Today is Labor Day


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
It is a day set aside by the United States Congress to celebrate the contributions by working people and specifically the labor movement. (It was the focus to replace the real workers holiday Mayday on May 1st in remembrance of the haymarket labor actions)
But do the television movie channels celebrate this day in their programming? No. Not one movie channel on TV - not AMC, TCM, Grit, Get TV, or any other that I can find - offers us even one movie on the subject. Instead, today we get The Three Stooges, Walker Texas Ranger, and many other movies that say nothing about labor unions.
It's not so for either Memorial Day or Veterans Day - the days are marathons about brave soldiers. Even February's schedules are filled with movies about brave and resolute African Americans.
Herewith is my list of movies that should have been shown today:

Norma Rae
Salt of the Earth
Harlan County, USA (documentary)
Harlan County (dramatized account of the documentary)
Made in Dagenham
Bound for Glory

Certainly there are others about hard-working Americans who band together to improve lives: Milagro Beanfield War and Meet John Doe come to mind.

For tonight's television-at-home, turn off the networks and choose a good movie to remember what this day is about.

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No no ........ Ohio St. football is TONIGHT !!!!!!!! -------------------- why watch a movie when you can watch Ohio St. get beat?
I celebrate labor day by not working but remember the contribution of labor on it's proper day, May 1st, it was moved to September by capitalists for capitalist purposes in an attempt to separate the American labor movement from the somewhat more socialist and militant international labor movement. It's called divide and conquer.
Labor Day, a day a lot of Labor works.

Teachers' Day next Thursday, a day for Teachers to work....

You get the point.
Socialist countries are total failures, their greatest products are misery, poverty, destitution, starvation and mass murder
Socialist countries are total failures, their greatest products are misery, poverty, destitution, starvation and mass murder
The social democracies of Europe might disagree. They get some pretty nice vacation time, we get one day, maybe.
It is a day set aside by the United States Congress to celebrate the contributions by working people and specifically the labor movement. It was the focus to replace the real workers holiday Mayday on May 1st in remembrance of the haymarket labor actions)
But do the television movie channels celebrate this day in their programming? No. Not one movie channel on TV - not AMC, TCM, Grit, Get TV, or any other that I can find - offers us even one movie on the subject. Instead, today we get The Three Stooges, Walker Texas Ranger, and many other movies that say nothing about labor unions.
It's not so for either Memorial Day or Veterans Day - the days are marathons about brave soldiers. Even February's schedules are filled with movies about brave and resolute African Americans.
Herewith is my list of movies that should have been shown today:

Norma Rae
Salt of the Earth
Harlan County, USA (documentary)
Harlan County (dramatized account of the documentary)
Made in Dagenham
Bound for Glory

Certainly there are others about hard-working Americans who band together to improve lives: Milagro Beanfield War and Meet John Doe come to mind.

For tonight's television-at-home, turn off the networks and choose a good movie to remember what this day is about.

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Isn't there a Scott Walker Special on tonight?
I'll be watching it if I can find it.
The labor unions were taken over decades ago by fucking organized crime. The average union workers were fucking robbed every paycheck and the stolen money went into the hands of Mafia bosses and union leaders like Hoffa. Everyone got fat except the average worker.
The multi millions of stolen money went into Democratic election accounts.
At a factory I worked at in the seventies the union 'rep' never worked a fucking hour on the 'floor'. He spent his days attending union conferences in sunny climates. He took his entire family with him. He knew the best restaurants in Lahaina better than in our town.
He drove new Cadillacs. His kids went to private schools. He lived in a fucking mansion compared to his fellow workers.
He was well known to be 'connected'.
He just showed up one day out of the blue and announced he was the new union rep. The 'old' union rep just quit one day and moved away.
This shit happened/happens all over the country and anyone who has ever worked in a 'union shop' will tell you the same story.
It's no wonder labor unions are dying off. Except for public service unions in Dem. controlled cities.
Good fucking riddance.
Labor Day.............lmfao. We might see a day when this holiday is thrown out.

Unions are a joke in the United States in 2015......damn near dead.

Articles: Why the Unions Declined
And check out the results of your war on unions, wages have been stagnant for decades and actually declined during the recession, fewer people get vacations, job security is a thing of the past and the very numerous and once great working class of America has almost no voice in our government. Good job capitalism, you ruined the greatest, most prosperous, most productive working class in the world. At least stock prices are doing well.
Socialist countries are total failures, their greatest products are misery, poverty, destitution, starvation and mass murder
The social democracies of Europe might disagree. They get some pretty nice vacation time, we get one day, maybe.
Oh you mean the social democracies in countries like Portugal, Spain, Italy and let's not forget good old Greece?
You're an idiot.
No no ........ Ohio St. football is TONIGHT !!!!!!!! -------------------- why watch a movie when you can watch Ohio St. get beat?

