To recline or not recline: Guy punching womans airline seat.


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2013
After seeing this viral video, I found this guy to be a 5 year old jerk. Literally throwing a tantrum.
The woman who states she has back issues, put her seat forward while he ate and when done she put her seat back as is the right of any ticket purchaser. At that point he starts hitting her seat. She then records his childish actions and complained to staff who then berated her and gives the guy a free rum. I hope she sues American Airlines as they come across as a- holes in my view.
What do you think.
Recline or no recline?
I recline as those seats are uncomfortable as I age.
After seeing this viral video, I found this guy to be a 5 year old jerk. Literally throwing a tantrum.
The woman who states she has back issues, put her seat forward while he ate and when done she put her seat back as is the right of any ticket purchaser. At that point he starts hitting her seat. She then records his childish actions and complained to staff who then berated her and gives the guy a free rum. I hope she sues American Airlines as they come across as a- holes in my view.
What do you think.
Recline or no recline?
I recline as those seats are uncomfortable as I age.
You paid for the seat, you have a right to use the seat.

Economy class is barely above cattle car. I hate flying.
If you are a big or tall person, someone reclining gets into your space and jams your legs. I only recline if there is no one in back of me, which is almost never. It's ridiculous how close airlines jam those seats together.
If you are a big or tall person, someone reclining gets into your space and jams your legs. I only recline if there is no one in back of me, which is almost never. It's ridiculous how close airlines jam those seats together.
Don't wanna be crowded? Upgrade.
Then and now.
Economy class of past...
download (1).jpeg

Then, flying was luxurious and comfortable and part of the enjoyment of traveling.
Now, flying is crammed into sardine cans, no smoking, overpriced drinks, no food.
Damn right I will recline the 1 inch as that is my right and the LAST comfort left on the misery that air travel has become.
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If you are a big or tall person, someone reclining gets into your space and jams your legs. I only recline if there is no one in back of me, which is almost never. It's ridiculous how close airlines jam those seats together.
Don't wanna be crowded? Upgrade.
Last time I flew was last Feb. to Miami. After flight home I was so cramped up and sore I told the wife, next trip we pay for the upgrade.
Who doesn't enjoy kicking the back of the seat in front of you?
After seeing this viral video, I found this guy to be a 5 year old jerk. Literally throwing a tantrum.
The woman who states she has back issues, put her seat forward while he ate and when done she put her seat back as is the right of any ticket purchaser. At that point he starts hitting her seat. She then records his childish actions and complained to staff who then berated her and gives the guy a free rum. I hope she sues American Airlines as they come across as a- holes in my view.
What do you think.
Recline or no recline?
I recline as those seats are uncomfortable as I age.
I think she is a bitch. Dude can't recline. He didn't ask for that seat. She COULD have sat there for the duration upright but nope. She wanted her way. Back problems my ass.
After seeing this viral video, I found this guy to be a 5 year old jerk. Literally throwing a tantrum.
The woman who states she has back issues, put her seat forward while he ate and when done she put her seat back as is the right of any ticket purchaser. At that point he starts hitting her seat. She then records his childish actions and complained to staff who then berated her and gives the guy a free rum. I hope she sues American Airlines as they come across as a- holes in my view.
What do you think.
Recline or no recline?
I recline as those seats are uncomfortable as I age.
I think she is a bitch. Dude can't recline. He didn't ask for that seat. She COULD have sat there for the duration upright but nope. She wanted her way. Back problems my ass.
So, that justifies pounding on back of seat like a child? He could have chose a better seat ahead of time, for a price of course.
Frankly, I hope he enjoys his new fame and recognition as a douche.
It’s really difficult for me to formulate an opinion on the dispute. Only part of the interaction is on tape. I will say that those seats recline for a reason, and if you happen to be someone sitting behind another passenger that has their seat all the way reclined and that disturbs you, the most you can do is request that person pull up their seat. It may be rude to not comply with the request, but it’s not breaking any rules. Another thing is punching someone’s seat should not be tolerated.
It’s really difficult for me to formulate an opinion on the dispute. Only part of the interaction is on tape. I will say that those seats recline for a reason, and if you happen to be someone sitting behind another passenger that has their seat all the way reclined and that disturbs you, the most you can do is request that person pull up their seat. It may be rude to not comply with the request, but it’s not breaking any rules. Another thing is punching someone’s seat should not be tolerated.
According to story and what was reported on news. He asked her to move seat forward while he ate and she complied. When he finished, she reclined back and that's when he started hitting seat and then she started recording.

My bet is if a large male was in front of him, he would have never done it.
I would have punched the seat too. All the way to the destination. Then I would sue the airlines for putting me in a seat that does not recline. UNLESS they offered me a major reduction on the seat cost.

The woman could have showed some mercy. She didn't. So he didn't either.
I would have punched the seat too. All the way to the destination. Then I would sue the airlines for putting me in a seat that does not recline. UNLESS they offered me a major reduction on the seat cost.

The woman could have showed some mercy. She didn't. So he didn't either.
When you choose seats ahead of time, certain seats cost different based on location. His own fault for not choosing ahead. He wasn't forced into that seat unless he was literally last minute at gate.
Hitting the back was childish. I have been on that seat years ago when booking last minute for a funeral and I sure as hell didn't act like a baby when the person ahead of me reclined.
It's the airline's fault, for letting complete assholes like that woman fly in the first place. It's a symptom of just how sociopathic and socially dysfunctional and juvenile our 'middle class' is that that sort of rudeness and obnoxious behavior is the norm on planes. Those seats should not recline at all in such tight quarters, for one.

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