Time for Hillary to strike while the iron is hot

Hillary does not pay taxes and lies about it. Time for Trump to ask Hillary about the dozens of women Bill has molested and his black love child.

Are you really that stupid? The Clinton taxes have been a matter of public record for decades. The Clintons "release" their tax records. In fact, it was even reported recently on CNN or MSNBC that Hillary even pays MORE than required.

The Clintons are not not paying their fair share, they took the same deductions Trump did hence they are traitors to America, they cheat and don't pay their fair share, they should be investigated for tax evasion.

Clintons are worth one percent of what Trump is worth yet they pay millions more than Trump does

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Hillary and Bill paid $3 million in taxes for 2015. Hows that for not paying taxes and "lying" about it? Do you know how to even read a tax return?

They didn't pay their fair share, they took Trump type tax deductions, they cheat, they don't pay what they should, they should be investigated for tax evasion, how dare they take a tax deduction the greedy scumbags. Just giving you people a dose of your own medicine, choke on it.
Wouldn't you say that $3 million is a fair share of taxes to pay, as compared to the jerk who pays nothing and says he is smart. That make people like us, who do pay taxes awfully dumb.

Not even close to a fair share those greedy Clintons are hoarding wealth from the poor and middle class, they don't even need the money they should just cut a big check to the government and set an example for Trump to follow. How dare the Clintons take all those deductions.
If Trump wants to set an example he could
1. Release his tax returns
2. release his full medical history
He is hiding something boobala

The Clintons wow how many years have they short changed the IRS by taking deductions, don't they know we need to fund the military? Why are they so greedy, people like that should not be entitled to deductions and LOOP HOLES holy shit we have not even discussed the loop holes the Clintons are using. Really the Clintons should be arrested and thrown in jail pending trial for wealth hoarding.
Is there anything else to add, while you make a pathetic attempt to defend Donald. The more your kind continues to talk about Trumps taxes the less time to talk about real issues. Time is running out, and Trump is losing
Hillary does not pay taxes and lies about it. Time for Trump to ask Hillary about the dozens of women Bill has molested and his black love child.

Are you really that stupid? The Clinton taxes have been a matter of public record for decades. The Clintons "release" their tax records. In fact, it was even reported recently on CNN or MSNBC that Hillary even pays MORE than required.

The Clintons are not not paying their fair share, they took the same deductions Trump did hence they are traitors to America, they cheat and don't pay their fair share, they should be investigated for tax evasion.

Clintons are worth one percent of what Trump is worth yet they pay millions more than Trump does

The Clintons have hoarded billions in a foundation instead of giving that money to its rightful owners the government to be redistributed. The Clintons use loopholes and tax deductions for the rich to avoid paying their fair share, my lawncare guys pay a higher percentage than the Clintons. The Clintons are the poster child for greedy white rich people not paying their fair share.
They didn't pay their fair share, they took Trump type tax deductions, they cheat, they don't pay what they should, they should be investigated for tax evasion, how dare they take a tax deduction the greedy scumbags. Just giving you people a dose of your own medicine, choke on it.
Wouldn't you say that $3 million is a fair share of taxes to pay, as compared to the jerk who pays nothing and says he is smart. That make people like us, who do pay taxes awfully dumb.

Not even close to a fair share those greedy Clintons are hoarding wealth from the poor and middle class, they don't even need the money they should just cut a big check to the government and set an example for Trump to follow. How dare the Clintons take all those deductions.
If Trump wants to set an example he could
1. Release his tax returns
2. release his full medical history
He is hiding something boobala

The Clintons wow how many years have they short changed the IRS by taking deductions, don't they know we need to fund the military? Why are they so greedy, people like that should not be entitled to deductions and LOOP HOLES holy shit we have not even discussed the loop holes the Clintons are using. Really the Clintons should be arrested and thrown in jail pending trial for wealth hoarding.
Is there anything else to add, while you make a pathetic attempt to defend Donald. The more your kind continues to talk about Trumps taxes the less time to talk about real issues. Time is running out, and Trump is losing

The Clinton tax dodgers are using loopholes for the rich to avoid paying their fair share, and deductions they don't even need, paying a smaller percentage than Walmart workers. Really 90% of what they earned should have gone to the government its insulting how much money they kept the greedy whiteys.
Hillary does not pay taxes and lies about it. Time for Trump to ask Hillary about the dozens of women Bill has molested and his black love child.

