Time for an armed escort

Pretty stupid.

International water and international airspace. We don't own the water or the air.

RWNJ traitors like you want war. They want dead Americans. That's not to our advantage.

"Unsafe and unprofessional actions by a single pilot have the potential to unnecessarily escalate tensions between the two countries,"
"the Russians were dangerous but did not demonstrate hostile intent and were unarmed."
Yo asshole...the Russian aircraft endangered our 135 and crew. Warn them . Kill them. Pussy.
Despite your avie, it is quite obvious you never served.
28 yrs...USAF missile force. Son 26 years, f15/16. Grandson being commissioned next month into cyber command. GFY.
The missile force. You pussy.
Could nuke your fat ass in a heartbeat.
:) Sure, pussy.
Yo asshole...the Russian aircraft endangered our 135 and crew. Warn them . Kill them. Pussy.
Despite your avie, it is quite obvious you never served.
28 yrs...USAF missile force. Son 26 years, f15/16. Grandson being commissioned next month into cyber command. GFY.
The missile force. You pussy.
Could nuke your fat ass in a heartbeat.
:) Sure, pussy.
That too.
We are getting under Putin's skin. Obama is showing the flag on Putin's front porch and it's driving Vlad crazy. :lol:

Good grief...so that's why Russia keeps doing as they please? They know Obama's balls don't exist
You have it exactly backwards, LGS. Obama is stomping around Putin's front yard, and Putin is hating it.

I know how much you love fondling Putin's balls and everything, but you have it all wrong.

Yeah, that Obama is right in Putin's "Front Yard" right in, um, Flint?
OP --

EXACTLY what do YOU believe should be done?


Please be precise.
Do I have to spell it out more clearly doooofus? Armed escort. Warn Russians...anymore stupid tricks...you die. Simple enough?
So...if the Russians keep doing what both sides have been doing since the late 40s, you want to change things up and shoot them down?

Yes, write them a stern letter.

Lame Duck President Obama has established a worldwide reputation for doing nothing. Remember, President Obama drew a red line in the sand and then, promptly turned his back.

He has proven to the world, our country will do nothing. Regardless of the provocation, President Obama will stick his finger in the eye of our friends and bow to our enemies.
We are getting under Putin's skin. Obama is showing the flag on Putin's front porch and it's driving Vlad crazy. :lol:

You're a few short fries short of a Happy Meal aren't you?
Do I have to spell it out more clearly doooofus? Armed escort. Warn Russians...anymore stupid tricks...you die. Simple enough?

Pretty stupid.

International water and international airspace. We don't own the water or the air.

RWNJ traitors like you want war. They want dead Americans. That's not to our advantage.

"Unsafe and unprofessional actions by a single pilot have the potential to unnecessarily escalate tensions between the two countries,"
"the Russians were dangerous but did not demonstrate hostile intent and were unarmed."
Yo asshole...the Russian aircraft endangered our 135 and crew. Warn them . Kill them. Pussy.
Despite your avie, it is quite obvious you never served.
28 yrs...USAF missile force. Son 26 years, f15/16. Grandson being commissioned next month into cyber command. GFY.
I. don't. believe. you. If you really served, you'd know this goes on all the time and has since the Cold War started.

You might not have noticed, being buried in the Progressive websites you probably did not see the news.

President Reagan ended the Cold War and tore down the wall in Berlin. President Reagan did that by showing no weakness, whatsoever. He even got up and walked out of the negotiations in Iceland. The rest of the world thought he was insane. That even went against his advisors but it worked.
Just be grateful that cooler heads than the RWNJs are in charge of this non-issue.

But, my bet is that if Trumpery or CrazyCruz were in the WH, they'd have us in the middle of WWIII within weeks of being sworn in.

Curious, did you ever step up to a guy, you know could and would kick your behind six ways to Sunday, and waited for him to take the first punch?

Lame Duck President Obama has proven to the world, he is the puny guy who will do nothing to anyone, regardless of what is done to them. That's far, far more dangerous than being the biggest, baddest SOB on the block and no one knows what you'll do.
for our RC135s....

Put a couple of F15 fighters in the vicinity and put an air to air missile up Ivan's ass.

How's that for a red line Barry, you craven POS.

