Today, June 10, 2014: Primaries/Runoff RESULTS THREAD

South Carolina:

just as I suspected, Graham is doing much better in larger urban areas. In Richland County (Columbia), with only 8% of the vote in, he is winning with 74%, well over his statewide average. If that 74% holds all the way in this county and a couple of other large urban areas, then he will stay over 60% statewide, easily.

Charleston County is, however, 23% in, and Graham is winning with 69%.

The largest county in SC is Greenville County (on the upper West border to NC, also not far from Georgia), with 451,000 people. Only 0.7% of the vote is in from this county, but Graham is only getting 48% of the vote thus far.

Are you announcing this like a horse race??

No, I am quite sure that Lindsey will win. But it's always nice to see electoral history replay itself in terms of big county vs. small county - over and over and over again.

It's a nice mental exercise for me.

The polls have now officially closed in Maine and all looks exactly as expected:

In ME-01, both Pingee (D-inc) and Pingiuk automatically won, since they were unopposed. ME-01 is a strongly blue CD.

In ME-02, E. Cain is winning the D primary with 74%, whilst Poliquin is winning the R primary with 62%. ME-02 is the "swingier" of the two CDs - if the GOP were to make a pick-up, it could be here, but probably not in CD-01.

In the gubernatorial, both Page and Michaud automatically won since they ran unopposed.

Likewise for Colllins and Bellows in the Senate primaries.

Yo, [MENTION=21665]Dont Taz Me Bro[/MENTION] - it's 03:00 here where I live, I need some shuteye.

Wanna post returns from ND and NV when they come in?

Thanks..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..................
The tea party/ron paul folks split up the vote between 3 different candidates..they had a good chance.Oh well...Graham is one of the Senators I hate the most...

Graham is not as conservative as I would like, but at least he's not a dumbass democrat!

He accurately criticizes Obama as anyone with any patriotism or common sense should.

Graham may be a Queer, I'm not sure. If he is, he should be rewarded with many of you liberals voting for him! :badgrin:
In Nevada, in the House races, the only race that was a close one was the DEM Primary for NV-02:

Nevada Primary Election Results 2014: Live House Map by District , Midterm Races - POLITICO

Spees won over Dempsey, 38.4% to 31.8%.

All other races were uncontested or just plain old absolute blowouts, like Titus (D), with 86% in NV-01.

In the gubernatorial:

Nevada Primary Election Results 2014: Live Governor Map by County , Midterm Races - POLITICO

Sandoval (R-inc) won with 89.9% and Goodman won with 24.8% among the Democrats, but apparently, Democrats were very, very unhappy with their field of candidates, because "none of these candidates" got 30%.

The gubernatorial is very, very likely GOP hold in the Fall.
In South Carolina, Lindsey Graham got his checkmark:

South Carolina Primary Election Results 2014: Live Senate Map by County , Midterm Races - POLITICO

But he went under 60%, ended up winning with 56.4%, a +41% margin over his nearest competitor.

In the special Senate primaries, incumbent Tim Scott won his primary with 90%:

South Carolina Primary Election Results 2014: Live Senate Map by County , Midterm Races - POLITICO

On the DEM side, J, Dickerson won with 65.4%.

(This was Jim DeMint's old Senate seat, Tim Scott was appointed to it in 2013)

In the house races, the only primary that was even remotely close was the DEM primary in SC-02:

South Carolina Primary Election Results 2014: Live House Map by District , Midterm Races - POLITICO

Here, Black won with 54.2% over Greenleaf's 45.8%, or +8.4%
In North Dakota, both the GOP and the DEM House at-large district primaries were not. Both candidates ran unopposed:

George Sinner for the Democrats
Kevin Cramer for the Republicans
Jack Seaman for the Libertarians
Well it's interesting to me. I wouldn't ask it on the politics forum, as there's little interest is facts. But Brat got no support from the TPM groups like freedom works. None, not a dime. One of Brat's campaign guys said he didn't run as a tea party type, but rather as a real republican.

His website is typically vague. He's opposed to obamacare and wants to replace it with free market alternatives and make it cheaper. What's that mean. Is he serious in terms of providing tax credits to people, while at the same time forcing providers to disclose actual costs and some kind of quality information, with tort reform? Or is it just more of the same bs from the .1% of not having to pay benefits.?
Oh and wanted to ask did anyone else have a beer and laugh all night at the republicans eating their own? Its really comical.

We Republicans look for improvement, you idiots are happy with scumbuckets like Obama and Reid!
nice rationalizing!
you asshats elected jonnie boner and Louie "gomer pile" Gohmert....

you may look for improvement, but finding it is elusive...

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