Time for Hillary to strike while the iron is hot

Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..

You gotta be funcking kidding. The GOVERNMENT drives innovations and discoveries? You think the government funding Silicon Valley for 30 years? Brought us to top technological leadership in the world with all that PRIVATE funding and risk capital?

Government can't even design a HealthCare website. Has thrown out more useless computing systems that cost billions and never became operational. Has a State Dept and FBI that still used rolodexes, file cabinets, and teletypes until about 15 years ago?

Government didn't Develop electronics. That's MY ball field. THey were 1st CUSTOMERS for products in a lot of cases. But too many companies simultaneously entered that field to make it a "govt" sponsored event.

Even the Apollo program was driven by private companies. The Saturn 5 should have logos on it from the 30 corporate contributors like a NASCAR paint job. I worked at KSCenter -- it was private contractors doing the work and the innovation.. MOST of it previously existing before it was needed.

Govt doesn't design shit. Except for toilets that don't flush, light bulbs that cost over $10, heat pump systems that quit working when it gets colder than 40 degs, and pesticides that only make the bugs angry..

No wonder you dont have a clue how valuable risk capital is to this country. And how the left would DESTROY the very engine we need right now to stop our slide into economic irrelevance.

No. Government doesn't design shit. Government hires companies and pays them to design shit. Which private companies put their own money up to fund the Apollo program? Not a damn one. They were paid by the government to develop and build all the technology required. Private industry can't even build their own cell phones. Cell service, lcd screens, all the other things needed for a cell phone were only possible after the government paid companies to develop them.
Government paid to develop LCD screens and Cell service? You're joking, right?

Liquid-crystal display - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read the history and you'll see that government wasn't involved at any point.

Innovation: The Government Was Crucial After All
almost all the scientific research on which the iPod, iPhone, and iPad were based was done by government-backed scientists and engineers in Europe and America. The touch-screen technology, specifically, now so common to Apple products, was based on research done at government-funded labs in Europe and the US in the 1960s and 1970s.

Similarly, Gordon called the National Institutes of Health a useful government “backstop” to the apparently far more important work done by pharmaceutical companies. But Mazzucato cites research to show that the NIH was responsible for some 75 percent of the major original breakthroughs known as new molecular entities between 1993 and 2004.

Touchscreen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

E.A. Johnson described his work on capacitive touchscreens in a short article published in 1965[6] and then more fully—with photographs and diagrams—in an article published in 1967.[7] The applicability of touch technology for air traffic control was described in an article published in 1968.[8] Frank Beck and Bent Stumpe, engineers from CERN, developed a transparent touchscreen in the early 1970s, based on Stumpe's work at a television factory in the early 1960s. Then manufactured by CERN, it was put to use in 1973.[9] A resistive touchscreen was developed by American inventor George Samuel Hurst, who received US patent #3,911,215 on October 7, 1975.[10] The first version was produced in 1982.[11]

And we all know that Wikipedia never leaves out any information.
Yeah, while Barry drops charges against their gun runner cohort, the guy who provided terrorists with weapons for them, to buy his silence thereby preventing more treasonous criminal scandal getting out, Hillary should 'strike while the iron is hot'...or at least while she isn't in jail yet.
:haha: Many working class people make use of cap gains/losses. The fact that can't figure out how to calculate profit on capital investments is the problem here. That and you want to shift the majority of the tax burden to fewer and fewer people. Because that drives votes and allegiance to your party.

When you figure out how innovation and discoveries get funded, and how America tackles truly tackles the bigger challenges WITHOUT risk capital --- you'll have reach economic adulthood.

Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..

You gotta be funcking kidding. The GOVERNMENT drives innovations and discoveries? You think the government funding Silicon Valley for 30 years? Brought us to top technological leadership in the world with all that PRIVATE funding and risk capital?

Government can't even design a HealthCare website. Has thrown out more useless computing systems that cost billions and never became operational. Has a State Dept and FBI that still used rolodexes, file cabinets, and teletypes until about 15 years ago?

Government didn't Develop electronics. That's MY ball field. THey were 1st CUSTOMERS for products in a lot of cases. But too many companies simultaneously entered that field to make it a "govt" sponsored event.

Even the Apollo program was driven by private companies. The Saturn 5 should have logos on it from the 30 corporate contributors like a NASCAR paint job. I worked at KSCenter -- it was private contractors doing the work and the innovation.. MOST of it previously existing before it was needed.

Govt doesn't design shit. Except for toilets that don't flush, light bulbs that cost over $10, heat pump systems that quit working when it gets colder than 40 degs, and pesticides that only make the bugs angry..

No wonder you dont have a clue how valuable risk capital is to this country. And how the left would DESTROY the very engine we need right now to stop our slide into economic irrelevance.

No. Government doesn't design shit. Government hires companies and pays them to design shit. Which private companies put their own money up to fund the Apollo program? Not a damn one. They were paid by the government to develop and build all the technology required. Private industry can't even build their own cell phones. Cell service, lcd screens, all the other things needed for a cell phone were only possible after the government paid companies to develop them.
Government paid to develop LCD screens and Cell service? You're joking, right?

