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To All Who Helped the USA! Many Thanks!

Thank You to All Who Helped the U.S.A. after Hurricane Sandy
Although I made numerous edits to the following and added some personal observations, the base content came to me via email recently:

A group of us believe that it is highly appropriate to recognize and thank all of the countries that have reciprocated our help with their disasters, social turmoil, poverty and whatnot by returning the favor and sending the United States of America monetary and physical help, when “Sandy” ravaged our East Coast leaving dead, homelessness and pure disaster.

Listed below are all of the countries and worldwide organizations that have given us their gracious assistance to date:
1. Israel
Of course the innate generosity of the American people is demonstrated daily by the billions of dollars of support, volunteers and more that we give (and have traditionally given) to others in their time(s) of need.
Although a gift is not a gift if you expect something in back, it is still feels nice when the favor is returned, in my humble opinion.

don't be usin' your sniveling, little, jew fuck lies and my country to promote your zionist agenda of genocide.

piss on israel, you low life fook.

will you be thanking iran and apologising for your deception?

You really are getting disgusting, Seal. I happen to know that Jeremiah is not Jewish, and it's great how you conveniently overlook the millions of Christians and others here in the U.S. who are for Israel and the Jews. Why not try to clean up your act so that you don't look like some low life anti-Semite? Maybe we should be saying to you "Piss on you and all your Muslim friends who are busy killing non Muslims and even each other". How nice it is to be blind like Seal who close his eyes to what is happening in the Muslim world of today.

the fucking LIE originally came from a jew, hence it is a jew fuck lie.

look, if i run around spouting boolshite lies like that, than feel free to rip me.

as for looking like a low life anti-semi trash tali muhammad and jesus like your buddy, rosete, there ain't no way to not do that unless i cheer every palestinian child killed, every war crime or human rights abuse committed by israel, trash muhammad and jesus like your buddy iRosie, call people who disagree with me "cocksuckers" lie your buddy roudy. etc.

now, when will i see either one of you thanking france, as jos brought up, or iran, like i brought up, and i am sure there are many other countries, or mayb e thaat doesn't fit in with the jew fuck lie agenda.
That's just playing semantic games, sealie - and poorly.

If the original statement was in error, how did you determine the original author intended to be deceptive (lie), as opposed to focusing on a particular facet(incomplete + hence inaccurate)? You haven't included that information: I'm willing to accept that there IS such information, as for example you may have read other articles by him and noticed a particular trend - but since you didn't mention anything, I can't assume such info exists.

Because one person tells a lie, that is a lie by that person - not a 'ethnic group/political party/religion' lie. And there assuredly is, in English grammar, a difference between 'a lie told by a Swede' and 'a Swedish lie'.

The latter, the form which you used, holds the implied statement that this particular lie is supported by the Swedish community, government, and or culture. So that is what your choice of wording said about Jews.

And - in case you weren't aware of this! - to call something 'a Jew lie' as opposed to the proper adjectival form of 'Jewish' is a further derogatory and insulting mode of address.

Not to mention the fact that you've chosen once again to pretend to be open to the criticism I've just offered: I don't believe you were sincere. You've never taken criticism well before.....
quote]Pakistan is one of America's best allies and partners in the war on terror.


Pakistan is not an ally for america-----it is a cradle for terrorists
based on ITS EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM and its clerics.

The USA played with the disgusting Taliban pigs----which was
a BIG BIG mistake ----as much a mistake as was our
playing with SADAAM I hope the USA learned not to try
to play "ally" with terrorists----the taliban are a bigger problem
to the USA than RUSSIA IN AFGHANISTAN would ever be.

I believe that there will be a war in the USA WITH involvement
by Iran ----when the sunni pigs of the world invade saudi arabia
the SHIITE PIGS (hezbollah) will want their share of the "glory"
Any attempt to play with sunnis vs shiites will be a BIG
mistake. The only intervention that the US should consider is
RESCUE of the foreign workers in saudi arabia

now tell me the current lie----"PAKISTAN DOES NOT SUPPORT THE
TALIBAN"------I like that one------because I know just how much a
lie is that current claim

for the record----the TALIBAN are the darlings of pakistani society
as was OSAMA The reason we got Osama was thru---BAKSHEESH
The good news about pakistanis is BAKSHEEESH ALWAYS WORKS
Thank You to All Who Helped the U.S.A. after Hurricane Sandy
Although I made numerous edits to the following and added some personal observations, the base content came to me via email recently:

A group of us believe that it is highly appropriate to recognize and thank all of the countries that have reciprocated our help with their disasters, social turmoil, poverty and whatnot by returning the favor and sending the United States of America monetary and physical help, when “Sandy” ravaged our East Coast leaving dead, homelessness and pure disaster.

