Tim Walz Swiftboated, Stolen Valor. Falsely Was in "War" When He Actually Abandoned His Men When They Shipped to Iraq

Here's a CNN interview with retired Command Sergeant Major Doug Julin. Hope this clears up some of the noise and false reporting by third and forth party sources.

That is definitive. Walz KNEW he was being deployed before he applied for his retirement AND he violated the chain of command. His superior clearly said that he would have denied Walz's retirement.
Stupid comment. Anyone who knocks the NG or AR or any reserves is a know nothing. I know no veteran who does that. Stolen valor? Those who claim it are the ones who would have run.

Speak to any veteran before the war on terror. The Reserves generally got respect since they were mostly manned with prior service people. The NG was always a joke. Nobody respected the NGs, the kindest nickname they had was Campus Commandos. Prior to being used to flesh out war on terror, units the NG was poorly trained, poorly equipped and very poorly disciplined.
So not only did he falsely claim he was in a war zone, he turned tail and abandoned his men when they shipped to Iraq.

"I carried a weapon of war in war” - Tim Walz

Tim Walz a ‘coward’ and ‘traitor’ for retiring from military before Iraq, says Guardsman who replaced VP pick​

Isabel Vincent
Published Aug. 6, 2024,

When Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz chose to leave the military on the eve of his deployment to Iraq, Thomas Behrends went in his place.

“I needed to hit the ground running and take care of the troops — and tell them we were going to war,” Behrends said of the 500 soldiers under his command. “For a guy in that position, to quit is cowardice.”
Behrends, a 63-year-old farmer in Brewster, Minn., called the Democratic vice presidential candidate “a traitor” for retiring from their Minnesota National Guard unit just before their deployment to Iraq in 2005.
“When your country calls, you are supposed to run into battle — not the other way,” the retired command sergeant major told The Post Tuesday. “He ran away. It’s sad.

“He had the opportunity to serve his country, and said ‘Screw you’ to the United States. That’s not who I would pick to run for vice president.”

Kamala Harris at microphones with Tim Walz standing behind her
Fellow National Guardsmen who went to Iraq in place of Gov. Tim Walz say Kamala Harris’ VP pick is a “traitor” for retiring before deployment.REUTERS

Tim Walz's past DUI arrest for driving 96 mph in a 55 zone comes back to haunt VP pick

When Democratic vice presidential pick Tim Walz retired from the National Guard on the eve of his battalion’s deployment to Iraq in 2005, Tom Behrends (above) took his place as command sergeant major overseeing 500 troops.courtesy of Thomas Behrends

Behrends (above) called Walz a “coward” for retiring from the National Guard on the eve of his unit’s Iraq deployment in 2005.courtesy of Thomas Behrends

Walz, 60, joined the National Guard after high school and served 24 years in the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery, rising to the rank of command sergeant major. He retired in 2005 — months after a warning order that the battalion would be deployed to Iraq — to run for Congress. He was elected to office in 2006.

“On May 16th, 2005, [Walz] quit, betraying his country, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war,” Behrends and fellow retired Guardsman Paul Herr wrote in a letter posted to Facebook during Walz’s first gubernatorial run, in 2018.

Here's the difference between the Republican ticket and Democratic ticket.

Kamala said she doesn't attack people for their service, it's what Americans do.

Vance went to war, and didn't fight. They don't attack him for that. They could, because we know Trump would have done.

Trump goes after anyone and everything. He went after Nikky Haley's husband for not being there... he was serving, Trump didn't give a shit.

Trump attacked McCain who spend ages in a prisoner of war camp.

Trump attacks Walz for retiring from the military

Trump is a fucking asshole, and Trump attacking people for their military service is absolutely fucking hilarious, because Trump's military record is "bone spurs" or some shit.

How anyone in the military could vote for such a fucking c*nt is beyond me.
ISIS owned an area the size of Texas when President Trump was sworn in.

He then cut the funding to them, because your believe Hussein Obama was funding ISIS since the beginning. Only took a year for them to fall apart and get scattered into the winds.
Hmmm, but you support a man who received multiple deferment while other Americans were dying for their country.

Get your hypocrite ass outta here.
Speak to any veteran before the war on terror. The Reserves generally got respect since they were mostly manned with prior service people. The NG was always a joke. Nobody respected the NGs, the kindest nickname they had was Campus Commandos. Prior to being used to flesh out war on terror, units the NG was poorly trained, poorly equipped and very poorly disciplined.
How many reservist and NG units served in Desert Storm?
Speak to any veteran before the war on terror. The Reserves generally got respect since they were mostly manned with prior service people. The NG was always a joke. Nobody respected the NGs, the kindest nickname they had was Campus Commandos. Prior to being used to flesh out war on terror, units the NG was poorly trained, poorly equipped and very poorly disciplined.
Veterans are having none of that anti-Walz nonsense. The war on terror went on for twenty years and the NG became very professional.
Walz accepted a provisional promotion to Command Sergeant Major, with a signed agreement that he would compete the years of training and extend his time in service, and graduate the academy to earn the rank of Sgt Maj.

