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To what lengths US / EU governments go to censor TRUTH about Auschwitz and holocaust

Apr 6, 2009
As the illuminati
- parade their agent Ahmadinejad (1) playing the role of "resister of US imperialism" and champion of the "Holocaust Denial" and "Destruction of Israel" agendas;
- drastically increase mass detentions of protesters for extermination camps (2);
it is time to remind ,,,

To what lengths illuminati go to censor TRUTH about Auschwitz and holocaust

'Holokaust' (English title: Hitler's Holocaust) is the best ever series on how the nazis were able to exterminate for YEARS millions of Jews.

It was possible thanks to the fact that End Time Prophet Guido Knopp could access the archives of german television, with the best footage documenting it.(3)

Details like erasing comments as the one below (4) to the simple fact that the illuminati censor the series ever since it was boadcasted first in German Television in 2000 shows to what lengths illuminati go to censor TRUTH about Auschwitz and holocaust.

(1) Illuminati parade agent Ahmadinejad in NYC as agent Assad about to bite the Damascus dust

(2) Madrid: Spanish Schindler saves hundreds from extermination camps. But for how long?
Madrid: Spanish Schindler saves hundreds from extermination camps. But for how long? - Christian Forums

(3) Guido Knopp and the Final Descent
Guido Knopp and the History of Descent into Hell: Guido Knopp, the Holocaust and the Final Battle all the way to Hell

(4) Comment that was at the imdb site from 2002 to 2005, when the illuminati deleted all comments pointing out to the TRUTH :
Disturbing series that should be shown to Holocaust revisionists and Neo-Nazis., 14 February 2002

Author: bsch4504 from Sydney, Australia
'Holokaust' (English title: Hitler's Holocaust) is a disturbing series on how one man (with many accomplices) caused immense suffering for millions of people. 'Holokaust' is one of the newest in a long line of films about the Holocaust. The best audience for this series are Holocaust revisonists and Neo-Nazis who, despite overwhelming evidence, either trivialises or dismisses the genocide. The advertisements claimed that 'Holokaust' shows footage never seen before. Interviews with both Jews and non-Jews are spliced with the footage. Inhumanity is the main theme of this series.

The series is divided into six episodes. The first, 'Manhunt' is about the Nazi invading the Soviet Union in 1941. Behind the invading army, the SS rounded up local Jewish populations, murdered them and buried them in mass graves. The local non-Jewish populations, glad to be freed from Stalin's terror, were convinced by the Nazis that Judaism and Bolshevikism were partners in terror, and so some took part in atrocities.

The second episode (I can't remember the name) is about Hitler's rise to power and his tightening grip on German Jews and other 'undesirables'. New restrictions on how Jews conduct their lives came every week, which resulted in 'The frog in a heating pot' syndrome. That is, the proverbial frog doesn't notice the pot heating up because the temperature rise is too gradual. The most important lesson of this episode is that Adolf Hitler didn't invent anti-Semitism; it had been around for centuries. Hitler took anti-Semitism to a new level.

The third episode, 'Ghetto', discusses Jews in Germany and elsewhere being forced out of their homes and transported to Ghettos (mainly in Poland). While propaganda films shows Ghetto Jews in prosperity, archival films show people staving on the footpaths. A confronting scene shows emaciated corpses transported on a small conveyer belt to a pit to be buried. People in ghettos were eventually deported to concentration camps. The episode also discusses experiments on people with poisonous gases. Zygon B became the poisonous gas of choice.

The fourth episode, 'Murder Factory', discusses Auschwitz, the largest extermination camp. Jews and other 'undesirables' were transported to Auschwitz in cattle trains. Selected people would be gassed, the corpses taken to crematoria and their ashes disposed. Deception to the end is the master plan. The selected people would have no idea (or a vague rumour) until the poisonous gas reached their noses. Only one person survived the gas chamber, a crying baby on top of the corpses. That baby was shot dead. Inhumanity isn't restricted to the Nazis. An example is a prisoner whose was robbed of his cap by a fellow prisoner (the penalty for not having a cap is death). The robbed prisoner stole a cap from another prisoner, who was executed the next morning.

The fifth episode, 'Resistance' discusses the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, and smaller-scale uprisings in concentration camps. Most of the uprisings were, in the end, unsuccessful. Where survival is not possible, dying with dignity is the last weapon.

The sixth episode, 'Liberation', discusses the final year of the Second World War. Even when the Nazi empire is being invaded on two fronts, the mass murder of Jews and other 'undesirables' continued. In a matter of weeks, 430,000 Hungarian Jews were deported to Auschwitz. The crematoriums couldn't cope with the flood of corpses, so they (and even living people) were burnt out in the open. As the Nazi empire shrank, the able-bodied were transferred to other camps, where more died from disease, hunger, exposure or exhaustion. The responses of the survivors to their new world was as varied as the number of individuals. One notable example is a Jewish child, who knew nothing except Auschwitz, being surprised that children went to school.

Throughout the series, most of the interviewees (both Jew and non-Jew) claimed that they knew nothing, or at most a vague rumour, of the genocide until they saw overwhelming evidence. Jews in ghettos thought they were being resettled in the east. Even an interviewee very close to Hitler claimed that he knew nothing until after the war.

Anti-Semitism didn't die with Hitler. The disturbing rise in Neo-Nazi groups are proof of that.This series is the type that should be shown to such members (and Holocaust revisionists). Hitler's atrocities must not be forgotten otherwise there's a danger that they'll be repeated.

