Time mag calls Christie the 'elephant in the room'

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Time Calls Chris Christie 'The Elephant In The Room'


The poll at the link is running about 50-50 on the question -

Time's Chris Christie cover:

It's in poor taste.

What's the problem?

If he goes in to national politics, this will seem tame.

I noticed that his whole family is fat. Sad. But, for a lot of Americans, fat is the new thin.
he had a by pass i would have thought he would have lost more weight by now

I was thinking the same thing when he was on the stage with his family. He's enormous.

No way can he BE the president of the United States. He can run and he might even win (gawd help us) but there is no way he could actually DO the job.
why do you say that.....personally i like the little fat fuck....i dont know if i could vote for him...being republican just shows a lack of soul to me....but he is likeable....
He would be no worse than taft in the weight problem.

It is weird how the demoracts go after the strangest stuff in an opponet. Maybe they should go after his policites?
he had a by pass i would have thought he would have lost more weight by now

I was thinking the same thing when he was on the stage with his family. He's enormous.

No way can he BE the president of the United States. He can run and he might even win (gawd help us) but there is no way he could actually DO the job.

Taft managed to do it just fine and he lived in a time period where he didn't have all the luxuries of today to carry his fat ass around.
he had a by pass i would have thought he would have lost more weight by now

I believe he had a lap-band procedure rather than gastric bypass, and according to a friend who did the l-b it's a lot slower than bypass but with less risk.

Know he met with Jets coach Rex Ryan who's had it done to talk about what to expect and whatnot. Not a Christie fan, but if he can make the kind of weight turnaround Ryan has it could certainly help his political chances just by getting the issue off the table.
Their next cover should be: "Obama -- The Jackass in the Room."

Gee. Bitter much?

The thing is, Christie could actually take both the nom and the win. So let's talk about him, shall we? I get that you need to bitch about Obama just as often as you draw breath. You might want to consider not letting it out of your keyboard Every. Damn. Time.
Their next cover should be: "Obama -- The Jackass in the Room."

Gee. Bitter much?

The thing is, Christie could actually take both the nom and the win. So let's talk about him, shall we? I get that you need to bitch about Obama just as often as you draw breath. You might want to consider not letting it out of your keyboard Every. Damn. Time.

You betcha I'm bitter. I have reason to be. :thup:

And I'm on topic. Time is proud of their triple entendre with the elephant pun. And with it they make it clear that it's fair game to calling Obama the jackass that he is no matter how liberals gasp when someone is a meanie to our poor widdle pwesident.

It is way too early to swoon over Christie. Even if he survives until 2016, Republicans know that even if he got the nomination the liberals praising him now would jump to the other side and start plastering the airwaves with all the trash they could dig up or manufacture about him. Just like they did with McCain and Romney.

Now excuse me while I go back to my regularly scheduled giggling about the jackass. :D
Matthews is also out there flinging fat insults.

Is this really any surprise? It is about time for them to start tearing down those they think will seek the nomination...
Well, that's too bad. Because he is the best bet for the GOP to actually get a worthy nom (nobody can aim clown car jokes at him) AND win.

By the way; tunnel vision is not your friend. Really not healthy to be focused on O and nobody and nothing but O. There's a whole big world out there.
Matthews is also out there flinging fat insults.

Is this really any surprise? It is about time for them to start tearing down those they think will seek the nomination...

At least Matthew is talking about Christie, rather than Obama.

If people want a Christie nom/win, it's never too early to start talking up his credentials.

Otherwise, you can bet that people are going to be talking about President Clinton again.
Matthews is also out there flinging fat insults.

Is this really any surprise? It is about time for them to start tearing down those they think will seek the nomination...

At least Matthew is talking about Christie, rather than Obama.

If people want a Christie nom/win, it's never too early to start talking up his credentials.

Otherwise, you can bet that people are going to be talking about President Clinton again.

If insinuating that the man crushes his wife during sex qualifies as talking about him, I guess it that could be a good thing... Maybe?

The right will be focusing on Obama for at least another year. I'm guessing their hope is to drive his faults home to the voting public then tie the next Dem candidate to him when they start their turn at the tear down...
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Matthews is also out there flinging fat insults.

Is this really any surprise? It is about time for them to start tearing down those they think will seek the nomination...

At least Matthew is talking about Christie, rather than Obama.

If people want a Christie nom/win, it's never too early to start talking up his credentials.

Otherwise, you can bet that people are going to be talking about President Clinton again.

If insinuating that the man crushes his wife during sex qualifies as talking about him, I guess it that could be a good thing... Maybe?

The right will be focusing on Obama for at least another year. I'm guessing their hope is to drive his faults home to the voting public then tie the next Dem candidate to him when they start their turn at the tear down...

I didn't read the article, I ignored the 'elephant' comment. All that just speaks to the assholes saying such things.

So - maybe I have tunnel vision too. Because I like the man, and would like to see the R's put up somebody that won't stop my heart if it looks like he'll win.
At least Matthew is talking about Christie, rather than Obama.

If people want a Christie nom/win, it's never too early to start talking up his credentials.

Otherwise, you can bet that people are going to be talking about President Clinton again.

If insinuating that the man crushes his wife during sex qualifies as talking about him, I guess it that could be a good thing... Maybe?

The right will be focusing on Obama for at least another year. I'm guessing their hope is to drive his faults home to the voting public then tie the next Dem candidate to him when they start their turn at the tear down...

I didn't read the article, I ignored the 'elephant' comment. All that just speaks to the assholes saying such things.

So - maybe I have tunnel vision too. Because I like the man, and would like to see the R's put up somebody that won't stop my heart if it looks like he'll win.

Matthews' comment wasn't in the Time article, as far as I know. I found it on HuffPo...

Chris Matthews Takes A Crack At Chris Christie And Wife

Right now, I'm pretty jaded when it comes to politicians...

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