If at any time he decided he was not going to honor his commitment, he was honor bound to formerly resign his participation in the program and resign as his unit's CSM.

Instead, it seems he skipped the chain of command to retire, so his unit was unaware of it. Meanwhile Walz was continuing the charade to occupy the position of CSM. He enjoyed the perks of a rank, KNOWING he never had any intention of ever completing the program.

I don't know what the exact time period was between Walz requesting retirement, and his unit finding out about it. But is seems as though he should have immediately resigned as the unit's CSM so a replacement could take his place, as soon as he requested retirement.

Either way, he has misled people into thinking he "carried weapons into war," and he endorsed a book which said Walz served in Afghanistan while in the NG. He stained his own service with these misleading embellishments.
After all the lies and smears pouring from the Harris campaign to attack anyone who cited the truth about Walz stolen valor, for embelishing his military service, the Harris campaign finally admits we were correct.

From the New York Times:

Harris Campaign Says Walz ‘Misspoke’ in a Comment About His Military Service

The Democratic vice-presidential nominee has come under attack from Republicans, who have suggested that he overstated his military record and avoided combat.

In a clip from a political event in 2018, Walz said:
“We can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at,”

Next they will be forced to admit Walz "misspoke" that he retired as a Command Sergeant Major. He was never promoted to that rank.

He was only allowed to wear the rank and assume the position of a Sgt Maj, because he signed Army documents obligating him to complete the required training, graduate from the academy, and extend his time in the Army. But Walz quit his promised obligations and retired as a Master Sergeant.
Oh, this is epic fiction here: The Atlantic - January/February 2006 Issue

Do you support the president? Walz refused to answer. Do you oppose the president? Walz replied that it was no one's business but his own. (He later learned that his wife was informed that the Secret Service might arrest him.) Walz thought for a moment and asked the Bush staffers if they really wanted to arrest a command sergeant major who'd just returned from fighting the war on terrorism.
They did not.

Instead Walz was told to behave himself and permitted to attend the speech, albeit under heavy scrutiny. His students were not: they were sent home. Shortly after this Walz retired from the Guard. Then he did something that until recently was highly unusual for a military man. He announced he was running for Congress—as a Democrat.

Bloomberg Stealth Edits Piece on Walz to Cover Lie That He Served in Iraq
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So not only did he falsely claim he was in a war zone, he turned tail and abandoned his men when they shipped to Iraq.

"I carried a weapon of war in war” - Tim Walz

Tim Walz a ‘coward’ and ‘traitor’ for retiring from military before Iraq, says Guardsman who replaced VP pick​

Isabel Vincent
Published Aug. 6, 2024,

When Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz chose to leave the military on the eve of his deployment to Iraq, Thomas Behrends went in his place.

“I needed to hit the ground running and take care of the troops — and tell them we were going to war,” Behrends said of the 500 soldiers under his command. “For a guy in that position, to quit is cowardice.”
Behrends, a 63-year-old farmer in Brewster, Minn., called the Democratic vice presidential candidate “a traitor” for retiring from their Minnesota National Guard unit just before their deployment to Iraq in 2005.
“When your country calls, you are supposed to run into battle — not the other way,” the retired command sergeant major told The Post Tuesday. “He ran away. It’s sad.

“He had the opportunity to serve his country, and said ‘Screw you’ to the United States. That’s not who I would pick to run for vice president.”

Kamala Harris at microphones with Tim Walz standing behind her
Fellow National Guardsmen who went to Iraq in place of Gov. Tim Walz say Kamala Harris’ VP pick is a “traitor” for retiring before deployment.REUTERS

Tim Walz's past DUI arrest for driving 96 mph in a 55 zone comes back to haunt VP pick

When Democratic vice presidential pick Tim Walz retired from the National Guard on the eve of his battalion’s deployment to Iraq in 2005, Tom Behrends (above) took his place as command sergeant major overseeing 500 troops.courtesy of Thomas Behrends

Behrends (above) called Walz a “coward” for retiring from the National Guard on the eve of his unit’s Iraq deployment in 2005.courtesy of Thomas Behrends

Walz, 60, joined the National Guard after high school and served 24 years in the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery, rising to the rank of command sergeant major. He retired in 2005 — months after a warning order that the battalion would be deployed to Iraq — to run for Congress. He was elected to office in 2006.

“On May 16th, 2005, [Walz] quit, betraying his country, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war,” Behrends and fellow retired Guardsman Paul Herr wrote in a letter posted to Facebook during Walz’s first gubernatorial run, in 2018.

If he couldn't hack it there is no shame in admitting that you can't do something, and that means he never should have joined up. Knowing your true limitations is a good quality.

With that said, joining up and making an agreement and swearing to perform a duty because you're scared once you have to perform that duty? That's a coward and it is shameful. It's also a disgrace to your outfit and a slap in the face to your men.

I was in the army and I was scared when I get deployed. But I didn't back down and I got on that plane. I was scared for a week after I got there and a couple times id wished I'd not signed up, but after day 10 I felt more adjusted and very quickly began to feel more on the ball and I adapted. In the end I was glad I pushed myself.

Walz might be a male, but he is not a man.
nobody says "frock" in the military, bud.

