Time to Bust Up Teacher Unions

ALL Public Sector Unions should be ILLEGAL as they are a huge conflict of interest. They bargain against the very people that pay them, and whom they are there to serve. The People, the Taxpayer. Then they use those tax dollars to solely support Democrat candidates who give them more lucrative contracts. Rinse and repeat. Total SCAM.
If we paid folks what they were worth they wouldn't need unions.

Trouble is we're paying most of the assholes way more than they're worth now while the good ones get lost in the shuffle. This is exactly why socialism or any form of collectivism can never succeed. All it does is bring about medoricity and reduce standards until things deteriorate and ultimately fail and collapse altogether.
If we paid more better folks would apply.
Hope they didn’t hurt her feelings

She is such a snowflake
What's really impressive is the fact that they have the kids out there with them, even holding the signs. No wonder young adults, the product of modern educational practices, are vulgar, undisciplined, violent hoodlums.
And, the guy in the tan shorts looks like he's wet himself... Proof that liberals are the bedwetters we've suspected?
Reminds me of churches having their parishioners and their children out on street corners with church bought signs "Yes on H8" here in California in 2008.
ALL Public Sector Unions should be ILLEGAL as they are a huge conflict of interest. They bargain against the very people that pay them, and whom they are there to serve. The People, the Taxpayer. Then they use those tax dollars to solely support Democrat candidates who give them more lucrative contracts. Rinse and repeat. Total SCAM.
If we paid folks what they were worth they wouldn't need unions.

Trouble is we're paying most of the assholes way more than they're worth now while the good ones get lost in the shuffle. This is exactly why socialism or any form of collectivism can never succeed. All it does is bring about medoricity and reduce standards until things deteriorate and ultimately fail and collapse altogether.

No, the public doesn't pay the teachers as much, the public pays the teacher pensions. And that one through the nose.
Colorado Teachers' Union Protest Against DeVos Turns Vulgar

A rally organized by the largest teachers union in Colorado protesting a visit by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos became vulgar as some of the demonstrators held signs depicting a hand giving a middle finger and another sign that said, "Report Card – Betsy DeVos F U."

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Of course it doesn’t trouble you when teachers have a minor hold up a sign filled with vulgar words, you’re a loony lefty.

Not a problem. My improved leftist solution to this teacher Union scandal is to allow the teachers to run medical marijuana farms using the students as both labor and customer.
Collective bargaining is an employees right

It's not. It's a privilege that some states grant and others don't.
Some states don’t recognize worker rights
Only the employer

As it should be. As I've explained over and over on this board, you have no right to a job. Jobs are a byproduct of an entity creating a service or product for others. As a business expands one person typically can't get the job done on their own so they hire people to help. It's up to them as to how they decide to compensate you. If you don't feel it's enough then don't take the job. If they can't find someone they'll have to up their ante. That's the way the real world works. If you want to decide your own salary start your own business.
Collective bargaining is an employees right

It's not. It's a privilege that some states grant and others don't.
Some states don’t recognize worker rights
Only the employer

As it should be. As I've explained over and over on this board, you have no right to a job. Jobs are a byproduct of an entity creating a service or product for others. As a business expands one person typically can't get the job done on their own so they hire people to help. It's up to them as to how they decide to compensate you. If you don't feel it's enough then don't take the job. If they can't find someone they'll have to up their ante. That's the way the real world works. If you want to decide your own salary start your own business.
It works out nicely for employers when they can treat every employee as every man for himself. Not in an economic position to protect yourself, you get fucked

Workers have a right to stand up for each other. Protect each other from abuse.
Collective bargaining is an employees right

Says who? I sure as hell didn't have any in the Air Force. It was yes sir or suffer the consequence including jail or even being stood up in front of a firing squad and being shot to death. I don't hear anyone here whining about military pay and believe you me I put in lots of overtime that I wasn't paid for. You wanna talk about working conditions now? How about having your ass shot at while sloshing around in a swamp and eating shit out of a can for months. About time these teachers either got a real job or stop their endless incessant whining. If they don't like their job, the door is always open which I remind you it isn't for our servicemen.
The anti worker sentiment. Refreshing. Is this a strike? Nope. Not a huge deal. Please explain why or how this can upset a normal person even a little bit. Simply ignore. Or grow up.
They bargain against the very people that pay them

Do you think public school teachers make too much money? Where I live some of them start as low as 35k/yr after 6 years of college.
Let's see now sit on their asses for a quarter of the year, free healthcare, retirement etc. etc. Lots of paid vacation time and days off. I don't see were they have it so tough.
Tell ya what, lets just do the hell away with public education since it sucks so bad and let free enterprise take over. I'm sure the good teachers will make out much better since there are so few of them while the crappy ones can flip burgers for a living. Plus after the parents are writing monthly checks for Johnny and Suzy's schooling maybe they'll suddenly give a shit that they're actually getting their money's worth for a change.

I put your lies in red text.

You don't sit on your ass for a quarter of the year, you do not get free healthcare, you ay for your own retirement, there is zero vacations time for teachers, and all time off except the actual holiday itself is UNPAID!
Collective bargaining is an employees right

Says who? I sure as hell didn't have any in the Air Force. It was yes sir or suffer the consequence including jail or even being stood up in front of a firing squad and being shot to death. I don't hear anyone here whining about military pay and believe you me I put in lots of overtime that I wasn't paid for. You wanna talk about working conditions now? How about having your ass shot at while sloshing around in a swamp and eating shit out of a can for months. About time these teachers either got a real job or stop their endless incessant whining. If they don't like their job, the door is always open which I remind you it isn't for our servicemen.

STFU! You were not drafted!
Teachers are already overpaid.

Maybe you're undervaluing what teachers do and the profound impact they have on society.
Look, you’re acknowledging those teachers should not be teaching.

The issue is Unions keep them from being fired.

Exactly how do they do that? You have no clue do you?

It's called due process!
Thanks for validating my point. You are clueless.

Time to end teachers getting special treatment and start getting treated as the private workforce does.

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