Time to Bust Up Teacher Unions

California teachers get 5 months off. I had no idea your state overworks teachers by making them work 32 weeks a year, 38.5 hours a week.
I don’t believe in teachers unions, but if you truly think they only put in 38.5 hours a week, as well as not have to spend their own dollars to get all the tools they need, I’ve got a bridge to sell ya.

Teachers today have to deal with school districts that only back up abusive parents, not their teachers. The top at school districts get more than anyone else, teachers be damned. It is a tough profession and you have to have a set of balls today to teach in many schools as well as a passion for seeing children learn, because of the abuse they receive. You want to blame someone? Blame the unions and districts administrators, and bad parents, not most teachers.
I’m quoting a teacher in the thread, take it up with her.

And while you’re at it, find out what the overtime pay is the private sector salary people never see.
No, you assumed when she stated she only had 30 minutes for lunch, it comes to 38.5 hours.
The private sector salary has nothing to do with this discussion. And you can walk away and find another job, if you don’t like it.
Put the blame where the blame is deserved. The unions and school district administrators. Most, not all, teachers are there for the love of teaching and work their butts off, and have to deal with union control, abusive parents, kids, and administrators 5 days a week, and have no recourse other than leave the profession, but their passion for kids, keeps the good ones from walking away.

Today it is no longer the profession of yesteryear, when parents controlled their kids, administrators backed teachers up, and teachers could actually teach. Those days are long gone.
She said she worked 8-4.

Now I know the math is hard for you, so go ask a homeschooler to get the answer.

Her classroom time with students. Could she have worded it better? Possibly, but you were telling her she had an hour for lunch and she was replying no. Maybe you need to broaden your horizons, if you seriously think a teacher doesn’t work outside the student class time.

Homeschooling can be great to those financially able to pull it off, and with the patience. But your riding all public school teachers is for the birds. It just is.

And you ignore the realities of what teachers deal with.
Again with the lies. Never said she had an hour for lunch. I said she gets paid for lunch.

Which no one in the private sector gets.
Bullshit from a constant purveyor of the lowest quality bullshit!

I have 20 year-old kids with high school diplomas working for me making more than the starting salary for a teacher with at least 5 years of college.
Which ones have 5 months of vacation a year, tenure and lifetime benefits?

Why do you lie like a fucking rug?

No teacher gets 5 months vacation! Tenure is due process, and that is all. Lifetime benefits? WTF are you smoking?

It's not so much that you are a fucking moron on this topic, but the fact that you refuse to learn the bullshit you spew is nothing but damn lies!
California teachers do, and no such thing as due process in the private sector.

Teacher unions just keep bad teachers around.

Suck it up, buttercup.

Why do you keep talking about California as though it was typical. They are a fringe eleet, just like the libtards that infest that state.

Teacher's unions cannot keep bad teachers around. If they are bad, their performance is documented and they will be removed after due process. Oh, BTW, teacher's without tenure do NOT have due process to protect them. You have to stay in one school district in my state for more than 4 years to even be considered for tenure. Most of the time, the district gets rid of teachers by not renewing the contracts of anyone they don't like BEFORE they are eligible for tenure.
Sure. That’s why teachers have minors carry vulgar signs to political protests related to schools and have no fear of repercussion.

How do you know those people are even teachers? Ever hear of fake news? We have a law in this town against panhandling. Guess where the panhandlers congregate? Right under the sign! It is never enforced.
Thanks for validating my point. You are clueless.

Time to end teachers getting special treatment and start getting treated as the private workforce does.

My husband has been in the private sector for 20+ years. When he hit all the years at his company, he got nice bonuses.

I got a certificate.

He gets perks. I get....nothing.

He gets raises. Again I get....nothing. Bashed, I get bashed.

He gets to work from home two days a week. From late August through early June, I go to work five days a week, no matter what, and there is NO flexibility in my day.

But we know, your kids were homeschooled and they loved it so much. RIGHT?
Your hubby get 5 months of vacation a year?

What are you talking about "five months of vacation"? Did you even read my post?

How much did your kids love the homeschooling?
Sure teachers work 5 days a week 52 weeks a year. Riiiiight.....

My career was common to work 60 hours a week, 2AM calls, and got 2 weeks vacation and 6 holidays a year. On a fixed salary.

No complaints. I signed up for it.

Teachers today get 5 months vacations well as ‘flex days’ every month where the teachers can just take random days off. I know of one school we’re a teacher calls in sick every Friday. For years. And she’s still working there.

