Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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Not at all. It simply means we STOP equating ALL Muslims with the radicals who are doing the harmful thing.

Just like we don't go after all white European/American folks when some neo-nazi shoots up a synagogue or mosque.
do muslims support shira law? if so, then they are all radical.

How many Leftists would support Sharia Law? I think many would support it IF that would illustrate to their PRECIOUS Islamics how COMMITTED the Leftists are to PROTECTING and PROMOTING Islam in Western nations.

Leftists who support Sharia Law assume they'll "be eaten" last.

Hopefully the Leftists will be eaten FIRST and then that gets those menaces OUT of the way and then Patriots in ALL Western nations can do what NEEDS to be done to remove the Objects we do NOT WANT in our realm by ANY means necessary. In the end the SHTF is going to happen, it is not possible in my opinion to prevent the SHTF and when it does it is going to come to blood and our Enemy is going to be on the WRONG end of this and we will be walking waste deep through the blood of our Enemy just like our Ancestors had to do many many times across multiple Centuries. Nobody should FEAR this, instead everyone should be happy it's going to happen, not only is it going to remove the poison it also is going to remove EVERYTHING WEAK in Western Society, there is NO room in ANY Society for the weak and as with the Animal Jungle in the Human Jungle ONLY the STRONGEST DESERVE to SURVIVE.

The rule in ANY Society should be this:

The Strong DOMINATE the weak and then ELIMINATE the weak. This is how our Ancestors operated and this is WHY Western Civilisation has SURVIVED because our Ancestors dominated the weak and then eliminated the weak.

Humans are the ONLY animal that allow their weakest to not only survive but to do things like become teachers and politicians, this ALL began in the late 1950s and early 1960s when Cultural Marxists infested schools and Universities and started preaching and brainwashing, this in turn resulted in DESTRUCTIVE to Western Society movements like The Feminist Movement and The Civil Rights Movement and the Pro-Abortion Movement and the Pro-Third World Shit Hole Movement this is turn resulted in brainwashing Society to be Anti-Men, Anti-Patriotic Nationalist, Anti-Homogeneous, Anti-White, Anti-Christian, Anti-Nuclear Family, Anti-White Children and instead to be Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-HATE of Nation, Pro-ANYTHING Melting Pot, Pro-ANYTHING NOT White, Pro-Luciferarian and Pro-Islam and Pro-OTHER Exotic religions, Pro-Father Absent Homes because of Radical Feminism women do NOT need men etc and Pro-Black and Brown Children and this then also resulted in the POISON of Identity Politics and the emphasis on RACE and NOT MERIT and this all then eventually resulted in the Open Borders Movement where ALL the Western world must become a MASSIVE Melting Pot full of the Third Worlds shit in human form and walking Biological Weapons full of diseases.

And ALL of the above was formulated by the WEAK in Western Society and pre-1948 that crowd would have been dealt with in the Historical Way and then we would NOT be having ANY of the problems we have in Western Society, but within 10 years the SHTF and then during the general CHAOS of that THIS Generation of the STRONG gets to do what SHOULD have been done DECADES ago and then when the dust calms the rebuilding of Society begins, once ALL the poison has been eliminated Society then can become Healthy once again and NORMAL once again.
So smart people are weak.

I guess you are very strong then.
you are a Jim Jones disciple though
So you admit you spew hate & bigotry.
Yep. I hate backwards misogynistic murderous tribal cults.

You hate Republicans? You assfucks hate science. You assfucks elected a total misogyist. You support the murder of journalists, and there's your white nationalist cult.

I'm a scientist. Which science do I hate? I mean other than the pseudosciences which promote your political agendas. And which journalists do I support the murder of? Please give us details.
Climate change deniers hate science. If you are a denier, you ain't much of a scientist.

You support Trumop who supported the murder of the journalist by Saudi Arabia. Trump loves Putin. Putin kills journalists.
Yeah, and Al Gore told us 20 years ago that we only had 10 years to fix the earth or we'd be toast. Idiot.
He can't. That's why his responses are variations of: "because, feelz, and just shut up".

All Leftists run on pure Emotional Thinking, being DEVOID of the ability to do Logical Thinking and so they approach EVERYTHING from the situation of HOW it makes them FEEL, does it make them FEEL GOOD? If so they support and endorse whatever, that there could be potential danger down the road from supporting or endorsing something does NOT enter their micro brains at ANY point. It LITERALLY is ALL about Muh Feelings with these demented maniacs.

