Time to come together as Americans!

I understand that we all have differing political and religious views, but in these troubled times we need to come together or we won't be able to effectively address our problems. After all I believe one thing we all very much have in common is a love for our country and a very strong desire to see us succeed. When it comes to fighting terrorist and Russia and whoever else right now we have to put our differences aside and support each other and our leaders regardless of our personal feelings. United we stand, devided we fall. Just look at Viet Nam. we can't fight another war like that, our country is already very war weary and whether you supported going into Iraq or not, we broke it and now here we are. We cannot ignore the savages known as ISIS. Maybe the President is waiting to long for some. Or taking to long to build a coalition which could make us look weak. Or maybe just making sure we have a way out once we're in. I don't know, but I know that the last thing we need right now is doing our enemies job for them and fracturing our resolve to defeat them by creating in-fighting. This is way to serious to allow anything to stop us, including each of our selfish reasons to spread negativity instead of confidence and the closeness that comes from common cause. Lets help our President, our congress and our leaders in the military take the fight to these extremist and maybe it will even help our ability to fix our domestic problems which are also in serious need of repair.

Convince everyone to band together and vote the worthless politicians out regardless of party. Now THAT would be something to celebrate.
That's the best statement I've heard all day but we have got to overturn citizens united and make gerrymandering equal in districts so there are no 100% safe seats in congress, then every representative would actually have to represent their districts.
I understand that we all have differing political and religious views, but in these troubled times we need to come together or we won't be able to effectively address our problems. After all I believe one thing we all very much have in common is a love for our country and a very strong desire to see us succeed. When it comes to fighting terrorist and Russia and whoever else right now we have to put our differences aside and support each other and our leaders regardless of our personal feelings. United we stand, devided we fall. Just look at Viet Nam. we can't fight another war like that, our country is already very war weary and whether you supported going into Iraq or not, we broke it and now here we are. We cannot ignore the savages known as ISIS. Maybe the President is waiting to long for some. Or taking to long to build a coalition which could make us look weak. Or maybe just making sure we have a way out once we're in. I don't know, but I know that the last thing we need right now is doing our enemies job for them and fracturing our resolve to defeat them by creating in-fighting. This is way to serious to allow anything to stop us, including each of our selfish reasons to spread negativity instead of confidence and the closeness that comes from common cause. Lets help our President, our congress and our leaders in the military take the fight to these extremist and maybe it will even help our ability to fix our domestic problems which are also in serious need of repair.
you go first. Start by writing to Harry Reid about bringing to vote the hundred or so bills that he has sitting on his desk. After all, we should all work together.
agreed, the house too there should be no bill that can be stopped by a single person regardless of who controls that body, we should also stop the filibuster.
I understand that we all have differing political and religious views, but in these troubled times we need to come together or we won't be able to effectively address our problems. After all I believe one thing we all very much have in common is a love for our country and a very strong desire to see us succeed. When it comes to fighting terrorist and Russia and whoever else right now we have to put our differences aside and support each other and our leaders regardless of our personal feelings. United we stand, devided we fall. Just look at Viet Nam. we can't fight another war like that, our country is already very war weary and whether you supported going into Iraq or not, we broke it and now here we are. We cannot ignore the savages known as ISIS. Maybe the President is waiting to long for some. Or taking to long to build a coalition which could make us look weak. Or maybe just making sure we have a way out once we're in. I don't know, but I know that the last thing we need right now is doing our enemies job for them and fracturing our resolve to defeat them by creating in-fighting. This is way to serious to allow anything to stop us, including each of our selfish reasons to spread negativity instead of confidence and the closeness that comes from common cause. Lets help our President, our congress and our leaders in the military take the fight to these extremist and maybe it will even help our ability to fix our domestic problems which are also in serious need of repair.
you go first. Start by writing to Harry Reid about bringing to vote the hundred or so bills that he has sitting on his desk. After all, we should all work together.
He should also apologize for calling anyone that disagrees with Obama a racist, or calling tea party supporters terrorists.
I understand that we all have differing political and religious views, but in these troubled times we need to come together or we won't be able to effectively address our problems. After all I believe one thing we all very much have in common is a love for our country and a very strong desire to see us succeed. When it comes to fighting terrorist and Russia and whoever else right now we have to put our differences aside and support each other and our leaders regardless of our personal feelings. United we stand, devided we fall. Just look at Viet Nam. we can't fight another war like that, our country is already very war weary and whether you supported going into Iraq or not, we broke it and now here we are. We cannot ignore the savages known as ISIS. Maybe the President is waiting to long for some. Or taking to long to build a coalition which could make us look weak. Or maybe just making sure we have a way out once we're in. I don't know, but I know that the last thing we need right now is doing our enemies job for them and fracturing our resolve to defeat them by creating in-fighting. This is way to serious to allow anything to stop us, including each of our selfish reasons to spread negativity instead of confidence and the closeness that comes from common cause. Lets help our President, our congress and our leaders in the military take the fight to these extremist and maybe it will even help our ability to fix our domestic problems which are also in serious need of repair.
you go first. Start by writing to Harry Reid about bringing to vote the hundred or so bills that he has sitting on his desk. After all, we should all work together.
He should also apologize for calling anyone that disagrees with Obama a racist, or calling tea party supporters terrorists.
One step at a time. lol
I agree with all of that but my fear is another president might jump in before thinking how to get out as we did before or that they would succumb to the pressure of the neocons and not wait tobuild the coalition that we have this opportunity to build