So cry me a River.

All of this shit you post is nothing but lies! Why do you do this? Does it give you a chubby to denigrate the teaching profession?
Truth hurts.

Very few teachers care about education, just punching the tickets to make the principal happy.
I don’t believe in teachers unions, but if you truly think they only put in 38.5 hours a week, as well as not have to spend their own dollars to get all the tools they need, I’ve got a bridge to sell ya.

Teachers today have to deal with school districts that only back up abusive parents, not their teachers. The top at school districts get more than anyone else, teachers be damned. It is a tough profession and you have to have a set of balls today to teach in many schools as well as a passion for seeing children learn, because of the abuse they receive. You want to blame someone? Blame the unions and districts administrators, and bad parents, not most teachers.
I’m quoting a teacher in the thread, take it up with her.

And while you’re at it, find out what the overtime pay is the private sector salary people never see.
No, you assumed when she stated she only had 30 minutes for lunch, it comes to 38.5 hours.
The private sector salary has nothing to do with this discussion. And you can walk away and find another job, if you don’t like it.
Put the blame where the blame is deserved. The unions and school district administrators. Most, not all, teachers are there for the love of teaching and work their butts off, and have to deal with union control, abusive parents, kids, and administrators 5 days a week, and have no recourse other than leave the profession, but their passion for kids, keeps the good ones from walking away.

Today it is no longer the profession of yesteryear, when parents controlled their kids, administrators backed teachers up, and teachers could actually teach. Those days are long gone.
She said she worked 8-4.

Now I know the math is hard for you, so go ask a homeschooler to get the answer.

Her classroom time with students. Could she have worded it better? Possibly, but you were telling her she had an hour for lunch and she was replying no. Maybe you need to broaden your horizons, if you seriously think a teacher doesn’t work outside the student class time.

Homeschooling can be great to those financially able to pull it off, and with the patience. But your riding all public school teachers is for the birds. It just is.

And you ignore the realities of what teachers deal with.
Again with the lies. Never said she had an hour for lunch. I said she gets paid for lunch.

Which no one in the private sector gets.

I never was paid for lunch. I worked 10 hours a day regularly, plus many hours at home and on weekends for 7.33 hours credit.
Which ones have 5 months of vacation a year, tenure and lifetime benefits?

Why do you lie like a fucking rug?

No teacher gets 5 months vacation! Tenure is due process, and that is all. Lifetime benefits? WTF are you smoking?

It's not so much that you are a fucking moron on this topic, but the fact that you refuse to learn the bullshit you spew is nothing but damn lies!
California teachers do, and no such thing as due process in the private sector.

Teacher unions just keep bad teachers around.

Suck it up, buttercup.

Why do you keep talking about California as though it was typical. They are a fringe eleet, just like the libtards that infest that state.

Teacher's unions cannot keep bad teachers around. If they are bad, their performance is documented and they will be removed after due process. Oh, BTW, teacher's without tenure do NOT have due process to protect them. You have to stay in one school district in my state for more than 4 years to even be considered for tenure. Most of the time, the district gets rid of teachers by not renewing the contracts of anyone they don't like BEFORE they are eligible for tenure.
Sure. That’s why teachers have minors carry vulgar signs to political protests related to schools and have no fear of repercussion.

How do you know those people are even teachers? Ever hear of fake news? We have a law in this town against panhandling. Guess where the panhandlers congregate? Right under the sign! It is never enforced.
So now you spin to defend bad teachers.

My husband has been in the private sector for 20+ years. When he hit all the years at his company, he got nice bonuses.

I got a certificate.

He gets perks. I get....nothing.

He gets raises. Again I get....nothing. Bashed, I get bashed.

He gets to work from home two days a week. From late August through early June, I go to work five days a week, no matter what, and there is NO flexibility in my day.

But we know, your kids were homeschooled and they loved it so much. RIGHT?
Your hubby get 5 months of vacation a year?

What are you talking about "five months of vacation"? Did you even read my post?

How much did your kids love the homeschooling?
Sure teachers work 5 days a week 52 weeks a year. Riiiiight.....

My career was common to work 60 hours a week, 2AM calls, and got 2 weeks vacation and 6 holidays a year. On a fixed salary.

No complaints. I signed up for it.

Teachers today get 5 months vacations well as ‘flex days’ every month where the teachers can just take random days off. I know of one school we’re a teacher calls in sick every Friday. For years. And she’s still working there.

So cry me a River.