Listed below are all of the countries and worldwide organizations that have given us their gracious assistance to date:
1. Israel
Of course the innate generosity of the American people is demonstrated daily by the billions of dollars of support, volunteers and more that we give (and have traditionally given) to others in their time(s) of need.
Although a gift is not a gift if you expect something in back, it is still feels nice when the favor is returned, in my humble opinion.

don't be usin' your sniveling, little, jew fuck lies and my country to promote your zionist agenda of genocide.

piss on israel, you low life fook.

will you be thanking iran and apologising for your deception?

You really are getting disgusting, Seal. I happen to know that Jeremiah is not Jewish, and it's great how you conveniently overlook the millions of Christians and others here in the U.S. who are for Israel and the Jews. Why not try to clean up your act so that you don't look like some low life anti-Semite? Maybe we should be saying to you "Piss on you and all your Muslim friends who are busy killing non Muslims and even each other". How nice it is to be blind like Seal who close his eyes to what is happening in the Muslim world of today.

I had no idea Seal was so sensitive, Hoss! I'm shocked! :eusa_silenced: Speechless!

Yet another blatant display of anti Semetism from Seal the Nazi ahole.

He'll start another thread tomorrow telling everybody how he's the only non hating Jew hater that doesn't hate Jews as much. Therefore we should all be thankful. Ha ha ha.

oh, don't hand me that whine, whine, whine. frankly, i do not care who does or doesn't think i am an anti-semite. that ass deserved it.

being accused of anti-semitism though puts me in some very good company...
malcolm x
jimmy carter
desmond tutu
mairead corrigan
chuck hagel
nelson mandela
to name a few...

in fact, i do not think there is a more illustrious club than those of us who have been called "anti-semites" and guess what...you are such a friggin' tool that even someone as ignorant and stupid as holston is laughing his ass off at you right now because guess what...you put him in that club as well, not to mention that you lend credence, by your example, to much of the hate he spreads.
No actually you're in shit company. You're a fucking Nazi asswipe with delusions of grandeur. Your type is usually found in trailer parks, neo nazi rallies, islamoNazi rallies, prisons, nation of Islam rallies, and your basic garbage of humanity / waste of good oxygen category. But you didn't need me to tell you that, now did you? I have a feeling you know what a fucking piece of shit looser you are. You just need someone to blame it all on, in this case it's the JOOOOS. It's always the JJOOOS isn't it?

But that aside...keep up the Jew hate and neo Nazi vomit. True to form and very entertaining.

only time i have been in a trailor park is to visit friends, and out west, there are a lot of trailor parks, young people trying to get a leg up. a lot of military families. i support our troops.

never in my lie have i been to or in...
a neonazi rally,
islamonazi rally
american prison, except to visit a friend/brother in law
NOI rally.

i actually work alone most of the time.

i don't blame everything on the jews. i blame israel on the jews. it is only the "JOOOOS" when it is the "JOOOOOS" and hiding from legitimate criticism behind the skirt of "anti-semitism" is wearing out. people aren't buying it anymore.
That's just playing semantic games, sealie - and poorly.

If the original statement was in error, how did you determine the original author intended to be deceptive (lie), as opposed to focusing on a particular facet(incomplete + hence inaccurate)? You haven't included that information: I'm willing to accept that there IS such information, as for example you may have read other articles by him and noticed a particular trend - but since you didn't mention anything, I can't assume such info exists.

Because one person tells a lie, that is a lie by that person - not a 'ethnic group/political party/religion' lie. And there assuredly is, in English grammar, a difference between 'a lie told by a Swede' and 'a Swedish lie'.

The latter, the form which you used, holds the implied statement that this particular lie is supported by the Swedish community, government, and or culture. So that is what your choice of wording said about Jews.

And - in case you weren't aware of this! - to call something 'a Jew lie' as opposed to the proper adjectival form of 'Jewish' is a further derogatory and insulting mode of address.