Liquid-crystal display - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read the history and you'll see that government wasn't involved at any point.

Innovation: The Government Was Crucial After All
almost all the scientific research on which the iPod, iPhone, and iPad were based was done by government-backed scientists and engineers in Europe and America. The touch-screen technology, specifically, now so common to Apple products, was based on research done at government-funded labs in Europe and the US in the 1960s and 1970s.

Similarly, Gordon called the National Institutes of Health a useful government “backstop” to the apparently far more important work done by pharmaceutical companies. But Mazzucato cites research to show that the NIH was responsible for some 75 percent of the major original breakthroughs known as new molecular entities between 1993 and 2004.

That's total bullshit. One of my biggest clients has about 30% of larger touchscreen market and was one of first INTO the marketplace. Patents were held thru private companies back in 60s and 70s.

Government funds a LOT of crap that they don't need to. They SUCK at picking technology winners and losers. And they DAMAGE innovation and competition by boosting up one or two at the sake of their competitors. Look at Elon Musk. He LIVES off of government largess. But tomorrow, BMW or Lexus could KNOCK his ass out of the electric trophy car market if they wanted to. Every dollar they feed to Musk --- makes it harder for BETTER solutions and ideas to come forward.
Trump does not pay taxes and brags about it

Time for Hillary to ask......What would Bernie do?

Rather than call Trump a deadbeat, freeloader and hypocrite, Hillary needs to directly state she intends to repeal these tax benefits exploited by the wealthy. Then directly ask Trump if he supports repealing them

Force Trump to admit that he not only enjoys the benefits of these laws but will fight to keep them in place


I think Trump has made it very clear he approves of them. I don't think she needs to say anymore other than the fact that he hasn't paid a penny in Federal Income tax in 18 years, and that hits home base right there.

Business loss's. Every business has a bad year every now and then, don't make any profit and can write a loss off. Well managed business's come back in profit in short order, and the ones that don't, end up out of business.

What I find interesting in all of this is:

What this really says is that all the Golf Courses, all the hotels, all the casinos and other business's Trump "claims" to own (all together) have not produced 916 million in revenues to offset that 18 year old 916 million dollar loss. And that's what astounding. He is still peeling off that 18 year old loss.

Then the only conclusions are: 1. Trump is a horrible businessman. 2. Trump is living off of other peoples money. 3. All of his business's are leveraged to the hilt--meaning he has borrowed more against them than the revenues they take in. 4. He is accustomed to running his business's in red ink, which will eventually collapse and they'll be hauling furniture and other assets out of the Trump tower to auction off. 5. Trump has been cheating on his taxes by not reporting all revenue's coming out of his business's.

But in the mean time Trump certainly has no problems bragging about his 10 billion dollar net worth and what a fantastic businessman he is.

Here is a great article as to how Trump operates. Very informative.
Donald Trump’s business failings, explained

And here is the tax law that you're referring to.

Michael Bloomberg who is considerably wealthier than Trump, and who can produce an income tax return to prove it, has blasted Trump's business practices.
Michael Bloomberg's entire Democratic convention speech
Last edited:
Trump does not pay taxes and brags about it

Time for Hillary to ask......What would Bernie do?

Rather than call Trump a deadbeat, freeloader and hypocrite, Hillary needs to directly state she intends to repeal these tax benefits exploited by the wealthy. Then directly ask Trump if he supports repealing them

Force Trump to admit that he not only enjoys the benefits of these laws but will fight to keep them in place


Yeah -- STRIKE. .And demonstrate the systemic stupidity of not understanding risk capital and capital gains.
Have a bunch of tourniquets and bandages ready tho.. :happy-1:

Do you really think laws allowing people with as much money as Trump claims to have to avoid taxes for 18 years are a good thing? Really?

He didn't MAKE money on a regular basis. Lost a literal fortune. If you apply that to a pharmaceutical company where only 20% or less of their drugs MAKE it to market -- there would be NO Pharmaceutical research ANYWHERE in the world..

Same with the Venture Capital that runs the start-up star chambers. Having 3 successes out of 10 investments is a phenomenal success. Grow up and realize what innovation and risk entails and stop believing it's just another way to get a paycheck...
There is no hard information to draw your conclusions. Trump's business is a private business. The Trump Organization is not required to release earnings or financial information to the public. They release what is to their advantage to release. Trump claims his net worth is around 9 billion. Bloomberg estimates it at 4.5 billion and Forbes pegs it at 3.2 billion.

What we do know is Trump screwed up badly in his casino ventures to the tune of near a billion dollars at a time when casinos in the US were doing very well. We also know that Trump took over his fathers business in the mid 70's which had an estimated value of 200 million. Growing 200 million to 5 billion in 40 years does not take any exceptional business skills. In fact, Trump would have been better off financially it he had invested the family's fortune in 30 year treasury bonds and stuck to the life a playboy.