All of this shit you post is nothing but lies! Why do you do this? Does it give you a chubby to denigrate the teaching profession?
Truth hurts.

Very few teachers care about education, just punching the tickets to make the principal happy.

You are lying! It is so easy to disprove you just with the statements of teachers on this forum. You are a cock-sucking piece of shit liar!
I’m quoting a teacher in the thread, take it up with her.

And while you’re at it, find out what the overtime pay is the private sector salary people never see.
No, you assumed when she stated she only had 30 minutes for lunch, it comes to 38.5 hours.
The private sector salary has nothing to do with this discussion. And you can walk away and find another job, if you don’t like it.
Put the blame where the blame is deserved. The unions and school district administrators. Most, not all, teachers are there for the love of teaching and work their butts off, and have to deal with union control, abusive parents, kids, and administrators 5 days a week, and have no recourse other than leave the profession, but their passion for kids, keeps the good ones from walking away.

Today it is no longer the profession of yesteryear, when parents controlled their kids, administrators backed teachers up, and teachers could actually teach. Those days are long gone.
She said she worked 8-4.

Now I know the math is hard for you, so go ask a homeschooler to get the answer.

Her classroom time with students. Could she have worded it better? Possibly, but you were telling her she had an hour for lunch and she was replying no. Maybe you need to broaden your horizons, if you seriously think a teacher doesn’t work outside the student class time.

Homeschooling can be great to those financially able to pull it off, and with the patience. But your riding all public school teachers is for the birds. It just is.

And you ignore the realities of what teachers deal with.
Again with the lies. Never said she had an hour for lunch. I said she gets paid for lunch.

Which no one in the private sector gets.

I never was paid for lunch. I worked 10 hours a day regularly, plus many hours at home and on weekends for 7.33 hours credit.
And got paid OT for evening meetings with parents.
Why do you lie like a fucking rug?

No teacher gets 5 months vacation! Tenure is due process, and that is all. Lifetime benefits? WTF are you smoking?

It's not so much that you are a fucking moron on this topic, but the fact that you refuse to learn the bullshit you spew is nothing but damn lies!
California teachers do, and no such thing as due process in the private sector.

Teacher unions just keep bad teachers around.

Suck it up, buttercup.

Why do you keep talking about California as though it was typical. They are a fringe eleet, just like the libtards that infest that state.

Teacher's unions cannot keep bad teachers around. If they are bad, their performance is documented and they will be removed after due process. Oh, BTW, teacher's without tenure do NOT have due process to protect them. You have to stay in one school district in my state for more than 4 years to even be considered for tenure. Most of the time, the district gets rid of teachers by not renewing the contracts of anyone they don't like BEFORE they are eligible for tenure.
Sure. That’s why teachers have minors carry vulgar signs to political protests related to schools and have no fear of repercussion.

How do you know those people are even teachers? Ever hear of fake news? We have a law in this town against panhandling. Guess where the panhandlers congregate? Right under the sign! It is never enforced.
So now you spin to defend bad teachers.


I am not spinning, but we do have a right to free speech in this country. I don't like the signs as depicted either, but for you to smear the entire profession is your typical M. O. You take one example, break out the broad brush, and lie your ass off!
No, you assumed when she stated she only had 30 minutes for lunch, it comes to 38.5 hours.
The private sector salary has nothing to do with this discussion. And you can walk away and find another job, if you don’t like it.
Put the blame where the blame is deserved. The unions and school district administrators. Most, not all, teachers are there for the love of teaching and work their butts off, and have to deal with union control, abusive parents, kids, and administrators 5 days a week, and have no recourse other than leave the profession, but their passion for kids, keeps the good ones from walking away.

Today it is no longer the profession of yesteryear, when parents controlled their kids, administrators backed teachers up, and teachers could actually teach. Those days are long gone.
She said she worked 8-4.

Now I know the math is hard for you, so go ask a homeschooler to get the answer.

Her classroom time with students. Could she have worded it better? Possibly, but you were telling her she had an hour for lunch and she was replying no. Maybe you need to broaden your horizons, if you seriously think a teacher doesn’t work outside the student class time.

Homeschooling can be great to those financially able to pull it off, and with the patience. But your riding all public school teachers is for the birds. It just is.

And you ignore the realities of what teachers deal with.
Again with the lies. Never said she had an hour for lunch. I said she gets paid for lunch.

Which no one in the private sector gets.

I never was paid for lunch. I worked 10 hours a day regularly, plus many hours at home and on weekends for 7.33 hours credit.
And got paid OT for evening meetings with parents.

