To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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You do know that the top 1% don't get their money from a paycheck don't you?

And I hate to tell you this but not all skills are equal. Putting burgers and fires into paper bags is not a skill that is worth 6 figures

No, it's not.

And running your corporation into the ground isn't a skill that's worth 8 figures, but we still do that.

So here's an idea. The CEO can only make a multiple of what his lowest paid employee makes.

So if the lowest paid person is only making minimum wage, the most you can pay the CEO is 50 times that.

Not the way it works.

it's none of your business what a CEO gets paid unless you own the company.
Yep, it's just Grand for the country that CEOs get paid two three four hundred times as much as average workers now when the number was 40 times when Reagan started. The only way to stop that is to have higher tax rates on the richest like before Reagan. Also it's the only way to have money to invest in tech training and cheaper education for the many jobs that go begging because America is getting dumber and dumber as the GOP makes it more and more difficult and expensive to get that training as well as money for infrastructure which is falling apart and hurting business.

Your comment shows you know nothing about wealthy people or the economy. What do you suppose the rich do when Uncle Sam comes to take their money away--open their wallets and bank accounts freely?

And why is it you socialists are so hung-up on CEO's? Let me ask: what do you think a star actresses hair stylist or make-up person makes compared to her? What do you suppose the guy selling popcorn at the stadium makes compared to the starting pitcher at a baseball game? What do you think a roady makes compared to the guitarist in a famous band? Bet you never boycotted or complained about any of those people.
I sure as hell do... Anybody making millions and millions of dollars is not being taxed enough... I am also totally against the price of tickets for all of the above these days.

And for all of you dupes who believed that the rich are paying too much, here are the actual rates that people are paying, basically all between 18 + 29%, with the rich getting basically all the new wealth while everyone else goes to hell along with the country.

The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

Sep 19, 2012 · But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't ...
You do know that the top 1% don't get their money from a paycheck don't you?

And I hate to tell you this but not all skills are equal. Putting burgers and fires into paper bags is not a skill that is worth 6 figures

No, it's not.

And running your corporation into the ground isn't a skill that's worth 8 figures, but we still do that.

So here's an idea. The CEO can only make a multiple of what his lowest paid employee makes.

So if the lowest paid person is only making minimum wage, the most you can pay the CEO is 50 times that.

Not the way it works.

it's none of your business what a CEO gets paid unless you own the company.
Yep, it's just Grand for the country that CEOs get paid two three four hundred times as much as average workers now when the number was 40 times when Reagan started. The only way to stop that is to have higher tax rates on the richest like before Reagan. Also it's the only way to have money to invest in tech training and cheaper education for the many jobs that go begging because America is getting dumber and dumber as the GOP makes it more and more difficult and expensive to get that training as well as money for infrastructure which is falling apart and hurting business.

Your comment shows you know nothing about wealthy people or the economy. What do you suppose the rich do when Uncle Sam comes to take their money away--open their wallets and bank accounts freely?

And why is it you socialists are so hung-up on CEO's? Let me ask: what do you think a star actresses hair stylist or make-up person makes compared to her? What do you suppose the guy selling popcorn at the stadium makes compared to the starting pitcher at a baseball game? What do you think a roady makes compared to the guitarist in a famous band? Bet you never boycotted or complained about any of those people.
I sure as hell do... Anybody making millions and millions of dollars is not being taxed enough... I am also totally against the price of tickets for all of the above these days.

And for all of you dupes who believed that the rich are paying too much, here are the actual rates that people are paying, basically all between 18 + 29%, with the rich getting basically all the new wealth while everyone else goes to hell along with the country.

The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19
View attachment 165821
Sep 19, 2012 · But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't ...

The top 1% of earners pay almost half of all federal income taxes.

And you being one of the 45% who pays no federal income tax whine that other people aren't taxed enough.

Typical dimwit sheep
You do know that the top 1% don't get their money from a paycheck don't you?

And I hate to tell you this but not all skills are equal. Putting burgers and fires into paper bags is not a skill that is worth 6 figures

No, it's not.

And running your corporation into the ground isn't a skill that's worth 8 figures, but we still do that.

So here's an idea. The CEO can only make a multiple of what his lowest paid employee makes.

So if the lowest paid person is only making minimum wage, the most you can pay the CEO is 50 times that.