Not to mention the fact that you've chosen once again to pretend to be open to the criticism I've just offered: I don't believe you were sincere. You've never taken criticism well before.....

in this particular case, it was a jew lie. it was a lie told by a jew. it was a disgraceful, bigoted, self serving lie told by a jew in a one-up-man-ship manner not unlike many of the other jew lies.

it was a lying, deceptive, racist, bigoted, self serving jew lie and that is all it was. it is an insult to jewish people but rather than come down on the jew shite that told it or the christian shite that passed it along, you choose to call me out.

gee, thanks israel. it is too bad no one else is willing to help americans in their time of need other than israel....other peoples, countries, ethinicities should be ashamed of themselves for their base matures and lack of genuine care for the suffering of other human beings.

?NBC Nightly News? hails volunteer work of Irish athletes in Breezy Point | Irish News | IrishCentral

Ireland pledges $50k in funding for New York community devastated by Hurricane Sandy

ya know, i have yet to see any of the thanks being handed out to the french, iranians, irish, and i am sure many others who helped during sandy.
Last edited:
don't be usin' your sniveling, little, jew fuck lies and my country to promote your zionist agenda of genocide.

piss on israel, you low life fook.

will you be thanking iran and apologising for your deception?
You really are getting disgusting, Seal. I happen to know that Jeremiah is not Jewish, and it's great how you conveniently overlook the millions of Christians
and others here in the U.S. who are for Israel and the Jews. Why not try to
clean up your act so that you don't look like some low life anti-Semite? Maybe
we should be saying to you "Piss on you and all your Muslim friends who are
busy killing non Muslims and even each other". How nice it is to be blind like
Seal who close his eyes to what is happening in the Muslim world of today.

the fucking LIE originally came from a jew, hence it is a jew fuck lie.

look, if i run around spouting boolshite lies like that, than feel free to rip me.

as for looking like a low life anti-semi trash tali muhammad and jesus like your buddy, rosete, there ain't no way to not do that unless i cheer every palestinian child killed, every war crime or human rights abuse committed by israel, trash muhammad and jesus like your buddy iRosie, call people who
disagree with me "cocksuckers" lie your buddy roudy. etc

now, when will i see either one of you thanking france, as jos brought up, or iran, like i brought up, and i am sure there are many other countries, or mayb e thaat doesn't fit in with the jew fuck lie agenda.

Again, a popup told me I had to remove the NY Times url.

The original post thanked Israel as the only country that GAVE help to the US.
Jos's article said France offered help, but did not provide information about whether the offer was accepted or fulfilled.
The NY Times article made the point that Iran was ready, willing, and able to help the US. It also included a quote from a state dept spokesman saying The US had "received no official offer of assistance from the Iranian government or from any Iranian entity."
Seal, one cannot flout the rules of English grammar and expect others to accept that abuse as the standard.

I informed you of the implications of your choices, and now it appears that you not only intended to attack the Jewish people in pretending that one man's writing was 'a lie' and by all of us - but for some bizarre reason you feel *proud* to do so.

Now I feel constrained to point out that your behavior in doing so is entirely within the range of actual Jew-hating. I absolutely agree that some people cry 'anti-semitism' at any criticism and that that is wrong.

However, you never have made any attempt to explain why you decided to claim the man was 'lying', as opposed to being ill-informed. I note that it wasn't a 'blanket' Thank You, nor was it for 'offers' - which is indeed somewhat 'stacking the deck', yes.

But all the flaming you're doing, all the foul language and vindictiveness you consistently display - that just supports the impression that you feel somehow 'justified' in attacking any and all Jewish people "because of Israel"..... which certainly is very difficult to distinguish from 'anti-semitism'.

When the Cossacks rampaged through my grandmother's little shtetls, their claim was 'Jerusalem is lost' - so because the Muslims were in the Christian 'Holy Land', they went and terrorized Russian Jews.....

I'm not entirely sure *how* different your behavior here is - aside from the obvious degree, lol! - but I do sense a certain degree of similarity in the "logic" being used. Does anyone else??
Seal, one cannot flout the rules of English grammar and expect others to accept that abuse as the standard.

I informed you of the implications of your choices, and now it appears that you not only intended to attack the Jewish people in pretending that one man's writing was 'a lie' and by all of us - but for some bizarre reason you feel *proud* to do so.

Now I feel constrained to point out that your behavior in doing so is entirely within the range of actual Jew-hating. I absolutely agree that some people cry 'anti-semitism' at any criticism and that that is wrong.

