believe in AGW are "Cultist, greedy opportunists, scam artists etc" in other words you attack them not their science...go ahead do the research write the reports and get your Nobel prize plus show up all the sell outs LOL
why can't those who already supposedly did all that work merely show us their evidence? Why is it your religious leaders don't wish to share their findings? Do you have an answer for that?

BTW, are you going to fund our experiments? My tax dollars funded your so called professionals and I like to see the results of the tests for which I paid for.
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jr, as we've explained in detail dozens of times, the Koch experiment doesn't matter, being it doesn't reproduce how the atmosphere works. You're a kook nutter for claiming it does, which is why everyone laughs outright at you when they're not ignoring you. Until you stop being such a moron, there's no point in paying any attention to you. You're just the crazy dude spouting gibberish so stupid that even the other cultists want nothing to do with him.

Seriously, just stop lying. Just stop. We get. You lie about everything. You've made your point. Now go away.
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jr, as we've explained in detail dozens of times, the Koch doesn't matter, being it doesn't reproduce how the atmosphere. You're a kook nutter for claiming it does, which is why everyone laughs outright at you when they're not ignoring you. Until you stop being such a moron, there's no point in paying any attention to you. You're just the crazy dude spouting gibberish so stupid that even the other cultists want nothing to do with him.

Seriously, just stop lying. Just stop. We get. You lie about everything. You've made your point. Now go away.
Koch's experiment stands today as the only experiment that represents what CO2 does to temperatures. Until you have something that debunks his experiment, you're just shouting to be shouting. You can't shut the likes of me up because you have no evidence to support your stance.

Oh and his experiment shows adding CO2 will not cause temperature increases. So you need to find another cause besides the sun.
See ---> Now there you go off the rails.. Observation, Hypothesis, and Experiments.

All of which say you're completely wrong on every point. Sucks to be you, that reality so thoroughly contradicts your crazy claims.

You can't just keep claiming you're right. I mean, you can, but it doesn't matter. We all agree you're very skilled and claiming to be correct. Trouble is, to get anyone to care, you have to _show_ you're right, and you and all the deniers stink at that.
Koch's experiment stands today as the only experiment that represents what CO2 does to temperatures.

The whole planet says you're completely full of shit.

You're a stupid kook raving on the internet. Nobody cares. Have fun being laughed at for the rest of your life.
See ---> Now there you go off the rails.. Observation, Hypothesis, and Experiments.

All of which say you're completely wrong on every point. Sucks to be you, that reality so thoroughly contradicts your crazy claims.

You can't just keep claiming you're right. I mean, you can, but it doesn't matter. We all agree you're very skilled and claiming to be correct. Trouble is, to get anyone to care, you have to _show_ you're right, and you and all the deniers stink at that.
hahahahaahahahaha, and to those who have been debunked they are well debunked and it's growing in the country as evidence showing manipulation of data continues at the highest layer of climate crap. Problem is, the observed by real humans out weighs any nastys you might think you have with the liars.
Koch's experiment stands today as the only experiment that represents what CO2 does to temperatures.

The whole planet says you're completely full of shit.

You're a stupid kook raving on the internet. Nobody cares. Have fun being laughed at for the rest of your life.
prove that statement pal/ lady. I want the whole world names who disagree. come on now
Question for science deniers : What natural force is causing the world’s glaciers to melt so fast?...how is this happening even though solar activity is at a low ? what heat source is melting the Glaciers

the sun’s current space-weather cycle is the most anemic in 100 years. We are in Solar Cycle 24, and according to David Hathaway, research scientist at NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, speaking at the American Astronomical Society’s Solar Physics Division: “Not only is this the smallest cycle we’ve seen in the space age, it’s the smallest cycle in 100 years,” David Dickinson, Solar Cycle #24: On Track to be the Weakest in 100 Years, Universe Today, July 29, 2013.


IT can not be CO2... Man you guys are so desperate..
IT can not be CO2... Man you guys are so desperate..

