Time for Hillary to strike while the iron is hot

And if that risk capital turns into a loss -- is that NOT negative income from investments?

You have no concept of RISKING anything to CREATE things. That's why you're a leftist who wants to CONTROL investments like regular income. It"s NOT regular income Jack. It's an INVESTMENT.. And there is no GUARANTEE that you will GET income from it..

If I have to share the risk in a venture I have no say in, I deserve part of the profit. Privatized profit with socialized loss is not a fair way to do business.

My God man. You are claiming "socialized loss" when you "no risk in life" peckerheads NEVER TOOK the LOSSES and RISKS?? There IS no "socialized loss" when you don't do a FULL accounting of what was GAINED..

Not gonna happen. Never gonna change. Unless you want to TANK innovation, investment, and RISK in this country...

I had no part in Trump's loss of a billion dollars in a year any more than I shared any of his profits, yet he got almost 20 years of paying no taxes. What he didn't pay was made up for out of my pocket and yours.

If he didn't make a profit for a number of years -- why should he pay an Income Tax on the investment?

Didn't come out of MY pocket or YOURS --- you sorry ass Robin Hood.

He didn't pay anything for a long time. Are you saying he didn't use the infrastructure that was paid for by you and me?
he paid property tax for that and sales tax and general tax and probably many other taxes throughout all the states he's been in. wow, fk, learn fking something already.
There is no bail-out on cap gains losses. Do you want a Pharma company to not balance it's risk losses with risk gains before you determine what profit they made? Wouldn't be a single one left in the business..

You've got this ass backwards.. It's the Pharma company losing 4 drugs for every one they market. THAT'S why it's so expensive. You remove that accounting for taxing only PROFIT --- and the entire market would crash.

Tell me how you avoid that..
These are Trumps personal taxes not his corporate taxes

Doesn't matter since Cap Gains and Corporate gains both allow a balancing of loss/gain before taxes are calculated on profit. How do keep pharma companies laying out $$BILLS in risk when you tax every dollar of profit without considering the losses?
I don't give a damn if a CEO at a big pharma lost his personal money
I also don't care if Trump lost his own money....he does not care if I lost mine

Actually he MIGHT care. Because if you sustained a biz loss as a sole proprietor, or as a gambler, or as a investor in equities and bonds ---- YOU get the same Cap Gains treatment as he does...


Most Americans do not lose money because they gamble too much. They lose money because they lost their job or have a serious illness

Those are the people Trmp mocks as losers and freeloaders
guess you never heard of las vegas? gawd more stupid from you.

They deduct their losses from their taxes. You mean you did't know that?

What about you? Did you pay taxes on $1 Billion last year?

Communists are greedy little fucks trying to get their grubby little paws on other peoples money. What apparently you Communists cannot grasp is that no one owes you a fixed set of taxes. When you have losses, THERE IS NO INCOME. This isn't that hard of a concept to grasp. When there is no income, there is no income to tax. Trump did "steal our money" by failing to make enough to please you greedy bastards, there was no money, nothing to tax, nothing for you to grab and hoard. There are no taxes to "deduct losses from," there is no income.

You commies are such greedy little shits that you can't grasp even simple concepts..


Smart Person: I'll give you 20% of the profit we make on sales

Democrat: Gimmee

Smart Person: We haven't made any profit yet

Democrat: Gimmee

Smart Person: We have to make a profit first

Democrat: Gimmee, I want

Smart Person: there is nothing to give you, there are no profits

Democrat: Gimmee, I want, You OWE ME.

Smart Person: 20% of nothing is nothing

Democrat: Gimmee, I want, It's MY MONEY

Smart Person: There is no money

Democrat: Gimmee, I want

Trump claimed to have a negative 1 billion net worth when he claimed his loss. He now claims to have 10 billion. He has had plenty of profit.

He didn't pay anything for a long time.

How do you know that? Hillary's tabloid printed one page from a state return in 1995. You are just making shit up.

The NY Times lied that it COULD be used, but they are part of the democratic party, ergo pathological liars. A Net Loss Carry Forward can only be spread over 7 years.

Are you saying he didn't use the infrastructure that was paid for by you and me?

Federal Income taxes pay for local infrastructure?

The lies you commies tell..
If I have to share the risk in a venture I have no say in, I deserve part of the profit. Privatized profit with socialized loss is not a fair way to do business.

My God man. You are claiming "socialized loss" when you "no risk in life" peckerheads NEVER TOOK the LOSSES and RISKS?? There IS no "socialized loss" when you don't do a FULL accounting of what was GAINED..