That is untrue. He had already sold most of his interests in the casino's, and he did so just before the widespread advent of the Indian Casino's that have made massive inroads into the casino industry. I LIVE in Nevada. ALL of the casino's here have been struggling to survive as the economy fell, and the indian casino's stole business. You have no clue what you are talking about.
Let's set the record straight. Trump had 4 major bankruptcies.
  • The Trump Taj Mahal bankruptcy was filed in 1991. This was the first and most significant bankruptcy. The Taj was built in the 1980's at a cost of over a billion dollars and after several false starts it went into full operation in 1990. By 1991, the casino was over 3 billion dollars in debt of which Trump had a personal liability of of 900 million. As a part of the bankruptcy agreement. Trump lost half of his ownership in the Taj.
  • Trump Plaza Hotel bankruptcy was filed in 1992. Trump acquired the Plaza Hotel in New York for $390 million in 1988. By 1992, the hotel had accumulated $550 million in debt. In exchange for an easier debt payment plan, Trump lost 49% ownership and was stripped of all management of the hotel but allowed to remain CEO.
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy in 1994. This bankruptcy included the Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Marina and Trump Plaza casinos in Atlantic City and a riverboat casino in Indiana. They had accrued an estimated $1.8 billion in debt. Trump lost 20% of his ownership.
  • In 2008, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed bankruptcy and Trump resigned as the company's chairman but was allowed to keep 10% ownership.

The result of the sorry business decisions made by Trump can't be laid on Indian casinos which were of no threat when the Taj opened in 1990. Trump's lack of understanding of the casino business coupled with over leveraging proved disastrous. Also, your idea that Trump made a wise decision to get out of the casino business is equally invalid. The courts made that decision for him. If he had not agreed, he would have been totally wiped out.

Trump knows real estate. He has an uncanny sense for spotting undervalued property and developing it. He is also a great salesman. His failing is his undisciplined approach to management and his belief that he can duplicate his success in real estate to anything from casinos, to airlines, to steaks, to vodka, to golf courses, and yes the presidency.
Trump does not pay taxes and brags about it

Time for Hillary to ask......What would Bernie do?

Rather than call Trump a deadbeat, freeloader and hypocrite, Hillary needs to directly state she intends to repeal these tax benefits exploited by the wealthy. Then directly ask Trump if he supports repealing them

Force Trump to admit that he not only enjoys the benefits of these laws but will fight to keep them in place


I think Trump has made it very clear he approves of them. I don't think she needs to say anymore other than the fact that he hasn't paid a penny in Federal Income tax in 18 years, and that hits home base right there.

Business loss's. Every business has a bad year every now and then, don't make any profit and can write a loss off. Well managed business's come back in profit in short order, and the ones that don't, end up out of business.

What I find interesting in all of this is:

What this really says is that all the Golf Courses, all the hotels, all the casinos and other business's Trump "claims" to own (all together) have not produced 916 million in revenues to offset that 18 year old 916 million dollar loss. And that's what astounding. He is still peeling off that 18 year old loss.

Then the only conclusions are: 1. Trump is a horrible businessman. 2. Trump is living off of other peoples money. 3. All of his business's are leveraged to the hilt--meaning he has borrowed more against them than the revenues they take in. 4. He is accustomed to running his business's in red ink, which will eventually collapse and they'll be hauling furniture and other assets out of the Trump tower to auction off. 5. Trump has been cheating on his taxes by not reporting all revenue's coming out of his business's.

But in the mean time Trump certainly has no problems bragging about his 10 billion dollar net worth and what a fantastic businessman he is.

Here is a great article as to how Trump operates. Very informative.
Donald Trump’s business failings, explained

And here is the tax law that you're referring to.

Michael Bloomberg who is considerably wealthier than Trump, and who can produce an income tax return to prove it, has blasted Trump's business practices.
Michael Bloomberg's entire Democratic convention speech

Trump's failure to pay taxes hurts him in two ways. For those that pay taxes every year and are fighting to just make ends meet, a multi-billionaire escaping all income taxes year after year is going to seem damn unfair. For those that understand business taxes, 915 billion dollars in business losses, has to cast a shadow on his claim to extraordinary business skills.
There used to be "income averaging" for everybody. NOW it just applies to farmers and fishermen. Call your Congressman.. . LOL..

So you finally admit there are massive giveaways to the rich that we middle class will never be able to use.

:haha: Many working class people make use of cap gains/losses. The fact that can't figure out how to calculate profit on capital investments is the problem here. That and you want to shift the majority of the tax burden to fewer and fewer people. Because that drives votes and allegiance to your party.

When you figure out how innovation and discoveries get funded, and how America tackles truly tackles the bigger challenges WITHOUT risk capital --- you'll have reach economic adulthood.

Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..

You gotta be funcking kidding. The GOVERNMENT drives innovations and discoveries? You think the government funding Silicon Valley for 30 years? Brought us to top technological leadership in the world with all that PRIVATE funding and risk capital?