Not the way it works.

it's none of your business what a CEO gets paid unless you own the company.
Yep, it's just Grand for the country that CEOs get paid two three four hundred times as much as average workers now when the number was 40 times when Reagan started. The only way to stop that is to have higher tax rates on the richest like before Reagan. Also it's the only way to have money to invest in tech training and cheaper education for the many jobs that go begging because America is getting dumber and dumber as the GOP makes it more and more difficult and expensive to get that training as well as money for infrastructure which is falling apart and hurting business.

Your comment shows you know nothing about wealthy people or the economy. What do you suppose the rich do when Uncle Sam comes to take their money away--open their wallets and bank accounts freely?

And why is it you socialists are so hung-up on CEO's? Let me ask: what do you think a star actresses hair stylist or make-up person makes compared to her? What do you suppose the guy selling popcorn at the stadium makes compared to the starting pitcher at a baseball game? What do you think a roady makes compared to the guitarist in a famous band? Bet you never boycotted or complained about any of those people.
I sure as hell do... Anybody making millions and millions of dollars is not being taxed enough... I am also totally against the price of tickets for all of the above these days.

And for all of you dupes who believed that the rich are paying too much, here are the actual rates that people are paying, basically all between 18 + 29%, with the rich getting basically all the new wealth while everyone else goes to hell along with the country.

The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19
View attachment 165821
Sep 19, 2012 · But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't ...

As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.
No, it's not.

And running your corporation into the ground isn't a skill that's worth 8 figures, but we still do that.

So here's an idea. The CEO can only make a multiple of what his lowest paid employee makes.

So if the lowest paid person is only making minimum wage, the most you can pay the CEO is 50 times that.

Not the way it works.

it's none of your business what a CEO gets paid unless you own the company.
Yep, it's just Grand for the country that CEOs get paid two three four hundred times as much as average workers now when the number was 40 times when Reagan started. The only way to stop that is to have higher tax rates on the richest like before Reagan. Also it's the only way to have money to invest in tech training and cheaper education for the many jobs that go begging because America is getting dumber and dumber as the GOP makes it more and more difficult and expensive to get that training as well as money for infrastructure which is falling apart and hurting business.

Your comment shows you know nothing about wealthy people or the economy. What do you suppose the rich do when Uncle Sam comes to take their money away--open their wallets and bank accounts freely?

And why is it you socialists are so hung-up on CEO's? Let me ask: what do you think a star actresses hair stylist or make-up person makes compared to her? What do you suppose the guy selling popcorn at the stadium makes compared to the starting pitcher at a baseball game? What do you think a roady makes compared to the guitarist in a famous band? Bet you never boycotted or complained about any of those people.
I sure as hell do... Anybody making millions and millions of dollars is not being taxed enough... I am also totally against the price of tickets for all of the above these days.

And for all of you dupes who believed that the rich are paying too much, here are the actual rates that people are paying, basically all between 18 + 29%, with the rich getting basically all the new wealth while everyone else goes to hell along with the country.

The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19
View attachment 165821
Sep 19, 2012 · But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't ...

As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.

Then get rid of all states and bring everything under federal jurisdiction. Or move to a low tax state. Or better yet get the fuck out of the US. We'll all be happier that way

Have you ever gone to a place with these?

The only place I've seen that has tried to use these is Panera Bread. The only time people use these is if there is a long line at the counter. People would still rather give their order to a person.

Similarly, Jewel Osco tried to use self-checkout for a while. Then they realized they were losing too much money when people "neglected" to scan things.
Yes I have, we have a number of fast food places/home improvement/retail stores that have these kiosks/self checkouts in them. Quite simple to use, one employee overseeing the checkouts verse 4 that would have been required to man the registers.

I think it is the way of the future and we will continue to see more and more kiosks in many industries. I also think Joe is very much correct in that most people would rather deal with another person, with face to face interaction. However as the younger generation is growing, they are more apt to order over the internet, go through self check out lines and order through a kiosk. It will take time but I remember how we were told ATM machines would fail because people wouldn't trust the machine to take a deposit or give them the right amount of cash, now we have businesses depositing thousands of dollars through ATM machines.

So I believe these jobs are going away.
I deposit business checks with a simple picture of them through my phone, credit cards get swiped through a phone attachment. I don't even have to go to the bank unless I need cash, which is rarely.