Are you really that stupid? The Clinton taxes have been a matter of public record for decades. The Clintons "release" their tax records. In fact, it was even reported recently on CNN or MSNBC that Hillary even pays MORE than required.

The Clintons are not not paying their fair share, they took the same deductions Trump did hence they are traitors to America, they cheat and don't pay their fair share, they should be investigated for tax evasion.

Clintons are worth one percent of what Trump is worth yet they pay millions more than Trump does

The Clintons have hoarded billions in a foundation instead of giving that money to its rightful owners the government to be redistributed. The Clintons use loopholes and tax deductions for the rich to avoid paying their fair share, my lawncare guys pay a higher percentage than the Clintons. The Clintons are the poster child for greedy white rich people not paying their fair share.

The Foundation fully reports all its finances...so do the Clinton's

Trump does not
dude you need to learn the IRS tax code. It can't be explained, here you're too naive.

I understand the IRS tax code is written to protect the wealthy

It's called the Golden Rule: He who had the gold, makes the rules
how do you figure, i use those laws myself. I ain't no wealthy guy. see how you have no idea what you're even talking about. wow dude lost as normal.

Are you one of the 47% ?

So explain why the public "takes a loss" on excusing 47% of working Americans from paying Income Taxes?? Or pays THEM 'Negative Income Tax'?

Part of this lantern and pitchfolk socialism and class warfare is because when that "deadbeat sector" becomes LARGER -- most people will not have a bit of skin in the game.

How many years can a low income person stretch out their ability to pay no taxes based on one year's income. If a person is just below the minimum income rate, he is allowed one year of no taxes. If his income is only half of that first person's income, does he get 2 years reprieve from taxes based on that one year? How low would a person's income in one year need to be to allow him a couple of decades of no taxes, even if he made good money in subsequent years?

There used to be "income averaging" for everybody. NOW it just applies to farmers and fishermen. Call your Congressman.. . LOL..
And there goes the discussion. OFF the general debate on the policy and ON to partisan cross-blaming.

You party animals ever wonder why your party faithful numbers are tanking? It's because of this. It ends up in a pissing contest about which side "did it first" or "did it the most".

Which leaves America with LESS AND LESS accountability and progress in fixing stuff. And even LESS understanding of how things need to work.
I understand the IRS tax code is written to protect the wealthy

It's called the Golden Rule: He who had the gold, makes the rules
how do you figure, i use those laws myself. I ain't no wealthy guy. see how you have no idea what you're even talking about. wow dude lost as normal.

Are you one of the 47% ?

So explain why the public "takes a loss" on excusing 47% of working Americans from paying Income Taxes?? Or pays THEM 'Negative Income Tax'?

Part of this lantern and pitchfolk socialism and class warfare is because when that "deadbeat sector" becomes LARGER -- most people will not have a bit of skin in the game.

How many years can a low income person stretch out their ability to pay no taxes based on one year's income. If a person is just below the minimum income rate, he is allowed one year of no taxes. If his income is only half of that first person's income, does he get 2 years reprieve from taxes based on that one year? How low would a person's income in one year need to be to allow him a couple of decades of no taxes, even if he made good money in subsequent years?

There used to be "income averaging" for everybody. NOW it just applies to farmers and fishermen. Call your Congressman.. . LOL..

So you finally admit there are massive giveaways to the rich that we middle class will never be able to use.
how do you figure, i use those laws myself. I ain't no wealthy guy. see how you have no idea what you're even talking about. wow dude lost as normal.

Are you one of the 47% ?

So explain why the public "takes a loss" on excusing 47% of working Americans from paying Income Taxes?? Or pays THEM 'Negative Income Tax'?

Part of this lantern and pitchfolk socialism and class warfare is because when that "deadbeat sector" becomes LARGER -- most people will not have a bit of skin in the game.

How many years can a low income person stretch out their ability to pay no taxes based on one year's income. If a person is just below the minimum income rate, he is allowed one year of no taxes. If his income is only half of that first person's income, does he get 2 years reprieve from taxes based on that one year? How low would a person's income in one year need to be to allow him a couple of decades of no taxes, even if he made good money in subsequent years?