However, you never have made any attempt to explain why you decided to claim the man was 'lying', as opposed to being ill-informed. I note that it wasn't a 'blanket' Thank You, nor was it for 'offers' - which is indeed somewhat 'stacking the deck', yes.

But all the flaming you're doing, all the foul language and vindictiveness you consistently display - that just supports the impression that you feel somehow 'justified' in attacking any and all Jewish people "because of Israel"..... which certainly is very difficult to distinguish from 'anti-semitism'.

When the Cossacks rampaged through my grandmother's little shtetls, their claim was 'Jerusalem is lost' - so because the Muslims were in the Christian 'Holy Land', they went and terrorized Russian Jews.....

I'm not entirely sure *how* different your behavior here is - aside from the obvious degree, lol! - but I do sense a certain degree of similarity in the "logic" being used. Does anyone else??

don't hand me that colossal boolshite.

if an irishman says ireland is thee only one who gave aid to america blah, blah, blah...
it is a "paddy fuckin' lie"

if an arab says arabs are thee only one who gave aid to america blah, blah, blah...
it is a "arab fuckin' lie"

if joe shit the ragman says only ragmen gave aid to america blah, blah, blah...
it is a "ragman fuckin' lie"

the diff being though is that jews do it all the time. all we see on this board is shite. "israel feed the world" comes to mind, right off hand. well, israel, the jewish state, jews, are doing a fookin' piss poor job of it.

go piss on your own people for awhile before you start pissin' on me and then maybe we can talk. do i equate the acts of one jewish person as representative of all jews? no, i do not, but you are the one who claims 99% of ews are zionists, and from what i have seen on this board, thee great majority of zionists are liars and decievers and self serving egoists who are willing to deprive people of their basic human rights, or remain SILENT as their comrades do.

what the hell would you have me think when you actuall defend a man who says words to the efferct that "all arabs are dogs and they dhould be shot". you actually defend that. let me translate that for you..."all blacks are dogs and should be shot" or "all irish are dogs and should be shot" or all (insert goyim identity here) are dogs and should be shot." they are the same thing to me.

lecture gHook beore ya bring it to my door anymore.
oh, don't hand me that whine, whine, whine. frankly, i do not care who does or doesn't think i am an anti-semite. that ass deserved it.

being accused of anti-semitism though puts me in some very good company...
malcolm x
jimmy carter
desmond tutu
mairead corrigan
chuck hagel
nelson mandela
to name a few...

in fact, i do not think there is a more illustrious club than those of us who have been called "anti-semites" and guess what...you are such a friggin' tool that even someone as ignorant and stupid as holston is laughing his ass off at you right now because guess what...you put him in that club as well, not to mention that you lend credence, by your example, to much of the hate he spreads.
No actually you're in shit company. You're a fucking Nazi asswipe with delusions of grandeur. Your type is usually found in trailer parks, neo nazi rallies, islamoNazi rallies, prisons, nation of Islam rallies, and your basic garbage of humanity / waste of good oxygen category. But you didn't need me to tell you that, now did you? I have a feeling you know what a fucking piece of shit looser you are. You just need someone to blame it all on, in this case it's the JOOOOS. It's always the JJOOOS isn't it?

But that aside...keep up the Jew hate and neo Nazi vomit. True to form and very entertaining.

only time i have been in a trailor park is to visit friends, and out west, there are a lot of trailor parks, young people trying to get a leg up. a lot of military families. i support our troops.

never in my lie have i been to or in...
a neonazi rally,
islamonazi rally
american prison, except to visit a friend/brother in law
NOI rally.

i actually work alone most of the time.

i don't blame everything on the jews. i blame israel on the jews. it is only the "JOOOOS" when it is the "JOOOOOS" and hiding from legitimate criticism behind the skirt of "anti-semitism" is wearing out. people aren't buying it anymore.
Ah shadap, I bet you have an arrest record longer than my DMV speeding record when I was a teenager. Almost every poster has verified you as Nazi scum, the only person you are fooling is yourself.
No actually you're in shit company. You're a fucking Nazi asswipe with delusions of grandeur. Your type is usually found in trailer parks, neo nazi rallies, islamoNazi rallies, prisons, nation of Islam rallies, and your basic garbage of humanity / waste of good oxygen category. But you didn't need me to tell you that, now did you? I have a feeling you know what a fucking piece of shit looser you are. You just need someone to blame it all on, in this case it's the JOOOOS. It's always the JJOOOS isn't it?