Some Leftists do indeed do this. Quite a few, however, engage in circular Leftist logic. They do think their beliefs are rational - they just start with such false premises that they get into a Leftist do-loop.
This from a person who doesn't know what socialism is & thinks Democrats want it.
Why do you support illegal immigration?
I don't. Why are you so fucking stupid that you think people support it?
'Because we think there are more cost effective ways to stop illegal crossings than building a 40' concrete wall??

Yet you're wrong again.

Rep.-Elect Crenshaw: Dems' Wall Opposition All About 'Destroying' Trump Campaign Promise
He can't. That's why his responses are variations of: "because, feelz, and just shut up".

All Leftists run on pure Emotional Thinking, being DEVOID of the ability to do Logical Thinking and so they approach EVERYTHING from the situation of HOW it makes them FEEL, does it make them FEEL GOOD? If so they support and endorse whatever, that there could be potential danger down the road from supporting or endorsing something does NOT enter their micro brains at ANY point. It LITERALLY is ALL about Muh Feelings with these demented maniacs.

Some Leftists do indeed do this. Quite a few, however, engage in circular Leftist logic. They do think their beliefs are rational - they just start with such false premises that they get into a Leftist do-loop.
This from a person who doesn't know what socialism is & thinks Democrats want it.
Why do you support illegal immigration?
I don't. Why are you so fucking stupid that you think people support it?
'Because we think there are more cost effective ways to stop illegal crossings than building a 40' concrete wall??
Then why didn't you guys stop it when you had control of every part of government?
So you admit you spew hate & bigotry.
Yep. I hate backwards misogynistic murderous tribal cults.

You hate Republicans? You assfucks hate science. You assfucks elected a total misogyist. You support the murder of journalists, and there's your white nationalist cult.

I'm a scientist. Which science do I hate? I mean other than the pseudosciences which promote your political agendas. And which journalists do I support the murder of? Please give us details.
Climate change deniers hate science. If you are a denier, you ain't much of a scientist.

You support Trumop who supported the murder of the journalist by Saudi Arabia. Trump loves Putin. Putin kills journalists.

I don't deny climate change. I just elaborated that in another post. But the climate has been changing for 4.6 billion years. As of yet, our present role is uncertain as to the degree we are contributing. If it wasn't, then our models would be more accurate. The Earth moves on. Life adapts. AS to journalists:

By your logic, you use paper. Paper is made of trees. Cutting down trees harms the environment and causes climate change. Therefore you are for climate change.

See how easy that was?
He can't. That's why his responses are variations of: "because, feelz, and just shut up".

All Leftists run on pure Emotional Thinking, being DEVOID of the ability to do Logical Thinking and so they approach EVERYTHING from the situation of HOW it makes them FEEL, does it make them FEEL GOOD? If so they support and endorse whatever, that there could be potential danger down the road from supporting or endorsing something does NOT enter their micro brains at ANY point. It LITERALLY is ALL about Muh Feelings with these demented maniacs.

Some Leftists do indeed do this. Quite a few, however, engage in circular Leftist logic. They do think their beliefs are rational - they just start with such false premises that they get into a Leftist do-loop.
This from a person who doesn't know what socialism is & thinks Democrats want it.
Why do you support illegal immigration?
I don't. Why are you so fucking stupid that you think people support it?
'Because we think there are more cost effective ways to stop illegal crossings than building a 40' concrete wall??
Of course there are more cost effective ways to stop illegal aliens. One way would not cost the government anything. Open the border to hunting.
He can't. That's why his responses are variations of: "because, feelz, and just shut up".

All Leftists run on pure Emotional Thinking, being DEVOID of the ability to do Logical Thinking and so they approach EVERYTHING from the situation of HOW it makes them FEEL, does it make them FEEL GOOD? If so they support and endorse whatever, that there could be potential danger down the road from supporting or endorsing something does NOT enter their micro brains at ANY point. It LITERALLY is ALL about Muh Feelings with these demented maniacs.