There used to be "income averaging" for everybody. NOW it just applies to farmers and fishermen. Call your Congressman.. . LOL..

So you finally admit there are massive giveaways to the rich that we middle class will never be able to use.

:haha: Many working class people make use of cap gains/losses. The fact that can't figure out how to calculate profit on capital investments is the problem here. That and you want to shift the majority of the tax burden to fewer and fewer people. Because that drives votes and allegiance to your party.

When you figure out how innovation and discoveries get funded, and how America tackles truly tackles the bigger challenges WITHOUT risk capital --- you'll have reach economic adulthood.
Are you one of the 47% ?

So explain why the public "takes a loss" on excusing 47% of working Americans from paying Income Taxes?? Or pays THEM 'Negative Income Tax'?

Part of this lantern and pitchfolk socialism and class warfare is because when that "deadbeat sector" becomes LARGER -- most people will not have a bit of skin in the game.

How many years can a low income person stretch out their ability to pay no taxes based on one year's income. If a person is just below the minimum income rate, he is allowed one year of no taxes. If his income is only half of that first person's income, does he get 2 years reprieve from taxes based on that one year? How low would a person's income in one year need to be to allow him a couple of decades of no taxes, even if he made good money in subsequent years?

There used to be "income averaging" for everybody. NOW it just applies to farmers and fishermen. Call your Congressman.. . LOL..

So you finally admit there are massive giveaways to the rich that we middle class will never be able to use.

:haha: Many working class people make use of cap gains/losses. The fact that can't figure out how to calculate profit on capital investments is the problem here. That and you want to shift the majority of the tax burden to fewer and fewer people. Because that drives votes and allegiance to your party.

When you figure out how innovation and discoveries get funded, and how America tackles truly tackles the bigger challenges WITHOUT risk capital --- you'll have reach economic adulthood.

Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..
So explain why the public "takes a loss" on excusing 47% of working Americans from paying Income Taxes?? Or pays THEM 'Negative Income Tax'?

Part of this lantern and pitchfolk socialism and class warfare is because when that "deadbeat sector" becomes LARGER -- most people will not have a bit of skin in the game.

How many years can a low income person stretch out their ability to pay no taxes based on one year's income. If a person is just below the minimum income rate, he is allowed one year of no taxes. If his income is only half of that first person's income, does he get 2 years reprieve from taxes based on that one year? How low would a person's income in one year need to be to allow him a couple of decades of no taxes, even if he made good money in subsequent years?

There used to be "income averaging" for everybody. NOW it just applies to farmers and fishermen. Call your Congressman.. . LOL..

So you finally admit there are massive giveaways to the rich that we middle class will never be able to use.

:haha: Many working class people make use of cap gains/losses. The fact that can't figure out how to calculate profit on capital investments is the problem here. That and you want to shift the majority of the tax burden to fewer and fewer people. Because that drives votes and allegiance to your party.

When you figure out how innovation and discoveries get funded, and how America tackles truly tackles the bigger challenges WITHOUT risk capital --- you'll have reach economic adulthood.

Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..

You gotta be funcking kidding. The GOVERNMENT drives innovations and discoveries? You think the government funding Silicon Valley for 30 years? Brought us to top technological leadership in the world with all that PRIVATE funding and risk capital?

Government can't even design a HealthCare website. Has thrown out more useless computing systems that cost billions and never became operational. Has a State Dept and FBI that still used rolodexes, file cabinets, and teletypes until about 15 years ago?

Government didn't Develop electronics. That's MY ball field. THey were 1st CUSTOMERS for products in a lot of cases. But too many companies simultaneously entered that field to make it a "govt" sponsored event.

Even the Apollo program was driven by private companies. The Saturn 5 should have logos on it from the 30 corporate contributors like a NASCAR paint job. I worked at KSCenter -- it was private contractors doing the work and the innovation.. MOST of it previously existing before it was needed.

Govt doesn't design shit. Except for toilets that don't flush, light bulbs that cost over $10, heat pump systems that quit working when it gets colder than 40 degs, and pesticides that only make the bugs angry..

