To save the country, support the president.

Lol, the current *president* is not legitimate, and a product of the very things you are whining about to boot. Supporting him is supporting criminal activity and treasonous behavior.
How is he not legitimate? He won the election by the rules of the election. That's the definition of legitimate.

Trump is a slimeball, but he's not abnormal for politicians. On a national level, most of them are slimy as hell, they're just much more savvy and under the radar than Trump is. It's not an argument in favor of Trump, but rather against big government as a whole. The more powerful government is, the more it attracts bad people who want to control others' lives, and the more it begets corruption.
HE CHEATED and broke the law, and the last I knew, we DO NOT REWARD cheaters....

how exactly did he cheat? We know that Hillary and the DNC cheated AND LOST. Tell us how Trump cheated.
Lol, the current *president* is not legitimate, and a product of the very things you are whining about to boot. Supporting him is supporting criminal activity and treasonous behavior.
How is he not legitimate? He won the election by the rules of the election. That's the definition of legitimate.

Trump is a slimeball, but he's not abnormal for politicians. On a national level, most of them are slimy as hell, they're just much more savvy and under the radar than Trump is. It's not an argument in favor of Trump, but rather against big government as a whole. The more powerful government is, the more it attracts bad people who want to control others' lives, and the more it begets corruption.
The rules allow Vladimir Putin to assist?

Who knew?

how exactly the Putin assist Trump in winning? which votes in which states were changed as a direct result of Russian activity? if you cannot answer that then you are as full of shit as your mentors on CNN and MSNBC
Defeat the Prresident if you want to save the country.

For more than a decade, the Alt Right and Far right were told they could have their own opinions but not their own facts.

The election of 2012 convicted the Far Right and Alt Right they had to manufacture their own facts, no matter how false.

The Russo-Trump coalition and camp did just that and stole the election.

They want to steal the country.

They will fail.

same question for you, jakey boy. which votes in which states were changed as a direct result of Russian activity? Did knowing about the corruption of Hillary and the DNC cause people to vote against her? if so, why is that a bad thing?
To save the country, oppose Trump.

Indeed, the country is in jeopardy because of Trump, Republicans, and the failed, wrongheaded agenda of the right

exactly what part of the conservative/Trump agenda do you consider to be wrongheaded? Be specific, no talking points or bullshit
It would have been difficult to predict the direction American leaders chose to go back in 1957 when the Russians launched the first satellite, Sputnik, into low Earth orbit. It caused a nationwide panic and led to the unfortunate phenomenon of student debt and lifetime jobs for college professors. The result is stunningly obvious as millions of students leave college each year, diploma in hand, barely able to to read the contents of a restaurant menu and unable to compose anything in writing that would qualify as a respectable grocery list.

Just a few years later in 1964/65, the War on Poverty was initiated followed by Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. A massive welfare state ensued leading to an explosion of single motherhood unprecedented in the US. Democrat, Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s warning that paying young men to produce illegitimate children would lead to a breakdown of society was ignored and he was ostracized.

Today American society is teeming with fat, alcoholic, cannabis-addled slobs whose only goal is to be made comfortable and hope for a handicap parking space. American sovereignty is in serious jeopardy because the status quo has realized the sociological destruction imposed on America by educators and politicians has reached a point of no return. Leaders are throwing open our borders to import illegal immigrants because many Americans, are just too lazy, too obese and too chemically dependent to do the work necessary to keep the country going.

Universities and colleges have become stooge factories to maintain the status quo and the American press is replete with indoctrinated fellow travelers. As Dr. Thomas Sowell states in his book, Intellectuals and Society, the collective wisdom of the masses, will, in most cases, intervene to prevail over the mistakes of intellectuals but it may just be too late for the United States.

In order to protect the status quo, the US government may have actually lowered the mean intelligence of the average citizen by a full standard deviation. In doing so, a corrupt government can overthrow a sitting US president that was swept into office by the emergency action of the remnants of the population still able to make sense of the world.

The current president is the last best hope to save the country. The “dirty” government is on the verge of legalizing marijuana. The National Anthem could be replaced with the loony tune introduction of a Porky Pig cartoon.

