Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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and in another post Lesh will claim that the left does not want to take away freedom of speech......

When you're free speech is getting people killed...fuck you and fuck that.

You DON'T have the right to yell fire in a crowded theater
He can't. That's why his responses are variations of: "because, feelz, and just shut up".

You're accusing me of acting based on emotion?

What the fuck do you think fear and hatred are if not emotions...negative and dangerous emotions...and you people are driven by them
Spain colonized Latin America. Don’t see radicals blowing shit up there.

Are you friggin kidding? South and Central America has been swinging from one disaster to another for 250 years.

Venezuela ring a bell?

Venezuela embraced full on Socialism so of course Venezuela is a disaster situation, Socialism IS a disaster.





The main problem in Venezuela is the MASSIVE corruption and the fact that they have always been too dependent on petro dollars

The Scandinavian nations aren't cratering...but they're pretty friggin socialist. I heard one wing nut complain that they paid a 50% tax. What is that if not socialist as hell.
Spain colonized Latin America. Don’t see radicals blowing shit up there.

Are you friggin kidding? South and Central America has been swinging from one disaster to another for 250 years.

Venezuela ring a bell?

Venezuela embraced full on Socialism so of course Venezuela is a disaster situation, Socialism IS a disaster.





The main problem in Venezuela is the MASSIVE corruption and the fact that they have always been too dependent on petro dollars

The Scandinavian nations aren't cratering...but they're pretty friggin socialist. I heard one wing nut complain that they paid a 50% tax. What is that if not socialist as hell.

They are also highly homogeneous and relatively small, Lesh. By the way funny comment about the oven. LOL.
He can't. That's why his responses are variations of: "because, feelz, and just shut up".

You're accusing me of acting based on emotion?

What the fuck do you think fear and hatred are if not emotions...negative and dangerous emotions...and you people are driven by them

All emotions are not equally valid. The context matters. Fear is a perfectly reasonable emotion under certain circumstances...i.e. when confronting people who want to stone you to death for being a rape victim. I don't equate fear with hatred, nor have I said I hate anyone, although hating someone who wants to kill you is also a valid emotion, all things considered.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

So you admit you spew hate & bigotry.
Yep. I hate backwards misogynistic murderous tribal cults.
Like the white nationalists?
Nope. If you mean Nazis, Aryan Nation, etc, then yeah, but nationalists of any skin color is good with me. God Bless America. Idiot.
Here's the problem with the OP's recommendation:

When the Left says we have to stop Anti-Muslim language, it really means we aren't allowed to question or criticize anything having to do with Islam or Sharia law. It's all part of their "Just Shut Up & Obey" campaign.
Not at all. It simply means we STOP equating ALL Muslims with the radicals who are doing the harmful thing.

Just like we don't go after all white European/American folks when some neo-nazi shoots up a synagogue or mosque.
Yes you DO and so does the democrats and the left in general. In fact when ever you parrot the a few don't equate to the whole I remember every time your ilk did JUST that when ever a republican did something.
and in another post Lesh will claim that the left does not want to take away freedom of speech......

When you're free speech is getting people killed...fuck you and fuck that.

You DON'T have the right to yell fire in a crowded theater
So the FBI should arrest Bernie Sanders for his speech that incited someone to shoot up a ball game AND using your logic EVERY Mosque should be raided shut down and all Muslims arrested in the US since the RELIGION preaches hate murder and such.
Can you name one mostly Islamic country that is not in distress from either a humanitarian, economic or military status?

Care to tell us why?

Have you read any history? (clearly not since you don't see the parallels between the anti-muslim rhetoric and what occurred in Germany in the 20s and 30s)

Hint:: it's the vestiges of colonialism
Name the group

They cannot if you refer to Christian Terrorists who are like ISIS or Hezbollah etc because there are ZERO Christian Terrorists out there slaughtering on a daily basis across half the planet ANYONE who does NOT agree with them.
You mean the way right wing neo nazis do?

Oh wait. Aren't you a right wing neo nazi?

I do not give a CRAP what names you call me, you are ZERO to me, drop the Neo thing if you want and just call me a Nazi I do NOT care, it means NOTHING to me it's JUST a word like....Anchovy is a word Bruce_T_Laney :smoke:

Oh lard!

Not enough booze to deal with Lesh and his comments or her comments or whateve!

( Lesh not you )
So the FBI should arrest Bernie Sanders for his speech that incited someone to shoot up a ball game AND using your logic EVERY Mosque should be raided shut down and all Muslims arrested in the US since the RELIGION preaches hate murder and such.

What a crock of shit. Nothing Bernie said could be construed as incitement.

This thread however is LOADED with explicit incitement to violence
Speech is not violence

Bullshit. Both the Synagogue shooter and Dylan Roof were reacting to "speech"...hate speech

This needs to stop. NOW
So let me ask you this. I listen to a lot of left wing radio. All day it's nothing but hate speech against whites and Republicans. They blame everything on whites and repubs, and they come right out and say anyone who supports trump is a racist.