No wonder you dont have a clue how valuable risk capital is to this country. And how the left would DESTROY the very engine we need right now to stop our slide into economic irrelevance.
How many years can a low income person stretch out their ability to pay no taxes based on one year's income. If a person is just below the minimum income rate, he is allowed one year of no taxes. If his income is only half of that first person's income, does he get 2 years reprieve from taxes based on that one year? How low would a person's income in one year need to be to allow him a couple of decades of no taxes, even if he made good money in subsequent years?

There used to be "income averaging" for everybody. NOW it just applies to farmers and fishermen. Call your Congressman.. . LOL..

So you finally admit there are massive giveaways to the rich that we middle class will never be able to use.

:haha: Many working class people make use of cap gains/losses. The fact that can't figure out how to calculate profit on capital investments is the problem here. That and you want to shift the majority of the tax burden to fewer and fewer people. Because that drives votes and allegiance to your party.

When you figure out how innovation and discoveries get funded, and how America tackles truly tackles the bigger challenges WITHOUT risk capital --- you'll have reach economic adulthood.

Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..

You gotta be funcking kidding. The GOVERNMENT drives innovations and discoveries? You think the government funding Silicon Valley for 30 years? Brought us to top technological leadership in the world with all that PRIVATE funding and risk capital?

Government can't even design a HealthCare website. Has thrown out more useless computing systems that cost billions and never became operational. Has a State Dept and FBI that still used rolodexes, file cabinets, and teletypes until about 15 years ago?

Government didn't Develop electronics. That's MY ball field. THey were 1st CUSTOMERS for products in a lot of cases. But too many companies simultaneously entered that field to make it a "govt" sponsored event.

Even the Apollo program was driven by private companies. The Saturn 5 should have logos on it from the 30 corporate contributors like a NASCAR paint job. I worked at KSCenter -- it was private contractors doing the work and the innovation.. MOST of it previously existing before it was needed.

Govt doesn't design shit. Except for toilets that don't flush, light bulbs that cost over $10, heat pump systems that quit working when it gets colder than 40 degs, and pesticides that only make the bugs angry..

No wonder you dont have a clue how valuable risk capital is to this country. And how the left would DESTROY the very engine we need right now to stop our slide into economic irrelevance.

No. Government doesn't design shit. Government hires companies and pays them to design shit. Which private companies put their own money up to fund the Apollo program? Not a damn one. They were paid by the government to develop and build all the technology required. Private industry can't even build their own cell phones. Cell service, lcd screens, all the other things needed for a cell phone were only possible after the government paid companies to develop them.
Trump does not pay taxes and brags about it

Time for Hillary to ask......What would Bernie do?

Rather than call Trump a deadbeat, freeloader and hypocrite, Hillary needs to directly state she intends to repeal these tax benefits exploited by the wealthy. Then directly ask Trump if he supports repealing them

Force Trump to admit that he not only enjoys the benefits of these laws but will fight to keep them in place

If Hillary tried that she would soon discover all her big money Wall Street establishment donors threatening to defund her.
There used to be "income averaging" for everybody. NOW it just applies to farmers and fishermen. Call your Congressman.. . LOL..

So you finally admit there are massive giveaways to the rich that we middle class will never be able to use.

:haha: Many working class people make use of cap gains/losses. The fact that can't figure out how to calculate profit on capital investments is the problem here. That and you want to shift the majority of the tax burden to fewer and fewer people. Because that drives votes and allegiance to your party.

When you figure out how innovation and discoveries get funded, and how America tackles truly tackles the bigger challenges WITHOUT risk capital --- you'll have reach economic adulthood.

Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..

You gotta be funcking kidding. The GOVERNMENT drives innovations and discoveries? You think the government funding Silicon Valley for 30 years? Brought us to top technological leadership in the world with all that PRIVATE funding and risk capital?

Government can't even design a HealthCare website. Has thrown out more useless computing systems that cost billions and never became operational. Has a State Dept and FBI that still used rolodexes, file cabinets, and teletypes until about 15 years ago?

Government didn't Develop electronics. That's MY ball field. THey were 1st CUSTOMERS for products in a lot of cases. But too many companies simultaneously entered that field to make it a "govt" sponsored event.