Not gonna happen. Never gonna change. Unless you want to TANK innovation, investment, and RISK in this country...

I had no part in Trump's loss of a billion dollars in a year any more than I shared any of his profits, yet he got almost 20 years of paying no taxes. What he didn't pay was made up for out of my pocket and yours.

If he didn't make a profit for a number of years -- why should he pay an Income Tax on the investment?

Didn't come out of MY pocket or YOURS --- you sorry ass Robin Hood.

He didn't pay anything for a long time. Are you saying he didn't use the infrastructure that was paid for by you and me?
he paid property tax for that and sales tax and general tax and probably many other taxes throughout all the states he's been in. wow, fk, learn fking something already.

All he has to do id release his tax records to prove that. I wonder why he won't.
Trump claimed to have a negative 1 billion net worth when he claimed his loss. He now claims to have 10 billion. He has had plenty of profit.

Are you actually this ignorant, or are you just spewing bullshit?

Trump claimed a business loss in 1995 - that has nothing to do with net worth. We don't tax net worth, we tax income.
My God man. You are claiming "socialized loss" when you "no risk in life" peckerheads NEVER TOOK the LOSSES and RISKS?? There IS no "socialized loss" when you don't do a FULL accounting of what was GAINED..

Not gonna happen. Never gonna change. Unless you want to TANK innovation, investment, and RISK in this country...

I had no part in Trump's loss of a billion dollars in a year any more than I shared any of his profits, yet he got almost 20 years of paying no taxes. What he didn't pay was made up for out of my pocket and yours.

If he didn't make a profit for a number of years -- why should he pay an Income Tax on the investment?

Didn't come out of MY pocket or YOURS --- you sorry ass Robin Hood.

He didn't pay anything for a long time. Are you saying he didn't use the infrastructure that was paid for by you and me?
he paid property tax for that and sales tax and general tax and probably many other taxes throughout all the states he's been in. wow, fk, learn fking something already.

All he has to do id release his tax records to prove that. I wonder why he won't.
he's told you plenty of times for you not to know that answer.

He didn't pay anything for a long time.

How do you know that? Hillary's tabloid printed one page from a state return in 1995. You are just making shit up.

The NY Times lied that it COULD be used, but they are part of the democratic party, ergo pathological liars. A Net Loss Carry Forward can only be spread over 7 years.

Are you saying he didn't use the infrastructure that was paid for by you and me?

Federal Income taxes pay for local infrastructure?

The lies you commies tell..

Are any roads or bridges being built in your area? Check to see how much of that is federally funded. Chances are that most of it is.

He didn't pay anything for a long time.

How do you know that? Hillary's tabloid printed one page from a state return in 1995. You are just making shit up.

The NY Times lied that it COULD be used, but they are part of the democratic party, ergo pathological liars. A Net Loss Carry Forward can only be spread over 7 years.

Are you saying he didn't use the infrastructure that was paid for by you and me?

Federal Income taxes pay for local infrastructure?

The lies you commies tell..

Are any roads or bridges being built in your area? Check to see how much of that is federally funded. Chances are that most of it is.
we have local taxes and interstate toll ways that do that. you?
How is it the taxpayers' money when they lose? That makes no sense.

They deduct their losses from their taxes. You mean you did't know that?

Well there's your problem Junior.. Cap Losses can ONLY offset Cap gains. Not a general tax deduction. NOT deducted "against taxes".. Deducted against Cap Gains.

The left is CLUELESS about how stuff works -- but they want us to TRUST them while they "fix stuff". Like making health AFFORDABLE and PORTABLE. Or -- turning a "Universal Retirement Insurance" program into a broke ass, means tested entitlement.

I understand how things work. The entire capitol gains scheme is nothing more than a massive giveaway to the rich. Only the rich are able to make any use of it whatsoever, and capitol gains are taxed at such a low rate till they are almost immaterial. How many middle class people do you know that can use all the tax advantages that are specifically targeted to the rich? .

If you have cancer and can't work for two years, do you get to claim the expenses and loss of income for the next twenty?
dude you need to learn the IRS tax code. It can't be explained, here you're too naive.

