To Those On The Left: Why Are You Voting For Biden?

All of this has confirmed my suspicion, that being that, for the most part, the left would vote for a fish instead of Trump.

I could have told you that from the beginning. Yes, I would vote for a fish instead of Trump.

Are you surprised that the left REALLY does not like Trump? That's really the goal here.

When I cast my vote for someone, it's because I believe the same as they do (generally speaking). I share their ideals. I agree with their positions on issues.

If two candidates were running and I agreed with neither of them, I would vote for neither of them.

That's called "integrity", a concept which is clearly lost on my folks on the left here...

No Trump supporter can reasonably claim that they support his policy positions. He has one policy. Do and say
what benefits him at the moment. No supporter of Trump honestly values credibility.
All of this has confirmed my suspicion, that being that, for the most part, the left would vote for a fish instead of Trump.

I could have told you that from the beginning. Yes, I would vote for a fish instead of Trump.

Are you surprised that the left REALLY does not like Trump? That's really the goal here.

When I cast my vote for someone, it's because I believe the same as they do (generally speaking). I share their ideals. I agree with their positions on issues.

If two candidates were running and I agreed with neither of them, I would vote for neither of them.

That's called "integrity", a concept which is clearly lost on my folks on the left here...

Plenty of people voted against Hillary last time.

You don't like it, but the reason for my vote is just as valid as any other reason and it counts just the same. I despise Trump and I would love nothing more than to get him out of there. Anything else that comes of it is just a bonus.
The comment that I referred to concerned the "regressives" on the left......not Republicans.

I already pointed that out. You don't dare say any icky shit about your own political tribe. No, no. You're all fucking angels. You showed exactly what POV you're coming from from your first question.

I do not believe that there has been an effort on the part of any influential person or group to
coddle black Americans and lower expectations for them. I find that assertion to be without merit.

MY PREVIOUS COMMENT: "But you strike me as a 'not my problem' type. If it doesn't affect you personally, it doesn't exist, amirite?"

I know. That's why there will be no real conversation here. ^^

Until someone provides some evidence to the contrary, we are not having a discussion so much as
a pointless series of baseless claims.

Have you done any work at all? Researched inequality in the black community? No. The answer is no. This way, you can pretend it isn't an issue because it doesn't affect you personally. A narcissist's argument.
The comment that I referred to concerned the "regressives" on the left......not Republicans.

I already pointed that out. You don't dare say any icky shit about your own political tribe. No, no. You're all fucking angels. You showed exactly what POV you're coming from from your first question.

I do not believe that there has been an effort on the part of any influential person or group to
coddle black Americans and lower expectations for them. I find that assertion to be without merit.

MY PREVIOUS COMMENT: "But you strike me as a 'not my problem' type. If it doesn't affect you personally, it doesn't exist, amirite?"

I know. That's why there will be no real conversation here. ^^

Until someone provides some evidence to the contrary, we are not having a discussion so much as
a pointless series of baseless claims.

Have you done any work at all? Researched inequality in the black community? No. The answer is no. This way, you can pretend it isn't an issue because it doesn't affect you personally. A narcissist's argument.

You are making baseless assumptions about me while completely avoiding the opportunity to support your claim.
I'll admit that this questions assumes that those on the left are going to vote for Joe Biden for President.

My question to you is a very simple one: Why are you voting for Biden?
Biden isn't a criminal who steals from charities that go to children with cancer. Trump does. Shame on anyone who could vote for such a monster.
The comment that I referred to concerned the "regressives" on the left......not Republicans.

I already pointed that out. You don't dare say any icky shit about your own political tribe. No, no. You're all fucking angels. You showed exactly what POV you're coming from from your first question.

I do not believe that there has been an effort on the part of any influential person or group to
coddle black Americans and lower expectations for them. I find that assertion to be without merit.

MY PREVIOUS COMMENT: "But you strike me as a 'not my problem' type. If it doesn't affect you personally, it doesn't exist, amirite?"

I know. That's why there will be no real conversation here. ^^

Until someone provides some evidence to the contrary, we are not having a discussion so much as
a pointless series of baseless claims.

Have you done any work at all? Researched inequality in the black community? No. The answer is no. This way, you can pretend it isn't an issue because it doesn't affect you personally. A narcissist's argument.

You are making baseless assumptions about me while completely avoiding the opportunity to support your claim.

It was Mac's claim, but I agree with it. IMO, you don't think the black community is coddled in any way.

Let me ask you a question: Is it because you assume we mean the white community is doing the coddling?
The comment that I referred to concerned the "regressives" on the left......not Republicans.

I already pointed that out. You don't dare say any icky shit about your own political tribe. No, no. You're all fucking angels. You showed exactly what POV you're coming from from your first question.

I do not believe that there has been an effort on the part of any influential person or group to
coddle black Americans and lower expectations for them. I find that assertion to be without merit.

MY PREVIOUS COMMENT: "But you strike me as a 'not my problem' type. If it doesn't affect you personally, it doesn't exist, amirite?"