But that aside...keep up the Jew hate and neo Nazi vomit. True to form and very entertaining.

only time i have been in a trailor park is to visit friends, and out west, there are a lot of trailor parks, young people trying to get a leg up. a lot of military families. i support our troops.

never in my lie have i been to or in...
a neonazi rally,
islamonazi rally
american prison, except to visit a friend/brother in law
NOI rally.

i actually work alone most of the time.

i don't blame everything on the jews. i blame israel on the jews. it is only the "JOOOOS" when it is the "JOOOOOS" and hiding from legitimate criticism behind the skirt of "anti-semitism" is wearing out. people aren't buying it anymore.
Ah shadap, I bet you have an arrest record longer than my DMV speeding record when I was a teenager. Almost every poster has verified you as Nazi scum, the only person you are fooling is yourself.

why don't you provide me a complete list of those posters who think i am a "nazi scum", if you have the balls.
Seal, one cannot flout the rules of English grammar and expect others to accept that abuse as the standard.

I informed you of the implications of your choices, and now it appears that you not only intended to attack the Jewish people in pretending that one man's writing was 'a lie' and by all of us - but for some bizarre reason you feel *proud* to do so.

Now I feel constrained to point out that your behavior in doing so is entirely within the range of actual Jew-hating. I absolutely agree that some people cry 'anti-semitism' at any criticism and that that is wrong.

However, you never have made any attempt to explain why you decided to claim the man was 'lying', as opposed to being ill-informed. I note that it wasn't a 'blanket' Thank You, nor was it for 'offers' - which is indeed somewhat 'stacking the deck', yes.

But all the flaming you're doing, all the foul language and vindictiveness you consistently display - that just supports the impression that you feel somehow 'justified' in attacking any and all Jewish people "because of Israel"..... which certainly is very difficult to distinguish from 'anti-semitism'.

When the Cossacks rampaged through my grandmother's little shtetls, their claim was 'Jerusalem is lost' - so because the Muslims were in the Christian 'Holy Land', they went and terrorized Russian Jews.....

I'm not entirely sure *how* different your behavior here is - aside from the obvious degree, lol! - but I do sense a certain degree of similarity in the "logic" being used. Does anyone else??
Marg, this is what this whiny Nazi asshole does, he exposes himself for who he really is, and then he starts backtracking and crying that he didn't mean it the way it sounded. I can't tell you how many times he's done this, I lost count. On top of everything else he's a pathological liar exhibiting addictive type of behavior of a substance abuser.
only time i have been in a trailor park is to visit friends, and out west, there are a lot of trailor parks, young people trying to get a leg up. a lot of military families. i support our troops.

never in my lie have i been to or in...
a neonazi rally,
islamonazi rally
american prison, except to visit a friend/brother in law
NOI rally.

i actually work alone most of the time.

i don't blame everything on the jews. i blame israel on the jews. it is only the "JOOOOS" when it is the "JOOOOOS" and hiding from legitimate criticism behind the skirt of "anti-semitism" is wearing out. people aren't buying it anymore.
Ah shadap, I bet you have an arrest record longer than my DMV speeding record when I was a teenager. Almost every poster has verified you as Nazi scum, the only person you are fooling is yourself.

why don't you provide me a complete list of those posters who think i am a "nazi scum", if you have the balls.
How about everybody on this thread and most people on this board. LOL
well Seal please answer a question for me here. You are not a Muslim as I understand it? Are you a Protestant? What are you and how did you come to be so opposed to the Israelis whenever God clearly identifies them as His people? Don't you find that to be a contradiction of your faith somehow?
Seal, one cannot flout the rules of English grammar and expect others to accept that abuse as the standard.

I informed you of the implications of your choices, and now it appears that you not only intended to attack the Jewish people in pretending that one man's writing was 'a lie' and by all of us - but for some bizarre reason you feel *proud* to do so.

Now I feel constrained to point out that your behavior in doing so is entirely within the range of actual Jew-hating. I absolutely agree that some people cry 'anti-semitism' at any criticism and that that is wrong.

However, you never have made any attempt to explain why you decided to claim the man was 'lying', as opposed to being ill-informed. I note that it wasn't a 'blanket' Thank You, nor was it for 'offers' - which is indeed somewhat 'stacking the deck', yes.