I agree, some people still like the interaction, but it is going away, and its doing it without much notice or fan fare anymore.

I agree, I take pictures of checks and deposit them through my phone. You are right though very little fanfare.

I just learned that Sam's Club has an application that lets you scan your items as you shop. When you get to the register, somehow they are able to know what you scanned and how much you owe. You don't even have to take one item out of your cart.
No, it's not.

And running your corporation into the ground isn't a skill that's worth 8 figures, but we still do that.

So here's an idea. The CEO can only make a multiple of what his lowest paid employee makes.

So if the lowest paid person is only making minimum wage, the most you can pay the CEO is 50 times that.

Not the way it works.

it's none of your business what a CEO gets paid unless you own the company.
Yep, it's just Grand for the country that CEOs get paid two three four hundred times as much as average workers now when the number was 40 times when Reagan started. The only way to stop that is to have higher tax rates on the richest like before Reagan. Also it's the only way to have money to invest in tech training and cheaper education for the many jobs that go begging because America is getting dumber and dumber as the GOP makes it more and more difficult and expensive to get that training as well as money for infrastructure which is falling apart and hurting business.

Your comment shows you know nothing about wealthy people or the economy. What do you suppose the rich do when Uncle Sam comes to take their money away--open their wallets and bank accounts freely?

And why is it you socialists are so hung-up on CEO's? Let me ask: what do you think a star actresses hair stylist or make-up person makes compared to her? What do you suppose the guy selling popcorn at the stadium makes compared to the starting pitcher at a baseball game? What do you think a roady makes compared to the guitarist in a famous band? Bet you never boycotted or complained about any of those people.
I sure as hell do... Anybody making millions and millions of dollars is not being taxed enough... I am also totally against the price of tickets for all of the above these days.

And for all of you dupes who believed that the rich are paying too much, here are the actual rates that people are paying, basically all between 18 + 29%, with the rich getting basically all the new wealth while everyone else goes to hell along with the country.

The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19
View attachment 165821
Sep 19, 2012 · But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't ...

The top 1% of earners pay almost half of all federal income taxes.

And you being one of the 45% who pays no federal income tax whine that other people aren't taxed enough.

Typical dimwit sheep
Yes we know you are brainwashed and only can think in terms of federal income taxes, are only progressive tax and now less than payroll taxes. If you don't count all taxes you are a brainwashed functional moron. Talk about sheep LOL

For 35 years the GOP has been cutting federal taxes and what happens is state and local taxes go up to make up for that. Not to mention fees and surcharges which kill the non rich, super dupe.


As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest, super dupe.
Not the way it works.

it's none of your business what a CEO gets paid unless you own the company.
Yep, it's just Grand for the country that CEOs get paid two three four hundred times as much as average workers now when the number was 40 times when Reagan started. The only way to stop that is to have higher tax rates on the richest like before Reagan. Also it's the only way to have money to invest in tech training and cheaper education for the many jobs that go begging because America is getting dumber and dumber as the GOP makes it more and more difficult and expensive to get that training as well as money for infrastructure which is falling apart and hurting business.

Your comment shows you know nothing about wealthy people or the economy. What do you suppose the rich do when Uncle Sam comes to take their money away--open their wallets and bank accounts freely?

And why is it you socialists are so hung-up on CEO's? Let me ask: what do you think a star actresses hair stylist or make-up person makes compared to her? What do you suppose the guy selling popcorn at the stadium makes compared to the starting pitcher at a baseball game? What do you think a roady makes compared to the guitarist in a famous band? Bet you never boycotted or complained about any of those people.
I sure as hell do... Anybody making millions and millions of dollars is not being taxed enough... I am also totally against the price of tickets for all of the above these days.

And for all of you dupes who believed that the rich are paying too much, here are the actual rates that people are paying, basically all between 18 + 29%, with the rich getting basically all the new wealth while everyone else goes to hell along with the country.

The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19
View attachment 165821
Sep 19, 2012 · But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't ...

The top 1% of earners pay almost half of all federal income taxes.

And you being one of the 45% who pays no federal income tax whine that other people aren't taxed enough.

