Time to Bust Up Teacher Unions

Bullshit from a constant purveyor of the lowest quality bullshit!

I have 20 year-old kids with high school diplomas working for me making more than the starting salary for a teacher with at least 5 years of college.
Which ones have 5 months of vacation a year, tenure and lifetime benefits?

Here is where you said five months a year, Weatherman. Is this how you homeschooled your kids--taught them to say something and then run away from it?
Simple math, so easy a public school teacher can do it. Teachers get an entire season of the calendar, every Federal holiday, 2 weeks for Christmas, a week for Easter, plus ‘flex time’, and sick time they can take at anytime.

Plus teachers don’t have to put in 40 hours a week even.

So you know my calendar better than I do? That's amazing. Really amazing.

You're wrong, of course. My last day this year was June 7th. We go back August 21st. Even including federal holidays--which almost everyone has btw--and 2 weeks at Christmas, and a week at Easter, and two days in Feb and two at Thanksgiving, that's 14 weeks. Not even close to "five months".

My workday is 8-4. So you're wrong there too.

Were you wrong so much when you homeschooled your kids? That's scary.
14 weeks off a year, paid lunch breaks, and can’t get fired if you follow simple rules. And let’s not forget your floating days off. Plus lifetime salary and benefits based upon your last year of pay.

You make my point. You’re like most teachers- no clue to what goes on in the real world.

You've already been wrong about so many things. Was this your family's accuracy rate when you "homeschooled" your kids?

You're wrong about "paid" lunch breaks. I get 30 minutes. Name me another professional, college-education required job where you get 30 minutes to gobble your lunch. And that "lifetime salary and benefits" is NOT your last year and pay, it's a FRACTION of it. In my state, about half.

Wow, you're wrong about so many things.
Bullshit from a constant purveyor of the lowest quality bullshit!

I have 20 year-old kids with high school diplomas working for me making more than the starting salary for a teacher with at least 5 years of college.
Which ones have 5 months of vacation a year, tenure and lifetime benefits?

Here is where you said five months a year, Weatherman. Is this how you homeschooled your kids--taught them to say something and then run away from it?
Simple math, so easy a public school teacher can do it. Teachers get an entire season of the calendar, every Federal holiday, 2 weeks for Christmas, a week for Easter, plus ‘flex time’, and sick time they can take at anytime.

Plus teachers don’t have to put in 40 hours a week even.

So you know my calendar better than I do? That's amazing. Really amazing.

You're wrong, of course. My last day this year was June 7th. We go back August 21st. Even including federal holidays--which almost everyone has btw--and 2 weeks at Christmas, and a week at Easter, and two days in Feb and two at Thanksgiving, that's 14 weeks. Not even close to "five months".

My workday is 8-4. So you're wrong there too.

Were you wrong so much when you homeschooled your kids? That's scary.
14 weeks off a year, paid lunch breaks, and can’t get fired if you follow simple rules. And let’s not forget your floating days off. Plus lifetime salary and benefits based upon your last year of pay.

You make my point. You’re like most teachers- no clue to what goes on in the real world.
Doesn’t negate the need for collective bargaining

Those states without unions have the lowest teacher salaries by far. They also have the worst schools

You get what you pay for
My husband has been in the private sector for 20+ years. When he hit all the years at his company, he got nice bonuses.

I got a certificate.

He gets perks. I get....nothing.

He gets raises. Again I get....nothing. Bashed, I get bashed.

He gets to work from home two days a week. From late August through early June, I go to work five days a week, no matter what, and there is NO flexibility in my day.

But we know, your kids were homeschooled and they loved it so much. RIGHT?
Your hubby get 5 months of vacation a year?

What are you talking about "five months of vacation"? Did you even read my post?

How much did your kids love the homeschooling?
Sure teachers work 5 days a week 52 weeks a year. Riiiiight.....

My career was common to work 60 hours a week, 2AM calls, and got 2 weeks vacation and 6 holidays a year. On a fixed salary.

No complaints. I signed up for it.