(I've only heard that term used in relation to the clergy) ..

Even though he was a Master Sergeant, he served as the Command Sergeant Major of the Battalion.
Here is a social media post from John Kolb, where he specifically uses the term "frocked."

I cannot say the same of his service sitting, frocked, in the CSM chair."

I heard that term "frock" used when I served, but the same term is used in the same National Guard unit that Walz served in.

Kolb also went on to say:

"I do not regret that Tim Walz retired early from the Minnesota Army National Guard, did not complete the Sergeants Major Academy, broke his enlistment contract or did not successfully complete any assignment as a Sergeant Major."

"He did not earn the rank or successfully complete any assignment as an E9. It is an affront to the Noncommissioned Officer Corps that he continues to glom onto the title. I can sit in the cockpit of an airplane, it does not make me a pilot."

Walz should never claim to be a former Command Sergeant Major, much less a "retired CSM." He quit, and never completed the training which he agreed to. The only reason he was allowed to walk around pretending to be a CSM, was his signed agreement, which obligated him to complete all the training and service requirements.

What Walz did was akin to going to Army boot camp, and quitting a couple weeks into the training. You can never claim to have served as a US Army soldier, because you quit. He quit, he never completed the training, never graduated, and he never earned the title or the rank.
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As to draft dodging, I was never a person who cared about that. First off, some people should never be in the military. Secondly, drafting people into a war like Vietnam, against their will, was never something I every agreed with. asking them to risk their lives in a war directed by politicians thousands of miles away.
Before They Could Stab Us in the Back, They Had to Take Away Our Backbone

Drafting young people with powerful connections and sending them to the front lines would have prevented all that political betrayal, which even happened when the Continental Congress made George Washington fight with sick, starving, and underfunded troops.
If he couldn't hack it there is no shame in admitting that you can't do something, and that means he never should have joined up. Knowing your true limitations is a good quality.

With that said, joining up and making an agreement and swearing to perform a duty because you're scared once you have to perform that duty? That's a coward and it is shameful. It's also a disgrace to your outfit and a slap in the face to your men.

I was in the army and I was scared when I get deployed. But I didn't back down and I got on that plane. I was scared for a week after I got there and a couple times id wished I'd not signed up, but after day 10 I felt more adjusted and very quickly began to feel more on the ball and I adapted. In the end I was glad I pushed myself.

Walz might be a male, but he is not a man.
The Marine with Me Just Shrugged and Said, "Welcome to Vietnam"

I went numb, because dwelling on what could happen to me would have led to a nervous breakdown. My reality reference was not some fake movie, but a gutshot Marine screaming himself to death. That just burned through me and stayed put in an area of the mind far below the subconscious and locked away forever.
Veterans are having none of that anti-Walz nonsense. The war on terror went on for twenty years and the NG became very professional.
The Sage of Main Street cannot prove his neg is worth anything.
Here's the difference between the Republican ticket and Democratic ticket.

Kamala said she doesn't attack people for their service, it's what Americans do.

Vance went to war, and didn't fight. They don't attack him for that. They could, because we know Trump would have done.

Trump goes after anyone and everything. He went after Nikky Haley's husband for not being there... he was serving, Trump didn't give a shit.

Trump attacked McCain who spend ages in a prisoner of war camp.

Trump attacks Walz for retiring from the military

Trump is a fucking asshole, and Trump attacking people for their military service is absolutely fucking hilarious, because Trump's military record is "bone spurs" or some shit.

How anyone in the military could vote for such a fucking c*nt is beyond me.
No one is attacking Walz's service. We're pointing out that he lied about his service.

The newest lie to be uncovered is his claim that he was at Bagram Airbase. His battalion deployed to Iraq. He can't even lie about being in the right fucking theater of operations...lol
Veterans are having none of that anti-Walz nonsense. The war on terror went on for twenty years and the NG became very professional.
Walz's battalion commander called Walz out.
No one is attacking Walz's service. We're pointing out that he lied about his service.

The newest lie to be uncovered is his claim that he was at Bagram Airbase. His battalion deployed to Iraq. He can't even lie about being in the right fucking theater of operations...lol
Whether you like Kelly or not, she has a video of an TV news show appearance by Walz.

Walz is being introduced, the host misrepresents his Army record twice, and both times he vigorously nodded his head in acknowledgement. When he hears another person misrepresent his service, he needs to correct them. but he has a pattern of nodding along or endorsing misrepresentations of his service. He has no honor left at this point.

Go to the 3:08 timestamp:

No one is attacking Walz's service. We're pointing out that he lied about his service.

The newest lie to be uncovered is his claim that he was at Bagram Airbase. His battalion deployed to Iraq. He can't even lie about being in the right fucking theater of operations...lol
I personally knew people who had flawless careers, and yet they decided one day to falsely claim they either won an award, were responsible for valor or achievements, and yes, lied about serving in a combat zone where they served in a unit which received enemy fire.

Why do they do this? Just be proud of your accomplishments. Being deployed into combat is a roll of the dice, not a reflection against you if you had not been deployed there. So why dishonor yourself and be despised for lying about it???
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