tied for hottest June in record history---Nasa.

. It takes a small man to ignore the basic concerns by skeptics, and that is there is no evidence.
You are no skeptic you are a denialist a "truther".....There is no challenge to the thesis that humans are causing Climate warming...none
Idiots say a lot of things.

you just proved it ....you all do not believe in science .....the science is against you so you attack science...facts are pesky things...you all are fringe elements
perhaps you could actually show some science instead of continuing to write the word in a forum. We can all write the word science, problem is you have no physical science. hahahahahahhaahaha
The Climate experts disagree with you...you are a nobody...you know no science ...go read sheep entrails...go quote "Lord Mockton" ..LOL
which experts?

And BTW, where is your science experiment that proves what you write about CO2. Do you have one? If you do, you'd be the first. See none of anyone you post up ever has.
And BTW, where is your science experiment that proves what you write about CO2. Do you have one? If you do, you'd be the first. See none of anyone you post up ever has.

Go write a paper ...have it peer reviewed ...if you can prove Global warming is not real or not related to human activities you win a Nobel prize...meanwhile you are just some nutter spouting ...
Pluto? What does Pluto have to do with the topic of this thread?

Are you fucking stoned or something?

what makes you a climate expert chump...here is what the real experts say..someone like you lacks the brain to do a drive by near Pluto in Disney world ...are you drunk or something..
The Freakish Year in Broken Climate Records
1. Temperatures set a new record


Sea levels also surge to a record

Source: NOAA
Glaciers retreat for the 31st consecutive year

Source: NOAA
There are more hot days and fewer cool nights

Source: NOAA
Climate change doesn’t just increase the average temperature—it also increases the extremes. The chart above shows when daily high temperatures max out above the 90th percentile and nightly lows fall below the lowest 10th percentile. The measures were near their global records last year, and the trend is consistently miserable.

5. Record greenhouse gases fill the atmosphere

Photo of Mauna Loa Observatory in background.
Source: NOAA[/QUOTE]
then why isn't the ice melting in the Arctic?
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Herr Koch says you're wrong back in 1901.
and "Herr Koch" outweighs NASA, NOAA, The UK Meteorological agency and the Japanese one too...it outweighs what the bulk of all Science says re Global warming...get real...
yes he does, he did the experiment that disproves any garbage coming from those agencies.
Those agencies are professional Climate scientists...you are a nobody...just another anti Science Truther
Question for science deniers : What natural force is causing the world’s glaciers to melt so fast?...how is this happening even though solar activity is at a low ? what heat source is melting the Glaciers

the sun’s current space-weather cycle is the most anemic in 100 years. We are in Solar Cycle 24, and according to David Hathaway, research scientist at NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, speaking at the American Astronomical Society’s Solar Physics Division: “Not only is this the smallest cycle we’ve seen in the space age, it’s the smallest cycle in 100 years,” David Dickinson, Solar Cycle #24: On Track to be the Weakest in 100 Years, Universe Today, July 29, 2013.

Graham Throws Not A Scientist Line Back At GOP Climate Change Deniers

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took a shot at Republican climate change deniers Tuesday, throwing the “I’m not a scientist” line back at those in his own party who he said stubbornly refuse to believe scientists.

“Late Night” host Seth Meyers asked Graham, who has previously urged his GOP colleagues to break from the party on environmental issues, if he’s “surprised” to find so many climate change deniers in the party’s ranks.

“Well I’m not a scientist,” Graham responded. “but here’s the problem I’ve got with some people in my party: When you ask the scientists what’s going on, why don’t you believe them? If I went to 10 doctors and nine said, ‘Hey, you’re gonna die,’ and one says ‘You’re fine,’ why would I believe the one guy?”

Denier is the AGWCult secret handshake word
So T-Sloth -- You just gonna ignore my questions?? What is the NEW projection for temperature anomaly in 2100? And how does that compare with the HYSTERICAL old ones made just a decade ago?? After all, you can't fix it if you don't know what you're fixing.. 1 or 2 degrees by 2100 would be nowhere near enough to justify your propaganda and fear campaign.