Teachers today get 5 months vacations well as ‘flex days’ every month where the teachers can just take random days off. I know of one school we’re a teacher calls in sick every Friday. For years. And she’s still working there.

So cry me a River.

How in the world do we get "five months off".

Show your math. Or wait, is that homeschooling math?
Show me teachers working 5 days a week 52 weeks a year.
Show me any worker that works 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year
Colorado Teachers' Union Protest Against DeVos Turns Vulgar

A rally organized by the largest teachers union in Colorado protesting a visit by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos became vulgar as some of the demonstrators held signs depicting a hand giving a middle finger and another sign that said, "Report Card – Betsy DeVos F U."

View attachment 266751

Bust them up for the sake of the children.

Defund The Department of Education and Devos has to find a real job.
Which ones have 5 months of vacation a year, tenure and lifetime benefits?

Here is where you said five months a year, Weatherman. Is this how you homeschooled your kids--taught them to say something and then run away from it?
Simple math, so easy a public school teacher can do it. Teachers get an entire season of the calendar, every Federal holiday, 2 weeks for Christmas, a week for Easter, plus ‘flex time’, and sick time they can take at anytime.

Plus teachers don’t have to put in 40 hours a week even.

So you know my calendar better than I do? That's amazing. Really amazing.

You're wrong, of course. My last day this year was June 7th. We go back August 21st. Even including federal holidays--which almost everyone has btw--and 2 weeks at Christmas, and a week at Easter, and two days in Feb and two at Thanksgiving, that's 14 weeks. Not even close to "five months".

My workday is 8-4. So you're wrong there too.

Were you wrong so much when you homeschooled your kids? That's scary.
14 weeks off a year, paid lunch breaks, and can’t get fired if you follow simple rules. And let’s not forget your floating days off. Plus lifetime salary and benefits based upon your last year of pay.

You make my point. You’re like most teachers- no clue to what goes on in the real world.

You've already been wrong about so many things. Was this your family's accuracy rate when you "homeschooled" your kids?

You're wrong about "paid" lunch breaks. I get 30 minutes. Name me another professional, college-education required job where you get 30 minutes to gobble your lunch. And that "lifetime salary and benefits" is NOT your last year and pay, it's a FRACTION of it. In my state, about half.

Wow, you're wrong about so many things.
Either you work just 7.5 hours a day or you get a paid lunch. I know the math is hard, so ask a homeschooler to verify.

OMG! You only get 80% of your last year of pay for life!

While the rest of the world retires on what they had to save out of their salary. And then pay for their own healthcare.
They bargain against the very people that pay them

Do you think public school teachers make too much money? Where I live some of them start as low as 35k/yr after 6 years of college.
Let's see now sit on their asses for a quarter of the year, free healthcare, retirement etc. etc. Lots of paid vacation time and days off. I don't see were they have it so tough.
Tell ya what, lets just do the hell away with public education since it sucks so bad and let free enterprise take over. I'm sure the good teachers will make out much better since there are so few of them while the crappy ones can flip burgers for a living. Plus after the parents are writing monthly checks for Johnny and Suzy's schooling maybe they'll suddenly give a shit that they're actually getting their money's worth for a change.

How many incredibly talented people choose not to be teachers because of the shitty pay? I think we should pay them a lot more, give them better conditions to work in and then raise the bar for entry.

A lot.
Colorado Teachers' Union Protest Against DeVos Turns Vulgar

A rally organized by the largest teachers union in Colorado protesting a visit by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos became vulgar as some of the demonstrators held signs depicting a hand giving a middle finger and another sign that said, "Report Card – Betsy DeVos F U."

View attachment 266751

Bust them up for the sake of the children.

Defund The Department of Education and Devos has to find a real job.
That would be fantastic. I look forward to Trump doing just that in his second term.
Your hubby get 5 months of vacation a year?

What are you talking about "five months of vacation"? Did you even read my post?

How much did your kids love the homeschooling?
Sure teachers work 5 days a week 52 weeks a year. Riiiiight.....