Government can't even design a HealthCare website. Has thrown out more useless computing systems that cost billions and never became operational. Has a State Dept and FBI that still used rolodexes, file cabinets, and teletypes until about 15 years ago?

Government didn't Develop electronics. That's MY ball field. THey were 1st CUSTOMERS for products in a lot of cases. But too many companies simultaneously entered that field to make it a "govt" sponsored event.

Even the Apollo program was driven by private companies. The Saturn 5 should have logos on it from the 30 corporate contributors like a NASCAR paint job. I worked at KSCenter -- it was private contractors doing the work and the innovation.. MOST of it previously existing before it was needed.

Govt doesn't design shit. Except for toilets that don't flush, light bulbs that cost over $10, heat pump systems that quit working when it gets colder than 40 degs, and pesticides that only make the bugs angry..

No wonder you dont have a clue how valuable risk capital is to this country. And how the left would DESTROY the very engine we need right now to stop our slide into economic irrelevance.

No. Government doesn't design shit. Government hires companies and pays them to design shit. Which private companies put their own money up to fund the Apollo program? Not a damn one. They were paid by the government to develop and build all the technology required. Private industry can't even build their own cell phones. Cell service, lcd screens, all the other things needed for a cell phone were only possible after the government paid companies to develop them.

Amazing how little you know about how govt or the economy works. During Apollo, companies were chosen based on their EXISTING skills and investments in producing SIMILAR things. It was nothing more than "custom engineering" based on leveraging the best corporate expertise to do the job.

The SPECIFICATIONS were largely written by outside contractors as well. Also chosen because of their investment in the relevant technologies. NASA supplied top-level requirements and let the process begin. And they were in charge of approving, refining specifications and cutting checks.

My Dad is in several videos of the Apollo Launch crew at KSC. Most of those stations MANNED by the companies that designed those systems. My experience at KSC with the Shuttle Launch engineering was very much the same.

And I don't know where you're getting this list from, but cell phones had MANY commercial implementations before the govt ever got involved. Other than to approve the operating frequencies, and certify the service for regulations and compliance.

My guess is -- you're getting this from the guy who "created the Internet"... :biggrin:
Trump does not pay taxes and brags about it

Time for Hillary to ask......What would Bernie do?

Rather than call Trump a deadbeat, freeloader and hypocrite, Hillary needs to directly state she intends to repeal these tax benefits exploited by the wealthy. Then directly ask Trump if he supports repealing them

Force Trump to admit that he not only enjoys the benefits of these laws but will fight to keep them in place


I think Trump has made it very clear he approves of them. I don't think she needs to say anymore other than the fact that he hasn't paid a penny in Federal Income tax in 18 years, and that hits home base right there.

Business loss's. Every business has a bad year every now and then, don't make any profit and can write a loss off. Well managed business's come back in profit in short order, and the ones that don't, end up out of business.

What I find interesting in all of this is:

What this really says is that all the Golf Courses, all the hotels, all the casinos and other business's Trump "claims" to own (all together) have not produced 916 million in revenues to offset that 18 year old 916 million dollar loss. And that's what astounding. He is still peeling off that 18 year old loss.

Then the only conclusions are: 1. Trump is a horrible businessman. 2. Trump is living off of other peoples money. 3. All of his business's are leveraged to the hilt--meaning he has borrowed more against them than the revenues they take in. 4. He is accustomed to running his business's in red ink, which will eventually collapse and they'll be hauling furniture and other assets out of the Trump tower to auction off. 5. Trump has been cheating on his taxes by not reporting all revenue's coming out of his business's.

But in the mean time Trump certainly has no problems bragging about his 10 billion dollar net worth and what a fantastic businessman he is.

Here is a great article as to how Trump operates. Very informative.
Donald Trump’s business failings, explained

And here is the tax law that you're referring to.

Michael Bloomberg who is considerably wealthier than Trump, and who can produce an income tax return to prove it, has blasted Trump's business practices.
Michael Bloomberg's entire Democratic convention speech

Trump's failure to pay taxes hurts him in two ways. For those that pay taxes every year and are fighting to just make ends meet, a multi-billionaire escaping all income taxes year after year is going to seem damn unfair. For those that understand business taxes, 915 billion dollars in business losses, has to cast a shadow on his claim to extraordinary business skills.

100% agreed. Again most well managed business's will pull out of a year loss fairly quickly, those that don't are out of business. I think Trump was so leveraged by banks--they just couldn't let him go belly up as explained in this article, and that's the only reason he is still around today.
Donald Trump’s business failings, explained
Trump does not pay taxes and brags about it

Time for Hillary to ask......What would Bernie do?

