Today’s Biggest Threat:


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
The Polarized Mind
To counter it, we call for a mobilization of mindfulness practices and dialogue groups on the scale of a public works program for human civility.

What is the basis for the polarized mind? While there are many contributing factors, from family and cultural conditioning to scarcity of resources to availability of weapons to neuropsychological dispositions, the common denominators among all these factors appears to be fear and anxiety. As an array of studies has shown, people tend to become polarized—fixated and extreme—in the face of helplessness, anxiety and fear.

It's pretty obvious in political message boards.
As fate would have it, I got this in an email mailing list today.

If you fvor federal intervention at home, you're a "liberal". If you favor federal intervention abroad you're a "conservative".
If you favor both you're a "moderate". If you favor neither you're an "extremist".
Joseph Sorban
It's pretty obvious in political message boards.

The world is nuckin futz we've either anxiety ,or blissful ignorance,,,,,or i suppose beer....


I don't drink alcohol or smoke pot- happy comes from within.
I remember that, it's about a guy who always forgets his spectacles at work, so he wears his son's glasses when he gets home...
The Polarized Mind
To counter it, we call for a mobilization of mindfulness practices and dialogue groups on the scale of a public works program for human civility.

What is the basis for the polarized mind? While there are many contributing factors, from family and cultural conditioning to scarcity of resources to availability of weapons to neuropsychological dispositions, the common denominators among all these factors appears to be fear and anxiety. As an array of studies has shown, people tend to become polarized—fixated and extreme—in the face of helplessness, anxiety and fear.

It's pretty obvious in political message boards.
This is a serious subject and no disrespect is intended by a little light-heartedness. Society definitely needs some kind of major adjustment to its psychological health.
This is a serious subject and no disrespect is intended by a little light-heartedness
I agree- but, not even acknowledging by refusing to read something/anything is tantamount to NGAF about much- the article has some good information that causes food for thought- of course, as I said, on political message boards-

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