Typical dimwit sheep
Yes we know you are brainwashed and only can think in terms of federal income taxes, are only progressive tax and now less than payroll taxes. If you don't count all taxes you are a brainwashed functional moron. Talk about sheep LOL

For 35 years the GOP has been cutting federal taxes and what happens is state and local taxes go up to make up for that. Not to mention fees and surcharges which kill the non rich, super dupe.


As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest, super dupe.

And you are an expert on the tax structure of all states and understand all the differences huh? I suppose you can quote all state and local taxes for all 50 states and tell me how they effect every income bracket in every state.

If you don't like the taxes in your state then fucking move to a state with lower taxes. Or get rid of all the states and have every tax be a federal tax.

If you don't like living here, and you obviously don't considering how much of a fucking whiner you are, the get the fuck out and be happy in any of the foreign countries you love so much
You do know that the top 1% don't get their money from a paycheck don't you?

And I hate to tell you this but not all skills are equal. Putting burgers and fires into paper bags is not a skill that is worth 6 figures

No, it's not.

And running your corporation into the ground isn't a skill that's worth 8 figures, but we still do that.

So here's an idea. The CEO can only make a multiple of what his lowest paid employee makes.

So if the lowest paid person is only making minimum wage, the most you can pay the CEO is 50 times that.

Not the way it works.

it's none of your business what a CEO gets paid unless you own the company.
. Yeah, yeah, and I guess it's no one's business when the crooked aces fly away in their golden parachutes never looking back while a huge chunk of the economy in the area that was affected by them goes along with them. Then the next thing we see is politicians claiming that they can fix the bullcrap with our tax money if we elect them... LOL.
Yep, it's just Grand for the country that CEOs get paid two three four hundred times as much as average workers now when the number was 40 times when Reagan started. The only way to stop that is to have higher tax rates on the richest like before Reagan. Also it's the only way to have money to invest in tech training and cheaper education for the many jobs that go begging because America is getting dumber and dumber as the GOP makes it more and more difficult and expensive to get that training as well as money for infrastructure which is falling apart and hurting business.

Your comment shows you know nothing about wealthy people or the economy. What do you suppose the rich do when Uncle Sam comes to take their money away--open their wallets and bank accounts freely?

And why is it you socialists are so hung-up on CEO's? Let me ask: what do you think a star actresses hair stylist or make-up person makes compared to her? What do you suppose the guy selling popcorn at the stadium makes compared to the starting pitcher at a baseball game? What do you think a roady makes compared to the guitarist in a famous band? Bet you never boycotted or complained about any of those people.
I sure as hell do... Anybody making millions and millions of dollars is not being taxed enough... I am also totally against the price of tickets for all of the above these days.

And for all of you dupes who believed that the rich are paying too much, here are the actual rates that people are paying, basically all between 18 + 29%, with the rich getting basically all the new wealth while everyone else goes to hell along with the country.

The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19
View attachment 165821
Sep 19, 2012 · But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't ...

The top 1% of earners pay almost half of all federal income taxes.

And you being one of the 45% who pays no federal income tax whine that other people aren't taxed enough.

Typical dimwit sheep
Yes we know you are brainwashed and only can think in terms of federal income taxes, are only progressive tax and now less than payroll taxes. If you don't count all taxes you are a brainwashed functional moron. Talk about sheep LOL

For 35 years the GOP has been cutting federal taxes and what happens is state and local taxes go up to make up for that. Not to mention fees and surcharges which kill the non rich, super dupe.


As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest, super dupe.

And you are an expert on the tax structure of all states and understand all the differences huh? I suppose you can quote all state and local taxes for all 50 states and tell me how they effect every income bracket in every state.

If you don't like the taxes in your state then fucking move to a state with lower taxes. Or get rid of all the states and have every tax be a federal tax.

If you don't like living here, and you obviously don't considering how much of a fucking whiner you are, the get the fuck out and be happy in any of the foreign countries you love so much
I love living here and I wouldn't live anywhere else, stupid brainwashed functional moron. Plus by the way you have to be a millionaire or a doctor to do it. LOL I inherited a bar in Spain and couldn't do a thing with it. You can't work in foreign countries. unless you're a doctor or are sent there by your corporation.
Yep, it's just Grand for the country that CEOs get paid two three four hundred times as much as average workers now when the number was 40 times when Reagan started. The only way to stop that is to have higher tax rates on the richest like before Reagan. Also it's the only way to have money to invest in tech training and cheaper education for the many jobs that go begging because America is getting dumber and dumber as the GOP makes it more and more difficult and expensive to get that training as well as money for infrastructure which is falling apart and hurting business.

