Todays school shoot up.

Teen suspect shoots 15-year-old girl at Italy, Texas school

The good news is that nobody got killed. A sure sign that things are getting better.

Admit it. You wish she died.
Nah. When people are murdered by guns, it causes you people to rush out and support the gun industry.
Because they usually end up being under attack. Why? what does the gun industry have to do with an individuals actions?
Maybe they are using one of those guns they make to put it to their head and pull the trigger?!? :ack-1:
Teen suspect shoots 15-year-old girl at Italy, Texas school

The good news is that nobody got killed. A sure sign that things are getting better.

What business is that of yours? Thread after thread, you won't answer the question of WHY you have an obsession with what happens in our own sovereign borders. Clearly, you're happy when Americans suffer because the UK is simply a sewer of sadistic, American-hating psychopaths who crawl on their bellies for the religion which stones women to death, beheads people for trivia, teaches their own children to be suicide bombers, fucks children of non-muslims and throws disfiguring acid in disobedient women's faces. And allows muslims carte blanche to molest thousands of their young girls. But it's okay if muslims commit atrocities as long as they don't use guns.

How DARE you look down your snobby noses at any other country. How DARE you lie and say you're happy nobody got killed when the exact opposite is obvious.
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Teen suspect shoots 15-year-old girl at Italy, Texas school

The good news is that nobody got killed. A sure sign that things are getting better.
If things were really getting better, there wouldn't be any shootings at all period.

God bless you and the victim always!!!

What is unreal is that these things happen every couple of weeks but there doesnt seem to be a plan.
There is a plan : Freedom
Teen suspect shoots 15-year-old girl at Italy, Texas school

The good news is that nobody got killed. A sure sign that things are getting better.

What business is that of yours? Thread after thread, you won't answer the question of WHY you have an obsession with what happens in our own sovereign borders. Clearly, you're happy when Americans suffer because the UK is simply a sewer of sadistic, American-hating psychopaths who crawl on their bellies for the religion which stones women to death, beheads people for trivia, teaches their own children to be suicide bombers, fucks children of non-muslims and throws disfiguring acid in disobedient women's faces. And allows muslims carte blanche to molest thousands of their young girls. But it's okay if muslims commit atrocities as long as they don't use guns.

How DARE you look down your snobby noses at any other country. How DARE you lie and say you're happy nobody got killed when the exact opposite is obvious.
You are another of the gutless wonders who can't face our own problems here in the U.S.A.
Teen suspect shoots 15-year-old girl at Italy, Texas school

The good news is that nobody got killed. A sure sign that things are getting better.

Why are gun deaths so big for you......guns are used to murder fewer children than other methods.....yet you focus on guns...

From the CDC, WISQARS, for 2015.....
Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12
age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270
age 1-4: 298
age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703

Accidental death by gun for children....

under 1: 3
age 1-4: 27
age 5-14: 39

Total accidental gun death for kids 2013....69
Total accidental gun death for kids in 2014...50
Teen suspect shoots 15-year-old girl at Italy, Texas school

The good news is that nobody got killed. A sure sign that things are getting better.
Another day, another school shooting. Oh well.

Another day, another fatal car kill more children than guns do..yet you only care about gun deaths...

And then, guns save more lives than they take, according to bill clinton and barak obama, guns are used 1,500,000 times a year to save lives.......

Your fixation on guns is unhealthy....

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Death by car and gun by age, 2015...

<1.... Car 64, .....Gun 1

1-4.... Car 332, ...Gun 25

5-9.... Car 351, .....Gun 7

10-14.... Car 412, .....Gun 15

15-19.... Car 2,535, .....Gun 52

Total Car.... 3,694

Total Gun.... 100
Teen suspect shoots 15-year-old girl at Italy, Texas school

The good news is that nobody got killed. A sure sign that things are getting better.

Admit it. You wish she died.
Admit it....nobody's supposed to care about school shootings.

And yet you don't care about deadlier ways that children accidents no accidental death rates ...notice the one that is the smallest....?

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC







Teen suspect shoots 15-year-old girl at Italy, Texas school

The good news is that nobody got killed. A sure sign that things are getting better.

Admit it. You wish she died.
Admit it....nobody's supposed to care about school shootings.

We actually care, but guys like you won't let us fix the problem. The biggest problem is that you let violent gang members back on the streets, the ones doing almost all of the school for mass public give them easy targets by banning guns for law abiding gun owners...since 98.5% of mass shootings happen in gun free zones...and we know that the majority of mass shooters choose gun free zones.

This kid had an issue......likely it was known to those around him....he should have been helped before it reached this point, but democrat controlled schools only care about union dues and voting for democrats...
Teen suspect shoots 15-year-old girl at Italy, Texas school

The good news is that nobody got killed. A sure sign that things are getting better.

Admit it. You wish she died.
Admit it....nobody's supposed to care about school shootings.

We actually care, but guys like you won't let us fix the problem. The biggest problem is that you let violent gang members back on the streets, the ones doing almost all of the school for mass public give them easy targets by banning guns for law abiding gun owners...since 98.5% of mass shootings happen in gun free zones...and we know that the majority of mass shooters choose gun free zones.

This kid had an issue......likely it was known to those around him....he should have been helped before it reached this point, but democrat controlled schools only care about union dues and voting for democrats...
According to you guns make the place safer. How does that work again ?
Teen suspect shoots 15-year-old girl at Italy, Texas school

The good news is that nobody got killed. A sure sign that things are getting better.

Notice.....death by gun at that age is tiny in comparison to death by car...and that boy, 16 is allowed to drive a car, unsupervised by an are a lot more dangerous to our children than guns...yet you doofus's only care about the guns...

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


Total guns: Kids (<1-14)......74.....Cars: 1,261

Suffocation: 1,215

1-4..... 118
5-9..... 35
10-14.... 39
Drowning: 713


Poisoning: 84


Traffic: 1,261


Guns: 74


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