TN, 5 Others States Introduce Bills To Prohibit Teaching Evolution

The idea that schools teach evolution as a fact and not a theory is strawman horse shit.

They don't.
Where did the elements or matter come from?

My guess? These bits of matter and energy are eternal, and have been morphing for eons, and always will. I dun think anyone knows for sure.

They had to come from someone or something. Things don't just magically appear. Don't be afraid to answer how they were created as everything has to have a creator. There is no poof and they are there. That is where the Atheist get stonewalled. How did our organs happen. Did the blood come 1st? If so how is it circulated. I guess the heart came first then but then how is its purpose to pump blood needed. It goes on and on and is still unanswered unless you understand that all things had to have a creator.

If your thesis is correct, then clearly the creator must've had a creator. And that one a creator. And that one a creator... and so on...

Perhaps, if you have a half of a brain, you will begin to understand that your thesis, although peddled by many, is a massive fail.
They taught the THEORY (unproven, scientific belief) and also included a small bit of curriculum documenting that there are other THEORIES out there which are contridictory to the THEORY of Evolution relative to how the world and humanity came to be.
My problem is when you have these school systems teaching Evolution as SCIENTIFIC LAW instead of THEORY.

Out of sheer curiosity...can you name even a single competing SCIENTIFIC theory for evolution?
Then, can you explain to me how the biological theory of evolution has anything at all to do with "how the world came to be?" (Or how life "came to be" for that matter. In fact, just go ahead and tell us what, exactly, you think evolution covers scientifically.)
Then, can you show me a single institution teaching evolution as a "scientific law" instead of a scientific theory?
Then, just for fun, can you provide what you think the proper scientific definitions are for a scientific law and a scientific theory?
My guess? These bits of matter and energy are eternal, and have been morphing for eons, and always will. I dun think anyone knows for sure.

They had to come from someone or something. Things don't just magically appear. Don't be afraid to answer how they were created as everything has to have a creator. There is no poof and they are there. That is where the Atheist get stonewalled. How did our organs happen. Did the blood come 1st? If so how is it circulated. I guess the heart came first then but then how is its purpose to pump blood needed. It goes on and on and is still unanswered unless you understand that all things had to have a creator.

If your thesis is correct, then clearly the creator must've had a creator. And that one a creator. And that one a creator... and so on...

Perhaps, if you have a half of a brain, you will begin to understand that your thesis, although peddled by many, is a massive fail.

I see in lieu of any real debate you have only high school insults.

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