Time mag calls Christie the 'elephant in the room'

Understandable. And like I said when I started the Hillary thread several weeks ago - it seems awful damn early for her to be making noise in the general direction of running. BUT! It's all about the money, honey. So if they need lots of time to raise hundreds of billions of dollars, then yeah. Of course they will start making noise now.
Well, that's too bad. Because he is the best bet for the GOP to actually get a worthy nom (nobody can aim clown car jokes at him) AND win.

By the way; tunnel vision is not your friend. Really not healthy to be focused on O and nobody and nothing but O. There's a whole big world out there.

Thanks for your concern. I'm not focused on "nobody and nothing but O" so you needn't worry. I think about plenty of people and plenty of things. For instance, today I'm thinking of my nephew in the Philippines.

But there is always room left over to think about someone who violated the entire nation because of his ego, with a little left over to think of the media and electorate which facilitated the violation.
Your posts indicate otherwise.

Your posts indicate that you are willing to jump to false conclusions about your fellow posters. Bwgd.

When I reopened this thread I kind of hoped that you might have a good word to say about my nephew ... like maybe hoping that he survived the storm. We haven't heard from him yet.

But instead you doubled down on your false conclusions in the face of evidence showing they're false.

Seems like this is a good time for us to back off from each other. I do value the better times we've had including recent exchanges on another subject. Talk to you later ... somewhere down the road.

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