Time Travel

It is possible if you can build a Flux Capacitor with 1.21 Jigawatts of power at 88 mph.

Some theorize that time doesn’t actually exist
Stephen Hawking's hosted a champagne party for time travelers, but didn't send out the invitations until after the party was over. None showed up.
This subject fascinates me and it would be neat if we could go back in time to see relatives and close friends that have passed away.

Time travel is theoretically possible, calculations show. But that doesn't mean you could change the past.
I think it may be possible to observe events in the past or future e.g., the light we see from Proxima is 4 years old so, in essence, we're seeing what happened 4 years ago

I doubt we could interact or influence events in either direction.
One of My favorite genres in fantasy & ScyFy.

An old TV series modeled off the movie, "13 Monkeys" does a fantastic job of keeping all the time paradoxes neatly tied up.
Wasn´t it 12 Monkeys? The movie where a future government can do time travel but not cope with a virus?
Stephen Hawking's hosted a champagne party for time travelers, but didn't send out the invitations until after the party was over. None showed up.
Who the fuk wants to party with Stephen Hawking?

They probably time travelled to party with cool people like Elvis and Marylin Monroe
Who the fuk wants to party with Stephen Hawking?

They probably time travelled to party with cool people like Elvis and Marylin Monroe
Yeah people with the technology to time travel would skip spending time with one of the greatest minds in history to party with two over rated celebrities who died of overdoses ?
Yeah people with the technology to time travel would skip spending time with one of the greatest minds in history to party with two over rated celebrities who died of overdoses ?
But I don’t see Hawking as a Party Animal

Einstein maybe…but not Hawking
Yeah people with the technology to time travel would skip spending time with one of the greatest minds in history to party with two over rated celebrities who died of overdoses ?
Chris Farley & John Belushi?
The movie Interstellar certainly had an interesting take on it.
This subject fascinates me and it would be neat if we could go back in time to see relatives and close friends that have passed away.

Time travel is theoretically possible, calculations show. But that doesn't mean you could change the past.
While the concept of time travel has captured the imagination of many, the scientific consensus is generally skeptical of its feasibility. Here are several reasons why time travel is considered practically impossible:

1. Violation of causality: Time travel often implies the ability to change the past or future. This leads to paradoxes such as the grandfather paradox, where traveling to the past and altering events could prevent one's own existence. Such paradoxes undermine the fundamental principle of cause and effect.

2. Lack of evidence: Despite extensive research in numerous scientific fields, no verifiable empirical evidence for time travel exists. The absence of any concrete evidence indicates that time travel, as commonly imagined, may not be feasible.

3. Consistency with general relativity: According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, spacetime is a four-dimensional fabric that is influenced by mass and energy. While his equations allow for theoretical solutions that permit time travel, these solutions typically require extreme conditions like negative energy densities or infinitely long cylinder structures, which are currently beyond our technological capabilities.

4. Technological challenges: Time travel would likely require vast amounts of energy and advanced technological capabilities that are currently beyond our reach. The energy required to manipulate spacetime or create wormholes would likely be astronomical, making it highly impractical to achieve.

5. Paradox resolution: Even if time travel were possible, resolving the aforementioned paradoxes would pose significant challenges. The notion of altering the past raises logical and philosophical conundrums that are difficult to reconcile, such as the question of multiple timelines or the preservation of free will.

6. Conservation of energy: Time travel could potentially violate the principle of energy conservation. Maintaining consistency within the laws of thermodynamics while manipulating time would be a formidable task, as it may require the creation of negative energy or altering the total energy of the universe.

7. Lack of evidence from the future: If time travel were possible, one might expect evidence of future inhabitants or visitors in our present time. The absence of any such evidence casts doubt on the feasibility of time travel.

While time travel remains a fascinating subject in science fiction, the aforementioned reasons suggest that it is currently considered practically impossible within the constraints of our current understanding of physics and the universe.

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