Your comment shows you know nothing about wealthy people or the economy. What do you suppose the rich do when Uncle Sam comes to take their money away--open their wallets and bank accounts freely?

And why is it you socialists are so hung-up on CEO's? Let me ask: what do you think a star actresses hair stylist or make-up person makes compared to her? What do you suppose the guy selling popcorn at the stadium makes compared to the starting pitcher at a baseball game? What do you think a roady makes compared to the guitarist in a famous band? Bet you never boycotted or complained about any of those people.
I sure as hell do... Anybody making millions and millions of dollars is not being taxed enough... I am also totally against the price of tickets for all of the above these days.

And for all of you dupes who believed that the rich are paying too much, here are the actual rates that people are paying, basically all between 18 + 29%, with the rich getting basically all the new wealth while everyone else goes to hell along with the country.

The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19
View attachment 165821
Sep 19, 2012 · But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't ...

The top 1% of earners pay almost half of all federal income taxes.

And you being one of the 45% who pays no federal income tax whine that other people aren't taxed enough.

Typical dimwit sheep
Yes we know you are brainwashed and only can think in terms of federal income taxes, are only progressive tax and now less than payroll taxes. If you don't count all taxes you are a brainwashed functional moron. Talk about sheep LOL

For 35 years the GOP has been cutting federal taxes and what happens is state and local taxes go up to make up for that. Not to mention fees and surcharges which kill the non rich, super dupe.


As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest, super dupe.

And you are an expert on the tax structure of all states and understand all the differences huh? I suppose you can quote all state and local taxes for all 50 states and tell me how they effect every income bracket in every state.

If you don't like the taxes in your state then fucking move to a state with lower taxes. Or get rid of all the states and have every tax be a federal tax.

If you don't like living here, and you obviously don't considering how much of a fucking whiner you are, the get the fuck out and be happy in any of the foreign countries you love so much
There is the graph that is an average of all states, idiot. Straight from the IRS. Wake up and smell the coffee for crying out loud, super dupe.
Not the way it works.

it's none of your business what a CEO gets paid unless you own the company.
Yep, it's just Grand for the country that CEOs get paid two three four hundred times as much as average workers now when the number was 40 times when Reagan started. The only way to stop that is to have higher tax rates on the richest like before Reagan. Also it's the only way to have money to invest in tech training and cheaper education for the many jobs that go begging because America is getting dumber and dumber as the GOP makes it more and more difficult and expensive to get that training as well as money for infrastructure which is falling apart and hurting business.

Your comment shows you know nothing about wealthy people or the economy. What do you suppose the rich do when Uncle Sam comes to take their money away--open their wallets and bank accounts freely?

And why is it you socialists are so hung-up on CEO's? Let me ask: what do you think a star actresses hair stylist or make-up person makes compared to her? What do you suppose the guy selling popcorn at the stadium makes compared to the starting pitcher at a baseball game? What do you think a roady makes compared to the guitarist in a famous band? Bet you never boycotted or complained about any of those people.
I sure as hell do... Anybody making millions and millions of dollars is not being taxed enough... I am also totally against the price of tickets for all of the above these days.

And for all of you dupes who believed that the rich are paying too much, here are the actual rates that people are paying, basically all between 18 + 29%, with the rich getting basically all the new wealth while everyone else goes to hell along with the country.

The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19
View attachment 165821
Sep 19, 2012 · But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't ...

The top 1% of earners pay almost half of all federal income taxes.

And you being one of the 45% who pays no federal income tax whine that other people aren't taxed enough.

Typical dimwit sheep
Yes we know you are brainwashed and only can think in terms of federal income taxes, are only progressive tax and now less than payroll taxes. If you don't count all taxes you are a brainwashed functional moron. Talk about sheep LOL

For 35 years the GOP has been cutting federal taxes and what happens is state and local taxes go up to make up for that. Not to mention fees and surcharges which kill the non rich, super dupe.


As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest, super dupe.