Some Leftists do indeed do this. Quite a few, however, engage in circular Leftist logic. They do think their beliefs are rational - they just start with such false premises that they get into a Leftist do-loop.
This from a person who doesn't know what socialism is & thinks Democrats want it.
Why do you support illegal immigration?
I don't. Why are you so fucking stupid that you think people support it?
'Because we think there are more cost effective ways to stop illegal crossings than building a 40' concrete wall??
then why did obammy build wall?
He can't. That's why his responses are variations of: "because, feelz, and just shut up".

All Leftists run on pure Emotional Thinking, being DEVOID of the ability to do Logical Thinking and so they approach EVERYTHING from the situation of HOW it makes them FEEL, does it make them FEEL GOOD? If so they support and endorse whatever, that there could be potential danger down the road from supporting or endorsing something does NOT enter their micro brains at ANY point. It LITERALLY is ALL about Muh Feelings with these demented maniacs.

Some Leftists do indeed do this. Quite a few, however, engage in circular Leftist logic. They do think their beliefs are rational - they just start with such false premises that they get into a Leftist do-loop.
This from a person who doesn't know what socialism is & thinks Democrats want it.
Why do you support illegal immigration?
I don't. Why are you so fucking stupid that you think people support it?
'Because we think there are more cost effective ways to stop illegal crossings than building a 40' concrete wall??

Great, so what is your solution to stopping illegal immigration? To stop calling it illegal? Dumbass.
So you admit you spew hate & bigotry.
Yep. I hate backwards misogynistic murderous tribal cults.

You hate Republicans? You assfucks hate science. You assfucks elected a total misogyist. You support the murder of journalists, and there's your white nationalist cult.

I'm a scientist. Which science do I hate? I mean other than the pseudosciences which promote your political agendas. And which journalists do I support the murder of? Please give us details.
Climate change deniers hate science. If you are a denier, you ain't much of a scientist.

You support Trumop who supported the murder of the journalist by Saudi Arabia. Trump loves Putin. Putin kills journalists.

You're wrong Dave. Climate is changing but we don't know what % is natural and what % is man made. That is the dispute. Trump doesn't love anyone but himself and his kids and grandkids. He tolerates Putin.

OK, what is causing the CO2 levels to rise so fast.

Shall I wait?

We know how much greenhouse gases man is putting into the atmosphere. We know what the effect is. It is fucking SCIENCE.

There is no dispute.
There is Science & there are stupid people. That's it.
All Leftists run on pure Emotional Thinking, being DEVOID of the ability to do Logical Thinking and so they approach EVERYTHING from the situation of HOW it makes them FEEL, does it make them FEEL GOOD? If so they support and endorse whatever, that there could be potential danger down the road from supporting or endorsing something does NOT enter their micro brains at ANY point. It LITERALLY is ALL about Muh Feelings with these demented maniacs.

Some Leftists do indeed do this. Quite a few, however, engage in circular Leftist logic. They do think their beliefs are rational - they just start with such false premises that they get into a Leftist do-loop.
This from a person who doesn't know what socialism is & thinks Democrats want it.
Why do you support illegal immigration?
I don't. Why are you so fucking stupid that you think people support it?
'Because we think there are more cost effective ways to stop illegal crossings than building a 40' concrete wall??
then why did obammy build wall?
They built fencing. There was funding passed for fencing.
Some Leftists do indeed do this. Quite a few, however, engage in circular Leftist logic. They do think their beliefs are rational - they just start with such false premises that they get into a Leftist do-loop.
This from a person who doesn't know what socialism is & thinks Democrats want it.
Why do you support illegal immigration?
I don't. Why are you so fucking stupid that you think people support it?
'Because we think there are more cost effective ways to stop illegal crossings than building a 40' concrete wall??
then why did obammy build wall?
They built fencing. There was funding passed for fencing.
you all are truly obsessed with ideology. wall, or fking fence, I give two shits. did he or didn't he?
Yep. I hate backwards misogynistic murderous tribal cults.

You hate Republicans? You assfucks hate science. You assfucks elected a total misogyist. You support the murder of journalists, and there's your white nationalist cult.

I'm a scientist. Which science do I hate? I mean other than the pseudosciences which promote your political agendas. And which journalists do I support the murder of? Please give us details.
Climate change deniers hate science. If you are a denier, you ain't much of a scientist.

You support Trumop who supported the murder of the journalist by Saudi Arabia. Trump loves Putin. Putin kills journalists.

You're wrong Dave. Climate is changing but we don't know what % is natural and what % is man made. That is the dispute. Trump doesn't love anyone but himself and his kids and grandkids. He tolerates Putin.

