To those of you with children, would you let your kids watch the Cosby show


VIP Member
Apr 23, 2018
Knowing what Bill Cosby really is? And if you do, would this say anything about your morals to your children who will eventually learn what Cosby is
You know, some of the situations that came up on the Cosby show were relevant, and in keeping with the times. They also managed to look at various social situations and bring them to the forefront in conversation.

Personally? I think a lot of his shows had merit. They taught good lessons, and quite often were entertaining.

Would I let my kids watch? Probably. Would I talk with them about what he did? Only when they were old enough to understand what happened. hating the sin, but loving the sinner (like you Christians say we should), a person should be able to separate a person's body of work from the bad acts they have done.

I personally despise both Kid Rock and Ted Nugent. Why? Because I don't like the policies and views that they have. But, I never threw out my Kid Rock or Ted Nugent albums. Even though I think those two individuals are complete and total asses, I still like some of their music and am not going to throw away my CD's of theirs that I have just because of their views or what they did. That would be a waste of money I already spent.
Why stop at Cosby?

Include, Charlie Chaplin, Clark Gable, Fatty Arbuckle, and dozens more that actually got away with rape.
Sure, I'd let both my children watch the show. 36 is a little old to allow dad to say what to do.

If my kids were small, though, of course I would let them watch it. The values of the show, itself, are very good ones, and that is what actually counts when it comes to moral development. .
Why stop at Cosby?

Include, Charlie Chaplin, Clark Gable, Fatty Arbuckle, and dozens more that actually got away with rape.

My Mother's cousin had sex with Charlie Chaplin, but it was consensual.

Knowing her, I imagine she initiated it.

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