I understand the IRS tax code is written to protect the wealthy

It's called the Golden Rule: He who had the gold, makes the rules
These are Trumps personal taxes not his corporate taxes

Doesn't matter since Cap Gains and Corporate gains both allow a balancing of loss/gain before taxes are calculated on profit. How do keep pharma companies laying out $$BILLS in risk when you tax every dollar of profit without considering the losses?
I don't give a damn if a CEO at a big pharma lost his personal money
I also don't care if Trump lost his own money....he does not care if I lost mine

Actually he MIGHT care. Because if you sustained a biz loss as a sole proprietor, or as a gambler, or as a investor in equities and bonds ---- YOU get the same Cap Gains treatment as he does...


Most Americans do not lose money because they gamble too much. They lose money because they lost their job or have a serious illness

Those are the people Trmp mocks as losers and freeloaders
guess you never heard of las vegas? gawd more stupid from you.

Unable to understand....Most Americans
He didn't MAKE money on a regular basis. Lost a literal fortune. If you apply that to a pharmaceutical company where only 20% or less of their drugs MAKE it to market -- there would be NO Pharmaceutical research ANYWHERE in the world..

Same with the Venture Capital that runs the start-up star chambers. Having 3 successes out of 10 investments is a phenomenal success. Grow up and realize what innovation and risk entails and stop believing it's just another way to get a paycheck...

I already said I know there are risks. I just don't think I should be responsible for their risk. If they lose money, it should be their money. Not the tax payers. Yes, I know they pay taxes on profits. Big deal. I pay taxes too.

How is it the taxpayers' money when they lose? That makes no sense.

They deduct their losses from their taxes. You mean you did't know that?

Well there's your problem Junior.. Cap Losses can ONLY offset Cap gains. Not a general tax deduction. NOT deducted "against taxes".. Deducted against Cap Gains.

The left is CLUELESS about how stuff works -- but they want us to TRUST them while they "fix stuff". Like making health AFFORDABLE and PORTABLE. Or -- turning a "Universal Retirement Insurance" program into a broke ass, means tested entitlement.

I understand how things work. The entire capitol gains scheme is nothing more than a massive giveaway to the rich. Only the rich are able to make any use of it whatsoever, and capitol gains are taxed at such a low rate till they are almost immaterial. How many middle class people do you know that can use all the tax advantages that are specifically targeted to the rich? .

I am a sole proprietor. I use it all the time. Both for biz and personal. NOT targeted for the rich. DESIGNED to calculate profit on investments.
If I have to share the risk in a venture I have no say in, I deserve part of the profit. Privatized profit with socialized loss is not a fair way to do business.

My God man. You are claiming "socialized loss" when you "no risk in life" peckerheads NEVER TOOK the LOSSES and RISKS?? There IS no "socialized loss" when you don't do a FULL accounting of what was GAINED..

Not gonna happen. Never gonna change. Unless you want to TANK innovation, investment, and RISK in this country...

I had no part in Trump's loss of a billion dollars in a year any more than I shared any of his profits, yet he got almost 20 years of paying no taxes. What he didn't pay was made up for out of my pocket and yours.

If he didn't make a profit for a number of years -- why should he pay an Income Tax on the investment?

Didn't come out of MY pocket or YOURS --- you sorry ass Robin Hood.
so he made zip and they want him to pay taxes on zip. It is the silliest thing I've ever witnessed.

He lost money that year, so he didn't need to pay taxes that year. A one year loss shouldn't be a get out of paying taxes for 20 years card.

You don't KNOW it was 20 years moron. That's all speculation and media hype. And besides -- some time in investing -- it might TAKE 10 yrs or more to see a profit. That's STRATEGIC investing. And the country needs a LOT MORE OF IT -- unless we continue to slide and become irrelevant in the world.

They deduct their losses from their taxes. You mean you did't know that?

What about you? Did you pay taxes on $1 Billion last year?

Communists are greedy little fucks trying to get their grubby little paws on other peoples money. What apparently you Communists cannot grasp is that no one owes you a fixed set of taxes. When you have losses, THERE IS NO INCOME. This isn't that hard of a concept to grasp. When there is no income, there is no income to tax. Trump did "steal our money" by failing to make enough to please you greedy bastards, there was no money, nothing to tax, nothing for you to grab and hoard. There are no taxes to "deduct losses from," there is no income.

You commies are such greedy little shits that you can't grasp even simple concepts..


Smart Person: I'll give you 20% of the profit we make on sales

Democrat: Gimmee

Smart Person: We haven't made any profit yet

Democrat: Gimmee

Smart Person: We have to make a profit first

Democrat: Gimmee, I want

Smart Person: there is nothing to give you, there are no profits

Democrat: Gimmee, I want, You OWE ME.

