Today in America among many..


Active Member
Jul 1, 2016
Methamphetamine Use Estimated to Cost the U.S. About $23 Billion In 2005 | RAND

Given the uncertainty in estimating the costs of methamphetamine use, researchers created a range of estimates. The lowest estimate for the cost of methamphetamine use in 2005 was $16.2 billion, while $48.3 billion was the highest estimate. Researchers' best estimate of the overall economic burden of methamphetamine use is $23.4 billion

The study was sponsored by the Meth Project Foundation, a nonprofit group dedicated to reducing first-time methamphetamine use. Additional support was provided by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

"We commissioned this study to provide decision makers with the best possible estimate of the financial burden that methamphetamine use places on the American public," said Tom Siebel, founder and chairman of the Meth Project. "This is the first comprehensive economic impact study ever to be conducted with the rigor of a traditional cost of illness study, applied specifically to methamphetamine. It provides a conservative estimate of the total cost of meth, and it reinforces the need to invest in serious prevention programs that work."

The RAND analysis found that nearly two-thirds of the economic costs caused by methamphetamine use resulted from the burden of addiction and an estimated 900 premature deaths among users in 2005. The burden of addiction was measured by quantifying the impact of the lower quality of life experienced by those addicted to the drug.

Crime and criminal justice expenses account for the second-largest category of economic costs, according to researchers. These costs include the burden of arresting and incarcerating drug offenders, as well as the costs of additional non-drug crimes caused by methamphetamine use, such as thefts committed to support a drug habit.


Top 9 states for methamphetamine use

Meth use seems to be increasing the most in the West and Midwest. Among the 42 states with sufficient data to compare to the national average for positive tests for meth in 2010, those with rates notably above average were:

  1. Hawaii – 410% higher than national average
  2. Arkansas – 280%
  3. Oklahoma – 240%
  4. Nevada – 180%
  5. California – 140%
  6. Wyoming – 130%
  7. Utah – 120%
  8. Arizona – 100%, and
  9. Kansas – 80%.
Several eastern states remain significantly below the national average for meth positives, including New York, Washington DC and Massachusetts.


Trends and Statistics

1.2 million
American ages 12 and older had tried methamphetamine at least once throughout the year

Crystal meth is a drug that targets certain people and age groups. In the National Survey on Drug Use and Health in 2009, it was determined 1.2 million American ages 12 and older had tried methamphetamine at least once throughout the year.

Crystal Meth Addiction Treatment, Statistics and Facts

U.S. Population, 2010: 308 Million U.S. Population, 2010: 308 Million and Growing




meth at DuckDuckGo
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Nearly Every Mass Shooting In The Last 20 Years Shares One Thing In Common, & It’s NOT Weapons

The overwhelming evidence points to the signal largest common factor in all of these incidents is the fact that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes.

Every Mass Shooting Shares 1 Thing In Common, NOT Guns


Definition of Psychotropic medication

Psychotropic medication: Any medication capable of affecting the mind, emotions, and behavior. Some medications such as lithium, which may be used to treat depression, are psychotropic. Also called a psychodynamic medication. Definition of Psychotropic medication

Psychotropic drugs, which are sometimes called psychoactive drugs, affect the central nervous system and can cause a variety of changes in behavior or perception. Many people think psychotropic drugs are only of the illegal variety, such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), angel dust and marijuana, but even something as relatively benign as caffeine is considered one of many psychotropic drugs. These drugs have various uses and can be divided into four major groups: hallucinogens, antipsychotics, depressants and stimulants. Some drugs fit into multiple categories because they produce more than one type of effect. Marijuana, for example, is considered a depressant, stimulant and hallucinogen.

One psychotropic drug that is often used is alcohol, a depressant. It can impair mood, causing either elation or depression, and it impairs the ability to think clearly or make rational decisions. Supporters for legalization of marijuana in certain countries often point to the legality of alcohol, which is considered more toxic, more addictive and potentially more impairing and dangerous.

Marijuana has many applications in medicine and might be helpful to some patients who have acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) or cancer. This drug can control nausea, promote appetite and reduce pain, so it can be helpful for people who are experiencing intense suffering. The stigma associated with illegal marijuana use has stalled its legalization or limited access to the drug for medicinal purposes in many places. What are Psychotropic Drugs? (with pictures)
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Antipsychotic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

also known as neuroleptics or major tranquilizers,[1] are a class of psychiatric medication primarily used to manage psychosis (including delusions, hallucinations, paranoia or disordered thought), principally in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. They are increasingly being used in the management of non-psychotic disorders. Antipsychotics are usually effective in relieving symptoms of psychosis. However, their long term use is associated with significant side effects such as involuntary movement disorders and metabolic syndrome.

The overwhelming evidence points to the signal largest common factor in all of these incidents is the fact that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes.

They were on antipsychotic drugs, which are prescribed by psychiatrists, or they were on regular mind altering drugs, such as/but not limited to, cocaine and marijuana.
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So, I guess it would be SAFE to assume that drugs of any sort can lead to 'violent' behaviors.
And if you should come across a 'peaceful' drug user, then they should be evaluated and observed/studied to see why they are not exhibing the 'normal' symptoms of the 'drug use.'

Some normal symptoms/behaviors could be but not limited to:

outbursts of wrath
excessive talking
inability to remain calm
suicidal thoughts
delusional thoughts
'made up' realities
inability to receive correction

and others that can be studied....

