Time To Learn Some Judaism.

Lol.... The thing is the more people post this dribble the more people delve into learning about such things and realize it is crap...Sure there are Jews that are bigoted and stupid but they don't speak for the majority.... All posts like this do is educate people and make them want to learn about each other in this way people can figure things out for themselves outside of their group prides and come to their own educated conclusions...
here's the problem. the religion of judaism is about as old as christianity, that is, to say that christanity sprang from judaism is not really all that accurate. both religions came from the ancient roman empire, before that there was no judaism, but there were political parties which formed governments in middle eastern countries the romans had conquered. one of those political parties, called pharisees, morphed and became a religion which then divided into two parts, one became judaism and the other became christianity. that's how it works.

Is this a serious post?

The Jews were around LONG before the Roman empire.
Ozone is exactly right. Jews were around for about 4000 years, but Judaism was only around for about 2000 years.
very few jews have read the Talmud-----or could possibly understand it-------your opinion is worthless
Israel Shahak is a jew who has studied the Talmud and came to conclusions similar to mine. Is his opinion worthless?


Just about. He sought fame as an embittered iconoclast. ----
You can find such people in all sorts of places-----it is a
kind of pseudo intellectualism. His ideology was
communism with fervent desire to rip religion to pieces----
and that is all you got
Just about. He sought fame as an embittered iconoclast. ----
You can find such people in all sorts of places-----it is a
kind of pseudo intellectualism. His ideology was
communism with fervent desire to rip religion to pieces----
and that is all you got
I see, so if anyone disagrees with you then their opinion is worthless. I am religious and I hate the Left, but that doesn't prevent me from recognizing when a non-religious Leftist is actually an intelligent person, and having read Shahak's books, it is clear to me that he is educated and intelligent. On the other side, having talked to a number rabbis in depth, I find them generally to be closed-minded and not very intelligent.
Just about. He sought fame as an embittered iconoclast. ----
You can find such people in all sorts of places-----it is a
kind of pseudo intellectualism. His ideology was
communism with fervent desire to rip religion to pieces----
and that is all you got
I see, so if anyone disagrees with you then their opinion is worthless. I am religious and I hate the Left, but that doesn't prevent me from recognizing when a non-religious Leftist is actually an intelligent person, and having read Shahak's books, it is clear to me that he is educated and intelligent. On the other side, having talked to a number rabbis in depth, I find them generally to be closed-minded and not very intelligent.

I did not suggest that he was not intelligent-----Lots of non-
religious leftists have very high IQ's. I commented on his
obsession with hating Judaism. Such intense hatred was
actually not all that uncommon amongst jews traumatized
by the Nazi era in Poland. Shahak focused his frustration on
his adopted ideology----to wit COMMUNISM with an emphasis on the atheism component. There are some extremely intelligent rabbis in the world and some----idiots. You made
no point. It's a bit late----but you could have obtained some
insight into Shahak's problem by talking to some ---specifically
POLISH jews who went thru Warsaw
First, have you even read the book I linked to? If not, quite honestly you have no right to comment on it.

Shahak and I have very similar views of the Talmud, and I am not an atheist or a Leftist. Shahak's hatred of Judaism may be based on his personal views, but his book is full of facts about the Talmud. My Hebrew is weak, so I have only read the Talmud in translation and studied it with a rabbi. And I am absolutely appalled by everything that I have seen in the Talmud. On the other hand, I love the Tanakh (Old Testament). So here you have 2 jews, Shahak and me, with very different personal views who are both appalled by the Talmud.
First, have you even read the book I linked to? If not, quite honestly you have no right to comment on it.

Shahak and I have very similar views of the Talmud, and I am not an atheist or a Leftist. Shahak's hatred of Judaism may be based on his personal views, but his book is full of facts about the Talmud. My Hebrew is weak, so I have only read the Talmud in translation and studied it with a rabbi. And I am absolutely appalled by everything that I have seen in the Talmud. On the other hand, I love the Tanakh (Old Testament). So here you have 2 jews, Shahak and me, with very different personal views who are both appalled by the Talmud.

The Talmud is written in ARAMAIC-----not Hebrew. The Talmud does not render me appalled but then neither does
the Odyssey or the Bhaghavad Gita. Your statement "I
am absolutely appalled by "EVERYTHING" I have seen in the Talmud"-------kinda demonstrates your mindset. -----
everything?? That statements tells me you never read it
To me, all religions are filth.

I feel the same way about Progressivism, central planners, and all collectivist notions of society.

