To save the country close the colleges.

This post is comical. So we want the majority of people with no college degree so that there is a major surplus of blue collar laborers making a pittance wage. Utopia. Lol. China is not the model we want to follow in any manner. My kids had one choice upon high school tech school, no hanging around, no working a job for 15 bucks an hour, no military, only college. All of them have high paying jobs because of it. Once they had their degrees they had choices.
THANK YOU! And thank you for being such a wonderful parent. As my late mother used to say: education is something that no one can ever take away from you. My father was not satisfied that I would be alright in this world until he saw my B.A. handed to me. Then he knew that I could always make my way whatever happened. He cried watching me get my post-graduate degree. Education was/is so important in my family and I have continued this tradition. Education is the key to everything.

I pity the kids whose parents are so afraid of it that they would rather see their kids marry young, and grow up to be waitresses and roofers and laborers, often supporting children on the pittance paid to them. They cannot hope to compete in a world full of professionals from this and other countries. If I was a faerie with a magic wand, I would confer a bachelor's on every kid. It's what's necessary.

But then again, someone must be available to cook and serve your kids' food, clean up, mow your kids's lawns, dig ditches, and dispose of your kids' garbage.
Yes, a sixth grade education is all anyone needs. A nation of Jethro Bodines may be a dream of conservatives.

Well, hell, we elected a president that makes Jethro look like a true double knot spy.

False dilemma. The OP's position is extreme as is your rebuttal. Obviously, we need college educated people for a multitude of professions, but I would argue we don't need nearly as many as we have. There is a lot of skilled labor out there that needs filled that pays excellent wages and only requires a couple of years training on the job or in a trade school which won't leave you drowning in $80k in student loans. As the cost of college is becoming prohibitive there is a growing movement out there to stop pushing kids to college and putting this idea in their heads they'll be failures if they don't.
Yes, a sixth grade education is all anyone needs. A nation of Jethro Bodines may be a dream of conservatives.

Well, hell, we elected a president that makes Jethro look like a true double knot spy.

False dilemma. The OP's position is extreme as is your rebuttal. Obviously, we need college educated people for a multitude of professions, but I would argue we don't need nearly as many as we have. There is a lot of skilled labor out there that needs filled that pays excellent wages and only requires a couple of years training on the job or in a trade school which won't leave you drowning in $80k in student loans. As the cost of college is becoming prohibitive there is a growing movement out there to stop pushing kids to college and putting this idea in their heads they'll be failures if they don't.
In that case, we need more employers to give good paying jobs to those with just a high school they used to
I don’t need no edumucation

Fox News will tell me everything I need to know
But Donald Trump has a degree from a college!!!!

Oh the inhumanity!!!!!
But he is very smart, smart man, real smart....went to Wharton, good school, only smart people go there.....gotta degree, honest, did it by himself
Even with bone spurs...
Hard to believe Trump graduated such a prestigious school in spite of his handicap
I don’t need no edumucation

Fox News will tell me everything I need to know
But Donald Trump has a degree from a college!!!!

Oh the inhumanity!!!!!
But he is very smart, smart man, real smart....went to Wharton, good school, only smart people go there.....gotta degree, honest, did it by himself
Even with bone spurs...
Hard to believe Trump graduated such a prestigious school in spite of his handicap
I bet marching in ROTC was murder along with the bowling. I can see why he had to miss camping with the boys...
Take the government out of the student loan business and you will see participation rates drop in kind. Either that or limit the degree category which the government will pay for to STEM.
Once the government stops paying >$50K for B.A. degrees in Psychology you will see the rolls drop.
I take it you failed that section of study..
Nope, I have STEM degrees in Aviation and Production & Ops Mgmt. No loans, TA/GI Bill baby...not a centavo of debt.
False dilemma. The OP's position is extreme as is your rebuttal. Obviously, we need college educated people for a multitude of professions, but I would argue we don't need nearly as many as we have. There is a lot of skilled labor out there that needs filled that pays excellent wages and only requires a couple of years training on the job or in a trade school which won't leave you drowning in $80k in student loans. As the cost of college is becoming prohibitive there is a growing movement out there to stop pushing kids to college and putting this idea in their heads they'll be failures if they don't.
In that case, we need more employers to give good paying jobs to those with just a high school they used to

I agree with you. Employers are as much part of the problem. In the past I was a corporate recruiter for the company I currently work for and I used to shake my head at some of the job requirements HR would come up with, requiring Bachelor's degrees for remedial level positions. Even some of the more comprehensive jobs like in finance or IT don't necessarily need a four year degree, just a couple of years of on the job experience and a two year degree from a business school. I have a Master's degree. I originally got into my field with a just an Associate's and honestly, that's all I ever really needed, but my mother, being from Asia, and my father, being a businessman drilled into my head that I had to continue my education or I would never get anywhere more than that entry level position I first had. So, I did, and now I'm paying $500 a month in student loans. I can see now, after more than a decade, I would likely be in this same job today making pretty close to the same salary with just that two year degree because the on the job experience I got was more valuable, but there are so many employers out there who insist on seeing that piece of paper from a four year university. It's ludicrous.