When will you guys stop the hate speech before it leads to violence?

Why do you listen to it?
I listen to it because I like to know what the other sides narrative is, and how they think.
and in another post Lesh will claim that the left does not want to take away freedom of speech......

When you're free speech is getting people killed...fuck you and fuck that.

You DON'T have the right to yell fire in a crowded theater

Baseless accusation. You have no evidence that anyone’s speech incited what happened in New Zealand.

The funny thing is is that radical Muslims unjustifiably kill more innocent people than any other group on this planet, and the people who commit such atrocities are in fact movivated by hate speech, yet not a peep from you on that.
"It feels like every few days there’s a new human rights abuse to be protesting. But we can’t forget about the Muslim Ban. We have to fight it as hard as we did in 2017." - Sam Bee
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Dot head


and in another post Lesh will claim that the left does not want to take away freedom of speech......


No one is stopping you Trumpettes from being a bigoted jackass. Spew your shit all you want. And Leah has the freedom of speech to tell you what an ass you are for doing it.

freedom of speech is not telling others what to do........................ fuck you , fuck Lesh and fuck the Dot heads.

it amazes me that the word "Jesus" is censored in the Media as not to offend anyone but you can say Satan all day long and heathens like you just giggle.

So the FBI should arrest Bernie Sanders for his speech that incited someone to shoot up a ball game AND using your logic EVERY Mosque should be raided shut down and all Muslims arrested in the US since the RELIGION preaches hate murder and such.

What a crock of shit. Nothing Bernie said could be construed as incitement.

This thread however is LOADED with explicit incitement to violence
Except The guy was trying to help Bernie and was listening to him as proven by facts. Further since Mosques teach hate and incite violence against non believers we should ban them all.
It's funny when a left loon screeches stop the hate.

Yet they call it "protected free speech" when it is a crazed Berkeley UC or Antifa nutcase rioting, breaking windows and rolling cars throwing Molotov cocktails!
Who called rioting and property damage protected free speech? Link please.

As far as I recall everyone agreed free speech rights stopped short of assault and property damage.
A female negro police chief recently said the rioters needed a "safe space" to loot and burn the city.
The premise of this thread is bullshit. Muslims give people plenty of reasons to want to do harm to them. They conduct more atrocities than anyone else, so there’s going to be some blowback. I’m not saying it’s right to kill innocent people, but it’s bound to happen with the crimes Muslims have conducted
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Dot head


and in another post Lesh will claim that the left does not want to take away freedom of speech......


No one is stopping you Trumpettes from being a bigoted jackass. Spew your shit all you want. And Leah has the freedom of speech to tell you what an ass you are for doing it.

freedom of speech is not telling others what to do........................ fuck you , fuck Lesh and fuck the Dot heads.

it amazes me that the word "Jesus" is censored in the Media as not to offend anyone but you can say Satan all day long and heathens like you just giggle.


"it amazes me that the word "Jesus" is censored in the Media as not to offend anyone but you can say Satan all day long and heathens like you just giggle."

Jesus is not censored NOT to offend anyone they censor Jesus because they are Anti-Christian, they are of The Anti-Christ this is illustrated in the International Globalist Agenda which EVERYTHING they promote is the OPPOSITE of what Jesus Christ would support EVERYTHING from MURDERING the most innocent as they slumber in the womb to cheerleading for Man on Man Anal Sex and Carpet Munching to fucking with Our Lord's decision on GENDER that a man is a man and a woman is a woman that a man CANNOT be a woman and a woman CANNOT be a man. Their god IS Satan they are Satan's Agents on earth doing Satan's Plan but if we read our Christian Bible we already know how it ends for Satan's Helpers they are thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with their god The Anti-Christ and The False Prophet.

So stay strong and keep REJECTING them and their Agenda and NEVER STFU, Our Lord IS with US as His children, if you have faith in Our Lord and accept that Jesus Christ IS The Messiah and the ONLY Messiah and through Him we have our Salvation then you have nothing to fear ONLY those who HATE Our Lord and REJECT Jesus Christ as The Messiah and the ONLY Messiah are going to ultimately be destroyed by the Hand of Our Lord Himself.
Here's the problem with the OP's recommendation:

When the Left says we have to stop Anti-Muslim language, it really means we aren't allowed to question or criticize anything having to do with Islam or Sharia law. It's all part of their "Just Shut Up & Obey" campaign.
Not at all. It simply means we STOP equating ALL Muslims with the radicals who are doing the harmful thing.

Just like we don't go after all white European/American folks when some neo-nazi shoots up a synagogue or mosque.
do muslims support shira law? if so, then they are all radical.
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