How the page looks now:
Hitler's Holocaust (TV Series 2000–*) - IMDb
Last edited:
Granny says, "Heck - if dey was to dig out back, dey liable to come across Uncle Ferd's thunder mug from when he was a baby...

Holocaust museum recovers thousands of items belonging to Auschwitz victims
June 9, 2016 -- Thousands of missing personal items belonging to Holocaust victims who died at the Nazi death camp Auschwitz were discovered at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.
Some 16,000 items, which include jewelry, watches, thimbles and keys, had been lost since 1967, shortly after they were excavated near the camp's gas chamber and crematorium III. It wasn't until recently, after watching a documentary about the excavation, Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum leaders realized the museum only had 400 items from the excavation. Museum director, Piotr M. A. Cywinski, said a months-long investigation finally uncovered the location. "Individually verified trails were broken, people working then in the museum were no longer there," he said."Unfortunately the author of the film has already died, the institutions which created the movie have changed, and the archives were silent. Nevertheless, we checked every lead."


Thousands of missing personal items belonging to Holocaust victims were discovered at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.​

Researchers were able to contact the "last living persons" who participated in the project almost 50 years ago. They found the items, packed in 48 boxes, had been stored at the Polish Academy of Sciences, the country's top scientific institution. Cywinski said the items were supposed to be analyzed and studied and were perhaps left in Warsaw for further review. He said political turmoil in the country in 1968, and an anti-Semitic leaning, may have led to the boxes being tucked away. "Perhaps, that is why they did not hurry with the implementation and closure of this project. The times then were difficult for topics related to the Holocaust," he said. The items were taken to the museum last week and will be documented and preserved.

Holocaust museum recovers thousands of items belonging to Auschwitz victims

See also:

Ancient coin collector's stash found tucked in wall in Israel
June 8, 2016 -- Excavators in Israel uncovered a cache of 16 rare silver coins dating to the first century B.C. at an archaeological site, providing evidence of what may be an ancient coin collection. The Israel Antiquities Authority said the coins were each minted between 135 B.C. and 126 B.C.
The discovery near the Modi'in, a city adjacent to the West Bank, came during an archeological search prior to construction of a new neighborhood there. The coins were found in a rock crevice, adjacent to a wall of an agriculture estate. Excavation director Avraham Tendler to suggest they may have belonged to someone "who hid his money in the hope of coming back to collect it, but he was unlucky and never did return." "This is a rare cache of silver coins from the Hasmonean period comprised of shekels and half-shekels that were minted in the city of Tyre ...The cache that we found is compelling evidence that one of the members of the estate who had saved his income for months needed to leave the house for some unknown reason. It is exciting to think that the coin hoard was waiting here 2,140 years until we exposed it."


Coins dating to the first century B.C. were discovered at an archaeological excavation in Modi'in, Israel​

Dr. Donald Tzvi Ariel of the Israel Antiquities Authority's coin department, suggested that "some thought went into collecting the coins, and it is possible that the person who buried the cache was a coin collector. He acted in just the same way as stamp and coin collectors manage collections today." The archaeological dig also uncovered remnants of an estate dedicated to farming, and presses and other equipment used in wine- and olive oil-making. Fortified barriers, and a system of tunnels and hiding places within the foundation of the buildings suggest the homeowners were involved in the 66 A.D. revolt of the Jews against the Romans.

Ancient coin collector's stash found tucked in wall in Israel


Handwritten ancient Roman letters found in London archaeological dig
June 1, 2016 -- Hundreds of waxed writing tablets, dating back to around A.D. 43, have been found during an archaeological dig in London.
The artifacts were discovered during excavations for Bloomberg's new European headquarters in the Mansion House neighborhood of the British capital. They include the earliest handwritten documents found in Britain, archaeologists have revealed. Among the 410 wooden tablets uncovered, 87 have been deciphered, including one addressed 'In London, to Mogontius'. It is dated A.D. 65-80, making it now the earliest historical reference to London. Previously it was thought the first reference to London came 50 years later by historian Tacitus.

Archaeologists also discovered a written record of money -- appropriately enough as the dig is in the City of London's financial district -- which bears the date January 8, 57 AD. It is thought that the tablets were used as a messaging system -- the email of the Roman world -- to communicate business and legal dealings. "The tablets are hugely significant, they are the largest single assemblage of wax writing tablets found in Britain and what's particularly special about them is they are so early," said Sophie Jackson, archaeologist and director at independent charitable company Museum of London Archaeology.


Latin expert Roger Tomlin deciphers the tablets using photography with raking light and microscopic analysis​

Other items found included wicker baskets, coins, pottery, wood and leather, many remarkably preserved, due to them being trapped in soaking mud. Several had dates on them. The documents were written on wooden tablets which would have been covered in blackened beeswax. Once excavated, the tablets were kept in water, then cleaned and freeze-dried. One tablet is a contract from October 21, 62 AD, to bring "twenty loads of provisions" from Verulamium -- modern day St Albans, Hertfordshire -- to London, a year after the revolt by Iceni Queen Boudica.

Oxford University classicist Roger Tomlin said that the writings also included references to beer deliveries. "It was the new wild west frontier of the Roman Empire, with people streaming in behind the Roman army and exploiting the new province," he explained. More than 700 artefacts from the excavation are expected to go on display in the new Bloomberg building when it opens late next year.

Handwritten ancient Roman letters found in London archaeological dig

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