But all the flaming you're doing, all the foul language and vindictiveness you consistently display - that just supports the impression that you feel somehow 'justified' in attacking any and all Jewish people "because of Israel"..... which certainly is very difficult to distinguish from 'anti-semitism'.

When the Cossacks rampaged through my grandmother's little shtetls, their claim was 'Jerusalem is lost' - so because the Muslims were in the Christian 'Holy Land', they went and terrorized Russian Jews.....

I'm not entirely sure *how* different your behavior here is - aside from the obvious degree, lol! - but I do sense a certain degree of similarity in the "logic" being used. Does anyone else??

don't hand me that colossal boolshite.

if an irishman says ireland is thee only one who gave aid to america blah, blah, blah...
it is a "paddy fuckin' lie"

if an arab says arabs are thee only one who gave aid to america blah, blah, blah...
it is a "arab fuckin' lie"

if joe shit the ragman says only ragmen gave aid to america blah, blah, blah...
it is a "ragman fuckin' lie"

the diff being though is that jews do it all the time. all we see on this board is shite. "israel feed the world" comes to mind, right off hand. well, israel, the jewish state, jews, are doing a fookin' piss poor job of it.

go piss on your own people for awhile before you start pissin' on me and then maybe we can talk. do i equate the acts of one jewish person as representative of all jews? no, i do not, but you are the one who claims 99% of ews are zionists, and from what i have seen on this board, thee great majority of zionists are liars and decievers and self serving egoists who are willing to deprive people of their basic human rights, or remain SILENT as their comrades do.

what the hell would you have me think when you actuall defend a man who says words to the efferct that "all arabs are dogs and they dhould be shot". you actually defend that. let me translate that for you..."all blacks are dogs and should be shot" or "all irish are dogs and should be shot" or all (insert goyim identity here) are dogs and should be shot." they are the same thing to me.

lecture gHook beore ya bring it to my door anymore.

No one said all arabs are dogs and should be shot, Seal. That is nonsense. But tell me how do you feel when ever you hear this being said of the Jewish people? Do you find that to be fair to say such a thing? Even inciting violence against them by writing propaganda that isn't true about them?

Listen to this, Seal. How would you feel if you were Jewish? How would you feel towards people who claim to be changed since WWII and turning a blind eye while the RCC helped the Nazis escape after the war! How would you feel about people claiming they like you now when not so far back they were burning you at the stake during inquisitions? Torturing your ancestors? Wouldn't you be a bit skeptical? Do you think for one moment what you are doing by siding with those who would wipe them out as a people is helping them even one bit? Do you realize that being an anti zionist is to be an anti semite? IT IS. I want you to think about that, Seal! You cannot say you love God and then speak about zionists and the Jewish people this way. No way, no how. Cannot do it. - Jeremiah
don't be usin' your sniveling, little, jew fuck lies and my country to promote your zionist agenda of genocide.

piss on israel, you low life fook.

will you be thanking iran and apologising for your deception?

You really are getting disgusting, Seal. I happen to know that Jeremiah is not Jewish, and it's great how you conveniently overlook the millions of Christians and others here in the U.S. who are for Israel and the Jews. Why not try to clean up your act so that you don't look like some low life anti-Semite? Maybe we should be saying to you "Piss on you and all your Muslim friends who are busy killing non Muslims and even each other". How nice it is to be blind like Seal who close his eyes to what is happening in the Muslim world of today.

the fucking LIE originally came from a jew, hence it is a jew fuck lie.

look, if i run around spouting boolshite lies like that, than feel free to rip me.

as for looking like a low life anti-semi trash tali muhammad and jesus like your buddy, rosete, there ain't no way to not do that unless i cheer every palestinian child killed, every war crime or human rights abuse committed by israel, trash muhammad and jesus like your buddy iRosie, call people who disagree with me "cocksuckers" lie your buddy roudy. etc.

now, when will i see either one of you thanking france, as jos brought up, or iran, like i brought up, and i am sure there are many other countries, or mayb e thaat doesn't fit in with the jew fuck lie agenda.
Did you have fun thinking up this ridiculous tirade of yours? It must anger you that there are millions of Christians like Jeremiah in the U.S. who stick up for Israel and the Jews. Meanwhile, of course, Seal has no problems with the Muslim propaganda sites with all their lies about the Jews and Israel? Give us another screed, Seal. Very entertaining!!!

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