Time to short Stocks!

That's what asset allocation models have been doing for over 70 years since publication of "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham made this practice public. I find Zander's use of only two asset classes, not to mention overbalancing to stocks somewhat strange but it is definitely in the ballpark and it is a market timing mechanism designed to catch the middles of trendlines. It does seem to have worked for him.

I was a commodites trader and held a Series 3 license for several years when I was younger. I learned a lot. The most valuable lesson I learned is that 90% of commodities traders LOSE. These days I prefer to invest my human capital and brainpower in building my business rather than trying to "beat the market". That effort generates the income that I then use to invest. So when it comes to portfolio models - I like a nice simple strategy that outperforms 80% of active traders over 10 years.

Here is an exercise that illustrates my point. You are the contestant in this game. There are ten boxes, and you know how much is in each box. These are your choices, it looks something like this….

$1000 $2000 $3000 $4000 $5000
$6000 $7000 $8000 $9000 $10,000

Which box will you choose? (Remember, you know how much is in each box)

This is not a trick question. Anyone would choose the $10,000 box.

This time let’s change the rules a little. This time only the $8000 box is shown. It looks something like this….

$8000 ?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Now which box will you choose?

The answer is also obvious – you would choose the $8000 box.

Why? Because the chance of increasing your winnings is not worth the risk of choosing an amount substantially less, unless of course you are a gambler....... When I want to gamble I will go to Vegas and play Craps. If KissmMy and others want to try to time the markets "seeking alpha" -go for it - your broker will appreciate the commission, and maybe you'll actually outperform the market. Of course over 10 years you will have an 80% likelihood of under-performing the market.

PS - I have other asset classes - I own commercial and residential real estate and a small amount of precious metals. I was just keeping things simple for the purposes of this forum. :cool:
Your scenario is seriously flawed though.

I can choose $8k, or pick from the rest of the 9 unknowns where only one of the 9 is higher than $8k? No one is going to gamble those odds.

The show Deal or No Deal is a better representation of how to play your odds.

Paulie, Two of the choices are higher - 9k or 10K.

I admit it is a simple example, but it makes my point. Research shows that over 10 years index funds beats 80% of actively managed (traded) funds in the same category. So what does that tell you?

If you think you are smarter (or luckier) than professional mutual fund managers who spend 40+ hours a week analyzing and choosing securities and investments, then active trading is a good strategy. Have at it - I hope you make a large fortune!! But for the vast majority of investors a passive approaches that use low cost index funds is a better strategy.

Of course some people simply enjoy trading - if you are one of those people, go for it - just don't do it with your "serious" money.
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Most people can't trade and invest properly. I advise most people not to do it. People are literally hardwired to do poorly investing and trading. I've done well over the years, but that is because it is all I do, and I've learned to deal with the powerful cognitive biases that are enormous barriers to profitable investing.
Well I lost big on most of my buy & hold stocks. Timing is the only thing working for me. I only do it during times when I can clearly see what is happening like now. Front running the Fed who telegraphs its moves is like shooting fish in a barrel. Once the market gets murky I will sit it out even for a year sometimes. I only get interested in shorting stocks just before & buying just after a big crash.

I was long oil & once oil prices went straight up in 2007 & during Q3-2007 T. Boon Pickins was preaching that in Q4-2007 oil demand will out-stripped supply. I knew a big crash was near. I shorted ETF index funds the first day of Q4-2007 for that reason. I got out of oil the day Bush removed the executive order banning drilling of the OCS. I went big into gold on election day 2008 knowing the new president Obama would crank up the printing press to make a name for himself / ego / prevent failure. I can make more in a few weeks at those times than the buy & holders will. I spend most of my time on the sidelines.

This morning I picked up 2,000 (SLV) ETFs for $25.85 after noticing that turn in the dollar in all asset classes that happened 2 days ago. I posted that turn here. I was up almost a dollar a share as of an hour ago. Thats 4% today. I plan on selling at $28.35 over the next couple of trading days unless something changes.
I can't find any index fund or ETF that has out performed Gold & Silver since Obama was elected.

I do not trust many individual stocks any more. I have lost a lot of hard earned money buying them over the past 20 years. I do better at poker or the slots than buying individual stocks. Its like playing lier's poker with the CEO who cooks the books & pumps up those reports.

Once the Fed is done printing way down the road I will probably buy land.
I can't find any index fund or ETF that has out performed Gold & Silver since Obama was elected.

I do not trust many individual stocks any more. I have lost a lot of hard earned money buying them over the past 20 years. I do better at poker or the slots than buying individual stocks. Its like playing lier's poker with the CEO who cooks the books & pumps up those reports.

Once the Fed is done printing way down the road I will probably buy land.

The GLD ETF has matched the performance of gold over the last 2 years....

GLD Basic Chart | SPDR Gold Trust Stock - Yahoo! Finance
I can't find any index fund or ETF that has out performed Gold & Silver since Obama was elected.

I do not trust many individual stocks any more. I have lost a lot of hard earned money buying them over the past 20 years. I do better at poker or the slots than buying individual stocks. Its like playing lier's poker with the CEO who cooks the books & pumps up those reports.

Once the Fed is done printing way down the road I will probably buy land.

The GLD ETF has matched the performance of gold over the last 2 years....

