Time to invest in America


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
1. Time to invest our Educational system...We were once number one 40 years ago...Well, we can be again if we reform the system and fund it right. NOT BEFORE THE REFORMS OF COURSE.
2. We need to invest in nasa, usgs, noaa, nws, cdc and r&D. No reason why we shouldn't send grants to the best research out there....Aka, spacex, cancer research and fusion! America has lead the world in doing so for the past 100 years! Fuck the Amish! I support both the private and public sectors as that's reality....
3. Time to invest in infastructure. No reason to fear driving over that bridge.:eek:

Support sanity!!! America remaining a first world country!!!! Get our troops the fuck out of the rest of the world if need be!

This is what a sane nation would do.
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Education is broken and it can't recover unless tenure is abolished. Think of it as term limits for teachers. A California judge recently declared it unconstitutional.

Judge rules California teacher tenure laws unconstitutional | Fox News

Furthermore schools are fraught with nepotism, favoritism, and cronyism.

It's truly a fucked up institution.

And yet, people from China, India, Russia and all over the rest of the world send their kids here to go to school. And even Mitt Romney campaigned on trying to keep immigrants who earned degrees here to stay here. How do you explain that?

Only to Republicans are our schools shit. And that's because they don't believe in education. It's something they don't know anything about and don't want to know anything about. Which is why they say such stupid shit about education.
1. Time to invest our Educational system...We were once number one 40 years ago...Well, we can be again if we reform the system and fund it right. NOT BEFORE THE REFORMS OF COURSE.
2. We need to invest in nasa, usgs, noaa, nws, cdc and r&D. No reason why we shouldn't send grants to the best research out there....Aka, spacex, cancer research and fusion! America has lead the world in doing so for the past 100 years! Fuck the Amish! I support both the private and public sectors as that's reality....
3. Time to invest in infastructure. No reason to fear driving over that bridge.:eek:

Support sanity!!! America remaining a first world country!!!! Get our troops the fuck out of the rest of the world if need be!

This is what a sane nation would do.

Throw money at the union based education system and maybe it will get better? It will probably get worse while union leaders get better pensions.
1. Time to invest our Educational system...We were once number one 40 years ago...Well, we can be again if we reform the system and fund it right. NOT BEFORE THE REFORMS OF COURSE.
2. We need to invest in nasa, usgs, noaa, nws, cdc and r&D. No reason why we shouldn't send grants to the best research out there....Aka, spacex, cancer research and fusion! America has lead the world in doing so for the past 100 years! Fuck the Amish! I support both the private and public sectors as that's reality....
3. Time to invest in infastructure. No reason to fear driving over that bridge.:eek:

Support sanity!!! America remaining a first world country!!!! Get our troops the fuck out of the rest of the world if need be!

This is what a sane nation would do.
1. Time to invest our Educational system...We were once number one 40 years ago...Well, we can be again if we reform the system and fund it right. NOT BEFORE THE REFORMS OF COURSE.
2. We need to invest in nasa, usgs, noaa, nws, cdc and r&D. No reason why we shouldn't send grants to the best research out there....Aka, spacex, cancer research and fusion! America has lead the world in doing so for the past 100 years! Fuck the Amish! I support both the private and public sectors as that's reality....
3. Time to invest in infastructure. No reason to fear driving over that bridge.:eek:

Support sanity!!! America remaining a first world country!!!! Get our troops the fuck out of the rest of the world if need be!

This is what a sane nation would do.

Better than being someone with no concept of what a first world nation is. Losing our edge in education is like the first domino falling into a long line of them and tipping one by one. Without an educated population, you won't have science, tech, engineers, computer science majors, doctors or anyone that has a clue about running a nation. Of course your movement believes that the bridge should just fall into that river and that we don't need the nws, cdc or fda. Boy'oh, boy, let's just transform into mexico. And you think I am the idiot? I don't think of you as anymore then a cave man that wishes to destroy everything we advanced over the past 150 years to be standing here with such high quility of life.