And the scientific quality of the shit you consume and repost here indicates you are not even trying to understand any of the science or the debate that even that last PhD you tossed at me AGREES is still on-going.. For instance, who chose 1993 as a beginning year to show the HISTORICAL sea level of the oceans. It's been doing that for 150 yrs at least.. And ice has been consistently melting also for the past 150 years. And why, if we're talking about climate change, did that Warm/Cool graph start in the 1950s??

ALL of the accelerated "Magical Multiplier" part of the GWarming fantasy fear campaign has STILL yet to be actually observed..
It just keeps getting more comical, these wild contortions deniers are all going into to deny the data. With each new warming record broken, deniers have to act even dumber to pretend it doesn't matter.

So, will the term "skeptic" ever recover from being trashed by deniers? Thanks to the deniers, the term "skeptic" is now taken by most people to mean "pathologically dishonest cult fraud." The real skeptics now make it a point to distance themselves from these denier frauds.

Skeptic eSkeptic February 8 2012

And this from the RSS satellite people, describing just how convoluted and difficult it is to get satellite temps. Compared to getting surface temps, satellite temps are far, far more twiddled and adjusted.

Upper Air Temperature Remote Sensing Systems
Herr Koch says you're wrong back in 1901.
and "Herr Koch" outweighs NASA, NOAA, The UK Meteorological agency and the Japanese one too...it outweighs what the bulk of all Science says re Global warming...get real...
yes he does, he did the experiment that disproves any garbage coming from those agencies.
Those agencies are professional Climate scientists...you are a nobody...just another anti Science Truther
and they, these professionals as you call them, haven't provided me the person they want money from, any evidence that suggests that human CO2 does anything to temperatures. Now I have asked repeatedly to see the evidence. I haven't seen it. Do you have it? Are you a professional climate person? I'd be ashamed to be a climate professional and not have the necessary science completed ahead of manipulating the information off of temperature devices I helped pay for. I have that right friend.
. It takes a small man to ignore the basic concerns by skeptics, and that is there is no evidence.
You are no skeptic you are a denialist a "truther".....There is no challenge to the thesis that humans are causing Climate warming...none
sure there is a challenge, and I am challenging them to disprove Herr Koch. Go for bubba.
And BTW, where is your science experiment that proves what you write about CO2. Do you have one? If you do, you'd be the first. See none of anyone you post up ever has.

Go write a paper ...have it peer reviewed ...if you can prove Global warming is not real or not related to human activities you win a Nobel prize...meanwhile you are just some nutter spouting ...
you just said there are professionals out there, I'd think if they were truly professional and scientists that they'd have done the scientific work to actually show the human race that human CO2 actually does anything to temperatures. Now I haven't seen one yet in over fifteen months on this forum. So, bubba, you got one from your professionals to shut me up?
Question for science deniers : What natural force is causing the world’s glaciers to melt so fast?...how is this happening even though solar activity is at a low ? what heat source is melting the Glaciers

the sun’s current space-weather cycle is the most anemic in 100 years. We are in Solar Cycle 24, and according to David Hathaway, research scientist at NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, speaking at the American Astronomical Society’s Solar Physics Division: “Not only is this the smallest cycle we’ve seen in the space age, it’s the smallest cycle in 100 years,” David Dickinson, Solar Cycle #24: On Track to be the Weakest in 100 Years, Universe Today, July 29, 2013.

same as the ones that caused all of the other previous 400,000 year melt to happen. Holy crap, you still have nothing.
LOL, you ain't got any experiment to debunk Mr. Koch. And a little respect for the man who actually did scientific work.

A little respect for NOAA, NASA, UK and Japanese Weather agencies, the UN the Pentagon....they all believe in human related Global warming..

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