Even the Apollo program was driven by private companies. The Saturn 5 should have logos on it from the 30 corporate contributors like a NASCAR paint job. I worked at KSCenter -- it was private contractors doing the work and the innovation.. MOST of it previously existing before it was needed.

Govt doesn't design shit. Except for toilets that don't flush, light bulbs that cost over $10, heat pump systems that quit working when it gets colder than 40 degs, and pesticides that only make the bugs angry..

No wonder you dont have a clue how valuable risk capital is to this country. And how the left would DESTROY the very engine we need right now to stop our slide into economic irrelevance.

No. Government doesn't design shit. Government hires companies and pays them to design shit. Which private companies put their own money up to fund the Apollo program? Not a damn one. They were paid by the government to develop and build all the technology required. Private industry can't even build their own cell phones. Cell service, lcd screens, all the other things needed for a cell phone were only possible after the government paid companies to develop them.
Government paid to develop LCD screens and Cell service? You're joking, right?

Liquid-crystal display - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read the history and you'll see that government wasn't involved at any point.
Hillary does not pay taxes and lies about it. Time for Trump to ask Hillary about the dozens of women Bill has molested and his black love child.
Wrong again.
Clinton and her husband, Bill, claimed a total income of $10,745,378 in 2015, and paid federal taxes of $3,624,455. In fact, Clinton has paid federal income tax every year for the past 15 years for an effective tax rate varying from a low 29.5% to a high of 37.7%. Unlike Trump, Hillary Clinton has nothing to hide; all of her tax returns are available online.

Here's How Much Hillary Clinton Paid in Taxes Last Year
[Comms] Tax Returns
Was there any risk in this 10m dollar income?
So you finally admit there are massive giveaways to the rich that we middle class will never be able to use.

:haha: Many working class people make use of cap gains/losses. The fact that can't figure out how to calculate profit on capital investments is the problem here. That and you want to shift the majority of the tax burden to fewer and fewer people. Because that drives votes and allegiance to your party.

When you figure out how innovation and discoveries get funded, and how America tackles truly tackles the bigger challenges WITHOUT risk capital --- you'll have reach economic adulthood.

Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..

You gotta be funcking kidding. The GOVERNMENT drives innovations and discoveries? You think the government funding Silicon Valley for 30 years? Brought us to top technological leadership in the world with all that PRIVATE funding and risk capital?

Government can't even design a HealthCare website. Has thrown out more useless computing systems that cost billions and never became operational. Has a State Dept and FBI that still used rolodexes, file cabinets, and teletypes until about 15 years ago?

Government didn't Develop electronics. That's MY ball field. THey were 1st CUSTOMERS for products in a lot of cases. But too many companies simultaneously entered that field to make it a "govt" sponsored event.

Even the Apollo program was driven by private companies. The Saturn 5 should have logos on it from the 30 corporate contributors like a NASCAR paint job. I worked at KSCenter -- it was private contractors doing the work and the innovation.. MOST of it previously existing before it was needed.

Govt doesn't design shit. Except for toilets that don't flush, light bulbs that cost over $10, heat pump systems that quit working when it gets colder than 40 degs, and pesticides that only make the bugs angry..

No wonder you dont have a clue how valuable risk capital is to this country. And how the left would DESTROY the very engine we need right now to stop our slide into economic irrelevance.

No. Government doesn't design shit. Government hires companies and pays them to design shit. Which private companies put their own money up to fund the Apollo program? Not a damn one. They were paid by the government to develop and build all the technology required. Private industry can't even build their own cell phones. Cell service, lcd screens, all the other things needed for a cell phone were only possible after the government paid companies to develop them.
Government paid to develop LCD screens and Cell service? You're joking, right?

Liquid-crystal display - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read the history and you'll see that government wasn't involved at any point.

Innovation: The Government Was Crucial After All
almost all the scientific research on which the iPod, iPhone, and iPad were based was done by government-backed scientists and engineers in Europe and America. The touch-screen technology, specifically, now so common to Apple products, was based on research done at government-funded labs in Europe and the US in the 1960s and 1970s.