BULLSHIT! That was unpaid time in every district I worked in. Put away the broad brush, dipshit!
California teachers do, and no such thing as due process in the private sector.

Teacher unions just keep bad teachers around.

Suck it up, buttercup.

Why do you keep talking about California as though it was typical. They are a fringe eleet, just like the libtards that infest that state.

Teacher's unions cannot keep bad teachers around. If they are bad, their performance is documented and they will be removed after due process. Oh, BTW, teacher's without tenure do NOT have due process to protect them. You have to stay in one school district in my state for more than 4 years to even be considered for tenure. Most of the time, the district gets rid of teachers by not renewing the contracts of anyone they don't like BEFORE they are eligible for tenure.
Sure. That’s why teachers have minors carry vulgar signs to political protests related to schools and have no fear of repercussion.

How do you know those people are even teachers? Ever hear of fake news? We have a law in this town against panhandling. Guess where the panhandlers congregate? Right under the sign! It is never enforced.
So now you spin to defend bad teachers.


I am not spinning, but we do have a right to free speech in this country. I don't like the signs as depicted either, but for you to smear the entire profession is your typical M. O. You take one example, break out the broad brush, and lie your ass off!
If a Boeing employee had an FU sign outside the Boeing plant for a visit from Pence, that employee would be unemployed.
She said she worked 8-4.

Now I know the math is hard for you, so go ask a homeschooler to get the answer.

Her classroom time with students. Could she have worded it better? Possibly, but you were telling her she had an hour for lunch and she was replying no. Maybe you need to broaden your horizons, if you seriously think a teacher doesn’t work outside the student class time.

Homeschooling can be great to those financially able to pull it off, and with the patience. But your riding all public school teachers is for the birds. It just is.

And you ignore the realities of what teachers deal with.
Again with the lies. Never said she had an hour for lunch. I said she gets paid for lunch.

Which no one in the private sector gets.

I never was paid for lunch. I worked 10 hours a day regularly, plus many hours at home and on weekends for 7.33 hours credit.
And got paid OT for evening meetings with parents.

BULLSHIT! That was unpaid time in every district I worked in. Put away the broad brush, dipshit!
Says the teacher trying to paint his shithole county as the norm in America.
Here is where you said five months a year, Weatherman. Is this how you homeschooled your kids--taught them to say something and then run away from it?
Simple math, so easy a public school teacher can do it. Teachers get an entire season of the calendar, every Federal holiday, 2 weeks for Christmas, a week for Easter, plus ‘flex time’, and sick time they can take at anytime.

Plus teachers don’t have to put in 40 hours a week even.

So you know my calendar better than I do? That's amazing. Really amazing.

You're wrong, of course. My last day this year was June 7th. We go back August 21st. Even including federal holidays--which almost everyone has btw--and 2 weeks at Christmas, and a week at Easter, and two days in Feb and two at Thanksgiving, that's 14 weeks. Not even close to "five months".

My workday is 8-4. So you're wrong there too.

Were you wrong so much when you homeschooled your kids? That's scary.
14 weeks off a year, paid lunch breaks, and can’t get fired if you follow simple rules. And let’s not forget your floating days off. Plus lifetime salary and benefits based upon your last year of pay.

You make my point. You’re like most teachers- no clue to what goes on in the real world.

You've already been wrong about so many things. Was this your family's accuracy rate when you "homeschooled" your kids?

You're wrong about "paid" lunch breaks. I get 30 minutes. Name me another professional, college-education required job where you get 30 minutes to gobble your lunch. And that "lifetime salary and benefits" is NOT your last year and pay, it's a FRACTION of it. In my state, about half.

Wow, you're wrong about so many things.
Either you work just 7.5 hours a day or you get a paid lunch. I know the math is hard, so ask a homeschooler to verify.

OMG! You only get 80% of your last year of pay for life!

While the rest of the world retires on what they had to save out of their salary. And then pay for their own healthcare.

Once again, you talk out of your ass! If you work 30 years in Florida, you get 50% of the last (assuming they are the highest) three years pay averaged.

Your math sucks, just like your personality. We only got paid for the time we had kids in our classroom or on that rare occasion when we could actually do planning.
Which ones have 5 months of vacation a year, tenure and lifetime benefits?

Why do you lie like a fucking rug?

No teacher gets 5 months vacation! Tenure is due process, and that is all. Lifetime benefits? WTF are you smoking?

It's not so much that you are a fucking moron on this topic, but the fact that you refuse to learn the bullshit you spew is nothing but damn lies!
California teachers do, and no such thing as due process in the private sector.

