Timmy trademarks Tebowing


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
"Luckily, Tebow is more interested in using our government-granted intellectual property rights to protect his religious act from money-grubbers than to control how we individually pray," Goralka wrote. "Let’s hope that precedent continues to hold."

get a grip.
ESPN Boss: No More Tebow

Tuesday, December 11, 2012



ESPN president John Skipper has lowered the boom on reporters discussing Tebow. He feels that the Tebow phenomenon has a limited shelf life. After ESPN covered the New York Jets training camp and reported on Tebow, they kept focusing on Tebow, disturbing Skipper, who said: “I said, ‘Guys, we didn’t handle this very well.’ Going to training camp wasn’t a problem. We just stayed on it relentlessly and too long.”

Skipper doesn’t realize that the reason Tebow is such a ratings hit is that he is that rarity in the U.S. today, an unashamed Christian who actually practices what he preaches. And in a country that is tempted to follow its leader’s predilections for secular values, those of us who believe in our faith will take as many Tebows as we can get.

Post Continues on www.breitbart.com

Read more: ESPN Boss: No More Tebow – Patriot Update
ESPN Boss: No More Tebow

Tuesday, December 11, 2012



ESPN president John Skipper has lowered the boom on reporters discussing Tebow. He feels that the Tebow phenomenon has a limited shelf life. After ESPN covered the New York Jets training camp and reported on Tebow, they kept focusing on Tebow, disturbing Skipper, who said: “I said, ‘Guys, we didn’t handle this very well.’ Going to training camp wasn’t a problem. We just stayed on it relentlessly and too long.”

Skipper doesn’t realize that the reason Tebow is such a ratings hit is that he is that rarity in the U.S. today, an unashamed Christian who actually practices what he preaches. And in a country that is tempted to follow its leader’s predilections for secular values, those of us who believe in our faith will take as many Tebows as we can get.

Post Continues on www.breitbart.com

Read more: ESPN Boss: No More Tebow – Patriot Update

ESPN Boss: No More Tebow

Tuesday, December 11, 2012



ESPN president John Skipper has lowered the boom on reporters discussing Tebow. He feels that the Tebow phenomenon has a limited shelf life. After ESPN covered the New York Jets training camp and reported on Tebow, they kept focusing on Tebow, disturbing Skipper, who said: “I said, ‘Guys, we didn’t handle this very well.’ Going to training camp wasn’t a problem. We just stayed on it relentlessly and too long.”

Skipper doesn’t realize that the reason Tebow is such a ratings hit is that he is that rarity in the U.S. today, an unashamed Christian who actually practices what he preaches. And in a country that is tempted to follow its leader’s predilections for secular values, those of us who believe in our faith will take as many Tebows as we can get.

Feruary 18, 2013

Timmy Get Your Sheet

"On Sunday, April 28, Tim Tebow will be speaking at a Dallas Baptist megachurch headed by evangelical reverend Robert Jeffress, who has spoken out in the past against Muslims, Jews, Mormons and homosexuals."


"In the past, Jeffress has claimed that Islam promoted pedophilia, said Judaism "leads people to an eternity of separation from God in hell," and reportedly reduced Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists and others to members of cults. Jeffress criticized Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney for his Mormon faith but eventually supported him over Barack Obama, whose reelection he said would "pave the way for the future reign of the Antichrist." Jeffress denounced the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" by observing that "It's a fact that AIDS is a gay disease so there's a reasonable reason to exclude gays from the military.”

Yeah.....that last gig wasn't workin'-out, that well, for him.....
Fuck that Tebow. He is the personification of the demise of the Christian faith in the U.S.

Just fuck him.
New York Jets cut Tim Tebow - ESPN New York

Jets release Tim Tebow

One year after bringing Tim Tebow to Broadway, creating a nationwide fascination that slowly evolved into controversy, the New York Jets on Monday made the long-anticipated move of releasing one of the NFL's most popular players.

The Jets confirmed the release in a three-paragraph news release, a long way from his Super Bowl-sized news conference last March.

"We have a great deal of respect for Tim Tebow," coach Rex Ryan said. "Unfortunately, things did not work out the way we all had hoped. Tim is an extremely hard worker, evident by the shape he came back in this offseason. We wish him the best moving forward."

Tebow hasn't yet commented about his release but he did post a message on Twitter on Monday afternoon, quoting a Bible verse.

"Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding...in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight," he tweeted.


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