Rather than call Trump a deadbeat, freeloader and hypocrite, Hillary needs to directly state she intends to repeal these tax benefits exploited by the wealthy. Then directly ask Trump if he supports repealing them

Force Trump to admit that he not only enjoys the benefits of these laws but will fight to keep them in place


I disagree. she loses those college educated white males she needs to win if she does that. I think the tax thing has made its point. Donald trump abusing the rules shouldn't force her into a far left corner.\

plus people aren't voting for Bernie. just saying.
So you finally admit there are massive giveaways to the rich that we middle class will never be able to use.

:haha: Many working class people make use of cap gains/losses. The fact that can't figure out how to calculate profit on capital investments is the problem here. That and you want to shift the majority of the tax burden to fewer and fewer people. Because that drives votes and allegiance to your party.

When you figure out how innovation and discoveries get funded, and how America tackles truly tackles the bigger challenges WITHOUT risk capital --- you'll have reach economic adulthood.

Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..

You gotta be funcking kidding. The GOVERNMENT drives innovations and discoveries? You think the government funding Silicon Valley for 30 years? Brought us to top technological leadership in the world with all that PRIVATE funding and risk capital?

Government can't even design a HealthCare website. Has thrown out more useless computing systems that cost billions and never became operational. Has a State Dept and FBI that still used rolodexes, file cabinets, and teletypes until about 15 years ago?

Government didn't Develop electronics. That's MY ball field. THey were 1st CUSTOMERS for products in a lot of cases. But too many companies simultaneously entered that field to make it a "govt" sponsored event.

Even the Apollo program was driven by private companies. The Saturn 5 should have logos on it from the 30 corporate contributors like a NASCAR paint job. I worked at KSCenter -- it was private contractors doing the work and the innovation.. MOST of it previously existing before it was needed.

Govt doesn't design shit. Except for toilets that don't flush, light bulbs that cost over $10, heat pump systems that quit working when it gets colder than 40 degs, and pesticides that only make the bugs angry..

No wonder you dont have a clue how valuable risk capital is to this country. And how the left would DESTROY the very engine we need right now to stop our slide into economic irrelevance.

No. Government doesn't design shit. Government hires companies and pays them to design shit. Which private companies put their own money up to fund the Apollo program? Not a damn one. They were paid by the government to develop and build all the technology required. Private industry can't even build their own cell phones. Cell service, lcd screens, all the other things needed for a cell phone were only possible after the government paid companies to develop them.

Amazing how little you know about how govt or the economy works. During Apollo, companies were chosen based on their EXISTING skills and investments in producing SIMILAR things. It was nothing more than "custom engineering" based on leveraging the best corporate expertise to do the job.

The SPECIFICATIONS were largely written by outside contractors as well. Also chosen because of their investment in the relevant technologies. NASA supplied top-level requirements and let the process begin. And they were in charge of approving, refining specifications and cutting checks.

My Dad is in several videos of the Apollo Launch crew at KSC. Most of those stations MANNED by the companies that designed those systems. My experience at KSC with the Shuttle Launch engineering was very much the same.

And I don't know where you're getting this list from, but cell phones had MANY commercial implementations before the govt ever got involved. Other than to approve the operating frequencies, and certify the service for regulations and compliance.

My guess is -- you're getting this from the guy who "created the Internet"... :biggrin:

Don't be ridiculous. I never said private industry didn't build the equipment needed for space missions. I said they were paid to do it. No single company, or group of companies could have or would have developed our space capabilities any more than they would have built our system of roads unless the government paid them to do it.
There used to be "income averaging" for everybody. NOW it just applies to farmers and fishermen. Call your Congressman.. . LOL..

So you finally admit there are massive giveaways to the rich that we middle class will never be able to use.

:haha: Many working class people make use of cap gains/losses. The fact that can't figure out how to calculate profit on capital investments is the problem here. That and you want to shift the majority of the tax burden to fewer and fewer people. Because that drives votes and allegiance to your party.

When you figure out how innovation and discoveries get funded, and how America tackles truly tackles the bigger challenges WITHOUT risk capital --- you'll have reach economic adulthood.

Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..

You gotta be funcking kidding. The GOVERNMENT drives innovations and discoveries? You think the government funding Silicon Valley for 30 years? Brought us to top technological leadership in the world with all that PRIVATE funding and risk capital?

Government can't even design a HealthCare website. Has thrown out more useless computing systems that cost billions and never became operational. Has a State Dept and FBI that still used rolodexes, file cabinets, and teletypes until about 15 years ago?

Government didn't Develop electronics. That's MY ball field. THey were 1st CUSTOMERS for products in a lot of cases. But too many companies simultaneously entered that field to make it a "govt" sponsored event.

Even the Apollo program was driven by private companies. The Saturn 5 should have logos on it from the 30 corporate contributors like a NASCAR paint job. I worked at KSCenter -- it was private contractors doing the work and the innovation.. MOST of it previously existing before it was needed.

Govt doesn't design shit. Except for toilets that don't flush, light bulbs that cost over $10, heat pump systems that quit working when it gets colder than 40 degs, and pesticides that only make the bugs angry..