OK, what is causing the CO2 levels to rise so fast.

Shall I wait?

We know how much greenhouse gases man is putting into the atmosphere. We know what the effect is. It is fucking SCIENCE.

There is no dispute.
There is Science & there are stupid people. That's it.
active volcanoes?
Not at all. It simply means we STOP equating ALL Muslims with the radicals who are doing the harmful thing.

Just like we don't go after all white European/American folks when some neo-nazi shoots up a synagogue or mosque.
do muslims support shira law? if so, then they are all radical.

How many Leftists would support Sharia Law? I think many would support it IF that would illustrate to their PRECIOUS Islamics how COMMITTED the Leftists are to PROTECTING and PROMOTING Islam in Western nations.

Leftists who support Sharia Law assume they'll "be eaten" last.

Hopefully the Leftists will be eaten FIRST and then that gets those menaces OUT of the way and then Patriots in ALL Western nations can do what NEEDS to be done to remove the Objects we do NOT WANT in our realm by ANY means necessary. In the end the SHTF is going to happen, it is not possible in my opinion to prevent the SHTF and when it does it is going to come to blood and our Enemy is going to be on the WRONG end of this and we will be walking waste deep through the blood of our Enemy just like our Ancestors had to do many many times across multiple Centuries. Nobody should FEAR this, instead everyone should be happy it's going to happen, not only is it going to remove the poison it also is going to remove EVERYTHING WEAK in Western Society, there is NO room in ANY Society for the weak and as with the Animal Jungle in the Human Jungle ONLY the STRONGEST DESERVE to SURVIVE.

The rule in ANY Society should be this:

The Strong DOMINATE the weak and then ELIMINATE the weak. This is how our Ancestors operated and this is WHY Western Civilisation has SURVIVED because our Ancestors dominated the weak and then eliminated the weak.

Humans are the ONLY animal that allow their weakest to not only survive but to do things like become teachers and politicians, this ALL began in the late 1950s and early 1960s when Cultural Marxists infested schools and Universities and started preaching and brainwashing, this in turn resulted in DESTRUCTIVE to Western Society movements like The Feminist Movement and The Civil Rights Movement and the Pro-Abortion Movement and the Pro-Third World Shit Hole Movement this is turn resulted in brainwashing Society to be Anti-Men, Anti-Patriotic Nationalist, Anti-Homogeneous, Anti-White, Anti-Christian, Anti-Nuclear Family, Anti-White Children and instead to be Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-HATE of Nation, Pro-ANYTHING Melting Pot, Pro-ANYTHING NOT White, Pro-Luciferarian and Pro-Islam and Pro-OTHER Exotic religions, Pro-Father Absent Homes because of Radical Feminism women do NOT need men etc and Pro-Black and Brown Children and this then also resulted in the POISON of Identity Politics and the emphasis on RACE and NOT MERIT and this all then eventually resulted in the Open Borders Movement where ALL the Western world must become a MASSIVE Melting Pot full of the Third Worlds shit in human form and walking Biological Weapons full of diseases.

And ALL of the above was formulated by the WEAK in Western Society and pre-1948 that crowd would have been dealt with in the Historical Way and then we would NOT be having ANY of the problems we have in Western Society, but within 10 years the SHTF and then during the general CHAOS of that THIS Generation of the STRONG gets to do what SHOULD have been done DECADES ago and then when the dust calms the rebuilding of Society begins, once ALL the poison has been eliminated Society then can become Healthy once again and NORMAL once again.
So smart people are weak.

I guess you are very strong then.

There is ZERO smart about the weak and their childlike trusting of ANYTHING that makes them FEEL good is the way they will be lead to the grave that will be prepared for them. The STRONG already KNOW the weak creatures Achilles Heel.

I am STRONG in will and mind and I also have the stomach to participate in what is going to have to be done to ensure survival of what our Ancestors built and preserved for US and ONLY US.
All Leftists run on pure Emotional Thinking, being DEVOID of the ability to do Logical Thinking and so they approach EVERYTHING from the situation of HOW it makes them FEEL, does it make them FEEL GOOD? If so they support and endorse whatever, that there could be potential danger down the road from supporting or endorsing something does NOT enter their micro brains at ANY point. It LITERALLY is ALL about Muh Feelings with these demented maniacs.

