I have my information from Pakistanis in the USA. My Pakistani colleagues told me about their relatives and school mates who migrated to Afghanistan in order to CREATE THE TALIBAN force which lived for the noble purpose of transforming Afghanistan into an ISLAMIC PARADISE. The Taliban---in the 1980s and 1990s were young pakistani "idealists" bent on SHARIAH PARADISE in Afghanistan. Since they ALSO sought to get rid of the SOVIET influence and invasion----they were actually SUPPORTED by the USA. Another seeker of the GLORY OF ISLAMIC PARADISE migrated to Afghanistan with his wives andThe Taliban were Afghani war orphans. They were very young when they came to the attention of the West. I think that was 1994.
children---to wit OSAMA BIN LADEN---later on he went to Pakistan ---where he became the hero of 9-11-01. The young Pakistani Ophthalmologist who
who PROUDLY told me about his school mates and relatives in
Afghanistan----FIGHTING FOR ISLAMIC UTOPIA----assured me that I could not possibly understand the NOBILITY of the program (later on when he brought
up the evil of zionism---I told him "I am Jewish"---the poor kid almost dropped dead)