So we sit and wait for him to do something...... just like the border...... race relations...... until then, we sit patiently while our all knowing, smartest POTUS ponders how not to offend the religion of peace

He is doing something about the border, and race relations...you must have noticed that his efforts have paid off and have been wildly successful, further implementing his goal to tear this country down and fundamentally change it.
do you really think that the president wants to tear the country down and if so why do you think that?
I agree with all of that but my fear is another president might jump in before thinking how to get out as we did before or that they would succumb to the pressure of the neocons and not wait tobuild the coalition that we have this opportunity to build

So we sit and wait for him to do something...... just like the border...... race relations...... until then, we sit patiently while our all knowing, smartest POTUS ponders how not to offend the religion of peace

He is doing something about the border, and race relations...you must have noticed that his efforts have paid off and have been wildly successful, further implementing his goal to tear this country down and fundamentally change it.
do you really think that the president wants to tear the country down and if so why do you think that?
also do you think the congress has any responsibility in our dysfunctional government? I'm no huge Obama fan but I really think congress can and should be doing more.
Americans will not come together as long as progressivism has infiltrated the government.
every bit of progress ever made in America represented both parties each gets about 80% of what they want along with 100% of common ground. That's America, a 2 party system, that's how the forefathers set it up every bill requires compromise to pass. And in a country that is free and supposed to represent everyone, that's how it should be. Anyone the thinks they should get 100% their way or they won't govern definitely shouldn't have become a politician in America because they don't understand their job or how a representative democracy works.
I don't agree with an effing thing this so called president says or does. Why would I help him?
because like it or not America elected him and for the next 2 years if you care about our country, he is the only one you can support to make our country prosper and succeed.
You're a nut. Stopping the train wreck called Obama is the best thing we can do for the country. Most were duped into it by the leftwing smear machine running the media.
It's also odd that anyone would think the president is the only one that can fix things, to you he's a messiah, but power isn't concentrated in the presidency in this country.

Left wing smear machine. Too funny. All there is out there is fox news, rush/hannity/savage, world net daily, drudge. What most consider left wing, msnbc etc. is corporate controlled.
Seems to me we were pretty united in this country after 9/11. The US built a coalition of countries and in Congress a bipartisan vote approved the Iraq Resolution for regime change. But no sooner than the coalition experienced some bumps in the road, lots of Dims who had voted for it suddenly became critics and it conveniently became Bush's war.

So pardon my skepticism this go-round of uniting for an important cause.

You probably don't remember that the dims voted for war based on info given by the bush gang and the generals. The iraq regime change thing was a mistake from the beginning. It just destroyed a country, murdered hundreds of thousands of innocents. Iraq, the former buddy of the bush cabal, had nothing to do with 9-11, and didn't have wmd's. Nothing to brag about. The "people" aren't given enough information to think. When they are introduced to what's really going on, like the release of the pentagon papers, wiki leaks, Eric snowden etc, "the people" yell "off with these traitors heads." The ones they call traitors are only the messengers. Meanwhile, the real culprits, bush/cheney, kissinger, mcnamara, nixon, become respected, elder statesmen.
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You can lead the loopy far left and the nutty reactionary far right to water but you can't make them drink.
I am out of time to read this entire thread this evening, but I would like to say I think it is unfortunate that it should require a war for us to behave as 'one' country.
I don't agree with an effing thing this so called president says or does. Why would I help him?
because like it or not America elected him and for the next 2 years if you care about our country, he is the only one you can support to make our country prosper and succeed.

While I agree with your original premise, I dispute the idea that this useless assclown, elected by a minority of Americans, would recognize and respect the American people should we manage to set aside our differences and pull together.
are you talking about Obama because if so you should know first that he was elected by 51% and 53% in the 2 elections, the first to do so in along time . Also I strongly disagree I believe that it is the division amongst the American people that is holding up most action in our country, but I doubt we'll ever know as it seems that most Americans now only listen to those who agree with them and refuse to even hear other views, let alone trying to respect them or to at least realize that we have to compromise to move forward as a country.

You do understand that your 51% and 53% do not represent the majority of Americans, not by a long stretch. One of the most significant impediments to the American people coming together is the oft demonstrated fact that an entire group defines "compromise" as doing things their way, and only their way. We see this demonstrated constantly in the social microcosm of Congress. And when this group's "opposition" attempts to put forth any other suggestion, their typical response is not to reason, but to outshout them.
I agree with all of that but my fear is another president might jump in before thinking how to get out as we did before or that they would succumb to the pressure of the neocons and not wait tobuild the coalition that we have this opportunity to build

So we sit and wait for him to do something...... just like the border...... race relations...... until then, we sit patiently while our all knowing, smartest POTUS ponders how not to offend the religion of peace

He is doing something about the border, and race relations...you must have noticed that his efforts have paid off and have been wildly successful, further implementing his goal to tear this country down and fundamentally change it.
do you really think that the president wants to tear the country down and if so why do you think that?

Read his books.
You can lead the loopy far left and the nutty reactionary far right to water but you can't make them drink.

The nation came together after 9/11/01 without blaming the President at the time....yet now, those who crave division are jumping up and down, manufauturing events that never happened. Regrettable.

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