Can you post without personally attacking someone? You are violating the Zone 2 TOS.
Nothing personal, but you don't have the experience you claim. Insofar as the temp agency issue you described, that is not true. It may have happened in one or two instances, but I've spent decades on all sides of that issue. There are many companies that the only way in the door is through the door to some companies is via a temp agency. Sometimes it takes a year or more, so you are actually an indentured servant (aka s

Oh, so I don't have the experience working as a truck driver with industry day after day with hundreds of clients. I didn't work for a temp agency myself when I was younger

Okay, you know it all. I guess we can all agree to that, can't we? You have more experience with everything than anybody here. Gotcha.

Nothing personal, but I don’t think you are paying enough attention to this thread to be engaged in it.

How could I not? You have been repeating the same shit over and over on this thread since you joined.

In many instances, a company will tell you that if you work hard, the job will become permanent. So, the temps work long hours for low pay and when the company gets caught up, the temps get laid off, the company hires another batch in a few weeks and the charade keeps going on and on.

Wrong. Some of our customers hire strictly temp workers. It's too costly to hire people, train them for weeks or months, find out they are crappy workers, lay them off, and then start all over again. It's a waste of time and money. Plus if you're talking about minorities, they can try to claim their dismissal was because of their race.

Even though labor is much more expensive through a temp agency, it's the surest way to try out workers before you hire them. And no, very few temps bust their ass at any job because the pay is usually pretty low. Plus they want to stay on their social programs so it's not worth their time to work anymore than they have to.
So the fuck what?

It's none of your business what any business pays their employees.
Every other modern country in the world has a living wage free healthcare free daycare 1 month or more paid vacation, paid parental leave, the rich paying their fair share. The only thing the GOP has going for it is it's huge propaganda machine and ignorant brainwashed functional morons like you... It is amazing what a big lie can do. Thanks for ruining the middle class and our infrastructure the last 35 years, the stupidest Wars ever, Wrecking the Middle East, a corrupt World depression, and obstructing all the usual Solutions 4 8 years under Obama. Great job, brainwashed functional moron.

So feel free to move to any or every other country and stop your fucking whining.

And quite frankly I don't give a flying or any other kind of fuck what the GOP does so you can stop whining about them too.
I'm not going anywhere a******... Only Republicans the silly Dupes believe that is some kind of argument brainwashed functional morons... You don't care about the GOP? You just repeat all of their talking points and stupid insults and vote for them no doubt what
Not the way it works.

it's none of your business what a CEO gets paid unless you own the company.

Until we pass laws governing CEO compensation like most of the European countries have.

Oh, wait. How dare we exercise democracy.

Democracy is restricting income? That doesn't sound like democracy, that sounds like dictatorship.
Democracy is doing what the voters want, dingbat. And no we're not talking about texting people like you more just the richest. But nice Pavlov dog reaction, dupe.
Because we need investments in the middle class and the country...
and now you are talking to yourself.

You better go find one of those foreign countries you love so much that has the best socialized mental health care you can find
Jesus you ignorant GOP dupes are so stupid LOL. We only want to improve our beautiful country that you morons have been destroying for 35 years. All to save the rich from paying their fair share, super dupes.
Yep, it's just Grand for the country that CEOs get paid two three four hundred times as much as average workers now when the number was 40 times when Reagan started. The only way to stop that is to have higher tax rates on the richest like before Reagan. Also it's the only way to have money to invest in tech training and cheaper education for the many jobs that go begging because America is getting dumber and dumber as the GOP makes it more and more difficult and expensive to get that training as well as money for infrastructure which is falling apart and hurting business.
So the fuck what?

It's none of your business what any business pays their employees.
Every other modern country in the world has a living wage free healthcare free daycare 1 month or more paid vacation, paid parental leave, the rich paying their fair share. The only thing the GOP has going for it is it's huge propaganda machine and ignorant brainwashed functional morons like you... It is amazing what a big lie can do. Thanks for ruining the middle class and our infrastructure the last 35 years, the stupidest Wars ever, Wrecking the Middle East, a corrupt World depression, and obstructing all the usual Solutions 4 8 years under Obama. Great job, brainwashed functional moron.

So feel free to move to any or every other country and stop your fucking whining.

