To start with bushes tax cuts created 7 million jobs in 5 years, in addition

What created the 23 million jobs in the Clinton presidency?

Many things in the private sector. On the government side: lower government spending, welfare reform, farm-subsidy reform, free trade agreements. The tax increases in 1993 hurt, but were more than offset by other changes.

There was no "lower government spending." A massive decrease in the rate of increase happened when the GOP won the House in 1994. There was no economic recovery before then.

Liberals forget this, and they claim credit for welfare reform which also helped. And then there's the fact that no Democrat ever predicted that the economy would grow so much starting in 1997. In fact, Bob Dole was laughed at for saying it was possible. When it happened they of course claimed credit.
How do you get a college graduate off of your front porch a Obama economy???

You pay them for the pizza!:rofl::lmao:
What jobs did they create? Mine went to India, I would like it back.

Find something else to do or move to India. I wish I could still code HTML for $45 an hour. I don't blame anyone for innovation that made me have to figure something else out.
What jobs did they create? Mine went to India, I would like it back.

Find something else to do or move to India. I wish I could still code HTML for $45 an hour. I don't blame anyone for innovation that made me have to figure something else out.

I tried to follow my job to India...I could live a lot better on $4.00 an hour than the 8 something an hour they were paying me here, unfortunately, the Indian government wouldn't let me. Those jobs are for THEIR citizens. Seems ours is the only country in the world that doesn't protect the jobs for their own citizens.
What created the 23 million jobs in the Clinton presidency?

Many things in the private sector. On the government side: lower government spending, welfare reform, farm-subsidy reform, free trade agreements. The tax increases in 1993 hurt, but were more than offset by other changes.

There was no "lower government spending." A massive decrease in the rate of increase happened when the GOP won the House in 1994. There was no economic recovery before then.

Liberals forget this, and they claim credit for welfare reform which also helped. And then there's the fact that no Democrat ever predicted that the economy would grow so much starting in 1997. In fact, Bob Dole was laughed at for saying it was possible. When it happened they of course claimed credit.

As I recall, there was something like a 0.7% decrease in non-defense government spending while Clinton was in office (and the Republicans controlled Congress - which controls spending). But you are correct. Clinton is credited for many things that he had nothing to do with.
What created the 23 million jobs in the Clinton presidency?

Many things in the private sector. On the government side: lower government spending, welfare reform, farm-subsidy reform, free trade agreements. The tax increases in 1993 hurt, but were more than offset by other changes.

There was no "lower government spending." A massive decrease in the rate of increase happened when the GOP won the House in 1994. There was no economic recovery before then.Liberals forget this, and they claim credit for welfare reform which also helped. And then there's the fact that no Democrat ever predicted that the economy would grow so much starting in 1997. In fact, Bob Dole was laughed at for saying it was possible. When it happened they of course claimed credit.

That is false. The economic was already growing when Clinton took office in fact the economy was out of recession in 1991.
To start with bushes tax cuts created 7 million jobs in 5 years, in addition

To start with, Bush's tax cuts didn't create jobs. And even if they were responsible for those jobs, they weren't that effective; because 5 million jobs over 8 years is a shameful record. You want to talk about real job growth? Look at Clinton. 22 million jobs were created during hi 8 years in office.
I don't have to,
It's your claim, and so, yes, you do.
unless you prove the Bush tax cuts created 7 million jobs
I have not made that claim, and so, I have nothing to prove.
Get busy.
Ah, turns out you're lying:
Quote: Originally Posted by M14 Shooter
The Obama's tax cuts wil create jobs as well.
But the left will never admit it.
I see you still suffer from that basic lack of understanding of the English language.
-Do- try to fix that.
I don't have to,
It's your claim, and so, yes, you do.

unless you prove the Bush tax cuts created 7 million jobs
I have not made that claim, and so, I have nothing to prove.

Get busy.