My career was common to work 60 hours a week, 2AM calls, and got 2 weeks vacation and 6 holidays a year. On a fixed salary.

No complaints. I signed up for it.

Teachers today get 5 months vacations well as ‘flex days’ every month where the teachers can just take random days off. I know of one school we’re a teacher calls in sick every Friday. For years. And she’s still working there.

So cry me a River.

How in the world do we get "five months off".

Show your math. Or wait, is that homeschooling math?
Show me teachers working 5 days a week 52 weeks a year.
Show me any worker that works 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year
For a number of years I worked 6 days a week 52 weeks a year. In one month I worked over 400 hours.

On a fixed salary.
What are you talking about "five months of vacation"? Did you even read my post?

How much did your kids love the homeschooling?
Sure teachers work 5 days a week 52 weeks a year. Riiiiight.....

My career was common to work 60 hours a week, 2AM calls, and got 2 weeks vacation and 6 holidays a year. On a fixed salary.

No complaints. I signed up for it.

Teachers today get 5 months vacations well as ‘flex days’ every month where the teachers can just take random days off. I know of one school we’re a teacher calls in sick every Friday. For years. And she’s still working there.

So cry me a River.

How in the world do we get "five months off".

My mon and dad were teachers and we got free vacations to Berkeley for Summer Institute where they studied Astronomy. Uncle Don called that Welfare.
Show your math. Or wait, is that homeschooling math?
Show me teachers working 5 days a week 52 weeks a year.
Show me any worker that works 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year
For a number of years I worked 6 days a week 52 weeks a year. In one month I worked over 400 hours.

On a fixed salary.
Sure teachers work 5 days a week 52 weeks a year. Riiiiight.....

My career was common to work 60 hours a week, 2AM calls, and got 2 weeks vacation and 6 holidays a year. On a fixed salary.

No complaints. I signed up for it.

Teachers today get 5 months vacations well as ‘flex days’ every month where the teachers can just take random days off. I know of one school we’re a teacher calls in sick every Friday. For years. And she’s still working there.

So cry me a River.

How in the world do we get "five months off".

My mon and dad were teachers and we got free vacations to Berkeley for Summer Institute where they studied Astronomy. Uncle Don called that Welfare.
Show your math. Or wait, is that homeschooling math?
Show me teachers working 5 days a week 52 weeks a year.
Show me any worker that works 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year
For a number of years I worked 6 days a week 52 weeks a year. In one month I worked over 400 hours.

On a fixed salary.

People on a fixed salary get screwed big time. edit: Salaried People get no help from The Department of Labor.
Last edited:
What are you talking about "five months of vacation"? Did you even read my post?

How much did your kids love the homeschooling?
Sure teachers work 5 days a week 52 weeks a year. Riiiiight.....

My career was common to work 60 hours a week, 2AM calls, and got 2 weeks vacation and 6 holidays a year. On a fixed salary.

No complaints. I signed up for it.

Teachers today get 5 months vacations well as ‘flex days’ every month where the teachers can just take random days off. I know of one school we’re a teacher calls in sick every Friday. For years. And she’s still working there.

So cry me a River.

How in the world do we get "five months off".

Show your math. Or wait, is that homeschooling math?
Show me teachers working 5 days a week 52 weeks a year.
Show me any worker that works 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year
For a number of years I worked 6 days a week 52 weeks a year. In one month I worked over 400 hours.

On a fixed salary.
Took no vacations or holidays?
Here is where you said five months a year, Weatherman. Is this how you homeschooled your kids--taught them to say something and then run away from it?
Simple math, so easy a public school teacher can do it. Teachers get an entire season of the calendar, every Federal holiday, 2 weeks for Christmas, a week for Easter, plus ‘flex time’, and sick time they can take at anytime.

Plus teachers don’t have to put in 40 hours a week even.

So you know my calendar better than I do? That's amazing. Really amazing.