I think they had it right back in the 19th century when they did apprenticeships.
False dilemma. The OP's position is extreme as is your rebuttal. Obviously, we need college educated people for a multitude of professions, but I would argue we don't need nearly as many as we have. There is a lot of skilled labor out there that needs filled that pays excellent wages and only requires a couple of years training on the job or in a trade school which won't leave you drowning in $80k in student loans. As the cost of college is becoming prohibitive there is a growing movement out there to stop pushing kids to college and putting this idea in their heads they'll be failures if they don't.
In that case, we need more employers to give good paying jobs to those with just a high school they used to

I agree with you. Employers are as much part of the problem. In the past I was a corporate recruiter for the company I currently work for and I used to shake my head at some of the job requirements HR would come up with, requiring Bachelor's degrees for remedial level positions. Even some of the more comprehensive jobs like in finance or IT don't necessarily need a four year degree, just a couple of years of on the job experience and a two year degree from a business school. I have a Master's degree. I originally got into my field with a just an Associate's and honestly, that's all I ever really needed, but my mother, being from Asia, and my father, being a businessman drilled into my head that I had to continue my education or I would never get anywhere more than that entry level position I first had. So, I did, and now I'm paying $500 a month in student loans. I can see now, after more than a decade, I would likely be in this same job today making pretty close to the same salary with just that two year degree because the on the job experience I got was more valuable, but there are so many employers out there who insist on seeing that piece of paper from a four year university. It's ludicrous.

I think they had it right back in the 19th century when they did apprenticeships.
I was a pretty bright eighth grader. I had very good writing and math skills. Most office type jobs, I could perform using just what I had learned up through eight grade
Perhaps the most poignant argument one could make about restricting the growth of liberal arts colleges are the attacks on freedom of thought and speech. Training people for things like science and medicine will always be necessary but liberals arts colleges are like opium dens of socialist ideology and they are producing generations of idiots.
Perhaps the most poignant argument one could make about restricting the growth of liberal arts colleges are the attacks on freedom of thought and speech. Training people for things like science and medicine will always be necessary but liberals arts colleges are like opium dens of socialist ideology and they are producing generations of idiots.
Don’t like it....go to Trump University
This post is comical. So we want the majority of people with no college degree so that there is a major surplus of blue collar laborers making a pittance wage. Utopia. Lol. China is not the model we want to follow in any manner. My kids had one choice upon high school tech school, no hanging around, no working a job for 15 bucks an hour, no military, only college. All of them have high paying jobs because of it. Once they had their degrees they had choices.
Those Who Mandate This Must Give Students What They Give Their Own Kids There

That doesn't mean they deserve their jobs or are better at them than would have been the people who refused the unnecessary sacrifice of this indentured servitude. Our decline has been caused by putting such people in positions of responsibility. It should not be a choice; it should be for those chosen for their talent and paid a higher salary as students than they could expect to get working anywhere else at that age.
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Perhaps the most poignant argument one could make about restricting the growth of liberal arts colleges are the attacks on freedom of thought and speech. Training people for things like science and medicine will always be necessary but liberals arts colleges are like opium dens of socialist ideology and they are producing generations of idiots.
The Country That Pays Students for Their Grades Will Lead the World Economy

It's not about "training people for." For example, it shouldn't be phrased, "We need 50,000 engineers," but "We need to give better incentives to the 50,000 with the most natural talent for engineering." Sacrifice has no merit; it is merely brownnosing by ambitious imbeciles.
“A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.”

- Bertrand Russell -
Yes, a sixth grade education is all anyone needs. A nation of Jethro Bodines may be a dream of conservatives.

Well, hell, we elected a president that makes Jethro look like a true double knot spy.

False dilemma. The OP's position is extreme as is your rebuttal. Obviously, we need college educated people for a multitude of professions, but I would argue we don't need nearly as many as we have. There is a lot of skilled labor out there that needs filled that pays excellent wages and only requires a couple of years training on the job or in a trade school which won't leave you drowning in $80k in student loans. As the cost of college is becoming prohibitive there is a growing movement out there to stop pushing kids to college and putting this idea in their heads they'll be failures if they don't.
Getting a Job by Going 4 Years Without a Job? Whoever Mandates That Must Be Taken Down

Just like all brainwashed Americans, you're being generic. For example, "pushing kids" says nothing about how smart those kids are. In order to get the right people in the right positions, we need to get those with the most natural ability and give them an overwhelming incentive to study by paying them a high student salary. Even the menial jobs should be filled by those with the most ability for that kind of work.
Nope, I have STEM degrees in Aviation and Production & Ops Mgmt. No loans, TA/GI Bill baby...not a centavo of debt.

Yeah, my sister was smart. She went the military route too and doesn't owe a dime. Instead, I got married at 19 and had a kid. :102:
I am sure it all worked out for the best. There is no perfect avenue.
Fatcats Love Mice

It's perfect for employers who want bootlicking wimps who were willing to sacrifice their youth just to please those sadistic bullies.

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