The republicans use to agree with my beliefs. Not 50 years ago, but more like 5 or 6 years ago under Bush. :eek: Bush believed that we should invest in education, science, infastructure and r&d...Reagan thought up the space station, he called freedom that's now above our heads. Most of the world would love to be in our shoes with our stable, regulated "free" market and public sector that can afford first rate research. What do you people want to do? Defund it and trash it.:cuckoo:

Yeah, a former republican that believes in America being number one and offering real solutions, outside of burning it all down is a kook within your mind. Your idea's don't make much sense...Show me where it has been tried?
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Education is broken and it can't recover unless tenure is abolished. Think of it as term limits for teachers. A California judge recently declared it unconstitutional.

Judge rules California teacher tenure laws unconstitutional | Fox News

Furthermore schools are fraught with nepotism, favoritism, and cronyism.

It's truly a fucked up institution.

And yet, people from China, India, Russia and all over the rest of the world send their kids here to go to school. And even Mitt Romney campaigned on trying to keep immigrants who earned degrees here to stay here. How do you explain that?

Only to Republicans are our schools shit. And that's because they don't believe in education. It's something they don't know anything about and don't want to know anything about. Which is why they say such stupid shit about education.

No one else has nearly as much science and institutions of higher learning as we. This comes with the fact that our government is smart enough with the private sector to advance the best. I love the private sector, but society needs a government. ;)
We can't invest in infrastructure and support the poor who won't work. We can't invest in tech and pay trillions for third world immigrants.
We can't invest in infrastructure and support the poor who won't work. We can't invest in tech and pay trillions for third world immigrants.

Poor who won't work? Remember McD's 50,000 jobs, which got one million applications? Those poor are a figment of the imagination of the rightwingnuts. You take one or two lazy bastards and extrapolate the whole of the poor off of that. It would be the same as stating that the two fruitloops in Vegas represent all the gun owners in the US.

Trillions for third world immigrants? How truly full of shit you are. Some of the hardest working people I know are third world immigrants. They truly realize the oppertunity that they have here. And have a look at the number of them that are excelling in academics, compared to the percentage of the population.

You are a bigoted, small minded person with a shriveled soul. Just because you have no achievements does not mean that the rest of us do not.

Yes, we can invest more in education and infrastructure. And we will be a far better nation for those investments.
Education is broken and it can't recover unless tenure is abolished. Think of it as term limits for teachers. A California judge recently declared it unconstitutional.

Judge rules California teacher tenure laws unconstitutional | Fox News

Furthermore schools are fraught with nepotism, favoritism, and cronyism.

It's truly a fucked up institution.

Now, by the agreement worked out with the higher educational institutions in Oregon, I attend both Portland Community College, and Portland State University, depending on the class schedules. So I have familiar with both the Community College and University curriculum and students. I do not see a fucked up system at all, with the exception of the cost to the student. And Oregon is considering making the first two years of college free for the students, which I completely endorse.

Most of the students I meet are working hard, most have at least a part time job, many, like myself, a full time job. They are very serious about their education. Perhaps, because the classes I take are in math and science, I am seeing a differant class of students and professors than you refer to.

As for K-12, I haven't been there in over 50 years. But when my children were in school, I was active in the PTA and mentoring programs at school. And the teachers I met were hard working people. The parents complaining the most about the schools failing their children never were seen at the PTA meetings, or the school board meetings. Often did not even attend the parent-teacher meetings, yet still stated the schools failed their children. The schools were not the people failing their children.
I should say that I'm referring to K-12. In order to teach, it's not what you know but who you know.
Who you're related to, what social circles you navigate, what church you attend. Tenure is granted based on these qualifications too. Tenure is a joke and is killing education.

I've spoken to many educators over the years both active and retired. Without fail, they have all agreed.

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