Lol, the current *president* is not legitimate, and a product of the very things you are whining about to boot. Supporting him is supporting criminal activity and treasonous behavior.
How is he not legitimate? He won the election by the rules of the election. That's the definition of legitimate.

Trump is a slimeball, but he's not abnormal for politicians. On a national level, most of them are slimy as hell, they're just much more savvy and under the radar than Trump is. It's not an argument in favor of Trump, but rather against big government as a whole. The more powerful government is, the more it attracts bad people who want to control others' lives, and the more it begets corruption.
HE CHEATED and broke the law, and the last I knew, we DO NOT REWARD cheaters....

Last I heard, it was the other way around. I heard that Clinton campaign paid fusion GPS to collect dirt on the TRUMP campaign, and that information was then given to the FBI to try to take the Trump campaign and administration down.

Where the hell are you getting your information?
It would have been difficult to predict the direction American leaders chose to go back in 1957 when the Russians launched the first satellite, Sputnik, into low Earth orbit. It caused a nationwide panic and led to the unfortunate phenomenon of student debt and lifetime jobs for college professors. The result is stunningly obvious as millions of students leave college each year, diploma in hand, barely able to to read the contents of a restaurant menu and unable to compose anything in writing that would qualify as a respectable grocery list.

Just a few years later in 1964/65, the War on Poverty was initiated followed by Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. A massive welfare state ensued leading to an explosion of single motherhood unprecedented in the US. Democrat, Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s warning that paying young men to produce illegitimate children would lead to a breakdown of society was ignored and he was ostracized.

Today American society is teeming with fat, alcoholic, cannabis-addled slobs whose only goal is to be made comfortable and hope for a handicap parking space. American sovereignty is in serious jeopardy because the status quo has realized the sociological destruction imposed on America by educators and politicians has reached a point of no return. Leaders are throwing open our borders to import illegal immigrants because many Americans, are just too lazy, too obese and too chemically dependent to do the work necessary to keep the country going.

Universities and colleges have become stooge factories to maintain the status quo and the American press is replete with indoctrinated fellow travelers. As Dr. Thomas Sowell states in his book, Intellectuals and Society, the collective wisdom of the masses, will, in most cases, intervene to prevail over the mistakes of intellectuals but it may just be too late for the United States.

In order to protect the status quo, the US government may have actually lowered the mean intelligence of the average citizen by a full standard deviation. In doing so, a corrupt government can overthrow a sitting US president that was swept into office by the emergency action of the remnants of the population still able to make sense of the world.

The current president is the last best hope to save the country. The “dirty” government is on the verge of legalizing marijuana. The National Anthem could be replaced with the loony tune introduction of a Porky Pig cartoon.
Lol, the current *president* is not legitimate, and a product of the very things you are whining about to boot. Supporting him is supporting criminal activity and treasonous behavior.

It would have been difficult to predict the direction American leaders chose to go back in 1957 when the Russians launched the first satellite, Sputnik, into low Earth orbit. It caused a nationwide panic and led to the unfortunate phenomenon of student debt and lifetime jobs for college professors. The result is stunningly obvious as millions of students leave college each year, diploma in hand, barely able to to read the contents of a restaurant menu and unable to compose anything in writing that would qualify as a respectable grocery list.

Just a few years later in 1964/65, the War on Poverty was initiated followed by Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. A massive welfare state ensued leading to an explosion of single motherhood unprecedented in the US. Democrat, Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s warning that paying young men to produce illegitimate children would lead to a breakdown of society was ignored and he was ostracized.

Today American society is teeming with fat, alcoholic, cannabis-addled slobs whose only goal is to be made comfortable and hope for a handicap parking space. American sovereignty is in serious jeopardy because the status quo has realized the sociological destruction imposed on America by educators and politicians has reached a point of no return. Leaders are throwing open our borders to import illegal immigrants because many Americans, are just too lazy, too obese and too chemically dependent to do the work necessary to keep the country going.