The filthiest religion of all is those that worship at the alter of big government.

And I ASSURE you, far more innocent people have died at the hands of these tyrants than those that fight for a god.

Conversely, I have no problem with Jews other than the occasional cultural annoyance.

Do you have a time machine? Because for what you say about government, I could swear that I am listening to a French Aristocrat from before the French Revolution.

Next, did you not read the judaic religious teachings I added? How could you not have a problem with it. Maybe you are the type who has no problem with having a dick up his ass. Other than the occasional case of hemorrhoids.

Banned already. Color me shocked.
here's the problem. the religion of judaism is about as old as christianity, that is, to say that christanity sprang from judaism is not really all that accurate. both religions came from the ancient roman empire, before that there was no judaism, but there were political parties which formed governments in middle eastern countries the romans had conquered. one of those political parties, called pharisees, morphed and became a religion which then divided into two parts, one became judaism and the other became christianity. that's how it works.

Is this a serious post?

The Jews were around LONG before the Roman empire.
Ozone is exactly right. Jews were around for about 4000 years, but Judaism was only around for about 2000 years.

You're off by at least 1000 years on both counts. Again, LONG before the Roman empire.
here's the problem. the religion of judaism is about as old as christianity, that is, to say that christanity sprang from judaism is not really all that accurate. both religions came from the ancient roman empire, before that there was no judaism, but there were political parties which formed governments in middle eastern countries the romans had conquered. one of those political parties, called pharisees, morphed and became a religion which then divided into two parts, one became judaism and the other became christianity. that's how it works.

Is this a serious post?

The Jews were around LONG before the Roman empire.
Ozone is exactly right. Jews were around for about 4000 years, but Judaism was only around for about 2000 years.

You're off by at least 1000 years on both counts. Again, LONG before the Roman empire.
Yes, Judaism was around long before Jesus. Like every human institution it has evolved so the original Judaism would be unrecognizable to Jews today. The same is true of every religion. Changed or not, it is still Judaism.
here's the problem. the religion of judaism is about as old as christianity, that is, to say that christanity sprang from judaism is not really all that accurate. both religions came from the ancient roman empire, before that there was no judaism, but there were political parties which formed governments in middle eastern countries the romans had conquered. one of those political parties, called pharisees, morphed and became a religion which then divided into two parts, one became judaism and the other became christianity. that's how it works.

Is this a serious post?

The Jews were around LONG before the Roman empire.
Ozone is exactly right. Jews were around for about 4000 years, but Judaism was only around for about 2000 years.

You're off by at least 1000 years on both counts. Again, LONG before the Roman empire.
Yes, Judaism was around long before Jesus. Like every human institution it has evolved so the original Judaism would be unrecognizable to Jews today. The same is true of every religion. Changed or not, it is still Judaism.

I do not disagree.
Really impressive....
I didn't know Judaism was so....racist I can say
So according to Judaism all non Jewish people are not human o_O
Anyways I think this words are not what Jews think today (or at least many of them) :)

If you look closely to the post there are a lot of added in words taking the liberty to insist what it's talking about and yet the actual Talmud in it's original language is not posted to fact check nor commentary or context. But yes you are right, how they behave or reason in ancient times can not be compared to present day morality and ethics least they admit Judaism works to progress the most out of that archaic age nonsense compared to the other least evolved faiths.
1)Talmud is not the Torah, not standard in Judaism, many never read it.
2)Acharya is an Atheist Archeologist not a theologian. Her archeology studies help expose Christianity's pagan influence, but her ability to study texts and comment on them is skewed by lack of understanding the meaning especially of Biblical age slang.
3)South Korea would not make the Talmud standard school reading if it was racist.
4)anti-semitic groups and propagandists would have used the texts to help their propaganda, and only online hate groups use their own rewrites placing words in the text like this did. Acharya is not a racist and I don't know if this is Acharyas work or not, someone might have put her name on racist propaganda to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. People write some awful B.S. in others name to get them attacked, in this case Acharya could have been attacked by Christians insulted by her work or her personal choices. I don't remember her ever writing this stuff or debating the subject.
I didn't know the Talmud was made standard school reading in South Korea! I'm a little bit surprised about the fact in South Korea schools they read the Talmud! In that country Jews are virtually 0% of total population :D
You might be surprised Esthermoon about the posibble origins of people's in the Far East... You could start with the Japanese as a lost tribe by visiting The Michael Sanders Mysteries of the bible web site...You then can compare Chinese New Year to the Jewish Passover and you might consider that Korea also might have some interesting parallels...

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