And quite frankly I don't give a flying or any other kind of fuck what the GOP does so you can stop whining about them too.
I'm not going anywhere a******... Only Republicans the silly Dupes believe that is some kind of argument brainwashed functional morons... You don't care about the GOP? You just repeat all of their talking points and stupid insults and vote for them no doubt what
Not the way it works.

it's none of your business what a CEO gets paid unless you own the company.

Until we pass laws governing CEO compensation like most of the European countries have.

Oh, wait. How dare we exercise democracy.

Democracy is restricting income? That doesn't sound like democracy, that sounds like dictatorship.
Democracy is doing what the voters want, dingbat. And no we're not talking about texting people like you more just the richest. But nice Pavlov dog reaction, dupe.

You are so fucking miserable because you a fucking failure that you covet other people's money. You're so fucking pathetic that you constantly whine about how fucking good it is in all these other countries but you don't have the balls to move there and get what you perceive to be a better life than you have here.
I am a retired teacher and businessman and very happy, except when I look at the suffering and inequality in this country because of the GOP and its idiots like you... Take a look around and have some sympathy read something and stop being such a fool
Yep, it's just Grand for the country that CEOs get paid two three four hundred times as much as average workers now when the number was 40 times when Reagan started. The only way to stop that is to have higher tax rates on the richest like before Reagan. Also it's the only way to have money to invest in tech training and cheaper education for the many jobs that go begging because America is getting dumber and dumber as the GOP makes it more and more difficult and expensive to get that training as well as money for infrastructure which is falling apart and hurting business.

Your comment shows you know nothing about wealthy people or the economy. What do you suppose the rich do when Uncle Sam comes to take their money away--open their wallets and bank accounts freely?

And why is it you socialists are so hung-up on CEO's? Let me ask: what do you think a star actresses hair stylist or make-up person makes compared to her? What do you suppose the guy selling popcorn at the stadium makes compared to the starting pitcher at a baseball game? What do you think a roady makes compared to the guitarist in a famous band? Bet you never boycotted or complained about any of those people.
I sure as hell do... Anybody making millions and millions of dollars is not being taxed enough... I am also totally against the price of tickets for all of the above these days.

And for all of you dupes who believed that the rich are paying too much, here are the actual rates that people are paying, basically all between 18 + 29%, with the rich getting basically all the new wealth while everyone else goes to hell along with the country.

The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19
View attachment 165821
Sep 19, 2012 · But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't ...

The top 1% of earners pay almost half of all federal income taxes.

And you being one of the 45% who pays no federal income tax whine that other people aren't taxed enough.

Typical dimwit sheep
Yes we know you are brainwashed and only can think in terms of federal income taxes, are only progressive tax and now less than payroll taxes. If you don't count all taxes you are a brainwashed functional moron. Talk about sheep LOL

For 35 years the GOP has been cutting federal taxes and what happens is state and local taxes go up to make up for that. Not to mention fees and surcharges which kill the non rich, super dupe.


As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest, super dupe.

Can you post without personally attacking someone? You are violating the Zone 2 TOS.
I have not personally attacking you, dupe I am attacking your politics and the fact that you believe a gigantic pile of crap. I live in a county where there are more cows than people and voted 73% for Trump. I love these people except for their incredibly stupid politics. it is not their fault it is the fault of the amazing gigantic GOP propaganda machine. Most of my friends are dupes and super dupes. We don't spend a lot of time talking about LOL
Never gonna happen, nor should it.

If you want a job where your pay is controlled by the government then get a government job.

Or maybe we can decide what every job is worth and tell everyone how much they can make. Let's see what you get for cutting and pasting resumes then.

I would probably get a lot more for them... IN fact, I'm probably going to up my pricing next year.

But to the point, maybe we need government to regulate pay more given all the bad actors out there.

Here's what I'd like to see.

"Wage Transparency" - If you get a job at a buyer at XYZ corp, they have to disclose what they are paying every other buyer there.

CEO's can no longer be paid in stock options, or any other bullshit. They get a salary. If they do well, then you increase his salary.

Replace the minimum wage with a living wage.
Have you ever gone to a place with these?

The only place I've seen that has tried to use these is Panera Bread. The only time people use these is if there is a long line at the counter. People would still rather give their order to a person.

