Today the Supreme Court is hearing arguments to decide whether or not gay marriage will be legalized


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2014
Gay Marriage in Supreme Court What s at Stake
I just listened to the audio of the arguments the Court heard today. The main argument against equality: "Because somehow kids."
However I have something more:
1. Homosexuality is immoral and unnatural.
2. Gay marriage will accelerate the assimilation of gays into mainstream heterosexual culture to the detriment of the homosexual community.
3.Marriage is an outmoded, oppressive institution that should be weakened, not expanded

This is a state issue and if states want to legalize it then it shall be the law of that state. It is not the supreme court's place to come in here and create a substantive due process right where one never existed. However all this legalizing gay marriage advances the "homosexual agenda" and unfairly paints opponents as bigots.
Nope, it's a 14th Amendment issue and the states have nothing to say about it. Kennedy will be the fifth vote and probably go along with the liberals. The question is if Roberts will join him.
Nope, it's a 14th Amendment issue and the states have nothing to say about it. Kennedy will be the fifth vote and probably go along with the liberals. The question is if Roberts will join him.

Roberts is an enigma alright. I anticipate he'll flip a coin to decide which way to go.

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