Teacher unions just keep bad teachers around.

Suck it up, buttercup.

Why do you keep talking about California as though it was typical. They are a fringe eleet, just like the libtards that infest that state.

Teacher's unions cannot keep bad teachers around. If they are bad, their performance is documented and they will be removed after due process. Oh, BTW, teacher's without tenure do NOT have due process to protect them. You have to stay in one school district in my state for more than 4 years to even be considered for tenure. Most of the time, the district gets rid of teachers by not renewing the contracts of anyone they don't like BEFORE they are eligible for tenure.
Sure. That’s why teachers have minors carry vulgar signs to political protests related to schools and have no fear of repercussion.

How do you know those people are even teachers? Ever hear of fake news? We have a law in this town against panhandling. Guess where the panhandlers congregate? Right under the sign! It is never enforced.
They definitely do not look like any teachers I have seen.


If we increased teacher pay and raised the barrier to entry we would get better teachers.
Teachers are already overpaid.

Bullshit from a constant purveyor of the lowest quality bullshit!

I have 20 year-old kids with high school diplomas working for me making more than the starting salary for a teacher with at least 5 years of college.
Which ones have 5 months of vacation a year, tenure and lifetime benefits?
5 months of vacation a year? On what planet?
How in the world do we get "five months off".

Show your math. Or wait, is that homeschooling math?
Show me teachers working 5 days a week 52 weeks a year.
Show me any worker that works 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year
For a number of years I worked 6 days a week 52 weeks a year. In one month I worked over 400 hours.

On a fixed salary.

We know, we know. You're just personally bitter about it.

You know what kills me about all the people who are personally bitter about teachers getting "five months off"? It was NO SECRET. It's not like no one knows about "summers off" and oh SURPRISE!! it's just an unexpected bonus you get when you graduate college. No, you go into it knowing you will get no big raises, no bonuses, no nice "perks" along the way, no trips, no incentives, no huge promotions. But you will get "summers off" and maybe a decent pension and not so much else anymore.

SO cry me a river. You had a tough job and your kids didn't like to be homeschooled so you cried to them about how bad the public schools are. We know, Weatherman. We know.
California teachers get 5 months off. I had no idea your state overworks teachers by making them work 32 weeks a year, 38.5 hours a week.

They do not get paid for that time off, and I would like to see this 5 months you are lying about. There are 196 days in most teacher contracts in my state. That's well over 6 months right there, so we know you are lying! How many months of weekends occur in a year? That would be 3 more months. We're up to 9 months and we haven't even touched the holidays.

Your math sucks and you lie. That is all you have going for you.
No, you assumed when she stated she only had 30 minutes for lunch, it comes to 38.5 hours.
The private sector salary has nothing to do with this discussion. And you can walk away and find another job, if you don’t like it.
Put the blame where the blame is deserved. The unions and school district administrators. Most, not all, teachers are there for the love of teaching and work their butts off, and have to deal with union control, abusive parents, kids, and administrators 5 days a week, and have no recourse other than leave the profession, but their passion for kids, keeps the good ones from walking away.

Today it is no longer the profession of yesteryear, when parents controlled their kids, administrators backed teachers up, and teachers could actually teach. Those days are long gone.
She said she worked 8-4.

Now I know the math is hard for you, so go ask a homeschooler to get the answer.

Her classroom time with students. Could she have worded it better? Possibly, but you were telling her she had an hour for lunch and she was replying no. Maybe you need to broaden your horizons, if you seriously think a teacher doesn’t work outside the student class time.

Homeschooling can be great to those financially able to pull it off, and with the patience. But your riding all public school teachers is for the birds. It just is.

And you ignore the realities of what teachers deal with.
Again with the lies. Never said she had an hour for lunch. I said she gets paid for lunch.

Which no one in the private sector gets.

I never was paid for lunch. I worked 10 hours a day regularly, plus many hours at home and on weekends for 7.33 hours credit.
And got paid OT for evening meetings with parents.
No teacher I’ve ever known gets paid for time developing lesson plans, meetings after hours, etc.

And you seem to truly hate your job. Why stay at it? All I’ve seen is your griping about it. You have no excuse as you do work in the private sector and can negotiate for what you want. Don’t like it? Leave it.
Teachers in my district max out at well over 100k a year. In some districts the average pay is over 100k. They were also running a scam of giving them huge raises for their last 3 years, upon which their retirement is based. They pull millions in retirement if they live to average age.

