To be this stupid, she had to be a liberal...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
Went to vote this morning and a female poll worker threatened to call “the authorities” if I did not comply with her demand.

Nattily attired as always and sporting one of my favorite caps, I was waiting patiently in a short line of fellow voters when this woman approached me and said I would have to take off my cap and leave it outside in my car or whatever. When I asked her why she replied I was guilty of electioneering, a polling place no-no. I nicely and politely told her I was guilty of no such thing and my hat wasn’t going anywhere, which is when she threatened to call “the authorities.” A short discussion ensued wherein she claimed my hat was no different than someone showing up wearing a MAGA hat, and I replied that was nonsense.

My hat has a 2”x 2.5” blue patch on the front, most of which is filled in with a nice American flag. Below it in white all caps is AMERICA and below that in smaller font is Established 1776. All of which I nicely pointed out to her and added it’s not electioneering at all. To which she repeated it had to go or the dreaded authorities whould be summoned. I replied do what you gotta do, and asked her if she knew the large sign out by the road into the place that’s there every Election Day with the message Vote Today, the ward and precinct numbers, and two American flags, and one American flag adorned the smaller sign right outside the door to the place.

Unfortunately while that was going on the head poll worker came over to see what the fuss was all about. Once she was up to speed she gave the other woman a how-can-you-be-so-stupid look and said to her, “He’s fine.” So I missed out on the fun of the authorities showing up which would have been a hoot for sure.
Yep ....

Clearly another America Hating Bed Wetting Leftist.

Any questions about Leftism being a mental disorder?


I plan to wear my USS Ronald Reagan cap this year.

I don't know if liberals have always been this stupid or if the election of Trump has done this to them.....I had a waitress tell me to zip up my jacket to cover my American flag t shirt.....I said I will leave...when she saw the size of the group I was with which showed up a little late the look on her face to see a party of 8 folks walk off with her tip of the week......was priceless.....
Stupid is being a trump supporter.
the voting place monitors are just local housewives----the lady was doing what she THOUGHT she was
supposed to do CONSCIOUENSCIOUSLY (spelling?)
You cannot being posters or insignias of a PARTY
or PERSON to the voting booth----she is just not
all that bright

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