No wonder you dont have a clue how valuable risk capital is to this country. And how the left would DESTROY the very engine we need right now to stop our slide into economic irrelevance.

No. Government doesn't design shit. Government hires companies and pays them to design shit. Which private companies put their own money up to fund the Apollo program? Not a damn one. They were paid by the government to develop and build all the technology required. Private industry can't even build their own cell phones. Cell service, lcd screens, all the other things needed for a cell phone were only possible after the government paid companies to develop them.

Dude, you're clueless! NOKIA invented the cell phone way back in the 1970's! And, the Finns were using them for all the smart phone stuff by the 1980's! You truly have no clue what you are talking about.
So you finally admit there are massive giveaways to the rich that we middle class will never be able to use.

:haha: Many working class people make use of cap gains/losses. The fact that can't figure out how to calculate profit on capital investments is the problem here. That and you want to shift the majority of the tax burden to fewer and fewer people. Because that drives votes and allegiance to your party.

When you figure out how innovation and discoveries get funded, and how America tackles truly tackles the bigger challenges WITHOUT risk capital --- you'll have reach economic adulthood.

Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..

You gotta be funcking kidding. The GOVERNMENT drives innovations and discoveries? You think the government funding Silicon Valley for 30 years? Brought us to top technological leadership in the world with all that PRIVATE funding and risk capital?

Government can't even design a HealthCare website. Has thrown out more useless computing systems that cost billions and never became operational. Has a State Dept and FBI that still used rolodexes, file cabinets, and teletypes until about 15 years ago?

Government didn't Develop electronics. That's MY ball field. THey were 1st CUSTOMERS for products in a lot of cases. But too many companies simultaneously entered that field to make it a "govt" sponsored event.

Even the Apollo program was driven by private companies. The Saturn 5 should have logos on it from the 30 corporate contributors like a NASCAR paint job. I worked at KSCenter -- it was private contractors doing the work and the innovation.. MOST of it previously existing before it was needed.

Govt doesn't design shit. Except for toilets that don't flush, light bulbs that cost over $10, heat pump systems that quit working when it gets colder than 40 degs, and pesticides that only make the bugs angry..

No wonder you dont have a clue how valuable risk capital is to this country. And how the left would DESTROY the very engine we need right now to stop our slide into economic irrelevance.

No. Government doesn't design shit. Government hires companies and pays them to design shit. Which private companies put their own money up to fund the Apollo program? Not a damn one. They were paid by the government to develop and build all the technology required. Private industry can't even build their own cell phones. Cell service, lcd screens, all the other things needed for a cell phone were only possible after the government paid companies to develop them.

Dude, you're clueless! NOKIA invented the cell phone way back in the 1970's! And, the Finns were using them for all the smart phone stuff by the 1980's! You truly have no clue what you are talking about.

Nokia is just the most recent name for what was once Bell Labs. You might want to check out the long history of government funding for research at that particular company in the forms of direct grants, and extreme tax benefits.
:haha: Many working class people make use of cap gains/losses. The fact that can't figure out how to calculate profit on capital investments is the problem here. That and you want to shift the majority of the tax burden to fewer and fewer people. Because that drives votes and allegiance to your party.

When you figure out how innovation and discoveries get funded, and how America tackles truly tackles the bigger challenges WITHOUT risk capital --- you'll have reach economic adulthood.

Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..

You gotta be funcking kidding. The GOVERNMENT drives innovations and discoveries? You think the government funding Silicon Valley for 30 years? Brought us to top technological leadership in the world with all that PRIVATE funding and risk capital?

Government can't even design a HealthCare website. Has thrown out more useless computing systems that cost billions and never became operational. Has a State Dept and FBI that still used rolodexes, file cabinets, and teletypes until about 15 years ago?

Government didn't Develop electronics. That's MY ball field. THey were 1st CUSTOMERS for products in a lot of cases. But too many companies simultaneously entered that field to make it a "govt" sponsored event.

Even the Apollo program was driven by private companies. The Saturn 5 should have logos on it from the 30 corporate contributors like a NASCAR paint job. I worked at KSCenter -- it was private contractors doing the work and the innovation.. MOST of it previously existing before it was needed.

Govt doesn't design shit. Except for toilets that don't flush, light bulbs that cost over $10, heat pump systems that quit working when it gets colder than 40 degs, and pesticides that only make the bugs angry..

No wonder you dont have a clue how valuable risk capital is to this country. And how the left would DESTROY the very engine we need right now to stop our slide into economic irrelevance.

No. Government doesn't design shit. Government hires companies and pays them to design shit. Which private companies put their own money up to fund the Apollo program? Not a damn one. They were paid by the government to develop and build all the technology required. Private industry can't even build their own cell phones. Cell service, lcd screens, all the other things needed for a cell phone were only possible after the government paid companies to develop them.

Dude, you're clueless! NOKIA invented the cell phone way back in the 1970's! And, the Finns were using them for all the smart phone stuff by the 1980's! You truly have no clue what you are talking about.