There are teachers that are worth 100k I'm sure, bu there are tens of thousands in Illinois pulling six figure salaries or pensions. For a 9 month a year job, that's ludicrous.

They, and other public sector unions have bankrupted the state.

But "It's all for the children" lol.

Fucking scammers.

What state and what is the cost of living?

In, 21 years of teaching and being an administrator, I never made more than 55K a year and I worked in 2 states and for the DoD school system.

The administrator pay was so poor, I went back in the classroom!
For a number of years I worked 6 days a week 52 weeks a year. In one month I worked over 400 hours.

On a fixed salary.

People on a fixed salary get screwed big time. edit: Salaried People get no help from The Department of Labor.
In the private sector. Teachers are on salary but get overtime pay.
Private sector pay sucks
Private sector pay sucks
I grew up in poverty and retired in my 50’s.

That is no reason your brain should have retired, dumbass!
We know, we know. You're just personally bitter about it.

You know what kills me about all the people who are personally bitter about teachers getting "five months off"? It was NO SECRET. It's not like no one knows about "summers off" and oh SURPRISE!! it's just an unexpected bonus you get when you graduate college. No, you go into it knowing you will get no big raises, no bonuses, no nice "perks" along the way, no trips, no incentives, no huge promotions. But you will get "summers off" and maybe a decent pension and not so much else anymore.

SO cry me a river. You had a tough job and your kids didn't like to be homeschooled so you cried to them about how bad the public schools are. We know, Weatherman. We know.
California teachers get 5 months off. I had no idea your state overworks teachers by making them work 32 weeks a year, 38.5 hours a week.
I don’t believe in teachers unions, but if you truly think they only put in 38.5 hours a week, as well as not have to spend their own dollars to get all the tools they need, I’ve got a bridge to sell ya.

Teachers today have to deal with school districts that only back up abusive parents, not their teachers. The top at school districts get more than anyone else, teachers be damned. It is a tough profession and you have to have a set of balls today to teach in many schools as well as a passion for seeing children learn, because of the abuse they receive. You want to blame someone? Blame the unions and districts administrators, and bad parents, not most teachers.
I’m quoting a teacher in the thread, take it up with her.

And while you’re at it, find out what the overtime pay is the private sector salary people never see.
No, you assumed when she stated she only had 30 minutes for lunch, it comes to 38.5 hours.
The private sector salary has nothing to do with this discussion. And you can walk away and find another job, if you don’t like it.
Put the blame where the blame is deserved. The unions and school district administrators. Most, not all, teachers are there for the love of teaching and work their butts off, and have to deal with union control, abusive parents, kids, and administrators 5 days a week, and have no recourse other than leave the profession, but their passion for kids, keeps the good ones from walking away.

Today it is no longer the profession of yesteryear, when parents controlled their kids, administrators backed teachers up, and teachers could actually teach. Those days are long gone.
She said she worked 8-4.

Now I know the math is hard for you, so go ask a homeschooler to get the answer.

She didn't say she got paid for 8-4 dumbass! Reading is fundamental!
How in the world do we get "five months off".

Show your math. Or wait, is that homeschooling math?
Show me teachers working 5 days a week 52 weeks a year.
Show me any worker that works 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year
For a number of years I worked 6 days a week 52 weeks a year. In one month I worked over 400 hours.

On a fixed salary.

We know, we know. You're just personally bitter about it.

You know what kills me about all the people who are personally bitter about teachers getting "five months off"? It was NO SECRET. It's not like no one knows about "summers off" and oh SURPRISE!! it's just an unexpected bonus you get when you graduate college. No, you go into it knowing you will get no big raises, no bonuses, no nice "perks" along the way, no trips, no incentives, no huge promotions. But you will get "summers off" and maybe a decent pension and not so much else anymore.

SO cry me a river. You had a tough job and your kids didn't like to be homeschooled so you cried to them about how bad the public schools are. We know, Weatherman. We know.
California teachers get 5 months off. I had no idea your state overworks teachers by making them work 32 weeks a year, 38.5 hours a week.
No they do not....they get out around early June and are back early August. It's a law that the students have 180 full days of school...most school districts work in another 5 days of teacher prep. And I don't know any teachers that work 7.5 hours only per day.......in fact, they work so much "off the clock" that one of the most effective ways to get a district's attention in contract negotiations is to do something called "work to contract"...come to work exactly when supposed to and leave exactly when contracted time ends. Most schools grind to a halt when that happens.....especially high schools.

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