I know. That's why there will be no real conversation here. ^^

Until someone provides some evidence to the contrary, we are not having a discussion so much as
a pointless series of baseless claims.

Have you done any work at all? Researched inequality in the black community? No. The answer is no. This way, you can pretend it isn't an issue because it doesn't affect you personally. A narcissist's argument.

You are making baseless assumptions about me while completely avoiding the opportunity to support your claim.

It was Mac's claim, but I agree with it. IMO, you don't think the black community is coddled in any way.

Let me ask you a question: Is it because you assume we mean the white community is doing the coddling?

I have not assumed anything. I have seen no evidence that black Americans are coddled by anyone.

The idea that "regressives" or "the left" are doing something to lower expectations and standards for black Americans is an unproven
claim regardless of who is making it.
The comment that I referred to concerned the "regressives" on the left......not Republicans.

I already pointed that out. You don't dare say any icky shit about your own political tribe. No, no. You're all fucking angels. You showed exactly what POV you're coming from from your first question.

I do not believe that there has been an effort on the part of any influential person or group to
coddle black Americans and lower expectations for them. I find that assertion to be without merit.

MY PREVIOUS COMMENT: "But you strike me as a 'not my problem' type. If it doesn't affect you personally, it doesn't exist, amirite?"

I know. That's why there will be no real conversation here. ^^

Until someone provides some evidence to the contrary, we are not having a discussion so much as
a pointless series of baseless claims.

Have you done any work at all? Researched inequality in the black community? No. The answer is no. This way, you can pretend it isn't an issue because it doesn't affect you personally. A narcissist's argument.

You are making baseless assumptions about me while completely avoiding the opportunity to support your claim.

It was Mac's claim, but I agree with it. IMO, you don't think the black community is coddled in any way.

Let me ask you a question: Is it because you assume we mean the white community is doing the coddling?

I have not assumed anything. I have seen no evidence that black Americans are coddled by anyone.

You're repeating yourself. You've already made this point numerous times now.

The idea that "regressives" or "the left" are doing something to lower expectations and standards for black Americans is an unproven
claim regardless of who is making it.

Who exactly, does the removal of Aunt Jemima on maple syrup bottles benefit? What about statues?
The comment that I referred to concerned the "regressives" on the left......not Republicans.

I already pointed that out. You don't dare say any icky shit about your own political tribe. No, no. You're all fucking angels. You showed exactly what POV you're coming from from your first question.

I do not believe that there has been an effort on the part of any influential person or group to
coddle black Americans and lower expectations for them. I find that assertion to be without merit.

MY PREVIOUS COMMENT: "But you strike me as a 'not my problem' type. If it doesn't affect you personally, it doesn't exist, amirite?"

I know. That's why there will be no real conversation here. ^^

Until someone provides some evidence to the contrary, we are not having a discussion so much as
a pointless series of baseless claims.

Have you done any work at all? Researched inequality in the black community? No. The answer is no. This way, you can pretend it isn't an issue because it doesn't affect you personally. A narcissist's argument.

You are making baseless assumptions about me while completely avoiding the opportunity to support your claim.

It was Mac's claim, but I agree with it. IMO, you don't think the black community is coddled in any way.

Let me ask you a question: Is it because you assume we mean the white community is doing the coddling?

I have not assumed anything. I have seen no evidence that black Americans are coddled by anyone.

You're repeating yourself. You've already made this point numerous times now.

The idea that "regressives" or "the left" are doing something to lower expectations and standards for black Americans is an unproven
claim regardless of who is making it.

Who exactly, does the removal of Aunt Jemima on maple syrup bottles benefit? What about statues?

Would you like to change the discussion to the the issue of removing confederate statues and symbols of

The decision to change the image of the maple syrup and pancakes is clearly a business decision.
The company has determined that the imagery is no longer a fit with its business model. So,,,the
company stands to benefit. Conversely.....nobody is harmed by this decision....right?

As for confederate memorials.....they are relics of the Jim Crow era and were meant to be symbols
of oppression and bigotry. removing them benefits society in general.

How does this relate to the "soft bigotry of low expectations" in any way? Shit. You didn't even
bring up Jeff Charles or Thomas Sowell. I think you may be flailing.
The decision to change the image of the maple syrup and pancakes is clearly a business decision.
The company has determined that the imagery is no longer a fit with its business model.

Thank you for the corporate explanation, captain obvious. You identified the 'what', but didn't bother with the 'why', nor the timing of the 'why'. You just whistled right past the graveyard on that one. No critical thought necessary.

As for confederate memorials.....they are relics of the Jim Crow era and were meant to be symbols
of oppression and bigotry. removing them benefits society in general.

You did it again. You never delve into why removing them now 'benefits society in general'.

EDIT: Also, you failed to answer my initial question. Who benefits from these things?
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Why do you morons keep using this debunked bullshit?
Oh wait...thats right,you're liberals which of course makes you dumb as a stump.
How is it debunked again? Specifically?

Well here's a start... I'm rather busy at the moment so you'll have to wait for more...


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