Nokia is just the most recent name for what was once Bell Labs. You might want to check out the long history of government funding for research at that particular company in the forms of direct grants, and extreme tax benefits.
Nokia is headquarters in FInland, dumbass. It has no connection with Bell Labs whatsoever. The later was a branch of AT&T prior to the breakup. It's a private company, in other words. It's not the government.
Trump does not pay taxes and brags about it

Time for Hillary to ask......What would Bernie do?

Rather than call Trump a deadbeat, freeloader and hypocrite, Hillary needs to directly state she intends to repeal these tax benefits exploited by the wealthy. Then directly ask Trump if he supports repealing them

Force Trump to admit that he not only enjoys the benefits of these laws but will fight to keep them in place


I think Trump has made it very clear he approves of them. I don't think she needs to say anymore other than the fact that he hasn't paid a penny in Federal Income tax in 18 years, and that hits home base right there.

Business loss's. Every business has a bad year every now and then, don't make any profit and can write a loss off. Well managed business's come back in profit in short order, and the ones that don't, end up out of business.

What I find interesting in all of this is:

What this really says is that all the Golf Courses, all the hotels, all the casinos and other business's Trump "claims" to own (all together) have not produced 916 million in revenues to offset that 18 year old 916 million dollar loss. And that's what astounding. He is still peeling off that 18 year old loss.

Then the only conclusions are: 1. Trump is a horrible businessman. 2. Trump is living off of other peoples money. 3. All of his business's are leveraged to the hilt--meaning he has borrowed more against them than the revenues they take in. 4. He is accustomed to running his business's in red ink, which will eventually collapse and they'll be hauling furniture and other assets out of the Trump tower to auction off. 5. Trump has been cheating on his taxes by not reporting all revenue's coming out of his business's.

But in the mean time Trump certainly has no problems bragging about his 10 billion dollar net worth and what a fantastic businessman he is.

Here is a great article as to how Trump operates. Very informative.
Donald Trump’s business failings, explained

And here is the tax law that you're referring to.
How a Simple Tax Rule Let Donald Trump Turn a $916 Million Loss Into a Plus

Michael Bloomberg who is considerably wealthier than Trump, and who can produce an income tax return to prove it, has blasted Trump's business practices.
Michael Bloomberg's entire Democratic convention speech

Trump's failure to pay taxes hurts him in two ways. For those that pay taxes every year and are fighting to just make ends meet, a multi-billionaire escaping all income taxes year after year is going to seem damn unfair. For those that understand business taxes, 915 billion dollars in business losses, has to cast a shadow on his claim to extraordinary business skills.

100% agreed. Again most well managed business's will pull out of a year loss fairly quickly, those that don't are out of business. I think Trump was so leveraged by banks--they just couldn't let him go belly up as explained in this article, and that's the only reason he is still around today.
Donald Trump’s business failings, explained

Very true. If his creditors had demanded a payment plan more in keeping with his debt, we wouldn't be talking about Trump today. However, from his creditors viewpoint, 10 cents on the dollar was better than nothing. The banks learned their lesson. Most of Trumps investors today come from abroad. Since he doesn't accept public investors, he has no disclosure requirement which has worked well for Trump. He release only the information that enhances the Trump name which allows Trump to raise, according to Trump, 120% to 130% of the money need for ventures. Thus his only risk is to the Trump brand.
Trump does not pay taxes and brags about it

Time for Hillary to ask......What would Bernie do?

Rather than call Trump a deadbeat, freeloader and hypocrite, Hillary needs to directly state she intends to repeal these tax benefits exploited by the wealthy. Then directly ask Trump if he supports repealing them

Force Trump to admit that he not only enjoys the benefits of these laws but will fight to keep them in place


I think Trump has made it very clear he approves of them. I don't think she needs to say anymore other than the fact that he hasn't paid a penny in Federal Income tax in 18 years, and that hits home base right there.

Business loss's. Every business has a bad year every now and then, don't make any profit and can write a loss off. Well managed business's come back in profit in short order, and the ones that don't, end up out of business.

What I find interesting in all of this is:

What this really says is that all the Golf Courses, all the hotels, all the casinos and other business's Trump "claims" to own (all together) have not produced 916 million in revenues to offset that 18 year old 916 million dollar loss. And that's what astounding. He is still peeling off that 18 year old loss.

Then the only conclusions are: 1. Trump is a horrible businessman. 2. Trump is living off of other peoples money. 3. All of his business's are leveraged to the hilt--meaning he has borrowed more against them than the revenues they take in. 4. He is accustomed to running his business's in red ink, which will eventually collapse and they'll be hauling furniture and other assets out of the Trump tower to auction off. 5. Trump has been cheating on his taxes by not reporting all revenue's coming out of his business's.

But in the mean time Trump certainly has no problems bragging about his 10 billion dollar net worth and what a fantastic businessman he is.

