Today's students may have found a cause equal to Vietnam War Protests; Lets hope so!

He told his disciples to arm themselves. Back at ya, toad
Did he? don't you feel foolish?

Luke 22: 35-38

Better luck next time :)
Which bible we talking here? Bible XP or 3.0?

You got shellacked, go lick your wounds and stop acting like a butthurt middle school jackass
Clearly you didn't learn a thing from Jesus.

Clearly you didn't learn a thing about Jesus.

You're trolling...stop
He told his disciples to arm themselves. Back at ya, toad
Did he? don't you feel foolish?

Luke 22: 35-38

Better luck next time :)
Which bible we talking here? Bible XP or 3.0?

You got shellacked, go lick your wounds and stop acting like a butthurt middle school jackass
Clearly you didn't learn a thing from Jesus.
Every time SmellyIrishAss makes a post.......Jesus sheds a tear
I never talked to my kids about guns or gun control. They never heard or seing one. Now during this massacre we had to talk about the subject.
They don't understand why one should have a gun if they are not police or in the armed forces. I made sure they understand that it's the radicals of the right who wants guns in the hands of everyone. I will encourage thrm to protest and voice their opinions as well as mine. Owning guns is not needed in this day and age. Tons of countries live without them and they dont have mass shootings or shootings.
. Hopefully the disinformation you are feeding to your kids will be corrected when they get older or on their own.
I never talked to my kids about guns or gun control. They never heard or seing one. Now during this massacre we had to talk about the subject.
They don't understand why one should have a gun if they are not police or in the armed forces. I made sure they understand that it's the radicals of the right who wants guns in the hands of everyone. I will encourage thrm to protest and voice their opinions as well as mine. Owning guns is not needed in this day and age. Tons of countries live without them and they dont have mass shootings or shootings.

Well that pesky Second will continue to give you gas
What would Jesus do? Carry an AK 47 or an RPG?
He told his disciples to arm themselves. Back at ya, toad
. Yes, a different kind of armament, but an armament all the same. "Put on the armor of God". He gave us the wisdom to recognize good and evil, and we are of this world and not yet of the spirit world. We must use the wisdom and resources that we have been given us to protect and defend ourselves from evil.
NotfooledbyW, post: 19316801
Don't you tyranny foo fighters need a little more firepower when you need to overthrow the US Federal Government?

I asked you s question.

SassyIrishLass, post: 19316817
Overthrow the government? Are you drunk?

If you don't need higher powered weapons to resist a Federal Government that becomes a tyranny what do you need these AR-15s for?

Isn't it the citizen militia mentioned in the Second Amendment as the basis for the right to bear arms?

If you are living a life "Scarface" where you need thousands of rounds and dozens of AR-15s to fend off an attack by dozens of armed heavily hooligans you are living a kind of lifestyle that you probably should not be.

So getting back to the militia. Isn't protecting yourselves from tyranny then the basis for the right to bear arms.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Now you think I'm drunk because I know this fact.

What do you need AR-15s for other than to play with?
. You must be living somewhere in fantasy land, and not in the war torn Chicago streets/neighborhoods etc. You undoubtedly don't have a clue about living in a city that has become a war zone, and how it is that you must protect yourself or find yourself just another statistical casualty in a world that is becoming far more less and less safe for all who shove their heads up their butt's about it all. Don't be a fool, and don't try to convince anyone else into being one. don't you feel foolish?

Luke 22: 35-38

Better luck next time :)
Which bible we talking here? Bible XP or 3.0?

You got shellacked, go lick your wounds and stop acting like a butthurt middle school jackass
Clearly you didn't learn a thing from Jesus.
Every time SmellyIrishAss makes a post.......Jesus sheds a tear

Every time you make a post He cringed. Seriously you ever look at your post count and dismal ratings?

Nobody likes you don't you feel foolish?

Luke 22: 35-38

Better luck next time :)
Which bible we talking here? Bible XP or 3.0?

You got shellacked, go lick your wounds and stop acting like a butthurt middle school jackass
Clearly you didn't learn a thing from Jesus.

Clearly you didn't learn a thing about Jesus.

You're trolling...stop
You are an example of a hypocrite christian...spews hate, violence, bigotry and claim that he is here to save the world from losing its moral compass.
I never talked to my kids about guns or gun control. They never heard or seing one. Now during this massacre we had to talk about the subject.
They don't understand why one should have a gun if they are not police or in the armed forces. I made sure they understand that it's the radicals of the right who wants guns in the hands of everyone. I will encourage thrm to protest and voice their opinions as well as mine. Owning guns is not needed in this day and age. Tons of countries live without them and they dont have mass shootings or shootings.
. Hopefully the disinformation you are feeding to your kids will be corrected when they get older or on their own.
What disinformation ? don't you feel foolish?

Luke 22: 35-38

Better luck next time :)
Which bible we talking here? Bible XP or 3.0?

You got shellacked, go lick your wounds and stop acting like a butthurt middle school jackass
Clearly you didn't learn a thing from Jesus.

Clearly you didn't learn a thing about Jesus.

You're trolling...stop
You are an example of a hypocrite christian...spews hate, violence, bigotry and claim that he is here to save the world from losing its moral compass.

You think I care what you think? If you do you'll be sadly disappointed
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19313179,
They get it from American citizens. But we know leftists are against anybody who doesn't march in lockstep with government.

The NRA the Federal Government are very much in lockstep with each other.