First on CNN: Russians 'barrel roll' over another U.S. Air Force plane - CNNPolitics.com

Yea start another pointless war, you freaking loon. Then send other people to fight and die while you sit on your lazy butt

When did you serve faux attorney?

I did and while I saw Russia showing off very little provocation was involved. A barrel roll is simply a way to distract our spy planes when they get too close to Russian air space. No biggy.

You'd defend Lame Duck President Obama no matter what he did or didn't do...wouldn't you. He could be video taped in bed with several young boys and you'd blame President Bush.
OP --

EXACTLY what do YOU believe should be done?


Please be precise.
Do I have to spell it out more clearly doooofus? Armed escort. Warn Russians...anymore stupid tricks...you die. Simple enough?

So where are you going to find fighters with long enough legs to stay airborne as long as an RC-135?
We used to play these stupid games with the commies all during the Cold War. Very few of them ever made the papers, and when they did, no one said Reagan was a pussy for it.
My son intercepted many a Russian bomber in Alaskan airspace. He never barrel rolled one.

The Cubans used to shoot at the USMC logo which was on the side of a hill next to the barracks at the fenceline. So the Marines put big spotlights on it.

And then, as payback, the Marines went under the fence and spray painted the USMC logo on the Cuban bunkers.

During one of those "recons", one of the Marines on watch reported his comrades. His buddies then broke his legs and arms and ribs and poured antifreeze down his throat. That was the basis for A Few Good Men.

I was there during all that. Fun times.

Gee, tell us another war story grandpa!
for our RC135s....

Put a couple of F15 fighters in the vicinity and put an air to air missile up Ivan's ass.

How's that for a red line Barry, you craven POS.

First on CNN: Russians 'barrel roll' over another U.S. Air Force plane - CNNPolitics.com

Yea start another pointless war, you freaking loon. Then send other people to fight and die while you sit on your lazy butt

When did you serve faux attorney?

I did and while I saw Russia showing off very little provocation was involved. A barrel roll is simply a way to distract our spy planes when they get too close to Russian air space. No biggy.

You'd defend Lame Duck President Obama no matter what he did or didn't do...wouldn't you. He could be video taped in bed with several young boys and you'd blame President Bush.

Have you found your keys yet, sock?

or do you just want to spew obama deranged lunacy under a new name?
They keys to this OP are found in the search engine. In the meantime, the sock here is merely a deranged neo-con who wants nuclear war with Russia.
OP --

EXACTLY what do YOU believe should be done?


Please be precise.
Do I have to spell it out more clearly doooofus? Armed escort. Warn Russians...anymore stupid tricks...you die. Simple enough?

So where are you going to find fighters with long enough legs to stay airborne as long as an RC-135?
We have this newfangled device called a refueling airplane. A flying gas station.
OP --

EXACTLY what do YOU believe should be done?


Please be precise.
Do I have to spell it out more clearly doooofus? Armed escort. Warn Russians...anymore stupid tricks...you die. Simple enough?

So where are you going to find fighters with long enough legs to stay airborne as long as an RC-135?
We have this newfangled device called a refueling airplane. A flying gas station.

You obviously do not understand the complexities of keeping fighter aircraft airborne for extended periods of time at extended distances from bases. The RC-135 practically is a flying gas can so it can loiter for reconnaissance, which is something fighters do not have the capability to do. Adding air-to-air refueling tankers in the mix makes it completely unworkable.
My dad and uncle were cold war navy vets. both have seen this kind of things before. in some cases it was kind of a game the US Russia leaved.
OP --

EXACTLY what do YOU believe should be done?


Please be precise.
Do I have to spell it out more clearly doooofus? Armed escort. Warn Russians...anymore stupid tricks...you die. Simple enough?

So where are you going to find fighters with long enough legs to stay airborne as long as an RC-135?
We have this newfangled device called a refueling airplane. A flying gas station.

You obviously do not understand the complexities of keeping fighter aircraft airborne for extended periods of time at extended distances from bases. The RC-135 practically is a flying gas can so it can loiter for reconnaissance, which is something fighters do not have the capability to do. Adding air-to-air refueling tankers in the mix makes it completely unworkable.

You're talking to a Retired Lt Col USAF, dipwad.

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