Titan CEO vs France Round 3


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
"The Wackos Of The Communist Union Destroy The Highest Paying Jobs"

An interesting comment on what unions and government interference does to private industry at Zero Hedge blog by Tyler Durden

The saga of the capitalist vs the socialist goes on with Round 3, following round 1 in which the "Titan CEO Crushes Socialist "Work Ethic", Tells France "You Can Keep Your So-Called Workers" and round 2 in which "Socialist France Responds To Titan CEO, Hilarity Ensues." With the entire "developed" world now a real-time parody of itself, in which the truth about the true state of affairs is only revealed in grotesque, farcical, ad-hominem repartees between various members of the insolvent status quo plutocracy, we can only hope for many more rounds of this didactic back and forth.

Read more @ Titan CEO vs France Round 3: "The Wackos Of The Communist Union Destroy The Highest Paying Jobs" | Zero Hedge

Is the same thing happening here in the USA? Many of these problems are not new. I remember the demands for shorter work hours and longer vacations back in 1958-1960 when I was stationed in southern France.

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