Today is the Israeli national memorial day of the Holocaust


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
"שגורלנו יהיה אזהרה לכם"

Today, the 276th day of month Nisan, year 5773, rebellion of Warsaw Ghetto, is the Israeli national memorial evening of the Holocaust.

6 Holocaust survivors will light a torch in "Yad VaShem", Tomorrow the "March of the living" will start from the Auschwitz-Birkenau destruction camp

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That is wonderful. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

"שגורלנו יהיה אזהרה לכם"

Today, the 276th day of month Nisan, year 5773, rebellion of Warsaw Guetto, is the Israeli national memorial evening of the Holocaust.

6 Holocaust surivivors will light a torch in "Yad VaShem", Tomorrow the "March of the living" will start from the Auschwitz-Birkenau destruction camp

I have never been in March of the living, I wish I could. I got a better price though. I stood by the house where Mengele tortured my great uncle, and knew he didn't win at the end:)
I am not Jewish, but I wish I could march along with I will have to do it in spirit.
Stop battling in this thread. This is a thread of remembrance.

Have some dignity please. Just leave one thread alone.
Stop your whinning...I did not disrespect what happened in that regard, I saw brave Jews fighting for their lives and resisting. If you did not learn the lesson taught about what is going on in Palestine, then you are ideed a bigot who thinks two wrongs make a right.

You can have your opinion about Palestine, but why did you choose to express it in a Holocaust Memorial thread? I see that as immature and trollish
This is an Israel and Palestine thread...Those things of the recent past affect todays policies.

Stop. Stop now.

Fair warning.

This is a memorial thread.
why did israel lobby the UN for an international holocaust remembrance day that is on a different date than their national memorial day of the holocaust?
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why did israel lobby UN the UN for an international holocaust remembrance day that is on a different date than their national memorial day of the holocaust?

The UN decided that the Holocaust international memorial day will be on January 27th, the day the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp was freed by Russian army. It was first mentioned in 2006.

Israeli memorial day for the Holocaust is by it's hebrew date, Month Nisan, 27th of the month, is the day of the Ghetto Warsaw rebellion, and it was decided upon much earlier than 2006. In fact, it was first recognized by Israeli government to be the natinal memorial day in 1953.

Once the UN decided on a international memorial day for the Holocaust, the Israeli memorial day was already in place, and was not to be changed since it symbolized a legacy of heroism.

Hopes that answers the question.
Truely Amazing:(

[ame=]?????? ?????? - Holocaust Remembrance Day Siren?? - YouTube[/ame]
The genocidal policies of the Nazis resulted in the deaths of about as many Polish Gentiles as Polish Jews, thus making them co-victims in a Forgotten Holocaust. This Holocaust has been largely ignored because historians who have written on the subject of the Holocaust have chosen to interpret the tragedy in exclusivistic terms--namely, as the most tragic period in the history of the Jewish Diaspora. To them, the Holocaust was unique to the Jews, and they therefore have had little or nothing to say about the nine million Gentiles, including three million Poles, who also perished in the greatest tragedy the world has ever known. Little wonder that many people who experienced these events share the feeling of Nobel Laureate Czeslaw Milosz, who anxious when the meaning of the word Holocaust undergoes gradual modifications, so that the word begins to belong to the history of the Jews exclusively, as if among the victims there were not also millions of Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, and prisoners of other nationalities. -- Richard C. Lukas, preface to The Forgotten Holocaust: The Poles under German Occupation 1939-1944

Estimates of Non-Combatant Lives Lost During the Holocaust

Ukrainians 5.5 - 7 million
Jews (of all countries) 6 million +
Russian POWs 3.3 million +
Russian Civilians 2 million +
Poles 3 million +
Yugoslavians 1.5 million +
Gypsies 200,000 - 500,000
Mentally/Physically Disabled 70,000- 250,000
Homosexuals Tens of thousands
Spanish Republicans Tens of thousands
Jehovah's Witnesses 2,500 - 5,000
Overlooked Millions: Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust
"שגורלנו יהיה אזהרה לכם"

Today, the 276th day of month Nisan, year 5773, rebellion of Warsaw Ghetto, is the Israeli national memorial evening of the Holocaust.

6 Holocaust survivors will light a torch in "Yad VaShem", Tomorrow the "March of the living" will start from the Auschwitz-Birkenau destruction camp


Thank you for the reminder, Lipush.
Didnt take pbel long to come spew something stupid like that. You obviously know nothing about the Holocaust you deranged Islamo Nazi Pig
Without naming names, from what I remember:
You had a certain segment of the population that was culturally diverse from the rest;

Had been living there for generations with no major problems until a more nationalistic party assumed control of the government and started issuing a stream of propaganda scapegoating this group as the source of all the problems in the country;

They demonized this group to the point that violence against them became acceptable to the general public;

The propaganda was so successful, that no one protested when members of this group were stripped of their civil and human rights;

Then the government started making laws that criminalized being members of this group;

All because they wanted ethnically cleanse the area of this culture and have one nation with a common culture;​
Needless to say, many years later, many people so sickened by their silence at the time, are kicking themselves for not speaking out about it sooner.

How am I doing so far?
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  • Thanks
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What an incredible story, Hoss. Thank you. I am amazed at how she was told you must go and tell the story of how we died fighting - I found it amazing that that he had that clarity and vision to think of that in the middle of what what was going on. He was very aware of the historical importance of what was taking place. Thankfully she lived and has fulfilled her mission!
Oh I remember a story about the reunion of a man and woman who were married and shared a wedding fork. He had one half she had the other. After the war they were reunited. It was called, The fork" they made a short film out of the story. It was so beautiful! I cried and cried when I saw it. It was a very touching story.
Oh I remember a story about the reunion of a man and woman who were married and shared a wedding fork. He had one half she had the other. After the war they were reunited. It was called, The fork" they made a short film out of the story. It was so beautiful! I cried and cried when I saw it. It was a very touching story.

Oh, I have seen that one! very touching...:(

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