Here is a great article as to how Trump operates. Very informative.
Donald Trump’s business failings, explained

And here is the tax law that you're referring to.
How a Simple Tax Rule Let Donald Trump Turn a $916 Million Loss Into a Plus

Michael Bloomberg who is considerably wealthier than Trump, and who can produce an income tax return to prove it, has blasted Trump's business practices.
Michael Bloomberg's entire Democratic convention speech

Trump's failure to pay taxes hurts him in two ways. For those that pay taxes every year and are fighting to just make ends meet, a multi-billionaire escaping all income taxes year after year is going to seem damn unfair. For those that understand business taxes, 915 billion dollars in business losses, has to cast a shadow on his claim to extraordinary business skills.

100% agreed. Again most well managed business's will pull out of a year loss fairly quickly, those that don't are out of business. I think Trump was so leveraged by banks--they just couldn't let him go belly up as explained in this article, and that's the only reason he is still around today.
Donald Trump’s business failings, explained

Very true. If his creditors had demanded a payment plan more in keeping with his debt, we wouldn't be talking about Trump today. However, from his creditors viewpoint, 10 cents on the dollar was better than nothing. The banks learned their lesson. Most of Trumps investors today come from abroad. Since he doesn't accept public investors, he has no disclosure requirement which has worked well for Trump. He release only the information that enhances the Trump name which allows Trump to raise, according to Trump, 120% to 130% of the money need for ventures. Thus his only risk is to the Trump brand.

What is "more in keeping with his debt" supposed to mean? All the banks that loaned money for Trump's Atlantic casinos did is lower the interest rate so they could make the payments.
The "iron is hot" for Hillary because Trump's Taxes have been audited by a regime that uses the IRS to punish political enemies? Are you sure y'all anarchists are willing to open this here can 'O worms?
The "iron is hot" for Hillary because Trump's Taxes have been audited by a regime that uses the IRS to punish political enemies? Are you sure y'all anarchists are willing to open this here can 'O worms?

Well all Trump needs to do is release his income tax returns to clear up any issues. We'll see if he does that or not. Hillary Clinton has released 33 years of her income tax returns over these many years, Trump not a one.
Trump does not pay taxes and brags about it

Time for Hillary to ask......What would Bernie do?

Rather than call Trump a deadbeat, freeloader and hypocrite, Hillary needs to directly state she intends to repeal these tax benefits exploited by the wealthy. Then directly ask Trump if he supports repealing them

Force Trump to admit that he not only enjoys the benefits of these laws but will fight to keep them in place


Hillary is definitely willing to strike. We learned that this past week.
:haha: Many working class people make use of cap gains/losses. The fact that can't figure out how to calculate profit on capital investments is the problem here. That and you want to shift the majority of the tax burden to fewer and fewer people. Because that drives votes and allegiance to your party.

When you figure out how innovation and discoveries get funded, and how America tackles truly tackles the bigger challenges WITHOUT risk capital --- you'll have reach economic adulthood.

Innovation and discoveries are funded by the government. After some success is achieved, private funding will dip their toe into it, but you can't name a single recent major innovation that wasn't started with government funding. That includes pharmaceuticals and electronics, and fracking.

edited to include fracking..

You gotta be funcking kidding. The GOVERNMENT drives innovations and discoveries? You think the government funding Silicon Valley for 30 years? Brought us to top technological leadership in the world with all that PRIVATE funding and risk capital?

Government can't even design a HealthCare website. Has thrown out more useless computing systems that cost billions and never became operational. Has a State Dept and FBI that still used rolodexes, file cabinets, and teletypes until about 15 years ago?

Government didn't Develop electronics. That's MY ball field. THey were 1st CUSTOMERS for products in a lot of cases. But too many companies simultaneously entered that field to make it a "govt" sponsored event.

Even the Apollo program was driven by private companies. The Saturn 5 should have logos on it from the 30 corporate contributors like a NASCAR paint job. I worked at KSCenter -- it was private contractors doing the work and the innovation.. MOST of it previously existing before it was needed.

Govt doesn't design shit. Except for toilets that don't flush, light bulbs that cost over $10, heat pump systems that quit working when it gets colder than 40 degs, and pesticides that only make the bugs angry..

No wonder you dont have a clue how valuable risk capital is to this country. And how the left would DESTROY the very engine we need right now to stop our slide into economic irrelevance.

No. Government doesn't design shit. Government hires companies and pays them to design shit. Which private companies put their own money up to fund the Apollo program? Not a damn one. They were paid by the government to develop and build all the technology required. Private industry can't even build their own cell phones. Cell service, lcd screens, all the other things needed for a cell phone were only possible after the government paid companies to develop them.

Dude, you're clueless! NOKIA invented the cell phone way back in the 1970's! And, the Finns were using them for all the smart phone stuff by the 1980's! You truly have no clue what you are talking about.

Nokia is just the most recent name for what was once Bell Labs. You might want to check out the long history of government funding for research at that particular company in the forms of direct grants, and extreme tax benefits.

Wrong again junior.

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