Some Leftists do indeed do this. Quite a few, however, engage in circular Leftist logic. They do think their beliefs are rational - they just start with such false premises that they get into a Leftist do-loop.
This from a person who doesn't know what socialism is & thinks Democrats want it.
Why do you support illegal immigration?
I don't. Why are you so fucking stupid that you think people support it?
'Because we think there are more cost effective ways to stop illegal crossings than building a 40' concrete wall??

Great, so what is your solution to stopping illegal immigration? To stop calling it illegal? Dumbass.

Better inspection technology art the border crossings to stop illegal drugs. Better tech at the border fences.

Right now we have a refugee problem,m. The only long lasting solution is to work with these countries to end the violence there & help them build an economy.

If there water in your basement, you can spend time mopping it up or you can fix the leak to keep water from getting in.
You hate Republicans? You assfucks hate science. You assfucks elected a total misogyist. You support the murder of journalists, and there's your white nationalist cult.

I'm a scientist. Which science do I hate? I mean other than the pseudosciences which promote your political agendas. And which journalists do I support the murder of? Please give us details.
Climate change deniers hate science. If you are a denier, you ain't much of a scientist.

You support Trumop who supported the murder of the journalist by Saudi Arabia. Trump loves Putin. Putin kills journalists.

You're wrong Dave. Climate is changing but we don't know what % is natural and what % is man made. That is the dispute. Trump doesn't love anyone but himself and his kids and grandkids. He tolerates Putin.

OK, what is causing the CO2 levels to rise so fast.

Shall I wait?

We know how much greenhouse gases man is putting into the atmosphere. We know what the effect is. It is fucking SCIENCE.

There is no dispute.
There is Science & there are stupid people. That's it.
active volcanoes?
Are there more active volcanoes now than in the recent past? Our current climate is based on a certain amount of volcanic activity.
do muslims support shira law? if so, then they are all radical.

How many Leftists would support Sharia Law? I think many would support it IF that would illustrate to their PRECIOUS Islamics how COMMITTED the Leftists are to PROTECTING and PROMOTING Islam in Western nations.

Leftists who support Sharia Law assume they'll "be eaten" last.

Hopefully the Leftists will be eaten FIRST and then that gets those menaces OUT of the way and then Patriots in ALL Western nations can do what NEEDS to be done to remove the Objects we do NOT WANT in our realm by ANY means necessary. In the end the SHTF is going to happen, it is not possible in my opinion to prevent the SHTF and when it does it is going to come to blood and our Enemy is going to be on the WRONG end of this and we will be walking waste deep through the blood of our Enemy just like our Ancestors had to do many many times across multiple Centuries. Nobody should FEAR this, instead everyone should be happy it's going to happen, not only is it going to remove the poison it also is going to remove EVERYTHING WEAK in Western Society, there is NO room in ANY Society for the weak and as with the Animal Jungle in the Human Jungle ONLY the STRONGEST DESERVE to SURVIVE.

The rule in ANY Society should be this:

The Strong DOMINATE the weak and then ELIMINATE the weak. This is how our Ancestors operated and this is WHY Western Civilisation has SURVIVED because our Ancestors dominated the weak and then eliminated the weak.

Humans are the ONLY animal that allow their weakest to not only survive but to do things like become teachers and politicians, this ALL began in the late 1950s and early 1960s when Cultural Marxists infested schools and Universities and started preaching and brainwashing, this in turn resulted in DESTRUCTIVE to Western Society movements like The Feminist Movement and The Civil Rights Movement and the Pro-Abortion Movement and the Pro-Third World Shit Hole Movement this is turn resulted in brainwashing Society to be Anti-Men, Anti-Patriotic Nationalist, Anti-Homogeneous, Anti-White, Anti-Christian, Anti-Nuclear Family, Anti-White Children and instead to be Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-HATE of Nation, Pro-ANYTHING Melting Pot, Pro-ANYTHING NOT White, Pro-Luciferarian and Pro-Islam and Pro-OTHER Exotic religions, Pro-Father Absent Homes because of Radical Feminism women do NOT need men etc and Pro-Black and Brown Children and this then also resulted in the POISON of Identity Politics and the emphasis on RACE and NOT MERIT and this all then eventually resulted in the Open Borders Movement where ALL the Western world must become a MASSIVE Melting Pot full of the Third Worlds shit in human form and walking Biological Weapons full of diseases.