You're wrong, of course. My last day this year was June 7th. We go back August 21st. Even including federal holidays--which almost everyone has btw--and 2 weeks at Christmas, and a week at Easter, and two days in Feb and two at Thanksgiving, that's 14 weeks. Not even close to "five months".

My workday is 8-4. So you're wrong there too.

Were you wrong so much when you homeschooled your kids? That's scary.
14 weeks off a year, paid lunch breaks, and can’t get fired if you follow simple rules. And let’s not forget your floating days off. Plus lifetime salary and benefits based upon your last year of pay.

You make my point. You’re like most teachers- no clue to what goes on in the real world.

You've already been wrong about so many things. Was this your family's accuracy rate when you "homeschooled" your kids?

You're wrong about "paid" lunch breaks. I get 30 minutes. Name me another professional, college-education required job where you get 30 minutes to gobble your lunch. And that "lifetime salary and benefits" is NOT your last year and pay, it's a FRACTION of it. In my state, about half.

Wow, you're wrong about so many things.
Either you work just 7.5 hours a day or you get a paid lunch. I know the math is hard, so ask a homeschooler to verify.

OMG! You only get 80% of your last year of pay for life!

While the rest of the world retires on what they had to save out of their salary. And then pay for their own healthcare.

You get two more fails for that. Wow you're failing all over this thread. How many more?

My pension check will be about 50% of my salary.....

And pension came out of my paycheck for as long as I worked. So wow, more fail from you.
What are you talking about "five months of vacation"? Did you even read my post?

How much did your kids love the homeschooling?
Sure teachers work 5 days a week 52 weeks a year. Riiiiight.....

My career was common to work 60 hours a week, 2AM calls, and got 2 weeks vacation and 6 holidays a year. On a fixed salary.

No complaints. I signed up for it.

Teachers today get 5 months vacations well as ‘flex days’ every month where the teachers can just take random days off. I know of one school we’re a teacher calls in sick every Friday. For years. And she’s still working there.

So cry me a River.

How in the world do we get "five months off".

Show your math. Or wait, is that homeschooling math?
Show me teachers working 5 days a week 52 weeks a year.
Show me any worker that works 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year
For a number of years I worked 6 days a week 52 weeks a year. In one month I worked over 400 hours.

On a fixed salary.

We know, we know. You're just personally bitter about it.

You know what kills me about all the people who are personally bitter about teachers getting "five months off"? It was NO SECRET. It's not like no one knows about "summers off" and oh SURPRISE!! it's just an unexpected bonus you get when you graduate college. No, you go into it knowing you will get no big raises, no bonuses, no nice "perks" along the way, no trips, no incentives, no huge promotions. But you will get "summers off" and maybe a decent pension and not so much else anymore.

SO cry me a river. You had a tough job and your kids didn't like to be homeschooled so you cried to them about how bad the public schools are. We know, Weatherman. We know.
Sure teachers work 5 days a week 52 weeks a year. Riiiiight.....

My career was common to work 60 hours a week, 2AM calls, and got 2 weeks vacation and 6 holidays a year. On a fixed salary.

No complaints. I signed up for it.

Teachers today get 5 months vacations well as ‘flex days’ every month where the teachers can just take random days off. I know of one school we’re a teacher calls in sick every Friday. For years. And she’s still working there.

So cry me a River.

How in the world do we get "five months off".

Show your math. Or wait, is that homeschooling math?
Show me teachers working 5 days a week 52 weeks a year.
Show me any worker that works 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year
For a number of years I worked 6 days a week 52 weeks a year. In one month I worked over 400 hours.

On a fixed salary.

We know, we know. You're just personally bitter about it.

You know what kills me about all the people who are personally bitter about teachers getting "five months off"? It was NO SECRET. It's not like no one knows about "summers off" and oh SURPRISE!! it's just an unexpected bonus you get when you graduate college. No, you go into it knowing you will get no big raises, no bonuses, no nice "perks" along the way, no trips, no incentives, no huge promotions. But you will get "summers off" and maybe a decent pension and not so much else anymore.