Similarly, Gordon called the National Institutes of Health a useful government “backstop” to the apparently far more important work done by pharmaceutical companies. But Mazzucato cites research to show that the NIH was responsible for some 75 percent of the major original breakthroughs known as new molecular entities between 1993 and 2004.
:haha: Many working class people make use of cap gains/losses. The fact that can't figure out how to calculate profit on capital investments is the problem here. That and you want to shift the majority of the tax burden to fewer and fewer people. Because that drives votes and allegiance to your party.

When you figure out how innovation and discoveries get funded, and how America tackles truly tackles the bigger challenges WITHOUT risk capital --- you'll have reach economic adulthood.

Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..

You gotta be funcking kidding. The GOVERNMENT drives innovations and discoveries? You think the government funding Silicon Valley for 30 years? Brought us to top technological leadership in the world with all that PRIVATE funding and risk capital?

Government can't even design a HealthCare website. Has thrown out more useless computing systems that cost billions and never became operational. Has a State Dept and FBI that still used rolodexes, file cabinets, and teletypes until about 15 years ago?

Government didn't Develop electronics. That's MY ball field. THey were 1st CUSTOMERS for products in a lot of cases. But too many companies simultaneously entered that field to make it a "govt" sponsored event.

Even the Apollo program was driven by private companies. The Saturn 5 should have logos on it from the 30 corporate contributors like a NASCAR paint job. I worked at KSCenter -- it was private contractors doing the work and the innovation.. MOST of it previously existing before it was needed.

Govt doesn't design shit. Except for toilets that don't flush, light bulbs that cost over $10, heat pump systems that quit working when it gets colder than 40 degs, and pesticides that only make the bugs angry..

No wonder you dont have a clue how valuable risk capital is to this country. And how the left would DESTROY the very engine we need right now to stop our slide into economic irrelevance.

No. Government doesn't design shit. Government hires companies and pays them to design shit. Which private companies put their own money up to fund the Apollo program? Not a damn one. They were paid by the government to develop and build all the technology required. Private industry can't even build their own cell phones. Cell service, lcd screens, all the other things needed for a cell phone were only possible after the government paid companies to develop them.
Government paid to develop LCD screens and Cell service? You're joking, right?

Liquid-crystal display - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read the history and you'll see that government wasn't involved at any point.

Innovation: The Government Was Crucial After All
almost all the scientific research on which the iPod, iPhone, and iPad were based was done by government-backed scientists and engineers in Europe and America. The touch-screen technology, specifically, now so common to Apple products, was based on research done at government-funded labs in Europe and the US in the 1960s and 1970s.

Similarly, Gordon called the National Institutes of Health a useful government “backstop” to the apparently far more important work done by pharmaceutical companies. But Mazzucato cites research to show that the NIH was responsible for some 75 percent of the major original breakthroughs known as new molecular entities between 1993 and 2004.

Government funded propaganda.
Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..

You gotta be funcking kidding. The GOVERNMENT drives innovations and discoveries? You think the government funding Silicon Valley for 30 years? Brought us to top technological leadership in the world with all that PRIVATE funding and risk capital?

Government can't even design a HealthCare website. Has thrown out more useless computing systems that cost billions and never became operational. Has a State Dept and FBI that still used rolodexes, file cabinets, and teletypes until about 15 years ago?

Government didn't Develop electronics. That's MY ball field. THey were 1st CUSTOMERS for products in a lot of cases. But too many companies simultaneously entered that field to make it a "govt" sponsored event.

Even the Apollo program was driven by private companies. The Saturn 5 should have logos on it from the 30 corporate contributors like a NASCAR paint job. I worked at KSCenter -- it was private contractors doing the work and the innovation.. MOST of it previously existing before it was needed.

Govt doesn't design shit. Except for toilets that don't flush, light bulbs that cost over $10, heat pump systems that quit working when it gets colder than 40 degs, and pesticides that only make the bugs angry..

No wonder you dont have a clue how valuable risk capital is to this country. And how the left would DESTROY the very engine we need right now to stop our slide into economic irrelevance.

No. Government doesn't design shit. Government hires companies and pays them to design shit. Which private companies put their own money up to fund the Apollo program? Not a damn one. They were paid by the government to develop and build all the technology required. Private industry can't even build their own cell phones. Cell service, lcd screens, all the other things needed for a cell phone were only possible after the government paid companies to develop them.
Government paid to develop LCD screens and Cell service? You're joking, right?