Thats the point these victimized Teens are protesting, stop the NRA and the Government Hey Hey NRA and Congress, how many kids did you kill today?

Free speech you know. When do you quit marching in lockstep with a government bought and paid for by the NRA?

Well if we are going to stop the NRA's support for the Republican party, I say we stop support on both sides.

No more trial lawyer contributions to the Democrats. They are giving lowlifes the ability to sue us out of the country.

No more union donations either. Government unions are putting many states in the red.

No more donations from environmentalists groups like the Sierra Club. We are spending trillions on top of trillions for green initiatives.


No more bank or insurance company donations either.


Which bible we talking here? Bible XP or 3.0?

You got shellacked, go lick your wounds and stop acting like a butthurt middle school jackass
Clearly you didn't learn a thing from Jesus.

Clearly you didn't learn a thing about Jesus.

You're trolling...stop
You are an example of a hypocrite christian...spews hate, violence, bigotry and claim that he is here to save the world from losing its moral compass.

You think I care what you think? If you do you'll be sadly disappointed
At least you know that no one buys your bullshit.
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

You are a loon.
You got shellacked, go lick your wounds and stop acting like a butthurt middle school jackass
Clearly you didn't learn a thing from Jesus.

Clearly you didn't learn a thing about Jesus.

You're trolling...stop
You are an example of a hypocrite christian...spews hate, violence, bigotry and claim that he is here to save the world from losing its moral compass.

You think I care what you think? If you do you'll be sadly disappointed
At least you know that no one buys your bullshit.

You make a lot of shit up. You should stop.
I never talked to my kids about guns or gun control. They never heard or seing one. Now during this massacre we had to talk about the subject.
They don't understand why one should have a gun if they are not police or in the armed forces. I made sure they understand that it's the radicals of the right who wants guns in the hands of everyone. I will encourage thrm to protest and voice their opinions as well as mine. Owning guns is not needed in this day and age. Tons of countries live without them and they dont have mass shootings or shootings.

Well that pesky Second will continue to give you gas
What would Jesus do? Carry an AK 47 or an RPG?
He told his disciples to arm themselves. Back at ya, toad
. Yes, a different kind of armament, but an armament all the same. "Put on the armor of God". He gave us the wisdom to recognize good and evil, and we are of this world and not yet of the spirit world. We must use the wisdom and resources that we have been given us to protect and defend ourselves from evil.
I call it paranoia...why billions of us lived in gun free countries and we didn't see thousands of mass shootings like in the US. Why a school has to turn in to a battlefield ?
So I ask what kind of creepy weirdo will the left create next in this country ?

You just pegged your new creepy weirdos to hate. Kids in school who are quite angry about being shot while attending class by legally owned assault style weapons.

So hate the victims all you want. I'm with them. I hope they take it to you. Your hate needs to go away.

Take what to him?


No armed civilians were successful against the Nazis
Those civilians who took up arms against the Nazis were tortured and had their families and villages destroyed

Armed Jews is just a fantasy of gun nuts


So you expect all the military and law enforcement to follow a government mandate to disarm the civilian population of the United States?


Presented by the same loons who gave us that daffy Women's March....LOL
You people are appalling. These kids are the ones being killed. Attacking them while you cling to your guns is beyond redemption. How can you sleep at night? You're unspeakable. Evil.


Wasn't it an eighteen year old 'kid' who killed all the other kids?

Are you making the argument that we need to raise the voting age and other rights like; alcohol, tobacco, driving, etc,...: minors are allowed to have to twenty five or thirty years of age?


Correll, post: 19314019
I think children regurgitating liberal indoctrination and thinking they have something to contribute to the debate, is funny.

There is no liberal indoctrination involved in this pure survival instinct reaction from these students. They are proving wiser than many of their parents from either end of the political spectrum. Grown ups created and can't seem to want to end asssult weapon worship in this country. Hopefully these kids take the lead. If they do, the NRA and the thr Assault Weapons Cult get the shaming and undoing they deserve for their role in magnifying the threat to so many young innocent lives.

Why do you oppose these kids demanding their Constitutional right to life and the pursuit of happiness?

You want your right to play with Army toys. Why do you think your boy toys trump the right to having a full life not cut down while in high school so you can play Rambo with an assault rifle?


So you think that they will be safe from others just because they go to school or live in the United States Of America?


ol, Foo ranting about Constitutional rights.....hello Foo!!!?? Second Ammendement?

Can you get any stupider? I'm aware of the Second Amendment. Not sure where that one trumps the Constitutional right to stay alive while attending high school in order pursue a full life and happiness.

So where does it state that in the United States Constitution?

Assault weapons in civilian hands are toys. A high school kids life' mind and bodies are a bit more valuable for the pursuit of happiness.

Assault weapons in civilian hands won this country it's freedom from oppression.

Why do those who want to pursue happiness by owning stockpiles of weapons and ammunition for the intended purpose of mass slaughter of human beings get a higher level of constitutional protection than a 16 year in high school wanting his right to live protected.

You have definitive proof that that's what the intended purpose is of a person owning guns?

No assault weapon cultist can explain that I've seen.

Obviously neither can you.



Dismissing stupid ideas is not "Evil".

How did you get to decide that banning military style assault weapons and high capacity magazines is a stupid idea?

I realize the severe damage that has been done with the insane amount of these weapons purchased and stockpiled the past few decades, but that is no case that they should not have been banned all this time.

Are you going to hold all civil law enforcement agencies to the same high standard that you hold all civilians?



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