SO cry me a river. You had a tough job and your kids didn't like to be homeschooled so you cried to them about how bad the public schools are. We know, Weatherman. We know.
California teachers get 5 months off. I had no idea your state overworks teachers by making them work 32 weeks a year, 38.5 hours a week.
Sure teachers work 5 days a week 52 weeks a year. Riiiiight.....

My career was common to work 60 hours a week, 2AM calls, and got 2 weeks vacation and 6 holidays a year. On a fixed salary.

No complaints. I signed up for it.

Teachers today get 5 months vacations well as ‘flex days’ every month where the teachers can just take random days off. I know of one school we’re a teacher calls in sick every Friday. For years. And she’s still working there.

So cry me a River.

How in the world do we get "five months off".

Show your math. Or wait, is that homeschooling math?
Show me teachers working 5 days a week 52 weeks a year.
Show me any worker that works 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year
For a number of years I worked 6 days a week 52 weeks a year. In one month I worked over 400 hours.

On a fixed salary.
Took no vacations or holidays?
How in the world do we get "five months off".

My mon and dad were teachers and we got free vacations to Berkeley for Summer Institute where they studied Astronomy. Uncle Don called that Welfare.
Show your math. Or wait, is that homeschooling math?
Show me teachers working 5 days a week 52 weeks a year.
Show me any worker that works 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year
For a number of years I worked 6 days a week 52 weeks a year. In one month I worked over 400 hours.

On a fixed salary.

People on a fixed salary get screwed big time. edit: Salaried People get no help from The Department of Labor.
In the private sector. Teachers are on salary but get overtime pay.
How in the world do we get "five months off".

Show your math. Or wait, is that homeschooling math?
Show me teachers working 5 days a week 52 weeks a year.
Show me any worker that works 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year
For a number of years I worked 6 days a week 52 weeks a year. In one month I worked over 400 hours.

On a fixed salary.

We know, we know. You're just personally bitter about it.

You know what kills me about all the people who are personally bitter about teachers getting "five months off"? It was NO SECRET. It's not like no one knows about "summers off" and oh SURPRISE!! it's just an unexpected bonus you get when you graduate college. No, you go into it knowing you will get no big raises, no bonuses, no nice "perks" along the way, no trips, no incentives, no huge promotions. But you will get "summers off" and maybe a decent pension and not so much else anymore.

SO cry me a river. You had a tough job and your kids didn't like to be homeschooled so you cried to them about how bad the public schools are. We know, Weatherman. We know.
California teachers get 5 months off. I had no idea your state overworks teachers by making them work 32 weeks a year, 38.5 hours a week.

So is your real gripe with teachers personal, Weatherman? Cause you're super fixated.

You had to sell your kids on homeschooling, right? So tell them how awful the public schools were--and they still weren't entirely convinced. And so complaining and bleating about the public schools just because a nice little habit. Is that it?
How in the world do we get "five months off".

Show your math. Or wait, is that homeschooling math?
Show me teachers working 5 days a week 52 weeks a year.
Show me any worker that works 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year
For a number of years I worked 6 days a week 52 weeks a year. In one month I worked over 400 hours.

On a fixed salary.
Took no vacations or holidays?
You lie
Show me teachers working 5 days a week 52 weeks a year.
Show me any worker that works 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year
For a number of years I worked 6 days a week 52 weeks a year. In one month I worked over 400 hours.

On a fixed salary.

People on a fixed salary get screwed big time. edit: Salaried People get no help from The Department of Labor.
In the private sector. Teachers are on salary but get overtime pay.
Private sector pay sucks
Teachers in my district max out at well over 100k a year. In some districts the average pay is over 100k. They were also running a scam of giving them huge raises for their last 3 years, upon which their retirement is based. They pull millions in retirement if they live to average age.

There are teachers that are worth 100k I'm sure, bu there are tens of thousands in Illinois pulling six figure salaries or pensions. For a 9 month a year job, that's ludicrous.

They, and other public sector unions have bankrupted the state.

But "It's all for the children" lol.

Fucking scammers.

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