Universities and colleges have become stooge factories to maintain the status quo and the American press is replete with indoctrinated fellow travelers. As Dr. Thomas Sowell states in his book, Intellectuals and Society, the collective wisdom of the masses, will, in most cases, intervene to prevail over the mistakes of intellectuals but it may just be too late for the United States.

In order to protect the status quo, the US government may have actually lowered the mean intelligence of the average citizen by a full standard deviation. In doing so, a corrupt government can overthrow a sitting US president that was swept into office by the emergency action of the remnants of the population still able to make sense of the world.

The current president is the last best hope to save the country. The “dirty” government is on the verge of legalizing marijuana. The National Anthem could be replaced with the loony tune introduction of a Porky Pig cartoon.
What a crock. Bring back the Bob Dole, George HW Bush Republicans. Back when Republicans actually cared more about our country than Corporate America.

Dump the retarded people that actually thought Donald Trump was Presidential material.

I have news. Ignoring Global Warming, allowing for more pollution, making more dangerous workplaces, taking away workers rights, borrowing money to give to wealthy people & corporations will kill America

One day assholes like you might get it.

Anyone who supports Donald Trump does Not support the United States of America.

Take your Russia loving orange buddy & move to some island somewhere & you can have your little Nazi white state.

Defeat the Prresident if you want to save the country.

For more than a decade, the Alt Right and Far right were told they could have their own opinions but not their own facts.

The election of 2012 convicted the Far Right and Alt Right they had to manufacture their own facts, no matter how false.

The Russo-Trump coalition and camp did just that and stole the election.

They want to steal the country.

They will fail.

To save our country, IMPEACH and remove the crooked to his very core, President!!! :eek:

Hahaha...Nothing's changed since January 20th of last year.
Trump is still hated by corrupt establishment politicians, the unAmericans of Loon York and Mexifornia, illegitimate classless filth, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, carpet munchers and pole puffers.
Meanwhile, hard working, positive contributing REAL Americans who matter are still smiling ear to fucking ear. Part of me is starting to feel sorry for the deranged whackos that just can't stand the thought of a higher grade society. Poor Loonies.
It would have been difficult to predict the direction American leaders chose to go back in 1957 when the Russians launched the first satellite, Sputnik, into low Earth orbit. It caused a nationwide panic and led to the unfortunate phenomenon of student debt and lifetime jobs for college professors. The result is stunningly obvious as millions of students leave college each year, diploma in hand, barely able to to read the contents of a restaurant menu and unable to compose anything in writing that would qualify as a respectable grocery list.

Just a few years later in 1964/65, the War on Poverty was initiated followed by Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. A massive welfare state ensued leading to an explosion of single motherhood unprecedented in the US. Democrat, Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s warning that paying young men to produce illegitimate children would lead to a breakdown of society was ignored and he was ostracized.

Today American society is teeming with fat, alcoholic, cannabis-addled slobs whose only goal is to be made comfortable and hope for a handicap parking space. American sovereignty is in serious jeopardy because the status quo has realized the sociological destruction imposed on America by educators and politicians has reached a point of no return. Leaders are throwing open our borders to import illegal immigrants because many Americans, are just too lazy, too obese and too chemically dependent to do the work necessary to keep the country going.

Universities and colleges have become stooge factories to maintain the status quo and the American press is replete with indoctrinated fellow travelers. As Dr. Thomas Sowell states in his book, Intellectuals and Society, the collective wisdom of the masses, will, in most cases, intervene to prevail over the mistakes of intellectuals but it may just be too late for the United States.

In order to protect the status quo, the US government may have actually lowered the mean intelligence of the average citizen by a full standard deviation. In doing so, a corrupt government can overthrow a sitting US president that was swept into office by the emergency action of the remnants of the population still able to make sense of the world.

The current president is the last best hope to save the country. The “dirty” government is on the verge of legalizing marijuana. The National Anthem could be replaced with the loony tune introduction of a Porky Pig cartoon.
Lol, the current *president* is not legitimate

'splain. Lucy.
You know that was never said in the show right?

Defeat the Prresident if you want to save the country.

For more than a decade, the Alt Right and Far right were told they could have their own opinions but not their own facts.