My sister, and her entire family, are Buckeye nuts.

as are both brothers, and their families.

Grew up 8 miles from the Horseshoe.

They will definitely be watching OSU in any game televised.

Ill be watching a rerun of the Librarians
Socialist countries are total failures, their greatest products are misery, poverty, destitution, starvation and mass murder
The social democracies of Europe might disagree. They get some pretty nice vacation time, we get one day, maybe.
Oh you mean the social democracies in countries like Portugal, Spain, Italy and let's not forget good old Greece?
You're an idiot.
They will all be fine in the long run as that form of government promotes stability rather than volatility as our system does. How are the capitalists supposed to buy low and sell high unless we have periodic boom and bust cycles? They are playing our economy like a fiddle, we all end up holding the bag and you think it's a good thing.
Socialist countries are total failures, their greatest products are misery, poverty, destitution, starvation and mass murder
The social democracies of Europe might disagree. They get some pretty nice vacation time, we get one day, maybe.

Once they are over run with Syrian refugees all that laziness will have to end. Work is what we do so we can live and enjoy life in our off hours. But European laziness like the Greeks can not be sustained. And the starving masses in the Southern Hemisphere of our earth are coming to where the money is and not creating anything in their homeland. Soon the big cities of the U.S. Will be like Mexico City and Europe will look like India

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Socialist countries are total failures, their greatest products are misery, poverty, destitution, starvation and mass murder
The social democracies of Europe might disagree. They get some pretty nice vacation time, we get one day, maybe.

Yeah Greece has LOooooooooooooooooooooots of vacation time

They have some problems but part of it can be traced directly to the world-wide recession brought on by our deliberately unstable investment market. We have a global economy and these things do not happen in a vacuum.
Labor Day.............lmfao. We might see a day when this holiday is thrown out.

Unions are a joke in the United States in 2015......damn near dead.

Articles: Why the Unions Declined
And check out the results of your war on unions, wages have been stagnant for decades and actually declined during the recession, fewer people get vacations, job security is a thing of the past and the very numerous and once great working class of America has almost no voice in our government. Good job capitalism, you ruined the greatest, most prosperous, most productive working class in the world. At least stock prices are doing well.

Actually it's the Unions war on labor. Unions destroyed the American Merchant Marine. We used to have one of the largest merchant marines in the world and the Unions destroyed that. Congrats.
Socialist countries are total failures, their greatest products are misery, poverty, destitution, starvation and mass murder
The social democracies of Europe might disagree. They get some pretty nice vacation time, we get one day, maybe.
Oh you mean the social democracies in countries like Portugal, Spain, Italy and let's not forget good old Greece?
You're an idiot.
They will all be fine in the long run as that form of government promotes stability rather than volatility as our system does. How are the capitalists supposed to buy low and sell high unless we have periodic boom and bust cycles? They are playing our economy like a fiddle, we all end up holding the bag and you think it's a good thing.
Socialism works great until you run out of other people's money to spend.
Ask Germany what they think of socialist Greece pleading to have Merkel bail them out three times a year.
You're a fool.
The IMB stopped taking collect phone calls from the finance ministers from Portugal, Italy and Spain a couple of years ago. LOL LOL!
It's never ever "fine in the long run' when a socialist country can't borrow another fucking dime to pay the union bosses 200K a year for doing fuck all.
Socialist countries are total failures, their greatest products are misery, poverty, destitution, starvation and mass murder
The social democracies of Europe might disagree. They get some pretty nice vacation time, we get one day, maybe.
Oh you mean the social democracies in countries like Portugal, Spain, Italy and let's not forget good old Greece?
You're an idiot.
They will all be fine in the long run as that form of government promotes stability rather than volatility as our system does. How are the capitalists supposed to buy low and sell high unless we have periodic boom and bust cycles? They are playing our economy like a fiddle, we all end up holding the bag and you think it's a good thing.
Socialism works great until you run out of other people's money to spend.
Ask Germany what they think of socialist Greece pleading to have Merkel bail them out three times a year.
You're a fool.
The IMB stopped taking collect phone calls from the finance ministers from Portugal, Italy and Spain a couple of years ago. LOL LOL!
It's never ever "fine in the long run' when a socialist country can't borrow another fucking dime to pay the union bosses 200K a year for doing fuck all.
We let Wall Street run our economy into the ground with worthless paper and instead of punishing them we gave them a bunch of money to bail them out. Now there's some socialism a capitalist could love.

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