Similarly, Jewel Osco tried to use self-checkout for a while. Then they realized they were losing too much money when people "neglected" to scan things.
Yes I have, we have a number of fast food places/home improvement/retail stores that have these kiosks/self checkouts in them. Quite simple to use, one employee overseeing the checkouts verse 4 that would have been required to man the registers.

I think it is the way of the future and we will continue to see more and more kiosks in many industries. I also think Joe is very much correct in that most people would rather deal with another person, with face to face interaction. However as the younger generation is growing, they are more apt to order over the internet, go through self check out lines and order through a kiosk. It will take time but I remember how we were told ATM machines would fail because people wouldn't trust the machine to take a deposit or give them the right amount of cash, now we have businesses depositing thousands of dollars through ATM machines.

So I believe these jobs are going away.
I deposit business checks with a simple picture of them through my phone, credit cards get swiped through a phone attachment. I don't even have to go to the bank unless I need cash, which is rarely.

I agree, some people still like the interaction, but it is going away, and its doing it without much notice or fan fare anymore.

I agree, I take pictures of checks and deposit them through my phone. You are right though very little fanfare.

I just learned that Sam's Club has an application that lets you scan your items as you shop. When you get to the register, somehow they are able to know what you scanned and how much you owe. You don't even have to take one item out of your cart.
. You gonna take that unique 666 chip in your body in order to buy and purchase your goods and services before to much longer ??????

Don't you see what's coming ??
Democracy is restricting income? That doesn't sound like democracy, that sounds like dictatorship.

Um, no, if everyone votes that the rich shouldn't be uber rich anymore, that's democracy.

The main thing that protects the rich, is that most of us don't know how rich they really are.


the above chart shows what wealth distribution actually is, what people think it is (they are wrong) and what they think it should be.

While people are hardly voting for "communism", most people think that the bottom should have a fair share and the top shouldn't have so much.
Your comment shows you know nothing about wealthy people or the economy. What do you suppose the rich do when Uncle Sam comes to take their money away--open their wallets and bank accounts freely?

And why is it you socialists are so hung-up on CEO's? Let me ask: what do you think a star actresses hair stylist or make-up person makes compared to her? What do you suppose the guy selling popcorn at the stadium makes compared to the starting pitcher at a baseball game? What do you think a roady makes compared to the guitarist in a famous band? Bet you never boycotted or complained about any of those people.
I sure as hell do... Anybody making millions and millions of dollars is not being taxed enough... I am also totally against the price of tickets for all of the above these days.

And for all of you dupes who believed that the rich are paying too much, here are the actual rates that people are paying, basically all between 18 + 29%, with the rich getting basically all the new wealth while everyone else goes to hell along with the country.

The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19
View attachment 165821
Sep 19, 2012 · But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't ...

The top 1% of earners pay almost half of all federal income taxes.

And you being one of the 45% who pays no federal income tax whine that other people aren't taxed enough.

Typical dimwit sheep
Yes we know you are brainwashed and only can think in terms of federal income taxes, are only progressive tax and now less than payroll taxes. If you don't count all taxes you are a brainwashed functional moron. Talk about sheep LOL

For 35 years the GOP has been cutting federal taxes and what happens is state and local taxes go up to make up for that. Not to mention fees and surcharges which kill the non rich, super dupe.


As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest, super dupe.

And you are an expert on the tax structure of all states and understand all the differences huh? I suppose you can quote all state and local taxes for all 50 states and tell me how they effect every income bracket in every state.

If you don't like the taxes in your state then fucking move to a state with lower taxes. Or get rid of all the states and have every tax be a federal tax.

If you don't like living here, and you obviously don't considering how much of a fucking whiner you are, the get the fuck out and be happy in any of the foreign countries you love so much
I love living here and I wouldn't live anywhere else, stupid brainwashed functional moron. Plus by the way you have to be a millionaire or a doctor to do it. LOL I inherited a bar in Spain and couldn't do a thing with it. You can't work in foreign countries. unless you're a doctor or are sent there by your corporation.
. Huh ?? Yet all it takes here is to cross that southern border, get to a sanctuary City, and then quickly find that indentured servitude job that your inside contact set up for you, otherwise where as it is expected of you (an illegal) to work like a dog for little of nothing, and have no protections, and then if complain get sent packing to be replaced by the next perceived slave or cheap laborer from across that border ??
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