The election of 2012 convicted the Far Right and Alt Right they had to manufacture their own facts, no matter how false.

The Russo-Trump coalition and camp did just that and stole the election.

They want to steal the country.

They will fail.

same question for you, jakey boy. which votes in which states were changed as a direct result of Russian activity? Did knowing about the corruption of Hillary and the DNC cause people to vote against her? if so, why is that a bad thing?
Fishey boy, all of that is immaterial.

The attempt and collusion is all that is needed by Mueller, and he has it.

The Russo-Trump alt right agenda is now in the open, and time will quickly wear down the Trump support.
Broke Loser's fake alt facts above prove my very point that "For more than a decade, the Alt Right and Far right were told they could have their own opinions but not their own facts. The election of 2012 convicted the Far Right and Alt Right they had to manufacture their own facts, no matter how false. The Russo-Trump coalition and camp did just that and stole the election. They want to steal the country."

Mueller MAGA is stomping them down, and good America is pitching in to help him.
And now it has come out that the same spy the George Herbert Walker Bush used to spy on the Carter campaign, Obama used to spy on the Trump campaign.

Jesus the establishment, both on the left and right really want this guys head. What are they hiding and why do they need him out so bad?

I don't get the partisans that pledge loyalty to party over country. What is the psychology on that?

When Donald J. Trump set his sights on the presidency in the 2000 election, he pursued the nomination of the Reform Party, a home for disenchanted independents. “The Republican Party has just moved too far to the extreme right,” he explained. “The Democrats are too far to the left.”


“I’m the Lone Ranger,” he once said in another context.Now in the White House, President Trump demonstrated this past week that he still imagines himself a solitary cowboy as he abandoned Republican congressional leaders to forge a short-term fiscal deal with Democrats.

Bound to No Party, Trump Upends 150 Years of Two-Party Rule
Bound to No Party, Trump Upends 150 Years of Two-Party Rule

The current President is irrelevant as Mueller's report to the county will show shortly.

What is irrelevant is that the Alt Right is protesting against Trump being watched, but yelled for Clinton to be watched.

Does not work that way, alt righties.
Defeat the Prresident if you want to save the country.

For more than a decade, the Alt Right and Far right were told they could have their own opinions but not their own facts.

The election of 2012 convicted the Far Right and Alt Right they had to manufacture their own facts, no matter how false.

The Russo-Trump coalition and camp did just that and stole the election.

They want to steal the country.

They will fail.

same question for you, jakey boy. which votes in which states were changed as a direct result of Russian activity? Did knowing about the corruption of Hillary and the DNC cause people to vote against her? if so, why is that a bad thing?
Fishey boy, all of that is immaterial.

The attempt and collusion is all that is needed by Mueller, and he has it.

The Russo-Trump alt right agenda is now in the open, and time will quickly wear down the Trump support.

PROVE he has it.
Mueller is making all of you stew and sweat. He has the goods. He is just waiting for more of you to come into the open.

Mueller wants not just the President but all Russo-Trump supporters in the open.

Mueller MAGA.
Broke Loser's fake alt facts above prove my very point that "For more than a decade, the Alt Right and Far right were told they could have their own opinions but not their own facts. The election of 2012 convicted the Far Right and Alt Right they had to manufacture their own facts, no matter how false. The Russo-Trump coalition and camp did just that and stole the election. They want to steal the country."

Mueller MAGA is stomping them down, and good America is pitching in to help him.

Russia bought some ad space in cyber world and thats all you Loons can talk about...Meanwhile Mexico has illegally planted 12-40 million foot soldiers on our soil to breed like rodents and drop anchor babies at a rigorous pace...eventually voting on the interests of thirdworlders and Mexico and you ignorant fools champion it and or pretend you don’t see it happening. Why the obsession and outrage with potential Russian influence but no interest or outrage in the Mexico influence?
Do you really wonder why nobody sane can take you serious?
Mueller is making all of you stew and sweat. He has the goods. He is just waiting for more of you to come into the open.

Mueller wants not just the President but all Russo-Trump supporters in the open.

Mueller MAGA.

Any day now. :auiqs.jpg:

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