Smart Person: 20% of nothing is nothing

Democrat: Gimmee, I want, It's MY MONEY

Smart Person: There is no money

Democrat: Gimmee, I want

Trump claimed to have a negative 1 billion net worth when he claimed his loss. He now claims to have 10 billion. He has had plenty of profit.
no he had a negative 1 billion loss in income, not net worth. all of his properties, toys, planes stocks life insurance and all of that is his net worth.
They deduct their losses from their taxes. You mean you did't know that?

Well there's your problem Junior.. Cap Losses can ONLY offset Cap gains. Not a general tax deduction. NOT deducted "against taxes".. Deducted against Cap Gains.

The left is CLUELESS about how stuff works -- but they want us to TRUST them while they "fix stuff". Like making health AFFORDABLE and PORTABLE. Or -- turning a "Universal Retirement Insurance" program into a broke ass, means tested entitlement.

I understand how things work. The entire capitol gains scheme is nothing more than a massive giveaway to the rich. Only the rich are able to make any use of it whatsoever, and capitol gains are taxed at such a low rate till they are almost immaterial. How many middle class people do you know that can use all the tax advantages that are specifically targeted to the rich? .

If you have cancer and can't work for two years, do you get to claim the expenses and loss of income for the next twenty?
dude you need to learn the IRS tax code. It can't be explained, here you're too naive.

I understand the IRS tax code is written to protect the wealthy

It's called the Golden Rule: He who had the gold, makes the rules
how do you figure, i use those laws myself. I ain't no wealthy guy. see how you have no idea what you're even talking about. wow dude lost as normal.
There is no bail-out on cap gains losses. Do you want a Pharma company to not balance it's risk losses with risk gains before you determine what profit they made? Wouldn't be a single one left in the business..

You've got this ass backwards.. It's the Pharma company losing 4 drugs for every one they market. THAT'S why it's so expensive. You remove that accounting for taxing only PROFIT --- and the entire market would crash.

Tell me how you avoid that..
These are Trumps personal taxes not his corporate taxes

Doesn't matter since Cap Gains and Corporate gains both allow a balancing of loss/gain before taxes are calculated on profit. How do keep pharma companies laying out $$BILLS in risk when you tax every dollar of profit without considering the losses?
I don't give a damn if a CEO at a big pharma lost his personal money
I also don't care if Trump lost his own money....he does not care if I lost mine

Actually he MIGHT care. Because if you sustained a biz loss as a sole proprietor, or as a gambler, or as a investor in equities and bonds ---- YOU get the same Cap Gains treatment as he does...


Most Americans do not lose money because they gamble too much. They lose money because they lost their job or have a serious illness

Those are the people Trmp mocks as losers and freeloaders

Then there is unemployment, disability, Medicaid and other things to prop them up. Not the same as wheeling thru 6 losing investments until you get one that starts making a profit. Where did Trump mock working class as loser and freeloaders. A lot of his support is in the working class. Not me. But that's a fact.
Doesn't matter since Cap Gains and Corporate gains both allow a balancing of loss/gain before taxes are calculated on profit. How do keep pharma companies laying out $$BILLS in risk when you tax every dollar of profit without considering the losses?
I don't give a damn if a CEO at a big pharma lost his personal money
I also don't care if Trump lost his own money....he does not care if I lost mine

Actually he MIGHT care. Because if you sustained a biz loss as a sole proprietor, or as a gambler, or as a investor in equities and bonds ---- YOU get the same Cap Gains treatment as he does...


Most Americans do not lose money because they gamble too much. They lose money because they lost their job or have a serious illness

Those are the people Trmp mocks as losers and freeloaders
guess you never heard of las vegas? gawd more stupid from you.

Unable to understand....Most Americans
wow, just wow, how many people you think go to las vegas every year? most americans.
I don't give a damn if a CEO at a big pharma lost his personal money
I also don't care if Trump lost his own money....he does not care if I lost mine

Actually he MIGHT care. Because if you sustained a biz loss as a sole proprietor, or as a gambler, or as a investor in equities and bonds ---- YOU get the same Cap Gains treatment as he does...


Most Americans do not lose money because they gamble too much. They lose money because they lost their job or have a serious illness

Those are the people Trmp mocks as losers and freeloaders
guess you never heard of las vegas? gawd more stupid from you.

Unable to understand....Most Americans
wow, just wow, how many people you think go to las vegas every year? most americans.

TWICE -- I've had the house mgr at a casino rush out and hand me the IRS form for reporting a gambling "gain".
And that was just on casual trips to Tahoe. Another free drink and a form to fill out.. Seems fair.

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