And ALL of the above was formulated by the WEAK in Western Society and pre-1948 that crowd would have been dealt with in the Historical Way and then we would NOT be having ANY of the problems we have in Western Society, but within 10 years the SHTF and then during the general CHAOS of that THIS Generation of the STRONG gets to do what SHOULD have been done DECADES ago and then when the dust calms the rebuilding of Society begins, once ALL the poison has been eliminated Society then can become Healthy once again and NORMAL once again.
So smart people are weak.

I guess you are very strong then.

There is ZERO smart about the weak and their childlike trusting of ANYTHING that makes them FEEL good is the way they will be lead to the grave that will be prepared for them. The STRONG already KNOW the weak creatures Achilles Heel.

I am STRONG in will and mind and I also have the stomach to participate in what is going to have to be done to ensure survival of what our Ancestors built and preserved for US and ONLY US.

You said the weak become teachers. Teachers are smart people.

Want to know who is really weak? ignorant stupid white nationist people.
Yep. I hate backwards misogynistic murderous tribal cults.

You hate Republicans? You assfucks hate science. You assfucks elected a total misogyist. You support the murder of journalists, and there's your white nationalist cult.

I'm a scientist. Which science do I hate? I mean other than the pseudosciences which promote your political agendas. And which journalists do I support the murder of? Please give us details.
Climate change deniers hate science. If you are a denier, you ain't much of a scientist.

You support Trumop who supported the murder of the journalist by Saudi Arabia. Trump loves Putin. Putin kills journalists.

You're wrong Dave. Climate is changing but we don't know what % is natural and what % is man made. That is the dispute. Trump doesn't love anyone but himself and his kids and grandkids. He tolerates Putin.

OK, what is causing the CO2 levels to rise so fast.

Shall I wait?

No need to wait. Any idea how much carbon is locked up in rocks, the ocean floor and plant life? Any idea how temperature change affects that? Any idea how free oxygen and dissolved iron transformed our oceans, atmosphere and life on this planet? You really think our puny outgassing from buses and trucks is the main culprit, don't you?
So you admit you spew hate & bigotry.
Yep. I hate backwards misogynistic murderous tribal cults.

You hate Republicans? You assfucks hate science. You assfucks elected a total misogyist. You support the murder of journalists, and there's your white nationalist cult.

I'm a scientist. Which science do I hate? I mean other than the pseudosciences which promote your political agendas. And which journalists do I support the murder of? Please give us details.
Climate change deniers hate science. If you are a denier, you ain't much of a scientist.

You support Trumop who supported the murder of the journalist by Saudi Arabia. Trump loves Putin. Putin kills journalists.

You're wrong Dave. Climate is changing but we don't know what % is natural and what % is man made. That is the dispute. Trump doesn't love anyone but himself and his kids and grandkids. He tolerates Putin.

A lot of Climate Change is natural but the Leftists insist that it is ALL caused by humans, also the Global Warming thing is horsecrap designed by the Commie UN to get a Carbon Tax which then is used to Redistribute Western Nations Wealth To Third World Shit Holes.
Interesting, long list of folks that found this OP funny.




Yep. I hate backwards misogynistic murderous tribal cults.

You hate Republicans? You assfucks hate science. You assfucks elected a total misogyist. You support the murder of journalists, and there's your white nationalist cult.

I'm a scientist. Which science do I hate? I mean other than the pseudosciences which promote your political agendas. And which journalists do I support the murder of? Please give us details.
Climate change deniers hate science. If you are a denier, you ain't much of a scientist.

You support Trumop who supported the murder of the journalist by Saudi Arabia. Trump loves Putin. Putin kills journalists.

You're wrong Dave. Climate is changing but we don't know what % is natural and what % is man made. That is the dispute. Trump doesn't love anyone but himself and his kids and grandkids. He tolerates Putin.

OK, what is causing the CO2 levels to rise so fast.

Shall I wait?

We know how much greenhouse gases man is putting into the atmosphere. We know what the effect is. It is fucking SCIENCE.

There is no dispute.
There is Science & there are stupid people. That's it.

I thought it was methane from cows? Maybe its volcano explosions, maybe its over population, maybe it is something we cannot understand. You do realize that climate change happened even before we humans existed? Easy with the ad hominems.
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