So you agree there is no evidence to support the claim that the Bush tax cuts created 7 million jobs?
I'm sorry -- you made a claim, not I.
When you support that claim, we can move on.
What jobs did they create? Mine went to India, I would like it back.

Find something else to do or move to India. I wish I could still code HTML for $45 an hour. I don't blame anyone for innovation that made me have to figure something else out.

I tried to follow my job to India...I could live a lot better on $4.00 an hour than the 8 something an hour they were paying me here, unfortunately, the Indian government wouldn't let me. Those jobs are for THEIR citizens. Seems ours is the only country in the world that doesn't protect the jobs for their own citizens.

Ah. And you advocate protectionism here? If you support unions you do.

What job is this? It sounds like telephone work and I know some people.
Many things in the private sector. On the government side: lower government spending, welfare reform, farm-subsidy reform, free trade agreements. The tax increases in 1993 hurt, but were more than offset by other changes.

There was no "lower government spending." A massive decrease in the rate of increase happened when the GOP won the House in 1994. There was no economic recovery before then.Liberals forget this, and they claim credit for welfare reform which also helped. And then there's the fact that no Democrat ever predicted that the economy would grow so much starting in 1997. In fact, Bob Dole was laughed at for saying it was possible. When it happened they of course claimed credit.

That is false. The economic was already growing when Clinton took office in fact the economy was out of recession in 1991.
I cannot believe I'm going to say this - but, you're right.
Oh well - stopped clocks and all.

In fact, the recession was over well before the 1992 election - Bill Clinton, et al, lied about the "worst economy in 50 years", as it was the only shot he had to get elected.

Liberals never let the truth stand between them an an elected office.

Prior to the 1994 election, Clinton's budgets projected >$200B for as long as the eye could see -- it was not until the GOP forced a reduction in the rate of growth was there ever any talk about surplusses.
Many things in the private sector. On the government side: lower government spending, welfare reform, farm-subsidy reform, free trade agreements. The tax increases in 1993 hurt, but were more than offset by other changes.

There was no "lower government spending." A massive decrease in the rate of increase happened when the GOP won the House in 1994. There was no economic recovery before then.Liberals forget this, and they claim credit for welfare reform which also helped. And then there's the fact that no Democrat ever predicted that the economy would grow so much starting in 1997. In fact, Bob Dole was laughed at for saying it was possible. When it happened they of course claimed credit.

That is false. The economic was already growing when Clinton took office in fact the economy was out of recession in 1991.

I suppose that depends on your definition of "recovery." Are you saying the recovery started in 1991?
I don't have to,
It's your claim, and so, yes, you do.

unless you prove the Bush tax cuts created 7 million jobs
I have not made that claim, and so, I have nothing to prove.

Get busy.

So you agree there is no evidence to support the claim that the Bush tax cuts created 7 million jobs?

There's plenty of evidence in the OP. Does it prove direct causation? Hard to tell. One thing is certain though, raising taxes this year was not going to help according to both Republicans and Democrats including the President.

So what's your point?

And can you prove Clinton's tax increases created jobs?
The stimulus bill included 300+B in tax cuts, including a reduction in the payroll tax.

The stimulus tax cuts have not materialized. .

That will come to quite a surprise to the HR department around the nation that started holding a lower FICA rate.

The FICA rate reduction is on the employee side only. So please, educate us on the HR departments who are that clueless.

By lowering interest rates.

Tax increases lowered interest rates?


July 2, 1992 6.00
March 24, 1994 6.25
April 19, 1994 6.75
May 18, 1994 7.25
August 16, 1994 7.75
November 15, 1994 8.5
February 1, 1995 9.00
July 7, 1995 8.75
December 20, 1995 8.50
January 31, 1996 8.25

Prime Rate History

Oh, you mean the Federal Funds Rate or the Discount Rate.


1992 3% on both
1993 No changes
1994 3 - 5.5 and 3-4.75

Historical Changes of the Target Federal Funds and Discount Rates - Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Try again.

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