GLD Basic Chart | SPDR Gold Trust Stock - Yahoo! Finance

Well yes of course the GLD & SLV are the ones I buy & sell. I use them for quick trades & short them to offset my physical metals in my safe when prices are falling. It is to hard to get the physical metals & assay it so I offset price declines instead of selling my Gold. Even these ETFs are not keeping up with physical Gold & Silver prices. You will pay $150 over 10xGLD for a physical Gold coin. You will pay $2.50 over SLV for a physical Silver coin.
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I can't find any index fund or ETF that has out performed Gold & Silver since Obama was elected.

I do not trust many individual stocks any more. I have lost a lot of hard earned money buying them over the past 20 years. I do better at poker or the slots than buying individual stocks. Its like playing lier's poker with the CEO who cooks the books & pumps up those reports.

Once the Fed is done printing way down the road I will probably buy land.

The GLD ETF has matched the performance of gold over the last 2 years....

GLD Basic Chart | SPDR Gold Trust Stock - Yahoo! Finance

Well yes of course the GLD & SLV are the ones I buy & sell. I use them for quick trades & short them to offset my physical metals in my safe when prices are falling. It is to hard to get the physical metals & assay it so I offset price declines instead of selling my Gold. Even these ETFs are not keeping up with physical Gold & Silver prices. You will pay $150 over 10xGLD for a physical Gold coin. You will pay $2.50 over SLV for a physical Silver coin.

The ETF's are a lot easier to work with.....good luck getting the "spot" price for your physical gold when you are selling it......You pay a premium when you buy, and you get less than market price when you sell. It's just the nature of the beast......
The reason to own physical gold is because of the mismatch between the physical and futures contracts, and the potential squeeze if there were ever a run on gold. For example, there is something like $140 billion in futures contracts outstanding in the United States, but only $3 billion worth of gold available for delivery against those futures contracts at any given time. Futures holders have the option to settle in cash or take physical delivery. Usually, they settle in cash, which is the default option. The idea is that if the demand to settle is ever greater than the amount available to deliver, i.e. more than $3 billion, then a mad scramble will ensue, causing the exchanges to pay any price for physical gold to settle.

FTR, I don't own physical gold, but I have thought about buying coins or bars and keeping them in a safety deposit box in Canada. However, I have not done that, at least thus far. I have thought it too cumbersome and the spreads too wide.
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The GLD ETF has matched the performance of gold over the last 2 years....

GLD Basic Chart | SPDR Gold Trust Stock - Yahoo! Finance

Well yes of course the GLD & SLV are the ones I buy & sell. I use them for quick trades & short them to offset my physical metals in my safe when prices are falling. It is to hard to get the physical metals & assay it so I offset price declines instead of selling my Gold. Even these ETFs are not keeping up with physical Gold & Silver prices. You will pay $150 over 10xGLD for a physical Gold coin. You will pay $2.50 over SLV for a physical Silver coin.

The ETF's are a lot easier to work with.....good luck getting the "spot" price for your physical gold when you are selling it......You pay a premium when you buy, and you get less than market price when you sell. It's just the nature of the beast......

2% off spot is standard the transaction fee for shipping & assay when trading coins. Ironically that is less than the hidden 3% transaction fee everyone pays for credit card purchase.

I won't be selling the physical metals. I am in them & adding to them for the long haul. Unless the national debt actually starts to decline, everyone should have 10%-20% of their savings in physical Gold & Silver. There is no chance the deficit will decline over the next 20 years with the baby-boomer's retiring. If there is a sudden change in price I can use the ETFs to offset my physical holdings.
Look-Out China just hiked interest rates another 0.5%

Bernanke speaking in Europe this morning stands firm & likely to increase QE2 money printing. He said something like the term "Quantitative Easing" does not accurately describe the money he is prepared to inject into the economy.

This should cause the Chinese Yuan - US Dollar peg to break but China keeps propping up the dollar. You would think some day these guys would get tired of supporting US. I bailed on my (SLV) holdings at $26.66
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The CME is raising margin requirements on commodities accross the board at the end of the day.

Back away from Gold, Silver & Commodities. Between China's rate hike & the CME margin hikes Commodities are going to get pounded.
Are we following in Japan's footsteps? Sure looks like it to me.....

You certainly have company in your opinion Zander and your premise is certainly defensible that said I agree with Twain "History does not repeat but it does rhyme."
Time to short Stocks!

Way past time. The same old tired investments have been hashing around for too many years. Can't keep sucking a dried up lemon. Time to look for innovation, research and inventions.
I have agold for a while. I bought at 998. I had it sent to me, where I can get to it and its in the smallest increments possible.

I didn't buy then for a quick buck and I am holding it now even with a tidy profit. I am holding it not so much as a capital fiscal hedge, but as an expense hedge, I want the peace of mind, if things get worse, and I firmly believe they will, I like knowing I can still buy what I need when I need it and at a reasonable ( as compared to where we are going) price. Comparatively on a historical basis gold has more room to run and I believe it will.

I think most people think it could ever get bad enough that one would actually cash gold to buy something, being in the moment twists reality in this context. I cannot lose but only come out ahead at this point. I sleep better.
How you going to get change?

When was the last time people actually could use gold to buy stuff? If things are that bad I think relying on hunting, fishing, gardening and other basic skills will go farther.

Your gold would be rather useless for me.
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