To find a drug user who is able to accept correction is rare to find...
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For an interesting, related, issue, investigate the minority school in the world of psychiatry that considers that "there is no such thing as mental illness."

That is to say, mental illness has no physical characteristic, and it can not be "cured" in any real sense. It usually involves normal factors of life such as nervousness, depression (which is NOT a disease, but a frequently-occurring situation), immaturity, and bad parenting.

Treating these normal but unhappy human circumstances, feelings, and manifestations as "diseases" leads to whole armies of people becoming addicted, impacted, harmed, and, in turn, harming other innocent armies of people who happen to live with them or have to interact with them.

The world would be a better place if the psychiatric community, and the public, were forced to confront the fact that some lives are unhappy, troubled, depressing, or stressful, and masking those human emotions in chemical costumes solves nothing, in the long term. My own mother in law tended to worry too much about things that were (a) not her business, and (b) not curable, and ultimately came under the "care" of a psychiatrist who had her zonked out of her head for the last several years of her life. This is "practicing medicine"? I don't think so. She was not "mentally ill," she was sad, and for good reasons.
I have a strange question: What percentage of the LGBTQ community has dabbled in past drug use while they were still young and growing up? Marijuana can also be in the category of drugs as well as other barbituates. Stimlants also can be looked into. As well as psychiatrically prescribed medications.
So, I guess it would be SAFE to assume that drugs of any sort can lead to 'violent' behaviors.
And if you should come across a 'peaceful' drug user, then they should be evaluated and observed/studied to see why they are not exhibing the 'normal' symptoms of the 'drug use.'

Some normal symptoms/behaviors could be but not limited to:

outbursts of wrath
excessive talking
inability to remain calm
suicidal thoughts
delusional thoughts
'made up' realities
inability to receive correction

and others that can be studied....

To find a drug user who is able to accept correction is rare to find...

Some USMB poster symptoms/behaviors all to common:

outbursts of wrath
excessive talking
inability to remain calm
delusional thoughts
'made up' realities
inability to receive correction
Is Ritalin treatment safe for preschool children?

Is Ritalin treatment safe for preschool children?


15 Scary Facts About Adderall Abuse

15 Scary Facts About Adderall Abuse | Health


Long-Term Side Effects of Ritalin

Long-Term Side Effects of Ritalin

Few studies have been conducted on long-term Ritalin side effects; however, similar stimulants were shown to temporarily slow down the growth of children. In one study, the drug was shown to decrease the survival of new brain cells in adult rats that were given the drug when younger. Since long-term side effects are not fully known at this time, the medication should not be used for longer than necessary

The long-term Ritalin side effects are not well understood at this time. However, much research is being done in this area. It is known that, over time, Ritalin can cause a slowing down of growth, and your child's growth should be monitored while he or she is taking Ritalin. Because the long-term side effects are not fully understood yet, it should not be used for any longer than necessary.

Is Ritalin treatment safe for preschool children?

Look at the clip from 4:01 (time frame) into the video. The little girl is holding, with her left hand, her right wrist, for an excessive time.


4:00 (time frame) into the video she says that her brain is busy with other stuff and so she can't listen.. This is the response she gives as to why she does not 'understand' what the mother says to her when not on medications. This makes the mother feel that her child is now more cooperative and less distracted.


So the child is put under medications so she/he can stop the mental processes long enough for them to be able to listen to what is being said to them. I guess that is what ritalin may do.


Could a child have excessive 'boredom' in his/her life that contributes to his/her 'not listening'? Has the child been left to their own devices before they reached the age when they are expected to 'cooperate?'


Can 'boredom' set in before the child is able to talk and walk? Before they can either 'cooperate or not cooperate'? Before they are expected to 'respond' a certain way?
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Is restlessness a way for the child to rid him/her self of boredom and excessive 'energies?'

What the child is 'allowed' and 'not allowed' to do in situations such as this could be a factor in what the child processes in their minds.
Looking at the fact that all human beings begin with toddlerhood, as this baby toddler boy begins, how do certain babies grow into mass murderers, rapists, criminals, thieves, corrupt people, liars, perjurers and the such? What have they 'processed' while they were still being cared for under the guidance and provisions of their parents or guardians that had them turn into such 'types' of persons? Many people call persons such as Jeffrey Dahmer an evil person, but what was in his past that led him into that evil way? Did his parents teach 'evil' to him? This way of trying to understand the person's 'story' to how they developed into what they are now could help many people be saved from committing dangers as well as from receiving dangers.

And strangely enough, these 'types' of persons began learning about their 'evil' inclinations while still in their parents' home. These people were able to learn of their 'evil' and entertain and scheme their 'evil' while still in their 'room' in their parents' home. And so when it was time for them to move out, they may have moved out with a 'career' path already thought of in their own minds.

Could people such as Jeffrey Dahmer have fully cognivtely accepted their 'role' as a mass murderer while still young? And why was there no remedy nor correction to his future life?
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In order to survive in such a 'complex' society, a person needs to know that such 'complexities' exist within that society. Not all societies have such complexities. Not all societies have people who accept a role of being a mass murderer while still young. Many societies, the ones many call 'traditional' or 'old fashioned', may not have had as many single cases within the whole. In America, where almost anything and everything happens, persons such as Jeffrey Dahmer can go unnoticed until discovered and caught. There are probaby many things going on in America that would be considered inappropriate for minors to be involved in. Adults cannot say that they live for themselves.

Is it really an honor to live in such societies?

"Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich." - Proverbs 28:6
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