Liquid-crystal display - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read the history and you'll see that government wasn't involved at any point.

Innovation: The Government Was Crucial After All
almost all the scientific research on which the iPod, iPhone, and iPad were based was done by government-backed scientists and engineers in Europe and America. The touch-screen technology, specifically, now so common to Apple products, was based on research done at government-funded labs in Europe and the US in the 1960s and 1970s.

Similarly, Gordon called the National Institutes of Health a useful government “backstop” to the apparently far more important work done by pharmaceutical companies. But Mazzucato cites research to show that the NIH was responsible for some 75 percent of the major original breakthroughs known as new molecular entities between 1993 and 2004.

Government funded propaganda.

Right. Everything is a conspiracy for a RWNJ.
:haha: Many working class people make use of cap gains/losses. The fact that can't figure out how to calculate profit on capital investments is the problem here. That and you want to shift the majority of the tax burden to fewer and fewer people. Because that drives votes and allegiance to your party.

When you figure out how innovation and discoveries get funded, and how America tackles truly tackles the bigger challenges WITHOUT risk capital --- you'll have reach economic adulthood.

Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..

You gotta be funcking kidding. The GOVERNMENT drives innovations and discoveries? You think the government funding Silicon Valley for 30 years? Brought us to top technological leadership in the world with all that PRIVATE funding and risk capital?

Government can't even design a HealthCare website. Has thrown out more useless computing systems that cost billions and never became operational. Has a State Dept and FBI that still used rolodexes, file cabinets, and teletypes until about 15 years ago?

Government didn't Develop electronics. That's MY ball field. THey were 1st CUSTOMERS for products in a lot of cases. But too many companies simultaneously entered that field to make it a "govt" sponsored event.

Even the Apollo program was driven by private companies. The Saturn 5 should have logos on it from the 30 corporate contributors like a NASCAR paint job. I worked at KSCenter -- it was private contractors doing the work and the innovation.. MOST of it previously existing before it was needed.

Govt doesn't design shit. Except for toilets that don't flush, light bulbs that cost over $10, heat pump systems that quit working when it gets colder than 40 degs, and pesticides that only make the bugs angry..

No wonder you dont have a clue how valuable risk capital is to this country. And how the left would DESTROY the very engine we need right now to stop our slide into economic irrelevance.

No. Government doesn't design shit. Government hires companies and pays them to design shit. Which private companies put their own money up to fund the Apollo program? Not a damn one. They were paid by the government to develop and build all the technology required. Private industry can't even build their own cell phones. Cell service, lcd screens, all the other things needed for a cell phone were only possible after the government paid companies to develop them.
Government paid to develop LCD screens and Cell service? You're joking, right?

Liquid-crystal display - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read the history and you'll see that government wasn't involved at any point.

Innovation: The Government Was Crucial After All
almost all the scientific research on which the iPod, iPhone, and iPad were based was done by government-backed scientists and engineers in Europe and America. The touch-screen technology, specifically, now so common to Apple products, was based on research done at government-funded labs in Europe and the US in the 1960s and 1970s.

Similarly, Gordon called the National Institutes of Health a useful government “backstop” to the apparently far more important work done by pharmaceutical companies. But Mazzucato cites research to show that the NIH was responsible for some 75 percent of the major original breakthroughs known as new molecular entities between 1993 and 2004.

Touchscreen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

E.A. Johnson described his work on capacitive touchscreens in a short article published in 1965[6] and then more fully—with photographs and diagrams—in an article published in 1967.[7] The applicability of touch technology for air traffic control was described in an article published in 1968.[8] Frank Beck and Bent Stumpe, engineers from CERN, developed a transparent touchscreen in the early 1970s, based on Stumpe's work at a television factory in the early 1960s. Then manufactured by CERN, it was put to use in 1973.[9] A resistive touchscreen was developed by American inventor George Samuel Hurst, who received US patent #3,911,215 on October 7, 1975.[10] The first version was produced in 1982.[11]
Force Trump to admit that he not only enjoys the benefits of these laws but will fight to keep them in place
Your daddy took advantage of every tax loop hole that was available to him in order to raise your but and feed your belly and if you are not a dummy so do you.

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