Today We Have a Country Divided; Well, It Seems So on the Internet. How's It Going in REAL Life?

Anyway, I'd like to hear from the posters here that encounter racial strife within their daily lives.
Any political mayhem to report?
There's mayhem portrayed every day by the MSM as if everyone is against everyone.

Where I live on Long Island, NY, we will curse you to hell on the road, but outside of driving, we all get along, LOL

Is racist mayhem, and political discourse as prevalent as it seems here in the ether of the internet common to your area or everyday experience?

In my observations here, I don't think so.
I'm not hearing anything about politics except on here. My neighbors are working and living their lives as normal. They don't even like talking about politics.
Dude, you used the same username.

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

If you say so.

I hang at my friend's garage a lot. He listens to talk radio. I can listen to Beck. I was fine when Limbaugh came on. It was time to go home when Hannity came on.
Democrats still be like...
trump KKKult members be like.......

That is because the Left needs a victim otherwise, they got nothing.
That's exactly correct!! The very essence of the Marxist ideology is OMG I'm OPPRESSED!!!!

One's own responsibility is lost on these drones. We're NOT insects!
If you say so.

I hang at my friend's garage a lot. He listens to talk radio. I can listen to Beck. I was fine when Limbaugh came on. It was time to go home when Hannity came on.
I remember you, Darkwind, Bodashia {sic}, and many others I see posting here.

Message board junkies unite!!! lol

How's the discourse in your town? Does it reflect the nonsense we see here online?
There's mayhem portrayed every day by the MSM as if everyone is against everyone.

Where I live on Long Island, NY, we will curse you to hell on the road, but outside of driving, we all get along, LOL

Is racist mayhem, and political discourse as prevalent as it seems here in the ether of the internet common to your area or everyday experience?

In my observations here, I don't think so.
I'm out on a prairie. When I first bought the acreage out here in 77' there were two farmsteads within a mile of me, today their are seven farmsteads within a mile of me. Despite the over crowding out here we all stay within our borders(fence line). When we do socialize politics NEVER comes up. Socializing out here means we work together from equipment repair to weed management, repairing the fence lines etc. You are partially correct as farmers are pretty kosher to their neighbors meaning manners & respect are all important to us. A handshake out here is more binding than a legal contract for we value our word as more precious than .999 gold bullion. No, like there is zero racism out here & as I said above political discourse is keenly avoided. Yes, the internet is the medium for political discourse,

One must remember that out here there is only US, the farmers so life is not @ all like it is in the cities. I know that Portland & Seattle and other cities had politically violent issues but WHAT PERCENTAGE OF THE CITIES WER INUNDATED WITH VIOLENCE I DO NOT KNOW. I'd like to think it was only a few blocks in those targeted cities. I have never seen or experienced violence out here. The trade off is that while we live in a peaceful coexistence out here it's a LOT of work. Farmers are seldom mentioned in the news save for a wheel bearing fire that takes out a half section of grain(oats the worst) or a silo explosion/fire(corn volatile). Despite anchoring a college education later on in life(I did not get a proper education like a full K-12 education when I was younger) I did not like the city/professional atmosphere. I've been in this lifestyle since I was fourteen years of age & will die in it. I valued & still do the peace & honesty of my fellow farmers more than the money, political/hectic city life. Meanwhile we farmers keep producing the products that feed the entire world.

Grain farmers with a half section or more of land generally have the $$$$$ to afford a water tanker(fire engine) to accompany the combines. Wheel bearing maintenance is super critical regarding fire prevention. A grain field can go up & out of control in seconds, depending on wind speed.

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