Great flaming nuclear reactor in the sky and they look to a whisp of a trace gas in the atmosphere for the cause of warming. I guess they could be standing knee deep in shit and look at you sideways if you fart and blame you for stinking up the place.
not only cold and wet in the middle and northeast of the US, it snowed in Australia due to cold weather, and yet the numbskulls at NASA state a heat wave in june. sometimes lies are just lies.

Cold front brings best snowfall to southern Queensland in decades Australia news The Guardian

Cold front brings best snowfall to southern Queensland in decades
Winter wonderland greets towns in Queensland but in NSW wild weather causes traffic chaos and knocks out power to thousands of homes
It's winter in Australia. What about that simple concept eludes you?

Also, check into the concept that precipitation and temperature are different things. Normal people, when they want to talk about temperature, use temperature measurements. Deniers tend to use precipitation. the better to confuse the issue.
It's winter in Australia. What about that simple concept eludes you?

Also, check into the concept that precipitation and temperature are different things. Normal people, when they want to talk about temperature, use temperature measurements. Deniers tend to use precipitation. the better to confuse the issue.
the piece in the report that said it had been decades since they had seen snow and cold like they saw. pal/ lady! So if it's been decades since weather like that, how is it they were warmer? I think the observed readings and reports send your little warmest ever wild goose chase to pasture.
Question for science deniers : What natural force is causing the world’s glaciers to melt so fast?...how is this happening even though solar activity is at a low ? what heat source is melting the Glaciers

the sun’s current space-weather cycle is the most anemic in 100 years. We are in Solar Cycle 24, and according to David Hathaway, research scientist at NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, speaking at the American Astronomical Society’s Solar Physics Division: “Not only is this the smallest cycle we’ve seen in the space age, it’s the smallest cycle in 100 years,” David Dickinson, Solar Cycle #24: On Track to be the Weakest in 100 Years, Universe Today, July 29, 2013.


Yes Cycle 24 is indicating a downtrend that MIGHT even result in a mini-ice age beginning in the next cycle or two.
But -- something as large and complex as the Earth's climate does not change overnight. Does NOT instantaneously respond to forcings. Studies have suggested that several decades to 100 years is required for a new equilibrium.

And the sun has risen to a Solar MAXIMUM over the past 150 years in terms of Total Solar Irradiance. I showed you the graph and told you that counting sun spots -- does NOT give you the actual full bandwidth power output of the sun. The TSI has been at a RELATIVE max for about 30 or 40 years. And since the Earth has that MASSIVE storage element of the oceans and there are delays involved for weather convections and sub ocean currents to redistribute heat --- The temperatures could continue to climb even if the solar output was sitting at it's recent maximum for at least 30 years. The sun's forcing function is capable of PUMPING and ACCUMULATION heat into the climate -- whilst the role of GHouse gases is different. They RETARD heat loss to space -- but have no net instantaneous heating of the surface. The sun is the heat pump. The GH gases are the insulation..
Take a look at that longer SLRise graph I posted. There was a big warmup in the late 30s -- early 40s.. If you look carefully -- you can see a bump in the level that extends out to about 1965.. This juvenile expectation that temperature and climate clues like ice respond instantaneously and LINEARLY correlated with CO2 (or anything else for that matter) -- is Sesame Street science..

There are also a large number of regular natural cycles. Most are Ocean related. Like ENSO and PDO and AMO.. But there are also patterns in equatorial pressure waves, MJO, arctic oscillations and even solar patterns.

These operate (mostly) independent of each other -- where their periods are not synchronized but randomly phased. Additions and subtractions of these effects occuring together can create forcings of different apparent shapes and sizes. Might not see that alignment for 200 yrs or more. Some alignments have REAL MEANING to one another.. Like the convergence of MJO and ENSO patterns produce above normal tropical storms.

ALL of this natural variation has been GREATLY understated.. Largely because there is no money to look into any Climate science that does not have a Man Made aspect to it... The UN IPCC Mission Statement specifically states -- they are only interested in MAN-MADE climate change. You get exactly what you pay for...

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